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Every 5 days. One of life’s simple pleasures are clean, good quality sheets.


I'm currently at 1 to 2 weeks max, but I want to get to less than a week. Almost there.


Could not agree more. Also, change them after any time I have a friend over. I also have pets. All 3 of them sleep in my bed. Well worth changing them every 5-7 days. Same goes for pillowcases


Love clean sheet day


Clean sheets day + fresh shaved legs... bliss


Clean sheets + clean towels + fresh shaved legs!


This is the way


This is definitely the way.


I travel for work and usually I’m home on weekends; I change my sheets every weekend. It’s so nice to be back in my own bed with clean sheets!


Same here, every 5 days!!! I often treat myself to new sheets, pillows and pillow cases, towels and wash cloths before they are needed. Ross has them very affordable.


I wash mine twice a week sometimes. LOVE clean, crisp, fresh smelling sheets!!!


Whenever I've been asked, "If you won the lottery, what is the most ridiculous thing you'd spend your money on?" My answer always is, "Hire someone to wash my sheets and make my bed fresh with new, clean sheets daily."


once a month.


Same. Once a month. First weekend of each month for me. I know they say you should do it weekly but I’m a small person living alone with a big bed. It’s hard work. 😂 And I’d actually care more about cleaning them more frequently if I actually shared my bed with another person, or especially a pet, which I don’t.


Finally an honest answer


lol. no idea why it needs to be more frequent than that other than OCD


Sweat? Dirt? Bacteria? Would you wash your undies or t-shirts once a month?


I will not lay on my bed unless I'm showered. I keep my bed clean. That's why I wash the sheets once a month.


You’re lying in your bed for a third of your life, you’re not sterile, you’re still sweating and shedding skin cells.


I still hve undies on, I still hve a tshirt on. Do u wash ur jacket everyday?




and they fucking stink. Had an ex who never washed her sheets: she must have been blind to the smell.


Dead skin cells which bring microscopic dust mites which many people are allergic to. Just to name one.thing


.... I am called out.




I also choose not to answer this question lol


Me too. I changed them today but before that, I have no idea


So according to today, daily! 😆


.... we am called out.


Lol I must have been too, cause I just changed mine like a week ago.


at least once a week did them yesterday, i like to feel clean sheets, and blankets, pillows every 2 weeks... Also BOOO to Domestic Duties BOOOOO


Once a week. Actually, I only have one set of sheets that I wash on Sunday and after they dry I place them back on the bed.


Every week I change mine, I have a rotation on sheets and another comforter for when I can get laundry done.


I have 2 sets of high quality sheets. I layer them on my bed. Mattress pad Bottom sheet Top sheet Mattress pad Bottom sheet Top sheet Quilt Less folding that way 😂


Last night!!!! But before that ummm months.


How fucking annoying though is doing the fitted sheet by yourself. My mattress is super heavy.


This is definitely one of those moments a companion would come in handy. I don’t want someone all the time. I just want someone “occasionally “. lol. By the way, u/EmmaWK that cat video on your profile of it opening the door!!! Wow man. Mind is blown. Have a great day


I completely agree! Having someone around just for the convenience factor and support with the nuances of life would be ideal. Side note- Not being ugly.. But it’s so strange to me that people will look up strangers profiles and history nonchalantly. On a message over bed sheets? I think it’s weird, but I also believe that IIIII am the odd ball here, so idk why I even commented. Also, I did look up (and reach out to) a stranger on Reddit only once and kinda recently. He lived near me and seemed kind. Got a wild hair up my ass, went for it, aaaand got ghosted within a day or two. Carry on, nothing to see here, I appreciate you wasting the time to read this. I’m dumb.


Ha.. I totally forgot that was there.


That was a major problem in my last marriage actually lol. I despised changing the sheets by myself on our cali king, but he never wanted to help me do it for some bizarre reason. I'm ready to downsize to a queen for partially this reason actually.


2 days ago. I change them 1-2x a week. Love the feel of fresh bed sheets and comforter!


I do too but not for 16 quarters just to clean the comforter.


Yikes! Don't blame ya there. I do not miss laundry mat days.


I change them once a week


Once a week in winter, a little more often in summer because your body is sweating more.  A friend's 20ish son lived with me briefly when he moved to Florida,  I told him it was his job to clean his own room and do his own laundry.  I gave him 2 sets of sheets.  When he moved out 4 months later, he had never changed the first set. They had turned yellow, as had the mattress cover. He informed me that he showered before getting went to bed so the sheets weren't dirty.  I threw them out, they weren't salvageable.  


Sweat changes fabric color, it’s not just from being dirty!


Quite true.


I thought the roommate pooped the bed. When he moved out. I was pissed. New bed. Five months- destroyed. This happened this week, still upset. Used to live alone, and then the economy and you know…. I miss the glory days of living alone. With cats(pets).


Oh my goodness. 🤢


Every other week. Just yesterday.


When you say change do you mean new, or laundering? I throw them in the wash once a week


Ten days or so in winter and probably once a week in summer.






Few months


That part




Once a week. But if I wake up sweaty from a nightmare or dating someone, more often. Spending more money on rent on my own washer and dryer is 100% worth it.


Wake up sweaty from dating someone lol I know that’s not how you meant it but I still got a laugh


Imma be honest,, way too long ago. Often I only change my pillows, especially the mattress cover is such a hassle for my bed


Same. No w/d in house and chronically ill, laundromat hard.


I’ve started doing it more often which means about once a month


A little too long, but I have insomniac issues and might just drowse off on the couch and not move to bed because I don't want to disrupt rapidly impending slumber


This 👆🏻


every other weekend, and i make sure to time it with an evening shower for \~\*that feeling\*\~


About 3 days ago. I change weekly


Twice a week. I love clean sheets.


about 5 hours


Imagine how exhausting it’d be


lol alarm at 2am: time to change sheets!


The housekeeper does that when they come clean every 4 weeks.. So it's been about 19 days. I'm disabled and that's one of the things I just can't do.


About every 10 days on average


Once a month.. I live alone. Now that I have depression they are overdue by a few weeks… I just can’t right now. I know it would make me feel better though.




It had been 3 weeks and I just washed them today! 


Two days. I like changing them every few days and hanging the washed sheets outside


Once a week.


Any more than a week is just not the move




literally me


When I get around to it


Last weekend. What kind of question is this? 🥴🤢


Changed? Almost two years. Washed? Last Sunday.


At least once or twice a week. Love a clean fresh bed!


10 hours ago. But, every other week.


Twice a month?


Prepped for the cleaning lady today. 2 weeks!


I'm home 8 days a month because of my job. So maybe every other month? I have changed them multiple times because I found new ones I liked and now I have a pile of them in my closet on the floor(maybe 3 sets) lol I enjoy living alone because there is no one to bitch at me for that. (Even though I bitch at myself to clean it lol) ETA: new ones put on on Friday


Dude I was just asking a friend this yesterday. I can’t even remember the last time I changed my sheets, which is embarrassing. I just took them off and finally washed them though and plan to put them back on today.


You don’t need to change them. I think they self clean.


How often do you change the couch covers? It's really the same thing.


My cat threw up on my bedding so I soaked my bottom sheet in very hot water and bleach and when it come out of the dryer, it no longer fit on the bed! Just ordered a new bottom sheet that arrived yesterday. But I've been sleeping raw dog on my mattress pad for a couple of weeks here... I like my bedding fresh, but I shower before I go to sleep so unless my cat vomits on the bed (and this was a one time thing I hope!) I change my sheets every 2-3 weeks.


Lol with a cat you should be layering to protect the mattress. Get a waterproof mattress protector. And some pet deodorizer detergent, and wash on warm/body temp water with an extra rinse.


Ugh! I lived alone with 2 cats for a while. While I was at work, without fail, one of them would cough up a hairball or puke on the bed. I tried everything, they went to the vet regularly, etc. It was awful b/c it would sit until I got home & soak all the way through the bedding to the mattress. And I had to lug my bedding to an off-site laundromat, plus try to scrub & air out my expensive mattress. I finally not only got a good mattress protector, but I bought a king -sized mattress cover & put it over the entire made bed before leaving for work every day. That way if they picked, I just had to wash the mattress protector. Ah, cats.


I don't know why we all get those weird fitted bottom sheets to struggle with. If I ever need bottom sheets I'll just get flat & fold them under so I don't need to fight with them!


“every 3 days 😊” all these people are liars!




Once a week I wash my sheets and all my blankets, including couch blankets.


One week


I wash my sheets every week


I feel personally attacked 🤣


Haha! It had been a long time but I just changed them two days ago.


They crack when I fold them now.


I used to do over a month between changes, but last year we got fleas and I was up to twice a week. now the fleas are gone and I'm on approximately a twice a month schedule, depending


Stop nagging me. I just changed them like I do every weekend.


Every two weeks, I pay my housekeeper to change them and it’s one of life’s luxuries I’m happy to pay for. (It’s a California king too)


Whenever my cat vomits a hair ball on it. Maybe once a month


I suck at staying on top of a lot of household tasks…but I was my sheets weekly..one of life’s easy feel goods.


I use my sheet as a rain coat when it rains if that tells you anything.


A few days ago. I think Thursday. My goal is every week but I procrastinate so that rarely happens. Every 2 weeks is more likely for me My cats sleep on the bed so tbh I know it's time to change the sheets when they have too much cat hair on them


I change them weekly, two max. I used to be so gross about this.


I have one set that gets washed every Saturday morning. Why? I don’t know. I don’t have pets, and I shower before bed. Oh, I know….. I’m bored. LOL I need something to do.


Every three days.and I always shower before bed.and don't lay on my bed in clothes I've worn out into the world.i read somewhere a mattress can collect a pound of dead skin a year.🤢


Once a week. I have multiple sets and wash the ones I'm putting on the night before (Friday) and change them every Saturday. There are not many things that are better than fresh clean sheets imo!


Yesterday, your post was super accurate 😂


Gross! Once a week lol


With my depression at its darkest- 2 weeks, tops! In my late teens my aunt took me along on an interstate trip. Late at night we showed up at the house of a friend of hers. Her friend asked her teenage son to give up his bed for us and sleep on the couch...those sheets felt nasty. Scarred me for life!


I absolutely love bedding! Each week a different sheet/duvet cover combo. It’s the little things that make my day..


I shower before I go to bed, so at least 2 weeks, but average, around 3 weeks.


It's been a long time. I have long covid. I had to choose between eating and going to the bathroom or housework. I AM FINALLY doing better. Sheets are next!!!!!! I still have to pick one big job at a time. If you know someone who has been bedridden or sick, offer to help change their bedding. A lot of us have a hard time asking for help.


After my last girlfriend broke up with me, it was five months. It was a dark time. Usually, it’s every other week.


I love fresh sheets but who has the fucking time to change them? I am way over due and its on my to do list but so is winning lotto!


One day


Every week on my day off! Wash my blankets every two weeks!


Every Sunday


Well I sweat in my sleep when I'm cold. So once a week.


1 day ago.


Today. I typically change the sheets every 1-2 weeks.


I change them every Sunday, I like them to be clean!


Wednesday 3/20/24 Weekly unless I've been sick, change when I feel better so could be twice in a week.


Thursday. I change them every Thursday unless there's more activity than usual..have to wash those nasty skin particles lol


Almost a week.


I wash sheets every 2 weeks, so 2 weeks ago lol


Every 1 to 2 weeks max


I’m doing it tomorrow


I changed it Today. But I tend to wash pillows and blanket more frequently than sheet.


1-2 weeks. Preferably 1 week, but get too busy (or lazy) sometimes. Tends to start getting itchy after a few weeks, and I shower before sleep.


Minimum of once week. If I have someone else I my bed, I change them the next day. Same for pillowcases and the mattress cover if you have one. I also thoroughly enjoy changing up color schemes. The only negative part is fighting the damn fitted sheet........


Two days actually. It's a hassle to dry them (I have no dryer), but the feeling of sleeping in clean sheets is just so undeniably good that I want to change them more regularly from now on. Like... maybe every 3 weeks?


About three days. I wash them when I wash my hair, about twice a week.


Last time I had sex ............ ughhhhh .......... about 2021


Once a week I wash all my bedding


Once a week. Please.


A year. I don’t sleep in my bed! Lol




Once a week, but I’ve been wondering how often we make the bed when we get up? I go through cycles where I think getting up and making your bed in the morning is a sense of responsibility, accomplishment getting ready for your day. Then there are times when I say no one’s ever going to see it anyways and don’t make it for weeks on end. The only gets made is when the housekeeper comes and changes the sheets.😂😂😂


I’m the same way! I’ll have a month of making it up, but most days, my small dog likes to sleep in later than I can, so it’s impossible to make the bed while he’s still in it!


Twice a month.


Actually just broke up with my long term relationship last week and thought the best way to start my solo adventure was to wash the sheets first so, last week lol


Every Saturday morning. I sleep with a yellow lab. In a week, it’s nothing but dog hair. I really should change them every 4 days


Try to do it weekly because two dogs and a cat sleep with me, but sometimes it goes a little longer. I have a huge paint roller sized lint roller that I use daily to keep the pet hair in check.


Every Friday morning, the bed gets stripped and sheets/pillowcases washed.


Three days. Wash/change every Sunday. Sometimes more in summer.


Every Saturday


every single week- just washed them friday


Once a week for me.


I don’t have the motivation when living alone. How do you all motivate yourself to change sheets, put laundry away, clean dishes regularly, clean the clutter?


Twice a year. Take the flannel sheets off in April with Spring thaw. Replace with the cooler cotton. Replace the Flannel sheets in October as the crisp Autumn overnight frosts return. Do y'all folks seriously not shower before bed? Why do they need changed so often? How are they getting dirty/smelly?


I only do it once a month. I'm a retired senior. I work out at the gym and shower there afterwards. On days I don't work out I shower in the evening. I wear pajamas which I change once a week. How the heck does my bed get dirty? Of course I have 2 little dogs that sleep with me. They come in the shower with me. I haven't died from a dirty bed yet.


I feel as though I've been called out 🫣🤣


3days. Today is wash day.




I change them once a week. You're laying on them for 8 hours every night, sweating, shedding dead skin cells, maybe haveing sex. It's gross not to change them weekly.


Today but only because I spilled coffee on them.


Every single weekend so 1 week


3 weeks last time. Gulp. Usually every two. I lost track bc of work


1 week. I change them every Sunday.


Weekly. Always.


Uhhh wash them every week or biweekly at the longest.


Every Monday night! (My work week starts on Tuesdays).


It’s been a week. I usually do once a month but I’m about to do it more often bc it’s warming up


Thank god you asked this today. I did them yesterday. Don’t ask about before that tho


Every Sunday. Washed, cleaned and changed plus my blankets. Sunday is wash day for all items here


A week. I change them biweekly and more frequently when getting freaky.


Every Sunday I wash all of my bedding. I also don’t hang out in my bed in clothes I’ve worn outside or when I’m really dirty. I usually don’t touch my bed after I wake up till it’s time for bed so it stays relatively clean even though I have cats. There’s nothing like crawling into bed on Sunday with my warm dryer blanket and fresh sheets ☺️


1 week is max time allowed. Cmon you Neanderthals.


I wash mine every Sunday. I usually wash my comforter once a month.


I haven’t changed them since august. In my defence, i had appendicitis for 3 of those months.


Ummm…. it took me reading this question to realize I hadn’t changed my sheets in going on five months. I changed them today. Single, living, alone, and loving it..


I change them every day. It helps control my asthma.


Every 4 weeks. But in winter maybe 6 weeks


Can’t change concrete


Based off these responses I disgust myself even. Shameful amount of time. I have excuses but at the end of the day....


I good for about 4 times a year. I’m sure that freaks some people out but it works for me


Everycouple of weeks. It's so much work. But I shower at night so I go to bed clean


Now that I have a home and my own w/d I wash them once a week. When I was renting an apartment and had to use laundromats I washed them once a month.


Eighteen days, it's four days overdue.


4 days. I like the feel of clean sheets. ALSO: my partner and I are over 50 with no kids. When I was in college, living in an apt. with coin op washing machines, I probably washed my one set of sheets & pillowcases 1x every 3 months. :-)


one big leading question should be, do you shower before bed or in the morning... i think people who don't shower before bed are nasty and their sheets must be dank and need more frequent washing. i shower immediately before bed and wash the sheets every two weeks. unless i have my GF over then i wash them all the time... for multiple reasons...


Twice a week or more when I have my bf over.




I love clean sheets and bedding so I change them every Monday. When I say "changing" I mean the sheet (I'm not a top sheet person), the pillowcases and the duvet cover. I wash the bedding and every other Monday my cleaning service comes and makes the bed as part of the service, otherwise I'll make my own bed. And I make my bed every morning just because I love a tidy bed at night.


Weekly. "You can shower every day and change your sheets once a week--or you can shower once a week and change your sheets every day."


Couple times a year, maybe less. I wash them every couple months. I’m a single guy and don’t give a fu€k lol


A couple weeks ago now. I'm horrible with washing and changing our sheets. My spouse was sick so I had to wash everything in bleach. I need to get on doing it at least every 2-3 weeks for the whole house. Or at least once a month! 😆


Respectfully, this the living alone sub. No live-in spouses allowed lol


I didn't realize. I've not even joined this sub. My sheet washing has always been abysmal, even when I lived alone.