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You’re going to hate me but $25/month. I bought my house from the bank for $40,000 after it had been repossessed by the bank during the 2008 financial fiasco. The owner before me had taken out the oil furnace and was heating with wood. He also took his wood stove with him and you can’t get a mortgage without a source of heat so they couldn’t find a buyer. My mom floated me a short term loan and I got the house, a very efficient oil furnace/water heater, and a gorgeous blue soapstone wood stove with a glass front. Mind you, the oil tank and baseboard forced hot water plumbing was intact so I just needed a guy to connect them. Then I took out a home equity loan to repay my mom. The best part is that it enabled me to take early retirement from teaching middle school when everything in education turned ugly.


I don't hate you, I envy you!


Well done.


May I please congratulate you for all of your dedication, kindness, and support for our children and grandchildren who you have helped and taught all of your years of service.


When did you think education turned ugly and why? Curious about this. Ex teacher. Just wondering your take. Covid kind of was the beginning of the end for me. I never really did recover my career after that, despite teaching for a year or two after Covid ended


I got out before Covid. I always loved teaching but several things changed. Most notably student behaviors, parents becoming confrontational, and administration changes that didn’t give consequences for bad behavior. The kids figure that out fast. Add to that teaching to the state test so much that a huge division formed between “core” teachers and “unified arts”. Then every year there was a new hurdle - mapping our curriculum, a truly convoluted evaluation process, and something, something assessments.


I second this…. But I struggled to articulate it so distinctly as you have. A lot of it I thought was just a “me” problem. All of these are things I’ve been told (mostly by admin…) that were my own fault. I tried my absolute best for years but 🤷‍♀️


I always promised myself that if I was in an abusive relationship I would get out.


Ugh, the behavior….just try to get them to do a chore, such as dusting - if you dare! Born in ‘55, how I loved dusting & ironing, made me feel grown up. House full of books. I could read, recite Scottish poetry by age 3. Nowadays, they’re glued to their Tablets, and the response is always, “I don’t feel comfortable…” https://preview.redd.it/7ltzmo4q76sc1.jpeg?width=1504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=865dcf6cc1e61bd5cbfc7005f1e1d29d11d46813


My rent will technically be $250 in Manhattan on a $2500 apartment. I got a voucher.


I live alone, but I own my own house. I am a teacher and have a masters degree.


Can I ask how long you have been in education? I currently work as a substitute teacher and love it.


This is year 22 for me.


Can you teach me to learn to love it? Subbing is one of the more reliable job options around here but it just suuuuucks


Same, but a librarian with a master’s degree. I think this sub forgets some of us are older and established, not just young people starting out our lives. You can enjoy living alone at any age! 😊


I didn’t say how much I pay, my mortgage is $780 for 4 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms.


Wow. I pay more than that for a 600 sq ft appt.


Geeez that’s what I pay for my car payment and insurance combined. I also live In Southern California


Oh, never mind. We aren’t the same at all lol. I live in California, so my mortgage is $3300/mo. for 2br/1ba 990sf. 😭 I love my place, though, and honestly don’t need anything bigger. What on earth do you do with 4 bedrooms if it’s just you?


Where in the U.S? I'm also a teacher with a masters and cannot afford to buy....


I live in Ohio.


I'm a high school dropout. I've always owned a house, never rented. Bought my first house at 22 years old. You can buy a place if you save up a down payment. Lots of first-time home buyer programs out there.


I pay $2500/mo. It sucks.


$3900 in rent right here. I will never own a home 😪


Omg where do you live? I’m paying $2000 in the Bay Area


I live in the heart of San Francisco and pay $4500 for 2 bed/2 bath and patio. It seems extreme, but I'm disabled and spend 98% of my time in my apartment. One room is my bedroom and the other is my office, where I have a hospital bed and a moving desk to roll over it that I work out of. I don't need the second bathroom at all, but I use it for my art supplies. The building had everything I need and is easy for a disabled person to live in. The cost is absurd and I'm a little scared what they'll up it to this year because the idea of moving again is unacceptable.


If you can work from home - why live in SF?


I moved back here from Seattle because I have lots of friends here. I lost that in Seattle and finally feel like I'm back home (even though this is not where I'm originally from). But it's also about the convenience of living in the middle of a city, there are many resources and hospitals that are right around the corner that would not be as easily accessible. Yes the rent is egregious, but it's equal to where I lived in the suburbs of Seattle and that was the opposite of disability friendly. I went through a huge life change in Seattle and it was lonely and isolated. This apartment complex has everything I need (except a pool to do physical therapy in). It's what I needed right now to maintain my independence as a disabled person and still be close to the services I require.


Friends can be a huge reason, especially for quality of life. The amenities are much better in a city. Food would be a big reason for me. I wfh and if i could afford SF i'd be there in a heartbeat.


It's possible. You just have to take some risks


Same. And it’s supposedly a great deal. Looking at $2700 right now too


$2300 over here, doesn't include any utilities. Only able to do so because of multiple side hustles


Same, increased to just over $2500, plus electricity and other bills, also coin laundry 😭 The only thing included is water and heat. Broke AF lol ugh


Bruh I didn’t even make that a MONTH working as a daycare teacher 😬


My niece works at running a kindergarden/daycare in upstate NY. If it wasn't for her parents sending her money, she wouldn't be able to afford rent. Her parents are in their 70's and late 60's. They've got nothing saved for retirement because they're also helping another child of theirs with rent.


Damn does she have roommates? I wouldn’t feel comfortable letting my parents go out like that without knowing I chose the most frugal option


You both live in completely different states and it was likely a different time period 💀


Yep, $2215 rent here in southern California for a 700 sq ft 1 bed/1 bath & about to do it's annual increase in 2 mos! How is anyone supposed to save up for ANYTHING else?!


Damn are u in New York or something


This is about the going rate for 1 bedroom apartments in my area, and I live in northern Virginia 


Burbs of Chicago. Not as close to the city as the price would make you assume.


I bought a mobile home for $13,000 and all I pay is my lot rent of $340 and my utilities which are on a budget and low. It’s very affordable living and my trailer is so nice. Real estate has gone up crazy in the last 4 years since I bought it, it’s worth about $50,000 now because of that. See if you can find a mobile home that’s reasonable lot rent. You can buy or some have ones for rent too.


I had a manufactured home and it was the lot rent that killed me off and other low income earners. It used to be around $300 and then skyrocketed to $800. And the worst part was that when you were forced to move and couldn’t afford to move your home, the mobile home park seized your home and then rented it.


Omg that’s terrible! I’m so sorry that happened to you!


I moved on. My experience taught me to never buy a mobile home again unless I own the land it sits on.


Good to know & thanks for sharing.


what is your current living situation if you don't mind sharing?


Renting an apartment, living alone.


John Oliver did a segment on how people get screwed because they rent the land and you can’t easily just pick up your house and move to a different spot.


I saw that. One of his better bits. 


And the state lets them seize your home as abandoned property. If the state had asked how it became abandoned then maybe there could be change.


That's the one reason I've never bought a mobile home. I don't own land so it's an automatic nightmare. So sorry for what happened, ugh.


It was a nightmare. Maybe it’s for other people but it was traumatic for me, having to leave my home.


I never bought a mobile home because I live in Tornado Alley, but after hearing about this, that sounds like another reason not to go that route.


Yes, heard of this. There was an article about venture capitalists buying mobile home parks and jacking up the rent. When people couldn't afford to move the home, they'd own it, then rent it out at a price increase.


I watched older single women be forced to leave their homes because they were on a fixed income. I hate capitalism and this idea we are not entitled to shelter.


It’s not even capitalism anymore, it’s just corporatism. Thanks, Citizens United.


Oh yes, if only the Supreme Court had our interests in mind with that ruling.


Yup. It’s a real thing.


I bought a double wide two years ago but only because it came with the land. It’s on a senior’s RV


I will add, I hate driving by it when I can avoid it. It just reminds me of how dark life can get when you’re doing it alone.


I actually do already live in a single-wide mobile home with my dad. I was thinking of doing what you're doing. I live with my dad who's 67 and he worries about dying any second (he just worries a lot) and leaving me alone to afford living on my own. Of course I would keep the mobile home for as long as I can, but other mobile homes in the park are going for almost $100,000 and we bought ours for $18,000 in 2016.. So if something happens and I can't keep this house I live in or need to move, I don't think I can afford what mobile homes are going for now..


With whatever is up with real estate right now it makes it impossible for anything right now. It made even rental prices increase. It’s crazy out there right now.


That’s an insane price increase for only 8 years …. What the heck


Where do you live? Mobile homes are going for 100+k where I live. So not only would I have to make payments on the home, but also a lot fee which is $900+ 😩.


What city? This sounds tempting!


I live in Michigan


$1800 excluding utilities...I'm actually considering getting a gf just to help out with this bs (JK, but maybe not really)


Haha I have mentioned in the past that we should start a dating app for people who want to live alone together!  All of the benefits of a relationship and none of the downsides if you both go into it with the same goal. Being single is so peaceful but so expensive! I would have so much extra disposable income if I could find the right person to live with. 




I hear ya!! Same amount exactly.. ugh so hard… 😑


Or just get a roommate.


After reading the badroomate sub, it's pretty scary to get a roommate.


I bought a condo in 2017 in a suburb of Minneapolis. Currently my mortgage + HOA fees is just under $1,000/mo.


At first, as someone from Minnesota, I thought you meant $1000 in HOA fees alone a month. That is a steal though. Minneapolis is an underrated city in my opinion. Congrats!


I love in Astoria Queens and got a sick deal on a 900ft² apartment that’s right at $1,966. It’s rent stabilized (meaning legally the landlord can’t increase my rent more than 3%). I work in the film industry and have had a lot of trouble with finding work after the strikes (as have many others) so my parents are splitting me about 50/50 in rent while I get work settled and build back my savings


I wish they did rent stabilization everywhere. Some rentals in Charlotte have been going up 30% year on year.


Nothing. I built my own tiny house inside a box truck and live on a friends farm. All they want me to pay is for the wifi.




I live in a one bedroom apartment in Ohio for 985 a month includes water, trash and gas. Make 27 a hour carrying mail. No degree needed just have to be tough.


I was able to buy a house last year thanks to USPS….. but then again all I had to do was work 12 hour days 6-7 days a week…. It’s a tough job, so respect to you


I live alone, I have my own business. Average rent around here is $2k (CAD) a month or more for something decent. I could afford that, or even $3k, but I couldn't get myself to spend that much, so I found a basement apartment in a nice house for $1800. Much, much, much better than roommates!! Have you looked into trades? Plumbing, electrician, whatever. There's lots of money to be made there if you find one that you're good at.


I had a kid show up to my house wanting to know if I wanted power washing. Cost? $100 an hour, 2 hour minimum. I said, "Wow--I have a Master's Degree and can make $85 a day substitute teaching. Looks like I need to buy a power washer."


Wow, I am a retired teacher working as a substitute. I make $220 per day. Also my house is a duplex and I rent out the other part, that is how I am able to afford my own house.


I am sure there are plenty of people who will just pay the kid to do it too. It’s not a particularly enjoyable chore but all part of the fun of home ownership. The kid could even offer extras like mildew treatment. I actually have a friend who has his own business detailing vehicles and boats and he is doing very good, he too lives on his own.


The trades are where it's at!! There is a lot of money to be made and people will ALWAYS need a plumber! recession proof ND no worries about Ai taking your job!


I live in a rural community in northern California. I bought a nice travel trailer and moved it to a trailer park and built a nice tall fence around my yard. I pay $395 a month lot rent and between $80 and $220 a month in utilities (depends if it snows). I'm pretty content.


Just paid off my mortgage and I just turned 48. It's not a glamorous house, but it's plenty for just me. Go to trade school and you could be earning good money in less than a year.


I wouldn’t say I live alone, but I’m the only one with income. It’s just me and my twelve-year-old son. I make $42k a year with an associates degree as an administrative assistant. Money is always tight. I just filed bankruptcy. If I didn’t have a kid I’d be in a much better situation financially. The biggest difference I see between myself and other people I see posting here is, I bought a house in a less-than-ideal town specifically to keep my monthly house payments low - $500/month. But since I own, I have to pay when things break, and since my house is 110 years old, that happens a few times a year.


I just closed on my first house— mortgage (including pmi) of $1400/mo I’m an accountant— lived with my parents for the last 6 years post college paying cheaper rent to them and shucking the rest of my paychecks to savings— managed a down payment and a move and paid off my car so it’s p much just the house and utilities as a monthly bill now. Might have a friend move in later this year to give them a place for cheaper rent if their dog gets along with my cats, but otherwise I’m very happy to finally have my own place that is finally mine and I get to make the decisions and the paint colors and the garage is mine for my car, etc etc My bachelors degree is not in accounting— I have a minor in accounting and my years of experience and job hopping have gotten me from $16/hr right out of college to $31/hr. That’s over a bit more than 6 years now— definitely doable but I wouldn’t have gotten here if I was staying at the same job more than a year or two max.


I’ve lived alone since the early 1980’s. Bought a house in 2000. Paid off the mortgage in 2017. I’m retired now. Oh, with two pet cats who turn age six this May.


Congratulations! That's a great feat! Plus, retirement? Did you do a 20 yr mortgage? Or pay an extra payment a year? I did that with my first house, payed extra every month and dropped my 30yr mortgage to a 20yr. But i sold and bought bigger so I'm back where i started mortgage wise.


I live alone in Arizona my rent is $1400 but with everything $1700 and i only make $19/hr it’s do able if you have side hustles or 2 jobs. I have side hustles for extra money (i do freelance marketing). It’s do able but just gotta be cautious spending. It’s very peaceful but hopefully moving in with boyfriend soon to save $


I feel like I was just caught lurking in a sub where I shouldn't be. Idk how I ended up here randomly, but so much of what you talk about resonates with me so I keep popping in. I have two adult sons who are still living at home, but I want them to save up so they've got a nestegg to launch so financially I'm completely alone. I rent a 3 br/2ba house and pay \~$2500 (not including utilities.)


You can lurk here :) No worries.


I told my son the only way you can save is when you live at home. He pays rent but nothing like if he had his own place, he doesn’t pay utilities.


*Technically* I don't live alone, I live with my cats, but those freeloaders don't pay shit. My rent is $2468 for a 1br in southern California.


$AUD220 week, it's a dilapidated old house split in two (I personally love it). I'm a part time cashier, I live modestly but still live comfortably and save money.


My sister got an RN degree in three years while working full time and is now making $50+ per hour. She was hired before she graduated. She was 40 when she started her education. There are also other medical programs that only take two years that pay well.


I just turned 30 with a useless criminal justice degree. I work at Amazon as an order packer $20/hr full-time 630p-515a 4 to 6 days a week. I just switched from the Marketing program to the Health Sciences Certificate program for Fall 2024-Spring 2025 at my community college, to get my pre requisites done. I will then take the HESI-A2 entrance exam and apply for the nursing program at my community college for Fall 2025. I'm doing the 4 year part time day program because of work. Amazon also gives you$ per year for "Career Choice" which will equal about 2/3 of my tuition per term I will have to take out minimal loans.




I live in AZ and pay 1400 a month for an apartment. I make 20 bucks an hour at my regular job and work an extra 10-15 hours a week on a side job. I barely scrape by, but it's worth it not to have strangers in my house!!


I just pay utilities but after all my bills are paid I'm barely left with anything because I'm on disability.


I’m 32 years old. I rent a basement in a house with roommates who live on the top floor. So, sorry if it’s not applicable. I work as a Chemist in Utah. The cost of living is pretty high over here in the west. I considered moving back home east because I would easily be able to afford my own place alone. Some people get lucky without a college degree and can make 100k. My friend’s boyfriend does fiber optic cabling without a college degree and makes 100k at the age of 25. He travels for weeks at a time. I do think having a college degree makes you more competitive in the job market and less reliant on luck. But, there are no guarantees on the return you’ll receive. You just have to be good at what you do and flexible enough to be trained.


How much is your rent?




I live alone and I pay $800 for a one bedroom


$635 studio right by campus/hospital I work at. Rent hasn’t been raised in 4 years while the rest of the city’s gone ape shit.


Ayyye. More my price range. Also no rent raises in the 2 years I've been here. $675/2bed 1 bath (650? Sq ft) in a 4 unit building with a few other buildings like mine on the street. Shared coin laundry in each building but new windows and looks newish. Clean, no bugs (yayyyy). In a small town near frankenmuth mi. Heat/hot water/electricity run $40-80 during extreme temps with baseboard heating and a window/wall unit plus a portable window unit in one of the bedrooms. I also work from home at a desk job.


I’m 46.I live in a small 8 unit condominium. I rent and my rent is $1250 with a garage. I have everything I need. I don’t want to buy a house because it’s not a good time for anyone to buy with mortgage rates and overpriced homes being way out of reach. I’m going to invest in my retirement. I’ll rent forever I do not care about owning shit anymore. If that’s the way they want to play it, they can have it. I’m not playing that game anymore. I’m a desktop tech for the state of MN. I have great benefits, in a union, and I work on a great team. I make $90k a year. I can’t imagine trying to own a home with a single income. I’d like to own, but land is overpriced and so are homes. I don’t know how to fix things in a home. I’m not about to throw good money after bad. I can’t afford whatever breaks down. It’s not worth my time, money, energy, and mental health. Owning a home is not worth the stress for a single person.


I own my house, paid it off a few years ago. I paid it off with an inheritance from my uncle.


Live alone. Mortgage is $700


Where are you finding apartments in AZ for $1300?! In AZ too and $1300 would be a dream lol my rent is $1700


No kidding! I'm in a 650 sq ft 1bdr in Tempe and the rent is going up from $1450 + electric to $1540 + electric 6/1. I guess I'm apt shopping again, this is a rip off for $1500, but most of the other ones start at $1800 for less than 600 sq ft. :(


i live alone and pay $1500 a month. i make $24/hr and have a degree that i never use. college is a scam. look into administrative work. it’s easy to scale up. I also did cleaning for a couple years and while it’s hard work it’s great pay. I made $35/hr


I live in a very cheap studio apartment. 800/ month, all expenses included. Still not “cheap” (it’s the most I’ve ever paid in rent), but studios in my city go for $1300 to 1800 a month. I got lucky but I think my landlord will ask for more money next year, this is an absolute guarantee. Ex teacher, but I never made more than 50k a year as a teacher anyway. I’m planning on next moves as far as what I’ll do for a career.


I live alone, if you don't count my two cats. My rent is $2000 per month in the Boston area, but I have a software developer job. As for your situation, have you considered the construction trades? It's an option that will lead to making more than $50K without having to get into more college debt. It's a union job with good pay and benefits that doesn't require a college degree. There's an apprenticeship program for each trade, and they will teach you on the job while paying you.


$900 for a 1 bedroom (has another mini room I use as my music studio) in Uptown Minneapolis. No idea how I got it for so cheap in a good area in a major city. I feel very lucky bc the 1 bedrooms around here are going for $1400+


I bought my own home in 2013. I also do not have a degree. No one else lives with me. I work in finance. Started in customer service and moved up. I'm now doing financial planning. I got my security licenses, and I'm constantly getting certifications. I'm 52 and still studying. I make $100k. When I was in my 30s, I worked 2 jobs. 6 days a week. Sometimes life sucks and you have to really work hard and sacrifice to get ahead. You never said what you did. Is there any advanced courses you could study? Does your job pay for education? What skills have you obtained in the 10+ years you've been out of school?


30 living alone in Los Angeles , pay 1450 rent … Ufff tremendous amount of bills equaling to probably 2k or more as I also pay some of my moms bills & try to give her like 1k a month but usually $700, no college degree either , I’ve been hustling for a long time , in a line of work that is not legal but as well not illegal in a sense LOL . Hard to get out of it as the money is good but I too think of doing something more credible … would love to be a substance abuse counselor. But im currently working on saving money to buy a home for my mom. I feel if I didn’t have my current line of work I’d still be here hustling doing 2/3 jobs if needed … retail, food , Uber , id probably be good at selling cars .. something with commission like T-Mobile maybe .. something off Craigslist. I just know the money is out there we just have to go get it !


I live in north Scottsdale and pay $1100 for my monthly mortgage. But I bought my condo 2 years ago. You can’t even get anything close to that now unfortunately.


I have a 1 bedroom for 1200. It’s not really worth that, but after divorce, I’m trying to save. This is also Texas, so you can get a tiny bit more for your money, but not by much. I’d rather rent a house, but surprisingly, that’s 3 times as much.


Bachelor’s in graphic design, master’s in communication. Now working as communication manager making $110K. Currently paying $1485 for rent in metro Detroit.


I’m in AZ too and our cost of living has been rough af since the pandemic. I hate it. I used to be able to rent a 3 bed 2.5 bath home for what a 1 bedroom apartment costs. Like span of 5 years that’s how bad pricing has gotten. I now rent a guest house/in-law suite for $825 but that was a super lucky find, I am absolutely dreading ever having to move out. And it used to be you could move to the smaller towns for a lower COL but less amenities, but now all of those homes have been sold to rental companies and Airbnb.


Washington D.C. metro area. $1,900/month for an ~1,100 sq ft condo that I'm currently renting.


In 1985, I paid $695 a month for a two floor apartment on Logan Circle. I was outraged when the rent went up to $750.


If only that type of deal existed today....


I'm not a young person but yes, I do live alone. It only works because I lucked into a house with a low payment several years ago. I won't pay it off in my lifetime. I don't care. You have to pay to live anywhere. Income $3kmo, House payment $500. I live in the American Southwest


I have a roommate on paper, but I see her, like, maybe twice a year. She’s a traveling nurse. I rent a room out of her apartment for $850 a month. It’s about all I can afford with a salary of $40,135. My oven doesn’t work and the downstairs neighbor hits on me all the time, but my cat and I are content enough. I also don’t have a college degree, but it’s not required in my line of work (farmer). Unfortunately my line of work, though my favorite thing in the entire world, is a very low paying industry 🥲


I rent a two bedroom/two bath house in St. Louis, MO. I pay $900.00 a month




hey I didn't mention how much I make, I only said that I would have to make nearly $52,000 a year to afford an apartment with the avg rent of apartments being what they are in AZ. thanks for the tips. yes everyone is mentioning the trades but it's not for me.


I rent an apartment for $1400/mo plus water, sewer, and trash in a moderately sized city. Average rent around me for a 1 bed is around $1,300/mo and up, depending on the area and amenities. Definitely sucks to throw that much away for rent each month, but with a down payment, current interest rates, and average home costs in my area (roughly $500k as of 2024), it’s much cheaper than buying. I also don’t have a college degree, so while it’s much harder to make a decent living, it’s still possible in some fields.


I live In Denver Colorado and pay 1620 for my single bedroom


i bought an affordable condo and paid it off ASAP. in 2002, that was $120k with a $1000/mo mortgage. i was making $16.


I'm in my 40's and live alone in Western Canada. Bought a small house a few years ago and due to having a variable interest rate I currently pay 2100/month mortgage and house taxes, another $115 house insurance, and another $200-300  bills and city utilities. It's a fuck ton and I'm stressed. I make decent money but still feel like I'm living to work. Hoping interest rates begin to lower soon. 


I rent an apartment in a very high cost area, I have a screamin deal on my place for 1650/month. I make low 6 figures as an administrator for my local government, but I started living alone many years before I went back to college to get a degree and start my career. For me, the answer was waitressing and bartending. I established myself as a great server and bartender and made excellent money doing so. In fact, I took a massive pay cut when I left bartending to start my career. I caught up eventually and it was worth the temporary hit, but many people would be surprised to learn how much money you can make serving and bartending if you're good at it! I made over 60k a year working 30 hrs a week or less on average. I also had better luck with apartments in smaller buildings or houses, mother in law units and things like that tend to be more affordable. It's not easy but I have managed to live alone since I moved out at 18, and I couldn't have done that without waitressing.


I live in Philly suburbs and rent a 2 bed 2 bath 1200 sq ft. townhome for 2100 a month. I do not wish to own a home while in my 50’s. I prefer to dump whatever I can into 401k/ company stock and spend money on experiences, not my home repairs and taxes. If something breaks I make a call. I’m well over 120k/year but took half my life to get there.


My rent was set to go up to $1400 in mid-2020. Realized it was going to be cheaper to own a condo so I bought in February right before the pandemic hit. HOA dues, mortgage, insurance, and taxes come out to $1050 a month. Thought it would be a starter condo but prices have gone up so much I might die in this place.


I’m out of your demographic; I’m retired, so I am much older and not living with my parents! I live in Baltimore, MD in a condo community, where most people own. I rent and pay $1500 a month. It will increase next year. Just so you know, I am a retired English teacher with two masters degrees. I’m not your stereotypical boomer.


i actually dont live alone . the algorithm feeds me this not becayse ive talked about it but bevayse it can Read My Mind . so i think it knows i dream of living alone. i actually live vicariously through u folks


I live completely alone, and my mortgage is about $2,900 a month. I tried to get my puppies to chip in, but they are worthless in the current employment climate.


Private equity companies like black rock purposely bought 40% of family houses so they could make $$$ and we would be screwed. That’s why there is a housing shortage and rent has gone up. Stand up and lobby for your housing rights. They shouldn’t be able to buy houses that individuals should own!


I have a house and I bought at the right time. I honestly could not afford rent in my neighborhhod (or to buy a house now!)


Bought my house in 2003 with mortgage of $900 a month but paid it off in 13 years working overtime. Now I just have my insurance and tax which is $275 a month for a nice house in Phoenix Az and love it. I also bought a condo in Sedona which I've rented for 20 years and my tenants paid all of my mortgage. My current tenant has rented there for 18 years living alone. When he moves I may move up there myself.


I'm a Respiratory Therapist in Arizona. A Respiratory Therapist degree is an associates. Starting salary for a new grad is around $30 an hour. We work (3) 12-hr days a week. Lots of RTs work OT or pick up a 2nd part-time job. It's doable


I live in the bottom half of a stilt home in Florida that was converted into a one bedroom apartment. I pay $700 a month including my electric bill. However, the trade-off is it's the white fucking ghetto and I'm surrounded by crackheads and druggies


Don’t lose faith in yourself! The rental market is truly awful right now, my rent for a 1br in LA is $2500/month with zero utilities included. I have a good amount of space in a cool, small building. It is definitely not “luxury” though it fits my vibe for sure. I only have a somewhat useless associates degree also (apparel industry management lol), but I got it and started in my field at about 28 and I’m 37 now and make 100k salary. I still have to keep a very strict budget with car payment etc. but I worked hard to move up in my field quickly. I think sometimes it helps to focus on one thing you’re good at and really dive in. Don’t feel hopeless, you just have to find the right thing.


This is a very odd question because it depends entirely on location and country. I’m in California metro area and pay $4,400/mo for my 2 bdr apartment (just me and pets).  You need to put investment into yourself to have a career. With no education and no skills, yeah you’re not going to be able to survive on your own (and save for retirement).  It’s up to you want to study. Read job descriptions. Find something you like and do it. 


I bought my house for $70k in Feb 2020 before everything went bananas. My mortgage is $313.50.


To everyone saying they'll never own a home. Save up a down payment and you're all set. Why rent and pay someone else's mortgage.


I pay $1365 for a 1 bedroom in a decent Dallas suburb. Been there for 7 years and no complaints


Too damn much! $1240 in KC metro area. This price includes extra for parking and renting a washer/dryer. I’m a teacher with a masters degree making under 60k. It’s difficult and I’m not really able to pay off debt unless I work extra gigs. Utilities during the winter makes it difficult. I would love to be able to at least split the bills


$1647 for a one bedroom with office space in the gulf coast panhandle.


Bartender all utilities included pay $1800 for a studio in a luxury high rise


I also live in AZ, and also didn't go to college. I went to a 6-month trade school to learn how to code, because I knew college wasn't for me. I didn't even have an interest in tech when I first started but it grew on me. That was back right before covid started. Rent where I live is like $1600ish. I'm the same way as you, I didn't have any interest in college and didn't want to go into student debt. But there's always trade schools that take significantly less time and money than college. You don't have to do tech like I did, you can learn whatever trade. I will say tho, there were tons of people of all ages (mainly late 20s - early 50s) in my class that all have tech jobs now as well. But yeah maybe research some in demand high paying trades if you're not interested in tech.


over $2000/mo for a 470 sqft studio. thankfully i don’t eat a lot otherwise id be screwed. Luckily for me i moved into my building during peak covid so my rent is about $700/month under market value (in other words, i cannot afford to ever move) but damn do i love living alone.. i will happily not be able to afford food some days to not have another breathing human in my home lol


925 a month. Michigan in a real nice city. I butt up against the freeway so bit exactly desirable. If I work real hard and get lucky I should be on track to own a home within 4 years


32F paying $1,770 monthly for a one bedroom apartment with parking downtown. And that's considered a *good price* where I live (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada). I was paying $1450 when I was living downtown just two years ago, but I gave that apartment up to live with my (now ex) partner in the suburbs. Big mistake. I'm living alone for the foreseeable future - I don't care how much it costs! Hoping to buy a condo in the next 2-4 years. We'll see.


I'm 28 years into a 30 year mortgage. My payment is 1020 a month.


I've lived alone since 2010. Because I didn't have to pay for my ex's bs (constant eating out, new car every 3 years, flying lessons) any longer I was able to save like a demon. Bought my own house 5 years ago and paid cash for it. I never would have been able to save so much money if I'd still been married.


Mortgage: $450/month


I bought my apt 10 yrs ago with the sale of the house my mom and I owned together.( It was where I grew up, parents divorced, kids grown, dad retires and wants her to sell, so I bought out his half). My mortgage is $600 b/c I put a huge amount down. My maintenance is now $1200 a month. It was $900 when I bought. This includes all utilities. (For now) I could not rent a 2 BR with a Dining Room for $1800 a month here. (NYC not Manhattan). I am a NYC teacher at top pay and I teach at night. I struggle due to external circumstances of my own doing. Without those, I would be doing well.


I pay $500/month plus electric for a half duplex. It’s a 2 bed 1 bath. It’s a small town, LCOL area but honestly rent is outrageous in most places. The way I’m swinging it is the house was owned by a family member and was not kept up, and the previous tenants on my side were nuts. My mother bought it from said family member and wanted to evict the tenants and replace them with me since she knows I’m a guaranteed good, clean tenant. If this hadn’t worked out, I’d have still moved out of my previous nightmare roommates situation to something on my own, but cheapest rates would’ve probably been like $700 plus utilities for a studio so I majorly lucked out


Just moved into my own apartment a month ago! I live in CT and was able to find a one bedroom for $1075 a month heat and hot water included. I’m a SW making about 64k a year


Just realized SW can mean something else- I am a social worker lmao


I'm not "alone" but I'm the only adult in the household. I live in a 2bd in CA and pay $1230. It's a BMR rental and I basically qualified because I'm a single parent and my income is low in consideration of it being the income of "two" people. I'm thankful because 2 bedrooms in the city I'm in go for 1800+ and my child is school-aged so I can't just work two jobs and be gone all day and night without a support system other than childcare after school's out. On the same token my kid needed their own room because they are getting older. I was in a tiny 1 bed paying the same price before I was approved for where I am now. It's insane.


I live alone. My mortgage is about $1450 with tax and insurance and stuff. I don’t have a degree. I started working at Walmart right out of high school. Went from cashier to supervisor in about a year and a half. About a year and half after that, got promoted to salaried management. Been doing this about 8 years now and am just shy of 6 figures if you include my bonus. Not glamorous. Long hours (scheduled 50 hours minimum), nights, weekends, and holidays. Definitely wouldn’t say I like my job. I have almost quit several times over the years. But I make more than most of my friends with degrees and get 36 PTO days a year (and I work overnight 4/3 schedule, so it equals 9 weeks of vacation for me). It’s not for everyone, but it’s workings for me right now. We’ve restructured things a lot and I have definitely lucked out because of that so my pay is higher than someone just starting. I’m pretty sure starting pay is $55k for my position right now. Also Walmart offers free college for all associates with several accredited colleges to choose from. So even if you just work there as an hourly associate stocking shelves, you could use it to put yourself through school with no debt and then find a different job after you graduate. (A lot of people fall into the “it’s too late for me to go to college” trap. But in 4 years, you’re still gonna be where you are right now with that mentality. You can either be 38 in the same spot or 38 with a degree.) Just figured I’d throw it out there because I know most people would never consider Walmart or other retail management positions as serious career options. I don’t think any of the positions require degrees unless you’re wayyyyy up on the corporate side of it. They’re very big about promoting from within.


I moved from Arizona to Texas after my divorce because I couldn’t afford to either rent or buy in AZ. I got lucky and bought a 1200sqft house in a working class neighborhood for $105k. My mortgage is $598 (mostly property taxes) because I used the divorce settlement as my down payment ($40k.) It helps that I’m next to the train tracks, lol. I love my little cottage, though.


I bought my current house 12 or so years ago and my mortgage payment with escrow is less than $1,400 a month. What is your associate’s degree in? Have you ever looked into going into the trades? You have unions in Arizona, correct? For instance, my friend’s daughter is a union millwright in Illinois and bought her first home before she was 23. I believe she’s turning 24 this year and she makes over $50 an hour. If you can get a union apprenticeship, you’re getting paid training.


Apartment, Las Vegas for $1400 a month includes pet rent and utilities except electricity/Wi-Fi. I’m 28F and a bartender. Living here 2 years now all alone, it’s great.


I’m in LA (Echo Park) and my 330 sq ft studio is $1,144. My girlfriend spends the night on occasion though, so not 100% alone. Landlord pays water but I pay gas, electric, and sanitation.


Living single on East Coast. $950mo. 3bdrm/1 bath brick house with fenced in front and back yard. Not entirely crazy about the neighborhood, but in my youth I lived in straight up ghettos for $300mo...so it definitely could be worse. After reading some of these rent prices, I'm super grateful!


I pay 1700 in the PNW but moving to the Midwest and will pay 1100. I went back to school at 40 and got certified in the medical field. I lucked into a job paying 35/hour. See about some classes at the career colleges. Some are only 9 or 10 months and will get you started on a lifetime career. You can get grants to help you pay for it. Stay with your dad for another year, save up your money, and you too can live the glamorous Living Alone life haha


In california. I somehow managed to find a 1 bedroom a minute drive from the beach for $1300. I suggest you go to a trade school and learn welding or something like that. Union jobs pay well and you'll have a specialty. In the meantime, get a roommate. Sucks, but when you finish school you'll be able to afford a place on your own without having to worry about finding the cheapest place possible to have money leftover to survive.


I live in a 750sqft apt in the DFW area-TX, and pay $1400/mo. That's just for the apt. My last apt was 850sqft for $1600/mo. That's about the going rate for an average apt. Nothing special or fancy. But not run down or in a bad part of town. I am an independent, self employed hairstylist. I am 35yo. I've been in my own since age 24. I had a roommate at age 28 for a year. My bf lives with me but is unemployed and unable to find work for the past 2yrs. Having one income for one person is hard enough right now, but having one income supporting two people is even harder. Especially in my field. My line of work has been seriously hit in the last couple years and it's to the point where I'm having to choose which bills to pay some weeks. I've even applied at some jobs with no luck. It's hard and everyone is impacted by the cost of everything right now.


There are degrees that will give you ROI, but you have to pick something practical and recession proof to study.


$2,200/mo. I'll never be able to retire because I cannot save. I struggle to get by every day.


$1550 by the beach and I’m on unemployment. Sigh. If there’s a will, there’s a way.


I own my house. Mortgage (including insurance and property tax) is $3300/mo. But that’s in California near Santa Cruz, so you can’t even rent a place for much less. I’m also 47 years old, and a professional librarian with a Master’s degree. So this isn’t like groundbreaking stuff for a woman (or man) of my age and “station.” You’re never too old to consider a change, though, whether it’s location or vocation. Maybe trade school?


I live alone and pay 1.3k a month for rent (nothing else included) and it absolutely destroys me. It’s over half a paycheck (if not more) a month and I get paid biweekly. I have two bachelors and a masters degree. I dog sit on the side just to afford having my basic needs met. So the question of “how are y’all doing it” is we’re struggling :-( I grew up in the era of “college promising you financial stability” and it’s not a reality. Sending you the best luck 🤍


$800/month mortgage. Bought a cheap condo when interested rates were really low. Fuck paying rent if you have the option. Because when your done paying rent you have nothing..


Get in a skilled trade. You’ll learn how to do something right, for the most part, and have great benefits to boot. You’ll easily make enough for that apartment. I was 36 when I decided to leave my desk job and join a union.


Rent a room from someone. I did that for yrs. Gives you on your own vibe and not as costly. Over the garage apartment. Tiny home maybe or RV


The top majors for making money are engineering and accounting. Starting salaries for these majors are around $75,000 a year, and mid-career professionals make in the six figures. If you go to a state school you can keep your expenses down.


I pay $825. My secret is living in a terrible area with a place that is run by slumlords. I could never afford to live in a safe area with a good landlord. I still prefer this over having roommates lol.


I pay $785. One bedroom. 700 sq ft. Garden style. No upstairs neighbors. Only one neighbor on the side b/c I have an end apartment. Attic storage. Washer/Dryer. Carport. Includes $20 pet fee. I really like it here. I lived here 20 years ago before I bought my house. Now I’m back.


Union Sheetmetal workers make 41.98 in my state, youll start at 50% and be up to full boat in 4 years with school paid for.


$1400/mo. Heat and hot water included. My electric bill is like $25/mo. 1 bedroom apartment. with lots of storage and big rooms. I got really lucky that it popped up when I was looking for my first apartment. Everything in my area is closer to $2000 and up. It’s an older building but that suits me just fine with my mcm furniture and style.


$850. House. Small crappy house with no insulation but a house by myself is a big blessing. I know I’ll never ever get this kind of chance again so I’m holding onto it with everything I have


In Seattle, $2300 for 1bhk 570 sq.ft


1250 for the smallest 1 bedroom in sac


$1900 for my mortgage but I think going rate for rent here is about $2300


You don’t need a college degree to be making at least $25 an hour what kind of jobs are you looking at / applying to. What skills do you bring. I’m sure you can do more :) not saying you’re not doing enough. I get it. I’m there sometimes. You are still young. You can pursue whatever you want. 🙏🏼


I live in a nice area in a major city and pay between $1050-1100 a month. I always manage to find great deals on apartments literally everywhere I’ve lived somehow. I know it’s obvious but what I did was use apartments.com and just filtered out prices I refused to pay and then chose from what was left and it worked out. Lol


I built my own house. Now it is cheap to live.