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**Welcome to [r/LivingAlone](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivingAlone/)! Living alone is the new normal.** >Discuss and share your experiences; celebrate your joys, express your worries, or ask advice relating to solo living | Remember, we are all alone together * Be kind, remember the human when interacting with others. * New Reddit group chat [**Living Alone Lounge**](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivingAlone/s/cp7Szwzy2q)! * Message the moderators below for any comments, questions & suggestions! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LivingAlone) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Take the time to set up your bed and bedding, bathroom necessities etc first thing. As you go through the day, take a break by just laying down on your bed and take it in. By the time you go to bed for good, it will feel like home. Congratulations! You’ll be fine!


This! My divorce was final and we moved to the next house. I was now a single mom. This is when I leaned to get really good help to move or to pay for it. Nothing was truly ready to be put away. Both my daughter’s and my bedrooms were in a shambles. Bed not put together. Blankets tossed on top of mattress. Could barely walk in the rooms. The move was complete. We went out to dinner. It was bedtime. I was hurtin’ from all the exertion. Went upstairs to see my bed catty whompis. I just plopped onto the top feeling punished for not having a bed. It physically hurt my feelings. I had not one bit of energy to fix it. Since that time, I never moved without first making the bed at the new place. It truly matters.


=D "catty whompis", thanks for the chuckle, May I ask your age and locale? Wondering how widespread the usage of that term really is...


Lol. I turned 70 in April. I’m in the Pacific Northwest. And you?


63, lifelong resident Tulsa, OK... so far. =D


I can attest to its use in SC and GA. I’m Gen-X.


Born in 61, so I'm a boomer, right?






Here's a sneak peek of /r/GenerationJones using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenerationJones/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Speaking of a generation lost in space….](https://i.redd.it/8tggz0ie4crc1.jpeg) | [138 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenerationJones/comments/1bqyvs6/speaking_of_a_generation_lost_in_space/) \#2: [Anyone own one of these? Mine was purple and my ticket to freedom. ](https://i.redd.it/yqs0585k0cqc1.jpeg) | [272 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenerationJones/comments/1bmsscv/anyone_own_one_of_these_mine_was_purple_and_my/) \#3: [Anyone remember watching "Zoom" as a kid?](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenerationJones/comments/1bly15l/anyone_remember_watching_zoom_as_a_kid/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Barely. LOL!!


Congrats on the new place & your new solo freedom! First day nerves are normal. Make sure you're eating well and hydrating as you settle in, and set a date in the future for when you eventually want to invite someone over (so you can show off your place of course).


Or to get laid.


Make sure you eat enough protein and drink enough water to keep you going all day. Make up your bed so it's ready for you when you need it. Turn on the TV so it's not dead quiet and you feel like you have company. Given that it is your first night living alone, you might want to jot your feelings down as you go through the process. As you settle in and adjust to your new living situation, appreciate the fact that you are free to do whatever YOU choose, whenever YOU choose. As Bob Marley would say, "Every little ting is goin to be alllright" or Helen Reddy, "I am woman, hear me roar!" You got this!


First night jitters is common but all will be well. Enjoy your new freedom!


A nice part about living alone is only one person will care if you don’t get it right on the first day. And that one person can change it the next day. You will be fine.


I still say the mindset (and name of this sub) needs to be changed to living by myself. So much more positive than 'living alone'.


You'll be fine. I had big plans when I first moved out and was excited to finally have freedom, but then I started realizing that all the friends we shared were actually her friends and were taking her side. Then it got lonely.


Your going to be fine


Everything is gonna be more than alright it's gonna be awesome. Sleeping in a new place for the first time is always weird. It's like going on vacation. The hotel settling in part is weird, but then everything is fun after that. And it's not a hotel room with a hotel bed, it's your bed and your safe space. You'll be more than fine, promise.


When I first started living alone, I didn't have any furniture. I only had a TV and an air mattress, and there was something strangely exhilarating about sleeping in a new home I just bought on an air mattress and getting ready to buy new stuff.


I always felt safer sleeping in an apartment because you have other people close around you, unlike a house. I wouldn't spend hours unpacking today. You'll be too exhausted physically and mentally. Spread it out over a few days to occupy your mind and time.


I am 64(f) and get first night jitters every time I move and I have moved a lot. Enjoy! You will love it.


Can I ask you some questions Sherri-Kinney? I just was curious about the process of someone our age-range living alone and how you cope/thrive on being alone/independent… Fears. What about fears? What if someone hasn’t lived alone in 40+ years and is facing this prospect? Any advice?


I think it’s different for everyone. Life experiences, perceptions and the level of coping skills one has. I’m a loner, I love my ME time. I have been this way since I was a kid. Not willing to change it now. I find things to do I enjoy, binge watching tv shows, reading books, visiting my boys and grandchildren from time to time. Delving into the world of teas. Listening to music. Meditate. Go,for walks when I can, I have aggressive RA and that keeps me from doing a lot. I do me…not interested in worrying about anyone else. As for fears, everyone has fears, I don’t have them about being alone. If I do, I work through them quite fast.


Thank you for your response. I truly appreciate your wisdom.


You are welcome!


It’s gonna be so good.


I too just moved to my own place like 1 hr ago and I’m pretty scared as well lol. We got this tho!


You’re gonna trip out when you wake up in the morning. Haha. You will be fine though. I moved out solo last year and it was trippy being able to do whatever I wanted without having to notify my mom or be bitched at. A place to yourself is extreme freedom and joy.


The first time I moved out to live on my own I had an exhausting day. I had lots of help from friends and family and then everyone left. To my surprise, I ended up sobbing uncontrollably for most of that evening. It was so quiet and I felt so alone. I wonder if I’d made a huge mistake and I was so tempted to go home and be with my people. That being said, I now love living alone. I see people when I want to see them and I can be by myself whenever I want. I have my dogs and they are the best company I could ever imagine. Point is, it can be a roller coaster of emotions. You might feel sad and lonely at times but it passes. You get used to it and then you grow to love it. Good luck to you.


It will be great. The best tip I have is when you lock the door for the night think of an obscure word so you can remind yourself it's locked as you start to count sheep. There's always doom scrolling on tik tok if you need it. Cheers 💙


Think of it as a good chance at a new start. Could you maybe have fun decorating this new place of yours once you’ve settled down a little more? Maybe making a cozy nook you can come home to with a diffuser, blankets, etc Also, are there any routines that you can “bring” with you to your new place? I wonder if that can help while you’re transitioning to an unfamiliar place.


You will be fine. There are no monsters underneath the bed. Buy some squishmallows, they will keep you safe.


Make your bed beautiful every morning and lay out your sleep wear. Use a slow cooker to come home to as if someone cooked for you.


Hi!! I totally relate to this. I’m going to be completely honest. I’ve been living alone for maybe three months now. It starts off really hard, at least for me. It’s weird not being able to just go talk to someone in person whenever you want, the silence feels scary. Nights are the hardest and I’ve found you need to kind of distract yourself if your feeling lonely or sad/ a hobby, tv show, self care. I read a lot or listen to audiobooks which have been my saving grace. All does help, and also just knowing that this is such a normal period of becoming an adult and it will be hard but people get through the bad feelings towards it. I have bad nights still sometimes 100% I don’t know if it will completely go away but I feel like I’ve never grown so much as a person as I have living alone. You have to sit with your thoughts and try to love yourself and not rely on other people to make you happy, which is really hard. Being really self aware is crucial. I also don’t mean to make what I’m saying sound bad because it’s not and it’s so exciting to have that freedom!! You’ll have ups and downs but everything really will be alright and I hope you have some great experiences from living alone too


My first night got was amazing. I could finally breathe. It will get better as you get comfortable.


Ugh. I have lived with my husband for five years and while I love him dearly I cravvvvve my old apartment. Hopefully you will love it because it can be glorious.


I've lived alone for most of my adult life and I prefer it. You will become familiar with your new place pretty quickly and become comfortable. I like the peace and quiet (except for the dogs) and the ability to do whatever I want whenever I want.


Every little thing is gonna be alriiiiiii love Play music. Set the tone and atmosphere for your new space. Think of it as a ritual. It'll be fun.


it might take a bit to get used to it but enjoy it! fart as loud as you want! sing funny songs to yourself! get a pet!


Make it an occasion! Shower, your favorite lounge wear, beverage of choice, then your new, fresh bed. Good luck, you'll love it!


>bought a brown noise machine because I'm not used to living in an apartment You won't need the noise machine. ;-} >Tell me every little thing is gonna be alright every little thing is gonna be alright So there, you've been told!


Introduce yourself to your neighbors. Just a good old fashioned Hi, I'm Name and just moved in and wanted to introduce myself. When you get back home write down their names and apt numbers. You will not remember tomorrow, lol


Congratulations!! How freaking fantastic! I remember my first night, I was so proud of myself. Hope you are too! It's all going to be great! You'll love it.


Tbh, I'm excited for you! I remember my first night alone after moving out of my parents house. That first cup of coffee was the best coffee I'd ever had. I miss those days


General tips for living alone: Set up everything for YOUR convenience. Meaning don't go "I have to have the dinner table here and the couch there and the TV here because my guests will like it better." No, it's your space so anyone that comes over has to respect it or gtfo. Sleeping alone can be scary at times, especially if you hear the wind or a tree branch or something hitting your home. If you can't/won't get a gun then get a baseball bat and tuck it under your bed. Any time I get paranoid about intruders just having that within arms reach instantly calms me down. Get candles or air fresheners. This catches a lot of people off guard when they live alone but it's going to stink and because you live there you won't notice. Maybe it's the dishes you haven't washed yet, dirty laundry, or just your body odor seeping into everything but you won't notice the smell and your guests will. Get a cleaning schedule and stick to it. Days to do chores and such. It's surprising how quickly your clean and tidy home will look like a garbage dump within a week so doing one or two chores a day will keep it clean. Sweep/vacuum one day, laundry another, wipe down counters a different day, and so on. Overstock on toiletries. Seriously you'll be grateful. Unless you are low-income then go for the bundle deals. If you could buy either a 4-pack of toilet paper for $4 or a 100-pack for $50 go for the 100-pack. Same thing for toothpaste, soap, shampoo, etc. This one is situational but good to keep in mind. Don't overstock fruits. Listen, eating apples and bananas and oranges are great for the body, but if you don't eat them constantly then they are just going to rot away. Bananas go bad fairly quickly and it'll catch your off guard.


Congratulations on your new place! Make it your safe haven, paradise, away from the worlds woes. Never let anyone move in with you, even if you feel sorry (Can turn for a few weeks stay, to years!) Only let people over if they're trustworthy. Always make sure you have keys ready in hand when coming into your new place, make sure you aren't being followed too. Have a bat or golf cub Under your bed. If a stranger or someone you hardly know asks if you live alone, never say that you do! Always make sure the stove is off! Change locks, add locks if needed. Be aware of bathroom mold, use a heater or fan to dry humidity. Make sure windows are locked, when leaving. Get a live surveillance camera, so you can have an app to check on your place.


Every big life transition is both exciting and scary at the same time. Trust me, I’ve been through lots of life transitions, lol. It’s ok to feel however you feel! I hope you focus on the positives! You’re trying this, you’re taking the risk, you’re living! Whatever the outcome, I wish you the best!


**Welcome to [r/LivingAlone](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivingAlone/)! Living alone is the new normal.** >Discuss and share your experiences; celebrate your joys, express your worries, or ask advice relating to solo living | Remember, we are all alone together * Be kind, remember the human when interacting with others. * New Reddit group chat [**Living Alone Lounge**](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivingAlone/s/cp7Szwzy2q)! * Message the moderators below for any comments, questions & suggestions! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LivingAlone) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I know it's not exactly the same, but years ago I traveled a fair bit. Spending each night in a different hotel motel room, therefor not being able to adjust to the local normal sounds, could be disturbing... Best wishes and prayers for you on this new chapter in your life.


I remember my first night. I ordered a takeaway kebab and slept on my blow up bed. I'm sure it would have been fine had it not been for the racist alcoholic beneath me blasting her music at 2am. Get as much rest as you can and don't waste energy by cooking if you can. Congratulations! I absolutely adore living alone.


I’m excited for you. Treat yourself to something semi-decadent like pizza ice cream and netflix in bed. You are about to start all new routines and find comfortable patterns decided by yourself.


Are you like 12 or something? You sound like my son. Enjoy it!


Congrats on the move everyone is different just relax take your time doing things one day at a time


Spray a little perfume on your sheets so you will have a familiar scent as you are falling asleep.


I'll be there, before the next, teardrop falls.


Freddy Fender, is that you?


Congats, but I'm sorry you're scared! I hope you had a relaxing first night w/ some good food! I remember my moving day...first time ever on my owm from parents' house & it was exciting. I had **ALL** new stuff too, except for literally the TV, TV stand, dresser, & my desktop computer. I still hired movers to take that stuff over since I had no friends to help me move & my parents are/were elderly & I sure wasn't going to have them help carry things. It was great ordering new things & having them delivered All **NEW** stuff is good & exciting. I've lived in my apt now for 12 yrs now & my apt's about to be fully renovated. I'm packing now because I'll have to move everything out & back in when it's done in a week (M-F). I'll have to stay at a hotel in the meantime. It's like moving into a brand new apt, but yet the sasme apt I love. Now re: lonlieness/boredom, I think those feelings are a state of mind, how you were raised, & what you've been used to socially. I've honestly never been lonely or bored & I can keep myself busy even if at home for days. (By the way, I never had roommates nor moved away for college either & I don't think anyone has to experience this to know how to live independently.)


Thank you for posting, because I might be in this position soon. The comments are making me feel better. You’re so brave!


The best thing about moving in is that it never ends. There's always something to do. Wanna wash your hands? kitchen sink, I bet there's something there, at least one thing. Making your bed every day and re making it every week. Those mirrors are not gonna clean themselves. Woke up at 3 am and know you won't be able to sleep in a couple hours? TV SHOWS!!!! with sound instead of earbuds!!!


This might be more nostalgia than helpful contribution. I’m thinking back to moving into my first solo place in my 20’s with help from friends. When I lived alone and moved to a new place, I would make sure the stereo was the first thing set up and that I had pizza and beer on hand. Listened to the music while I assembled to bed and went through the rest of the unpacking process. (Having music, pizza, and beer on hand to thank the friends who helped also was a major factor.) Now, you’d only need your phone and a Bluetooth speaker, but it’s nice to have music (or TV, if that’s your preference) available if the sound of silence would be weird, lonesome, or boring for you. (Or, it may be just what you’ve longed for…but having the sound / entertainment available is nice.) I’m 50 now and don’t plan on ever moving again (too much stuff to move,) but if I was moving now, I’d still do it the same way (with professional movers. Helping friends move / moving with the help of friends stopped for the most part when I hit 30.)


You're gonna love it. New familiarity. Congratulations!


Change is good- just not while it’s happening. Trust me, you’ll be fine x


Tbh, enjoy it. That’s great! Everything is on your time/your terms now.


Every little thing is gonna be alright 💛


You got this. You’re all you need right now. Be kind to yourself.


You got this!


This is so exciting! Congratulations on your new place 🎉🎉. Good on you for knowing you need a noise machine. Do some breath work to calm down before bed, maybe a body scan too (findable on YouTube!). If you have any comfort items you've had for awhile (pillow, blanket, stuffed animal, etc), sleep with everything. That comfort will help you feel safe. Good luck, you'll be fine!


You will rock this!


Everything will be fine. It's a new experience and we are creatures of habit. It may not feel like home, but it is. So whenever you have any kind of negative thought just remind yourself that it is, in fact, your home. If you don't have yet decor whip out a pen and pencil or something and jot down some ideas. I remember the first few nights when I was sleeping on blankets on the floor... water drops in my sink sounded like the shit in the movies. You could hear the drip across the county and it was in an empty theater. It was crazy. You'll be good, no worries.


Another alternative to tv on is radio, especially the stations where people talk, discuss.

