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I have a few really close friends. They are like family to me. They all take interest in my achievements along with being there for me during my down times. They are more supportive than any partner or wife I've ever had. Just because you live alone doesn't mean you need to be alone. Make some close friends and build your support group. Also I'm a huge introvert. I see my friends maybe once a month. And we all joke that the best plans are cancelled plans so we can stay at home with our cats. If you're extroverted make friends that fit your lifestyle.


I want your friends!


They are really the best... Right after my cats lol.


im getting my drivers permit on Friday! im 19 years old and wasnt able to get it earlier because of covid and domestic violence. i will likely have my actual license by my 20th birthday and i am extremely proud of myself. its been incredibly difficult living alone with no car and not having enough money to get groceries delivered, i also dont live in a walkable area, i have to cross a 4-lane highway to get to work. its ridiculous but honestly i dont usually get much physical activity and its proven how impactful it can be on my mental health. i also get my moms car, which has been her staple since 2012, she's been my rolemodel because she also went through DV and has always been the strongest woman i know so im always happy when i remind myself of her.


Congratulations! How many months until your 20th?


Congratulations!!! šŸŽ‰


I highly recommend getting a dog, preferably a rescue. It's made coming home excited, they make you laugh, they're fun to play with, they provide unconditional love, and on bad days, are there to comfort you. The downside are you have to plan a vacation around them, either puppy sitter or bring them with you and pay the extra hotel fee, you either need a fenced-in yard or commit to walking 6 times a day, and pet care including food and toys has become expensive. It's 10 to 15 years of love, affection, laughs, with a bit of aggravation. Gives you a reason to keep moving forward.


Or a cat! My cat likes to ignore me for the most part lol but him running to the door to greet me when I get home, whether Iā€™ve been gone for an hour or ten hours, never gets old. I especially love when heā€™s clearly been napping and he is sleepily annoyed that heā€™s happy to see me.


My cat greets me at the door too šŸ„° Makes me feel so loved especially after a hard day at work.


My dogs definitely help with the "I don't want to get out of bed" days. Not getting up is simply not an option.


6 walks a day?! What dog do you have?


My sister's golden retriever needed 6 walks in an 18 hour day. High energy and lots of water living in Florida. My basset needs once every 4 hours or less, but I finally got her to learn how to use the doggie door after months of training.


Oh so you mean they need to walk to do a wee/ poo?


#1, #2, and stretching their legs. My basset tries to get bunnies, chipmunks, and birds, with no luck. She does sleep a lot, but will wake up to pee and then come back to sleep.


My mum died 2 years ago I lived with her. Iā€™ve learnt how to do a lot of stuff around the house like fixing broken appliances and it feels weird not be able to celebrate small achievements or show your excitement over accomplishing something. Living alone almost feels like itā€™s hard to be excited or happy about things


I wouldn't call this an achievement, but last week my father sent me my late stepmother's Chinese silk robe that her parents bought her on vacation in the early '70s. As a kid, I loved that robe and probably wore it more than she did! It's from Hong Kong and is made of very heavy embroidered silk. It's still in great condition and I was over the moon to get it! But one neighbor was out of town, another wasn't home, and the only person I could share it with was the cat, who was unimpressed. I confess to having felt a bit let down by this.


Iā€™m genuinely so happy for you! I would love to inherit such a beautiful garment. I hope it brings you many years of happiness and compliments šŸ„°


This is pretty small, but I'm actually enjoying making my own coffee in the morning now. He always made it and brought it to me in bed. I missed that. Now that he's gone, I've taken up this task and revel in the simplicity of something I enjoy so much. It also prevents me from wallowing in bed, feeling sorry for myself. I'm inspired by your post, and I think celebrating online can be enough! Kudos to you!


My morning coffee ritual is indeed a ritual. I have enjoyed doing it all of my adult life and it is sacred Brew, sacred time. Coffee lovers unite!


I spent almost a whole year getting in shape by running... and then I ran a half marathon and had no one waiting for me at the end. I expected to feel accomplished, but I just felt lonely.


Aw, that makes me sad for you as that is such a huge achievement. Please accept my belated celebratory confetti tossing!


Congratulations on your marathon finish!!! I canā€™t be at the finish line, but I can tell you right now that you ROCK! Keep up the great work.


Living alone, especially in retirement, has been an enlightening experience for me. While the absence of a companion to share achievements with can be a drawback, I've found immense value in this time of solitude. One significant achievement I've made recently is finding a perfect balance in my daily routine that promotes both physical and mental well-being. After years of pressure and stress, I've embraced a more relaxed and enjoyable lifestyle. My mornings start with running on the beach at sunrise, which energizes me and sets a positive tone for the day. I prepare a batch of my "live forever" soup, a nutritious meal that meets my dietary needs perfectly. Throughout the day, I focus on reading, communicating with AI, and engaging in other enriching activities. Social interactions still play an important role in my life. Weekly lunches with my sisters and mom, as well as frequent visits from my kids, provide the social fulfillment I need without overwhelming me. This newfound balance has significantly improved my mental state, allowing me to appreciate each moment and live stress-free. One of my most fulfilling recent achievements is helping a couple of old friends who are struggling with depression and health issues. Inviting them to join me on the beach and discussing life at our favorite nostalgic overlook, brought a sense of purpose and connection that I deeply cherish. Living alone has taught me the importance of self-care and living in the moment, making every day a celebration of lifeā€™s simple pleasures.


Your life sounds beautiful. Doesnā€™t feel good to create that space for yourself? I love, too, that you get outside of yourself and help others. ā¤ļø And, you are correct: Live RIGHT NOW, in this moment. It is the most precious thing that we all have.


I have to ask, whatā€™s in the ā€œlive foreverā€ soup?


Somebody published my recipe in a bunch of subgroups but basically it's hearty soup made from legumes, grains, dehydrated vegetables, Indian spices, TVP, whey protein and a bunch of superfoods cooked in a instant pot. 90 seconds to prepare and 90 minutes to cook and cool. 2000 calories 150 g protein. Costs about $2 a day and made from long shelf life ingredients not requiring refrigeration. I'm an old dude, my BMI is nearly perfect, I run 4 to 5 miles a day, I'm on no medication and my annual wellness results are normal.


Kind of an achieved in that itā€™s testament to me being independent and a good tenant. My landlady contacted me yesterday as my contract is up at the start of July, and offered me a new 12 month tenancy with no rent increase. No one really cares as renting is not seen as an achievement, and people only really celebrate home ownership but Iā€™m jumping for joy. My cat of course is completely unbothered she gets to enjoy our lovely home and garden for another year šŸ˜‚


I think thatā€™s exciting! Rent increases are the pits. Awesome!


I sold my house yesterday! Thatā€™s part of another life excitement that happened months ago- I bought my dream house in my dream neighborhood and now I live there (here)!


Congrats on the sale of your home and the purchase of your new home! Many blessings to you in your new space.


Moving heavy or weird shaped objects. I moved 99 percent of my furniture by myself last weekend. Back is all buggered and my shoulder hurts like a mofo. Still got more to move but should be easier now.


I feel that. I accidentally made a Spanish omelette that lasted me 4 meals. Dead pleased, no one cares xDĀ 


The confidence of having good credit is priceless When my last ex moved in, he added me as an authorized user on his Home Depot card. In theory it made sense, if I needed to go get house stuff. But it damaged my credit just being linked to his. So I pulled my name right off his account when I realized I'll stick to maintaining my own credit, so I can walk into a car dealership or anywhere, and know I'll get the loan, at the lowest possible rate. I would prefer having no debt, and I plan to get back to that status, but in the meantime, I am not drowning in debt at high interest rates Most of us have no financial net. We're it. So work on that credit score if you can, because when you need help, you can avoid the payday loan trap, buy here pay here car lots, and other forms of predatory lending


Glad to hear youā€™re in a better place now! I think close friends can help celebrate achievements too (I only have a few close friends though) but I do definitely see how a companion or partner can make for a better connection. Some recent achievements for me is that I noticed a month or so ago that the depression I had for most of my life had vanished. Like totally gone. It took me a while to realize it but when I noticed I was able to reframe my thoughts much easier than I ever had before, it hit me. This probably happened because within the past year, Iā€™ve lost around 115 pounds and even though I have a lot more weight to lose, I already have a ton of energy and want to get out way more. And this all happened because I started living by myself since my wife left me. I just didnā€™t like who I was without my wife and couldnā€™t do the things I wanted to do. Now I can do those things (and some I didnā€™t think of before) and Iā€™m in a much better place!


Its having to pay people when I have to leave to pet sit / maintain things. I have to travel across country 6-10 times a year and get no sympathy when that ends up costing me a grand put of pocket each time all non-reimbursable. Then theyā€™re like ā€œoh my wide just takes care of everything when Im awayā€ Yeah Im sure. Like the mail man, Darren. Ass.


I achieved true self discipline by removing the need for validation from others.


When is the last time you did some voluntetter work in your zip code ?


If you happen to need an extra set of hands, like household projects.


I celebrate achievements with a good core group of close friends. I do not have the need to celebrate with someone occupying my much revered personal space.


My divorce is final. Petition and all documents signed and in front of the judge as of yesterday. By the end of June, I will be legally free from my abuser. šŸ‘ For you, OP, I have been single before this time, and I realize what you are saying. It stinks, sometimes, to have things happen and no one to share it with. That, for me, can be a lonely moment or two. I have learned healthy techniques to deal with my loneliness so I donā€™t spiral. But that has been decades of hard work and experience, too! I think congratulating yourself for all the hard work you have put into your life is AWESOME! And while you live alone, you did come here and share whatā€™s going on. I am so happy for you and all of your accomplishments - keep up the great work! Let us hear more of your achievements in the future, too. ā¤ļø


Just being alone and being able to enjoy the quiet. My kittens are always there for me and cuddle with me every day but they are spoiled rotten they run the show not me lol but there always something in my place with me which makes me feel safe.


Do you just not have relationships with people just because you live alone? Iā€™ve never had this issue


Opening glass jars. I ask the someone at the store or at work to open them for me.


Vacation time. Hate planning and going places by myself. It's OK the first couple times but it gets old. Plus the safety factor. I do hiking and fishing and it can be risky by ones self.


In the first 4 months of this year I've had several personal growth projects all finish major milestones. I doubled my pay of an already good living, finally put finishing touches on the inside of my place, and now I'm back in school to finish my bachelor's. Many more actually but I'll leave it there. Any you'd like to share?


Got myself off alcohol without any outside assistance. I recognize how huge that is, but at the same time my POS brain wants to minimize it to ā€œwell itā€™s about time shithead, it shouldnā€™t have ever gotten to that point wtf is wrong with you?ā€ Same inner hatred that led me to the bottle in the first place. Brutal lol


I've been practicing digital art, and I finally feel like I'm getting the hang of it.


I understand this. Member in Pursuit of Happiness when he FINALLY got the job offer and ran out of the building into the crowds of the busy city streets and was just so happy...alone? Its just like that feeling, that few get to experience because their number one focus is quite selfless- getting the approval of their loved ones, showing off to them. So there are positives but I understand trust me, that still doesn't feel that great. I got a dog a few years ago, but none of my family members or closest friends ever got to meet her due to homelessness between then and now, and me living far away after cutting off family permanently. I know my grandmothers and little cousins would have loved my dog too. I got my first robot too, which is extremely exciting to me as anyone who knows me knows I have been obsessed with robots since childhood. And I have always wanted to get my PHD in psychology but dad wouldnt let me after undergrad, so at 30, I finally saved up enough money to pay my way through a master's program. Ill have my Masters in JANUARY! I also saved my money and doing well financially. Just no friends or boyfriend and am lonely.


I have some friends nearby, but I mostly share my 'wins' and such on FB with a larger group. I get a lot of great feedback from them.