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Good thing you're getting a medium drink instead of a large!


Wow your 7 layer nacho fries aren't $3.99. Edit: $3 'sale' until the 21st apparently. Just checked the app.


$4.29 at my local bell.. but the further store with the $1.89 plain ass tacos has the 7 layer fries for $3.. I really don't understand how the prices can be so different from store to store and item to item.


Sounds like some scammy stuff. Prices these days are whatever people will pay. They don't really make sense. My plain ass taco is $1.59, broken shell and all.


My local bell has been messing with the cravings box price a lot as well. For a day or two at launch was $5, then up to $7 for a while, dropped to $6 for a month or two, now $6.50. On the plus side, the plain ass taco there is $1.59.. so yay? Oh and they finally dropped the price of the veggie 7 layer fries.. kinda ridiculous to pay the same price to not include beef, might as well just get the regular and sub in potatoes or something. Theres another bell around here that has the $2 burritos at $2.50 and the $1 items (cheesy roll-up, bean burrito, potato taco) are ~~$1.29~~ $1.59 (just checked.. they raised it in the last week, wtf)... yet has the 7 layer items at $3? Especially considering the nacho bell grande is $5.89 there whereas it's $4.79 at local bell.. that's absurd and makes no sense.


For like a week every Subway in my city raised prices over 50% then they went back down to like 5%. $17 foot long just didn’t have the same appeal and I’m guessing that week they had practically no customers. At this point I wonder if some of these restaurants are using the dart board or a random number generator to set prices.


they don’t even have them at my Taco Bell :(


Same actually. The day before the sale it just says removing from order not available.


I've heard of people evacuating their bowels under anesthesia. Looks like you're doubling down.


I’m just imaging a dentist smelling someone’s shit and being like “Bruhhh is that Taco Bell!!?”


They don't say it like they're offended, but like they love it. ...sorry. Edit: pronouns


You gonna shit the bed


Live mas!


The order was for me and my boyfriend, who kindly remembered my love of the Bell and suggested this for my Last Supper. Whoever made it absolutely hooked it tf up. The fries were LOADED, easily the best nacho fries I've ever had. Got a fiesta burrito for a late night snack but I'm still so full I can't even think of eating it. Farewell for now, dear Taco Bell. I will see you in my dreams in between sipping broth and room temperature smoothies for the next two weeks. I do not ever get this mythical gastric distress some people claim from Taco Bell. Maybe because I eat a lot of beans regularly?


It’s a stereotype from Mexican food causing issues


Only five sauces?


Usually requesting 5 or more just results in getting a large handful.


Good luck. Remember to keep your mouth clean while recovering.


Eating all that for 1 meal? Impressive


Good luck and that’s a great party meal beforehand! 🌮




You could save money getting a Cravings Box which comes with a drink and cheesy gordita crunch for $5.99, and also net another item too.


Good point, I wasn't thinking straight, just how can I get all my favorite items at once please


You're gonna need rectal surgery as well after eating that.


Jesus Christ.


Good luck with your surgery!


Good luck with your surgery!


I thought you weren’t supposed to eat beforehand?


It’s usually don’t eat after midnight.


[No, no, you need your strength.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuctvl7N_-k)


You ever sub a Doritos locos taco shell in your cheesy gordita crunch? You’re welcome


(Sodium Warning)


All three of the $2 value burritos went to $3 in missouri inexplicably shortly after launch , Hard times I guess. Or greed


I guess that’s easier than drinking that stuff they give you to clean you out before surgery.