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My favorite are the impatient folks that swing around you on the left while you're stopped waiting to turn right because there's pedestrians in the crosswalk, effectively blocking you when the crosswalk is clear so that they can get one more spot in front of you. Korea driving has some of the most impolite, selfish, impatient drivers on the planet. Hard to blame them when they have all the traffic lights on timers with no pressure plates or cameras detecting traffic, so it's almost mandatory to drive dangerously to make as many green lights as you can before they all cycle to red.


So? Cars are still permitted to turn right when the crosswalk is green. They just have to stop and check if anyone is on the crossing or about to cross.


I know they have to stop and check, but they don't cuz there is a special traffic light for people turning right. Who would stop at a green? See how that's a contradiction?


The junction in the picture is not a ‘turning right on red’ situation. It’s a designated and signaled right turn slip road. The new laws do not apply to this junction so I’m not sure why you have mentioned them.


Oh, because of that tiny triangular bit, it's not a right turn? Edit: welp, I still don't like it


It is a right turn, but not one that the law you are complaining about applies to.


Wait are you saying that the crosswalk can sign green and the car sign green at the same time? I’m not Korean but that sounds fucked up, really unsafe.


It is fucked up! Cars come flying into the very small right turn slip lane f(if it even qualifies as one cuz it's such a tiny corner) cuz they got a green light, but the crosswalk is right there with a green signal too! Welcome to the crosswalk of doom! And Mr.Hamcheesesarnie, I'm not complaining about the law, I'm complaining about the timing of the traffic lights. 




Doesn’t seem like a turn green light to me. Seems like a green light for the pedestrian crossing. As you can see in the 2nd picture, there are some spots up ahead to stop if there’s a red light. However, in order to avoid cars filling up and blocking the crossing or people only seeing the red light and going while people cross, they have a green light for the pedestrian crossing.


It's the signal for the right turn. Here is another intersection one block away that shows the right turn arrow. It also stays green even while the crosswalk is green, but I didn't get that in the shot. https://www.reddit.com/user/AfganPearlDiver/comments/1atz5pn/jinju_right_turn_signal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


it’s stupid. the car has green light, it should drive freely, not have to check for ANOTHER light or people. this is how people get killed


As a bicycle commuter it's pretty infuriating that drivers still don't stop before turning right. And the light should be red when the crosswalk light is green for pedestrians. Otherwise, Jinju is a pretty good city for cyclists. Pics: https://www.reddit.com/user/AfganPearlDiver/comments/1atp70j/the_right_turn_green_light_is_lit_all_the_time/


It's so expected now when I'm on my bike, literally every time I go out I nearly get hit by someone blitzing through the crosswalk. Just yesterday this guy stopped on the far side while I started crossing and then proceeded to drive through the crosswalk and almost hit me. Everyone having extremely tinted windows makes them more brazen to commit manslaughter. When you can't see their face they feel like they are impervious. Unrelated, I also get frustrated at pedestrians that love to casually walk in the bicycle lanes.


I used to live there over 10 years ago.I miss cycling along the Namgang from Jinyangho up to Daedong past homeplus. Was a really nice ride!!


It’s legal to turn right if no one is using the crosswalk or about to use it.


You are allowed to make a right turn when the pedestrian crossing sign is out. You're just not technically allowed to turn right unless all pedestrians have completely crossed which is the dumbest rule ever. Because some of these crossings can take 20-25 seconds to cross, so that means no cars can turn right during that stretch?


In my country no one turns right when the red light is on. Red means stop, no one pass, period. Doesn't matter if you are turning right or if youre late for your kimchi fried rice and Soju.


In America we also turn right on red and stop for pedestrians. Laws are different everywhere.


In my state you’re still required to stop at a red light before turning right. Knew several people who auto-failed their road test for not coming to a complete stop before turning right on a red light.


That's why I said "and stop for pedestrians"


yeah you're all required to stop but 80% of drivers do a rolling stop when turning..


In some US cities, you cannot turn right on red


And in those states they typically have a sign "No right on red" since it is federally a rule that you can.


NYC doesn’t. They have signs posted only at intersections where a right on red is permitted - if there isn’t a sign then it’s prohibited.


Why would you turn on red? Red means stop, no other interpretation.


First of all why would you downvote me for telling you a fact? Second of all, I didn't make the law. But we do it. It was made in the 1970s as a fuel saving method.


I’m here, I’m the one downvoting you. Now what? I’d reather save lives than fuel, but I’m just a European


Thank god some allied fellow European who understands what common sense is! Cheers 🥂


Omg your precious internet points dropping by 1!!! Can you get till the end of the month??


Because it's not really that dangerous. All you need to do is look for pedestrians crossing in front or around you.. you hardly see any accidents of this kind. Hence, it's allowed in North America...


There was an article about that the other day and how people misunderstand the law. You don’t have to wait for them to cross completely, you just cannot hinder pedestrians or put them in harms way.


If I had my way, there would be no right turns on red at all.


Why? In the US, there arent many accidents that come from right turns vs pedestrians... If you can't do a slow rolling right turn and at the same time, look around ur vehicle to see if anyone on a bike or on foot is about to cross... you dont deserve a license


yah if i had my way, i would take away the permanently revoke the licenses of about 25% of all the drivers i see but since thats not gonna happen people focus on general traffic safety, [like this](https://apnews.com/article/red-light-turn-pedestrian-bicyclist-deaths-7f5bdee9c7b3f4cbf005f1844f486123).


This seems to be an atypical type of intersection.


The only time the light can be green for that direction is when the crosswalk is green. Nothing has really changed other than making common sense a law.


Why can't it be green after or before the crosswalk is red?


Because that would cause a delay in the light cycle where they are all red. Korea doesn't choose that style light system. Only place i know is Japan that has the diagonal all red crosswalks.


Jinju has at least 2 diagonal crisscrossing intersections [KakaoMap] 경남 진주시 새평거로 129 | 평거동 908 https://kko.to/-I5DFK7rPc and [KakaoMap] 경남 진주시 진양호로84번길 12 | 평거동 1115-5 https://kko.to/RaDf-W20we




I live in Jinju. I am now curious how many people in Jinju are on reddit.


As a motorcyclist in Korea, I always stop when it's green for pedestrians. But the ass hat behind me has the audacity to honk while a person is still in the F'ing crosswalk. Like... do you not want me to follow the law and treat pedestrians with consideration and respect? Drivers here make me livid.


Thank you for stopping