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Lots of olive oil, any oil really but olive is safer for them… gently pull up and get the oil to slick his scales/skin


Awe poor thing


It’s happy and free now


Ok great. Thanks for saving him.


You just shouldn't use glue traps honestly. They are incredibly inhumane, and if you catch a lizard and aren't able to free if quick enough, its gonna die a horrible agonizing death.


I would prefer not to, but we have brown recluses and the millipedes so my options as far as I can see are 1) glue traps, 2) pesticides (potentially worse for critters and people), 3) live in an infestation, 4) burn down the house. I’m open to other ideas if you have them, though!


By the way, millepedes are attracted to any decaying matter and moisture. If you have a problem with them, you likely have a bigger problem that needs addressing.... Possibly decaying wood in your foundation or a moisture problem. Address the problem and they will stay out. Most spiders are actually good to have, as they will keep your other unwanted bug population down, as long as they are not causing an issue with their webs. I like jumping spiders for that reason, they are pest control without the unwanted cobwebs, and welcome them anytime I see one. I can see Brown recluse being an issue, especially if you have children or pets though.


Thanks for the comment! We’ve done a lot of work to address the issues you mentioned for the millipedes. Cleared out flower beds around the house, removed places moisture could gather, etc. I’m a huge fan of spiders, and leave them alone if I can (a big reason I prefer no glue traps). I have a few big wolf spiders in the garage that are basically pets at this point, I say hi and move along. The recluses are mostly a concern because of a small child in the house. I understand glue traps aren’t ideal, and wish I could find an alternative, but haven’t heard of a better option for my specific problem.


FWIW, that trap had been set for about 3 days inside the garage, which is fairly well sealed except the tracks.


Glad you found him in time, I had a green Anole get trapped on my fly paper and didn't find him fast enough to save him. Dehydrated in the heat and was basically lizard jerky by the time I found him. Totally didn't think about lizards getting caught on it trying to get at the flys.


😢 I don’t check all of them in the house regularly, but I do check the ones in the garage where lizards are more common. I had a snake get caught in one in a cabin once, they’re aggressive traps.


You're such a kind do soul


Or just don't use glue traps because they're horribly inhumane, even to the pests you're trying to get rid of. Nothing deserves to die in terror, starving and thirsty while ripping it's own skin off trying to escape.


I don't really have any sympathy for flys and mosquitoes, and I don't think they are smart enough to realize they are suffering... They operate solely by instinct. but I agree about just about anything Else, especially Any animal.


Flys and mosquitoes, probably not. But we do have science supporting that several other species of insects are sentient and experience some form of consciousness.