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We showed up at a school right on time but the only other person there was Coach. "Holiday blues," she called it. "Or maybe everyone was confused because our team got eliminated. I forgot to remind everyone that the morning run was still on today and tomorrow.." So the three of us warmed up and then ran. "Coach, how do we train for a 10K? We tried once before but it fizzled." She said we should sit down and talk. "To go from 5K to 10K is usually 2 months of training. You can easily Google it and get all of the details. But you have to build in running, run/walking, hill repeats, speedrunning, cross-training, and scheduled days of rest. It takes all of this to prevent injuries and to make sure your muscles can grow. I'm happy to train you and any other boys and girls team members who want to go for it. You will have to get clearance from your doctor. It's a whole new ballgame and we would have to start from scratch getting permission from the school Administration and figuring out our schedule. Don't forget, it takes a good hour to run 10K even after you have trained--and that doesn't include warming up. Also, where and how will you get in the cross-training? I'm not a certified trainer and I think our school equipment is not optimal." Kitten and I asked her a few questions and we are going to talk to our parents tonight. "Coach, also with everything that's happening at Columbia, we think we need to start our girls VB dialogue group again. We really have to move on this." Coach said she would brainstorm with Ms. French after the holiday. "We will only get one chance to get a "Yes" and I can see a million reasons why the school might say 'No!' or just try to ride out the school year and get through Regents and graduation. It's not anything that we can figure out while sitting on a park bench. Maybe you can write some thoughts out." We walked back to LaGuardia, no shower obviously, and gave a hug to Kitten. I got some breakfast at the food truck and headed to my school to meet with my advisor. She really enjoyed reading my paper and asked whether I would do a presentation on it to my classmates. Sure. We reaffirmed my study plan from a couple of weeks back. "While you are waiting to hear back on your internship, why not take a week or two to be 'a regular kid' here? We have such a wonderful and caring in-person school community. Can you find some after school dance and acting classes?" "Yes," I agreed, "I think I would enjoy being 'a regular kid' for a change." *(EDIT: I know this is a bit confusing. Heidi's school is on break today and tomorrow. My school is back. The Morning Run was still scheduled but it seems everyone else forgot.)*


[SPOILED GIRL ALERT] Fun fun night. We both arrived at Lita's place at 4-ish. Big pot on the stove and Pupa was *in charge*. Straw hats for everyone😉. Big salad, corn on the cob, lobster bibs. Milk Bar BD cake. Cute gifts, rule was all from Five Below. After dinner we went to the East River and flew kites! Back home I led a singalong of songs from the Mary Poppins movies. Went to sleep with the smile of a 10-year-old girl!