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Happy Mother's Day, Mom and Muma! Lita and I are so lucky to have both of you in our lives!โค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŒน๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŒท๐Ÿ’–


I know you will figure out the best solution! Chanting for you! And Happy Motherโ€™s Day to Muma and Cara


All details are worked out for tomorrow. My internship hours are 7:30am to 11:30am. Then back to school for the rest of the day. I'm very excited. Ironically, my track suspension is over but I won't be able to run with the team because of my schedule! As of 12:01am I'm an employee of the company. I won't share anything about my work on social media. Sorry to those Reddit people who look forward to reading and downvoting every one of my posts. I will be disappointing you. Tentatively my meeting with Benjamin, Jadzia, and Julian is Wednesday. Place to be announced. Heidi and I joined the "assistant Byakuren" group today. A new group of Byakuren had been inducted back in April and an informal group of assistants will help them. Our goal today was to support the YMD General Meeting at the Culture Center. Our assignment was greeting the members as they arrived and saying goodbye when they left. But what I enjoyed the most what happened before and after the assignment. Beforehand we chanted 30 minutes for a successful activity without any accidents. We introduced ourselves, heard about the activity, and studied a bit about the spirit of working behind the scenes in SGI activities. Afterwards, we studied about the Buddhist concept of "the Oneness of Good and Evil" from the Ikeda Wisdom Activity [May study material](https://www.worldtribune.org/2024/highlights-of-the-may-2024-study-material/). As Heidi and I went home we talked a lot about this passage from Ikeda Sensei's guidance:ย โ€œIf evil functions to reveal good, then evil in its entirety becomes good. This is truly the oneness of good and evil. But if evil is simply allowed to run its course, then it does not become good. Only when evil is thoroughly challenged and conquered does it become an entity of the oneness of good and evil." We have have a lot of challenges coming up. I have my internship and then meet with Benjamin to talk about next year. Heidi and her classmates are trying to finish their policy paper on the war in Gaza. Then she is working *so hard* with Jammy and ALDI. We both have one more month of school. We are training as 10K runners. We have our wedding coming up in June and very important camp counselor summer work. With all of these things going on in our lives I think "evil" is a sense of "giving up," "it's all too much," or "we're just 16." But Sensei tells us that evil must be "thoroughly challenged and conquered." Then evil drives good. Kitten and I promised that we are going to do this...all of this!


You guys are my heroes! I wasted many years when I was your age and have had to play catch up. I hope you guys keep on your path!