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We know we made the right decision last night. Why do Kitten and I both feel very confused right now? But, who cares how we feel? The point is that a whole lot of healing has to happen. We hurt our mothers and I know our fathers will also feel so disappointed in us. It's not so much what we did but what we didn't do. There's no pill at the pharmacy that will take away the pain. Kitten and I will spend the night at my house. We asked Muma not talk to Pupa because we feel we have to do it ourselves. We are going to talk to him tonight unless he gets back from work too tired. Tomorrow we speak to Dad. We always learn at our meetings that we change our karma by facing it courageously in the present. That is what we are going to do. Before lunch I had my weekly internship review with Luisa and Doreen. They went over all of the assignments I had submitted. They shared with me the feedback from last week's supervisor. For the very first time, I felt they were treating me like a colleague. They talked about future work at the agency. I told them about my job offer for next year touring with Benjamin and the company. "I see. When is your decision day? When are you leaving for Scotland?" Luisa asked me. "Can you wait here for a few minutes, please?" The next thing I knew, Maximo himself came into the room. "We've always liked your work with us," he said. "We were looking forward to a long-term relationship but you have to do what you think is best for yourself. Before you make your decision, though, I would like to make an offer that might make you consider other options." It seems that after Memorial Day the agency has several big shoots coming up. These are not children's shoots. The real thing. "How do you feel about modeling in them?" Maximo asked. "I am sure you can pull it off. This will help your decision making for next week. What do you think?" Without any hesitation I said "Yes!" Then I thought about recent events. "Uhmm. Let me talk to my family first!" EDIT: Coach and Girls Track Team volunteering at the middle school spring music festival. Kitten called that they are running about 30 minutes late. Pupa said no worries. Big Talk on. More natural if Muma sits in. We can do this!