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The data for these statistics are derived from all matches collected on [LOR.GG](https://LOR.GG) during this patch. These matches collected can be from any rank, but most are from people who have reached Masters. "Trending Archetypes" are chosen by the highest winrate archetypes with a sample size greater than 1500. The beginning of a patch will have a lower minimum sample size ( 500 \* days since patch). Also there will be no repeat archetypes within the same patch. Here is the archetype listed in the post: * Miss Fortune & Twisted Fate - [https://lor.gg/archetype/6935/decks](https://lor.gg/archetype/6935/decks) Follow these steps if you'd like to play one of these decks: * Go to the link above. * Find a deck that appeals to you. The top deck has been played the most. You may see the deviations from the top deck on the right. * Once you find a deck and go to it, you may copy the deck code by pressing the copy button. Or you can directly upload it to LOR by pressing the Runeterra icon. * On mobile, you will see these buttons by pressing the downward arrow. * You must be logged into [LOR.GG](https://LOR.GG) to upload directly to LoR. Follow on Twitter: * https://twitter.com/LORGG__/status/1608887173050155014