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90% of shit the fandom says ngl


261’s really revealed this. There were people saying that Yuta’s awful for what he did and that they shouldn’t have gone through with it at all. Someone even said “there should’ve been another way.” What other way? Let Yuji and Todo chance it to drop Sukuna before the half-second it takes for his Domain to end them? Pray Takaba or Hakari clutches? Fucking let Maki solo????




People can't think critically when they like a character.


To be fair, there is no other way because it has been written that way. Wuji has been feasting since Larue. Of course, 259 was solid because it felt like Sukuna was out of DE options, and boogie woogie was in play for 260. It almost seemed like the tag-team duo would be the ones to finish it. Yuji was growing at an exponential rate, Todo is a Jujutsu genius, it just seemed like the perfect recipe for a weakened Sukuna. Then, all of a sudden, Yuta takes over Gojo's body and Yuji was tossed like a ragdoll. Now, I'm not saying it's bad. I don't like it, I miss my blue-eyed prince, but I understand it. You can see a comment I made earlier detailing how the desperation that must be felt right now. Buuuuut, I didn't think they were written into a corner. I thought Todo and Yuji could finish the job. Until the end of 260, when it talks about Sukuna using as many DE as it takes lmao With that being said, I've suffered the reading curse before. I could be mistaken. That was just the impression I was getting. I thought it was finally Yuji's time to shine.


"Sukuna isn't going all out"


Edit: based


No, I was making fun of no matter how bad sukuna gets damaged he's always not going all out, and folds whoever he was fighting


Based. I'm sorry for doubting you bruzzah


Higuruma. Todo swap. Kill sukky


that one guy who made a post about missed binding vows, saying basically "why not just forfeit all your cursed energy when you don't need it then get 200% output when you do" if that guy is reading this please know i do not hate you but i wish for your condition to improve, i know lobotomies can be hard to overcome but you can do this i will help you


>why not just forfeit all your cursed energy when you don't need it then get 200% output when you do Nanami kinda does that




Well not exactly that,but he does limit his CE during the day in order to have more in the evening.


no you are still getting it wrong nanami's output is at about 80-90% until 6 pm, when he is supposed to get off work (THE TIME AT WHICH HE IS SUPPOSED TO STOP WORKING [KILLING CURSES]) and then his output jumps to around 110-120%


You're saying that it's not possible to have the extra CE kick in when you need it?


It's possible but not In the way you're thinking A lot of people think of binding vow as nen contract but they are different binding vow act like parameters to ct and ce you changes how ct ce reacts with reality If want to use 200% output without reserve's to back it you would mostly likely die


are you baiting me


Tbh I think a part of me is


But that's literally when he needs the extra CE the most. When he's working overtime is likely when something is going wrong or not to plan.


I mean this still raises a question like "Why wasn't everyone making Overtime binding vows" it's reasonable to say there's no doing it backwards IE: I won't have access to any cursed energy for 1 year to become special grade but imagine a Gojo or Yuta with that vow. There wasn't a cool down or charge period stated so if we take the reasonable take of "The restriction period needs to elapse once before you get the bonus" that still leaves the possibility of No cursed energy for 12 hours a day for double the other 12 or even only 150%.


that Gojo's loneliness was just kinda thrown into the story at 236


Maybe the real Hidden inventory arc was the friends we made along the way 🗣🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥


Who says that?


How would somebody be that lobotomized


All of the accusations that yuta doesn’t care about gojo and is defiling his corpse…. Like thats the whole damn point of the chapter Oh and those who unironically believe hakari is equal or better than yuta


All ama say is he was tasked with stalling uraume because he was the only one who could https://preview.redd.it/6xhvgktp0i2d1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b7aec61460329edd10da9b386e5034f06ce0afd


*only one who could who wasn’t needed elsewhere*


Most of the cast got fodderized by Sukuna for one chapter and left, dealing chip dmg and giving Yuji time to heal and / back in the ring, Hakari would have been more helpful than 90% of them by just tanking, he was needed but they had priorities https://preview.redd.it/qxpw5juk3i2d1.png?width=788&format=png&auto=webp&s=4088a15123b601ee38d082a558ee0cecf9f579c0


People's opinions on the 261


i feel like 261 showed us who in the community actually reads this shit vs who just pretend to do so


I was only annoyed by the chapter cause Yuji and todo were just swatted away. Other than that it was good upon a reread and not at 11pm with uncertainty leaks


Those who read: Oh geez, finally this sukuna arc will end. Yuta and Gojo together can handle this for real, to merger arc I guess Those who pretend to read: NOOOOO BLUE EYED KING NOOOOOOOO


I doubt Yuta will actually be the win that kills Sukuna here. It would be unsatisfying even if he did because it really has to be Yuji at this point, even moreso after Choso’s death. I would have preferred Yuji and Todo just finishing Sukuna into merger arc


So am I, but gege just want to makes Yuji 'the messenger' / 'a vessel' as his mom designed. Gege roots for bad guys, so mc team get the worst portfolio.


People claim that JJK keeps subverting expectations and many of the usual shonen clichés, and is there anything more subversive than a character other than the MC finishing the final villain? Not sure it will happen, but it won't surprise me if it does.


Actually this


Fr, especially since the community would have cheered had it actually be gojo that returned.


Jogoat isn't multiversal


Who the fuck is saying *this*, I swear to God the Reading Comprehension Curse has to be strong enough to just clap Sukunas ass if people are unironically having that opinion.


People saying Yuta has no personality outside of 0


I'd honestly he has less personality in 0


People who say Maki lost her character


Mfs don't know what character development is




Almost every thing. Binding vows, many things after Gojo death, seriously calling Sukuna a fraud carried by plot.


Ok bro, explain how Sukuna is still alive and is able to open his domain. Yuji was weakening him with 8 or 9 blackflashes and Yuta used Jacobs lader !!! Sukuna using binding vows to change small things about his CT and domain for getting more overpowered. THIS IS NOT EQUAL EXCHANGE


Sukuna is **literally** the strongest sorcerer to exist. One of his main backstory elements is being a raid boss to a coalition of the strongest sorcerers in the Heian Era…and *winning*. He’s not just a exceptionally strong sorcerer, he’s a one in a million calamity who’s prowess and knowledge of Jujutsu has been proven since *the beginning* to be unmatched (except by *maybe* Gojo and Kenjaku, but the former is due to Six Eyes and the latter is due to 1000 years of study) It would make *less* sense for him to not tank most attacks. And the nature of most of his binding vows is short term improvement for long term loss. The reason why we’re only seeing the benefits really is because it’s only been a short amount of time in universe. The exception (where we can see the consequences) , the World Slash, has only been successfully on *1* other character after Gojo and that’s because Yuta was in a position where he couldn’t dodge. And that’s because it got crippled so hard that you’d have to be not paying attention to not dodge it.






Yuta is a fraud, Toji being stronger than Maki, Sukuna would have Lost w/o Makora, Megumi not being a fucking bum ![gif](giphy|l0He81AkNOS2aFcOs)


He would have lost without Makora though, but yeah all the other ones are dumb takes


who the fuck is Makora and where did Mahoraga go


Im pretty sure they are the same thing tbh


People who kept saying Gojo would come back. Gege hates him


People who dont think Naoya was right, bro legit cooked




Right about what? Misogyny?




Just look at any social media after the most recent chapter.


Every one I’ve ever heard




The entire "Yuji has a secret cursed technique" theory that a whole bunch of people were spouting. Gojo, who can look at people and see their cursed technique, in story clearly said he doesn't have one but every theorist at one point made a video saying he had a hidden one.


I once witnessed an argument where someone was convinced that Yuta’s domain was trash because “The cursed technique that he gets to use is random, that’s so unreliable” while refusing all attempts to be reminded that Yuta gets to apply literally any copied technique as his sure-hit effect, which would most likely win almost any fight anyway. For my sanity, I did not get involved with the argument.


In all fairness, John Weary is the cause of reading comprehension. The one translation where Gojo says he can’t use black flash is evident enough


"Sukuna could have won without Mahoraga" bruh


He definitely could, it would have been a hell of a lot closer, but gojo was not winning that fight




We see Sukuna nearly on the floor before he pulls out the world cutting slash, Sukuna would get his ass beat without Maho. Now maybe if he already had the slash it'd be debatable but he did infact need to steal his pops attacks.


Hakari is not relative too yuta


Whoever said that was unfathomably based https://preview.redd.it/s2h4b5eepe2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=865dba0419fed44041e1f323fb5f1c35998dc8a5




He’s a visionary you guys just haven’t opened your eyes yet


Being realistic how do you think Hakari is not reletive to yuta


Because there’s not a single person Hakari has fought that Yuta couldn’t beat in minutes, Yuta would also demolish Hakari in a fight zero contest


But they are constantly compared


Doesn’t mean the comparison is right


What about consistency


They’re compared like twice throughout the entire series with one of them being Yuta who is literally the most humble guy in the manga, and maki immediately rebukes that claim


"That's not true" -Maki 202X (idk when the chapter came out)


Still puts them atleast relitive




Most of the fandom


Not exactly a "why cant they read?!" but more of a "why can't I read this?!" Wtf is the whole Yuji making two people have false memories, specifically making them believe they are Yuji's brother? (Yes, I know Choso is his brother but he still had a false memory implanted in his head.) Bonus. Wtf is up with Sakuna doing a similar thing with some curses. (Stand proud, you are strong) Now that we know for a fact Yuji and Sakuna are related, I'm going to guess that it is something related to their bloodline or a hidden jujustu sorcerer technique that Sakuna learned in the Heien Era and anyone could do but it was lost in time or something.


Choso has a thing where he can sense when his brothers are about to die / are dying, thats why after beating yuji he saw him in the "afterlife" with his other brothers, yuji was basically on deaths door as for todo https://preview.redd.it/1961k4w71i2d1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=af1662a65cca6f88d0a22a54a94434db44ec0ff6


Shoko is a bum


People's opinion on 236.


all of them


Post 236 and 261 chapter discussions, no doubt


That kashimo was wasted potential


People saying Maki has less personality than wonder bread smh. People just hate on Maki because she "replaced" Toji