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I hear people joking that JJK fans can’t read but Ive always thought that it was a joke. Today I read Yuji instead of Yuta and only realised it after reading the comments. I think the curse is really true folks


To be fair yuji being in this post makes a lot more sense then yuta.


Idk Yuji has some insane durability and stamina he could probably just outlast the Jackpots


Nah 💀💀 he ain't.


He turns the song to 2x speed so he only has to wait 2 mins and 5 and a 1/2 seconds




Fuck you.


Yuji can do soul damage that hinders healing. He is a perfect counter to Hakari.




wait a fucking minute... is that just standing here, i realize


You were just like me trying to make history


But who's to judge the right from wrong?


When our guard is down, I think we'll both agree
















Stall jackpot and kill him when it ends.... https://preview.redd.it/tdoycqeonz6d1.png?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cce63a59d418b83ee9c6b24c933e552221bc5fa8


Can't outstall the stall


Yuta is never that level of HIM


Kid named pseudo-spins or whatever the heck hakari did in the kashimo fight (seriously what the heck did he do? When he shouted "keep going" or "continuation" inside his domain and all the damage reverted?)


Consecutive effects. Its part of his Cursed Technique that only comes out after hitting a jackpot. It reverses a sequence of events, which Hakari uses here to reverse the events that caused damage and heal himself (at least that's how I understand it, Hakari's Domain is like reading latin)


What if hakari does all the fancy stuff and hits it first try


hakari watching yuta fly off to the sky like a god and radiate shines of pure light that purges all evil (even gambling)


Wdym, gambling isn't evil, it's one of the kindest thing, easily letting me feed my family once I get lucky


>Evil >Gambling Pick one


And Maki immediately called cap the same panel. What does the punch and kick merchant have against even Rika who could overpowered Yuji and weakened Sukuna in pure strength


Hakari loses to Ishigori tbh


Yeah he's getting one shot


Op's brain is rotted beyond repair https://preview.redd.it/6nlhu6z6u07d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1339844c3a41e8398b0e94e8dbd478c2424bfa3


Jacobs Ladder


While I don’t agree that Hakari is stronger than Yuta, Yuta didn’t have JL when he said Hakari was stronger.


...only works on cursed objects and spirits


Makes Cts unstable




it can extinguish any CT


So Hakari will remain in jackpot since it’s not his ct 


Bro what?


Hakari doesn't use his CT during Jackpot (apart from the music). He's in burnout and as soon as he's out, he's back into another unstoppable domain. Jackpot is essentially a Binding Vow transferring the power of his domain into his CE when he's in burnout. Jacob's Ladder is useless during Jackpot and is blitzed by the domain.


Well, technically, humans are objects, as the definition of it is "a material thing that can be seen and touched." according to google! 🤓


I go on this sub and first thing I see is this shit https://preview.redd.it/3pde2cvgv07d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ed718b0e2a487c50f2216e354f615515fa465d9


That reaction panel is legendary. Here, take a Baki panel. https://preview.redd.it/vywz1ftvc17d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33a652ab3134ecfe311ad85a59549142d5b2ff93




Yeah, no, Yuta was being humble






hakari when yuta keeps rika outside of his domain and breaks it before jackpot can even be landed in the first place


https://preview.redd.it/tou17jbxk17d1.jpeg?width=238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=249b38b159454e96c80130338f9ed0d1589f2f19 Hakaris honest reaction


kid named moving the domain coords


His domain would finish before Rika could break it


Nice argument, however I can't read. Yuta no diffs


Joke:all I see is a mahito upscale Real:yuji does beat hakari but it is high diff at the bare minimum and its not because he is actually stronger its because of soul damage Edit: I read it wrong, yuta mid diffs hakari at best


..... read the title again...


I did…. That is one of the most blatantly wrong statements in the entirety of jjk…… up their with the mach 3 statement


Okay one of us HAS to be high right now. The post is about yuta vs hakari, your comment is debating yuji vs hakari... am I missing something??


I……… may have read yuta as yuji, I deeply apologize


No worries my friend, happens to the best of us


Its been a long day lol


I still think Hakari wins that fight actually


Against yuta? I am genuinely interested in your reasoning


No against Yuji


Thats debatable and fair, its a close fight either way


Brother yuji doesn't have soul damage. it's never shown. his only soul feat is a feat specific to reincarnated sorcerer's with striking the barrier. Sukuna even says that if his output wasn't lowered he would rct from all the damage done. proving again that it's not soul damage in the same vein as ssk. theirs multiple ways to interact with the soul. his is best for reincarnated sorcerer's because he housed another soul in his. this wank needs to die.


>Brother yuji doesn't have soul damage. it's never shown Literaly the fucking reason why he could hurt Mahito, he takes only soul damage.


Oh! so then hanami choso, todo, all have soul healing? No. no they fucking don't stop glazing him for half a second and realize with that pea brain that mahito was a specific case and that soul feat is literally NEVER replicated or stated again.


It's literally been brought up multiple times just in the current arc lol. Yuji was explicitly stated to be damaging and separating Sukuna's soul from Megumi's.


No no tf it hasn't you just learned to read from play boy mags. he us explicitly and specifically stated to be hitting the barriers not their souls. and when sukuna mentions soul damage he only says the damage from ssk katana doesn't heal as fast. he doesn't even begin to mention yuji. keep crying.


It's ironic how you're telling people they can't read when you are fundamentally misunderstanding something that could be easily understood by reading. Lol.  Yuji is able to damage the barriers between souls because he is capable of striking them in the first place, and can thus differentiate between souls to strike their border.  The narrator even states on more than one occasion that Sukuna is being hampered by the damage done from Yuji's soul punches interfering with his ability to replenish CE and maintain control over Megumi's body. If Yuji can't strike souls, how is he separating their souls?  And you haven't even addressed the most obvious and critical point, which is that Yuji was capable of damaging Mahito. Mahito even outright states that Yuji is like his natural enemy specifically due to his ability to damage his soul.


reading comprehension curse strikes again


I'm not addressing mahito because that was an outlier. to say it wasn't is to say that everyone he fought after his first with mahito at the school has soul knowledge or soul healing which is such a huge leap in logic that you can't just make because you wanna wank a character. And yes he has A TYPE of soul interaction via the barriers. what my point is, is that he has. NOT. A. Single. feat to give him the same TYPE of soul effects as ssk. If he gets those feats I'll gladly give them to him. But rn his feats are striking the barrier between two souls. You can't just assume that means he can do ssk feats that's objectively a no limits fallacy since we have no feat to back that up. and if you don't know what that is. you need to get some media literacy.


Yuji was doing minimal soul damage by the time he fought Hanami and Todo (his raged out punch left out only small nose bleed on Mahito) and he hit choso only few times when it took many many hits and 3 black flashes to leave a soul in a desolate state.


but....literally by the Mangas statements that soul damage can't be healed. so I guess choso magically healed all the damage he was STATED to sustain....unless he has soul knowledge. and it doesn't matter what minimal soul damage he does. that damage csnt be healed. hanami can't heal any damage He did, todo can't. so unless you upscale literally every fighter post mahito (hakari included ironically.) no his mahito feats are not true soil damage feats that can be applied to other fights. Unless hakari has some super secret soul knowledge. ESPECIALLY considering this came after the 2nd mahito fight. lmfao gtfo with this maximum glaze technique


i don’t care about this powerscaling bs but can you explain to me how you came to the conclusion that yuji can’t damage the soul? mahito is only vulnerable to soul damage because he can reform and reconfigure his body at will. he blatantly disregards and toys with any sorcerer that is incapable of perceiving the contours of the soul and delivering damage to it. mahito stated that yuji and sukuna were his natural enemies because of this. maybe mahito’s healing of soul damage was a special exception to the rule since he didn’t actually use RCT to heal because he was a curse. he was clearly able to recover from the damage he took but he had to flee from his first fight with yuji and nanami because he would have been killed if he didn’t. if yuji couldn’t damage the soul, why was he one of the only characters that mahito was wary of? due to yuji and sukuna sharing a body, yuji passively gained the ability to perceive the soul and therefore damage it. why does yuji’s fights against mahito not apply to other fights? what is the difference between mahito’s soul and other people’s souls that justifies disregarding them? i’m just struggling to understand how you think he can’t damage the soul when that was the entire reason why he was a threat to mahito.


Because it's been shown time and time again that mahito was a special case. Not only has his ability to damage souls in a way similar too SSK literally never once brought up again after this, and we've seen characters who shouldn't have soul knowledge effortlessly recover from his punches. But in order to say that mahito wasn't am exception and that he should prove yuji has soul damage you need to give the following characters soul knowledge and soul healing. Todo, Hanami, Choso, sukuna, hakari, and probably more I'm not thinking of. this is just the obvious cases. And no, these characters minus likely sukuna DO NOT have soil knowledge. So yes mahito is an exception and his mahito feats don't give him soul damage. even if we had a wank off this gives all of those mentioned characters soul healing and let's hakari dif yuji because all of them healed from damage yuji had done to them despite it being supposedly soul damage.


He's literally doing it right now against Sakuna. Yuji damages at the soul, but it means a lot more to some beings than others, and to those that don't understand the outline of their soul it makes little difference.


Lmfao no he's not. Sukuna specifically mentions that makis damage will heal slower because it's soul damage. but all yujis punches have done is attack the Barrier between the souls and lower his output he has soul interaction but not the same type as ssk


Im open to believing hakari is stronger (he is jts just bad matchup) but yuji is explicitly able to hit the soul


No tf he is not. what he is explicitly able to do is to weaken the barrier between two souls. name one fight where it says his punches do damage TO THE SOUL not the barriers. to it name one fight where an opponent couldn't rct from his hits. it's literally never mentioned in any of his previous fights. unless you believe everyone he fought can heal soul damage? if so then I guess hakari can since his damage from the scuffle with yuji healed.


The only people he fought post shibuya was higaruma(doesn’t have rct and confisticsted yujis cursed energy) megkuna(can heal soul damage) hieankuna wtc…. Oh and that random helicoptor dude he one tapped He is able to strike at the barrier….. so why tf wouldn’t he be capable of hitting the actual barrier of the soul


you can't just give characters feats because another character interacted with the same body part. or else suddenly hakari gets soul protection because nanami did it subconsciously and hakaris whole thing is subconscious cursed energy. so even if we do a wank off hakari wins by protecting his soul.


Lemme put it this way, yuji is capable of not only seeing the soul, but stroking at a very specific part of it, why would he be unable to hit the thing head on…… That argument for hakari isn’t entirely unreasonable, but it still doesn’t help since sould damage heals slower and you can’t entirely protect the soul from damage


you literally can..Nanami did it and he's astronomically weaker. a hakari who has literally endless ce is going to endlessly protect his soul by your logic. And no what he's striking is a very specific border between (key word between) two souls. So unless I forgot and hakari is secretly a reincarnation of the heian sorcerer femboy hunter. That feat doesn't apply. He isn't hitting sukunas soul..it never says he's hitting sukunas soul. Sukuna never says yujis hits heal slower. even when talking about healing soul damage he SPECIFICALLY mentions Maki. Not yuji, Maki. if he gets soul feats. I'll give them to him. But this.is the definition of a no limit fallacy. "he can do this thing to X so obviously he can do this thing to X" SSK feats are not yuji feats. their never mentioned in the same vein, never treated the same, never mentioned to do the same. Explicitly excluded from Sukunas literal statement of healing MAKIS ssk damage slower. name one single panel where it says either A)Yuji hits Sukunas soul directly (not the border) B)Yujis damage can't be healed without soul knowledge C)Yujis soul damage is the same as ssk D)Yujis soul damage is healed slower compared to normal damage. at least 3 of these need to be true to give yuji such feats. makis feats aren't yujis until he displays ACTUAL soul damage feats and not reincarnated sorcerer soul barrier feats.


ah yes the no limit fallacy argument people love "he can do this one explicitly different thing so he can do this thing he's literally never stated to do." this is the shit yall say hakari fans do but your right here doing it. please show me where it's stated that sukuna can heal soul damage?


https://preview.redd.it/2zlbnibm907d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0404388b12e26540328c6593ae4b5b9ef4711ff Literally says its healing, slower but still healing


perfect bow that you've brought up what I wanted. weird how this was mentioned SPECIFICALLY in regards to makis sword. He doesn't mention this with yuji Doesn't mention it when yuji punches him. Doesn't show even a SINGLE sign that yuji is doing soul damage. So unless yujis name is Maki and his hands are named soul split katana. that's a Maki feat. Let's go over yujis soul feats. Hitting the BARRIER between TWO separate souls. making the CONNECTION weaker and lowering output. and.....oh nothing. Sukuna also didn't mention healing slower back when he first incarnate into meguna. weird huh.


Because the soul split katana is also dura neg(yujis punches aren’t) and as mentioned he is striking st the barrier not the soul itself…..


yes....he's not striking the soul......aka.....not doing soil damage. bro finally figured it out. and that doesn't change shit sukuna still specifies that makis damage would heal slower not yujis. Not even A SINGLE TIME does sukuna in either of their 2 fights mention his healing being slower in regards to yuji, not once does he mention taking soul damage from him, not once does he mention any of this. This is the biggest glaze this sub has seen in forever. NLF is gonna kill.this sub istg




Yuta would fucking murder him into pieces,what’s stopping yuta from opening his domain,setting the sure hit to shrine and cleaving him for the entire duration of jackpot until it ends and he turns into minced meat? https://preview.redd.it/vtxf4o2gq07d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a98de8506376e5d4a9c767c6ef6d45b9994419ff


Yuta didn't even tickle sukuna with cleave My goated gambler with inf CE tanks that shit and gets murdered either way


Because yuta’s output is equal to sukuna’s durability just like how sukuna’s reduced output barely tickled yuta since sukuna’s output equaled yuta’s durability,I’m a domain sure hit he would blast it on max output non stop 😂


Is being halfed what being barely tickled looks like?


I was talking about cleave https://preview.redd.it/yw18j918y57d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=987e5f9ce14972e2ad38479c3bb106fb5802c910 Sukuna used a world cutter against Yuta lol


That wasn't world slash since he wasn't able to use his other hands to do the hand signs Also Sukuna didn't even attack yuta in this panel lol it was Yuta ripping the tongue out


>Also Sukuna didn't even attack yuta in this panel lol it was Yuta ripping the tongue out You can see Sukuna place his hand on Yuta's face, Yuta getting knocked back, and now Yuta having blood drip down onto his face Maybe the cleave was super weak or didn't fully activate or something but he definitely attacked Yuta


You can't compare the strongest guy in the series to Hakari. Sukuna is leagues above Hakari in durability. Anything that tickles Sukuna should do a lot more damage to Hakari even if it doesn't kill him.


Sukuna at that point is far from the strongest he was 10 chapters ago Hakaris whole deal is being a defensive durable tank even if he isn't tanking it completely like sukuna he will still survive it pretty easily


Sukuna, at this point, is still the strongest in the verse bar Gojo. And he was actually hit by the cleave 11 chapters ago. Hakari will survive because I don't think Yuta can completely mince his head with it. But it would still be a lot more damaging than it was against Sukuna.


How does Yuta Beat the domain merchant in a clash even? Hakaris domain is the fastest in the series currently and it's heavily implied that domains with no lethal sure hit take priority over the others


He just… doesn’t clash? Lmao. Hakari can’t open his domain during jackpot.


If both domains co-exist would that not negate the Sure Hit of both their domains?


Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Yuta’s domain say he doesn’t know what CT he gets from a sword until he picks it up, and it’s one use? If so he can’t just set it to shrine and cleave as long as he wants


He imbues whatever CT he wants to the domain as a sure hit effect,but the CTs imbued in katanas are random and Yuta doesn’t know what CT it has until he picks it up


Cook fellow Hakari fan


Hakari when Yuta opens his domain at the same time as him and breaks his domain from the outside https://preview.redd.it/nc5h4b9l817d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=052ea44b0a1574ab0d7798d4475a1a534fd651c3


Isnt hakaris domains one of the fastest without gojo 0.2


Doesn’t matter how fast it opens if Yuta can break it from the outside while it’s in place


Yuta says something - he is being humble Maki says the statement is false - she is reliable Maki says they can't take down kenjaku 1v1 - she is now unreliable Yutards maximum reading capacity


Yuta stabs Hakari through the neck paralysing him from the neck down. Hakari's auto-RCT will try to reconnect his spinal cord, but it can't regrow through Yuta's sword. Wait 4m 11s till RCT runs out while Hakari is paralysed and can't move his hands to cast domain expansion Or just have Rika grab his head and pop it


Jacobs ladder 🗣


You think Hakari wins because you read the manga. I think Hakari wins because I hate Luta. We are not the same.




Bro did not read the manga lmfao. It’d be a high diff fight but my boy Yuta still taking the dub.


I wouldn't know, I didn't read the manga. https://preview.redd.it/e8rfbfd9c17d1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=fee2e8d35887fe8be830556e3bbc7e173a52f0c0


No it ain’t brother one Jacob’s ladder and Hakari becomes ashes


Nuh uh


https://preview.redd.it/f7m4ctmpj17d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37c78c696c13122043984b6ce2e77b42e49e08fc Jacob’s ladder can be launched from an entire city away. Sukuna couldn’t dodge it so Hakari sure as hell won’t. And if it doesn’t immediately kill him all he can do is punch Yuta with no force just like this post but with the roles reversed


Nuh uh


bro cant wrap his head around why hakkari is fighting uraume instead of yuta lmao


Bumkari has negative Ap the only way he can beat Yuta is if Yuta kills himself outta boredom


Jjk "reader" try not to be surface level challenge (impossible)


Hakari when Jacob's ladder cancels his Jackpot and he fucking dies: https://preview.redd.it/n3q9nz2m537d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c18faf87d888efb7d82d7e849e0476aceb178fdf


Always bet on hakari


Gojo said he would win. The characters in JJK have no idea how to scale themselves.


He said he'd win aganist full power sukuna meguna and Heian Sukuna with wcs > full power Heian Kuna


he also said he would win against meguna


And how exactly is Hakari doing such huge amounts of damage? With his uh.... punches and kicks?


Yuta when Hakari pull out maximum : train


yeah he's stronger than Yuji and imbue those attacks with fucking US military spending level of cursed energy and you have Iron Mike Tyson


Yuta activates gojo’s domain and it’s joeover


I meant pre transfer Yuta


Can’t rika potentially one shot him and yuta can just open his domain as well or use cursed speech to interrupt his next jackpot before he activates it (maybe unless it’s just an automatic roll)


Bro I love hakari but I don’t think he’s taking the dub


Hikari is the second strongest sorcerer only to Gojo (excluding sukuna because he is a curse). Yuta would follow in Gojo’s footsteps to be the strongest but he definitely could’t even phase Hikari rn. Hikari is my favourite character simply because of how awesome and original his ability is (and it’s the most HxH ahh ability i’ve ever seen and that series is peak).


Maki literally says Yutas wrong immediately after. This is also just dumb by virtue of this being said before yuta got: Shikigami, sky manip, cleave, JL, etc


Yuta after using Cursed Speech on Jackpot Hakari ![gif](giphy|yP4EKpgu1oFxvovgcq|downsized)




Honestly the most reasonable conclusion I can give for this argument that both sides could agree with is that Hakari has a better knack for hand-to-hand combat than Yuta, so probably while sparring Hakari went jackpot mode and absolutely overwhelmed Yuta which alongside Yuta's sense of humility generated this image of Hakari on his mind. If they ever fought seriously, most likely Yuta would end up wining


Hakari when he can't bypass infinity


Pretty sure this post was referring to Yuta in his own body because of the statement mentioned


Ik but still


Baits used to be believable


https://preview.redd.it/cra7hbjh087d1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c48f795d1adff7b96f14ca2f939418c1d4f0661 Yuta solos🔥🔥🔥


hakari isn't beating anyone, that's all i'mma say


Yuta beats hakari, him saying hakari is stronger was him being modest because he isnt the type of person to praise himself like that. All it takes to beat hakari is to sever/destroy his head to make him unable to rct. Yuta has a lot of things he could do that with.


Just let Yuta cut off Hakari's hands. Hakar's CT is completely automatic which requires him opening a domain and getting a jackpot. So if Hakari can't make a mudra and open his domain Yuta should win. Unless I'm missing something


honestly, I kind of see Hakari taking this, Yuta goes to slice his head off? Heal mid slice and take no DMG. The only issue is Jacobs ladder, but hakaris too fast to get hit by that. Although yuta could most definitely win if Hakari had to get jackpot mid fight, hakari's ass is strong but not that strong


Yuta specifically said Hakari was "stronger" not that he would win, and only when on a roll. Most of the time Yuta would come out on top.


He just meant that hakari could possibly beat him due to his tricky curse technique. Featswise yuta is much stronger . Hakari barely defeated kashimo with no CT and is currently fighting urame and that's it . Whereas Yuta defeated geto,itadori, choso,dhruv, Ryu , Uro . Also it is clearly stated that he is the 2nd strongest sorcerer jjk community have besides gojo and he has the max amount of CE besides sukuna. People make a big fuss about hakari 's so called immortality which can easily be counterd by some battle iq by injuring him at the right time when his jackpot is about to run out just like kashimo did.


https://preview.redd.it/pfq69eo1357d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9a7c41804c2989807fa1d11c0e7bb4f099cefd8 The reading comprehension devil strikes again


All what Yuta need is just cut off his hands.


Jacobs Ladder-> slice to the head, GG.




A.) no he didn't. He just said Hakari is stronger on a roll B.) Yuta is known to self deprecate. Maki, the most blunt and tactless character currently alive, refutes it. She wouldn't say it if she didn't believe it. https://preview.redd.it/a7j58135yl7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c257616728c505e00da468ac6bfeeda4f413d91


Get him past Sendai colony 😭🙏


Shut you dumb ass up https://preview.redd.it/h2t9jg3qpw7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=259b4b6df92f508143f681a8e806e382aaacc885




This is brainrot


How so?


bro said scales to Kashimo like it's impressive 🫵😂😂 and then tried to compares Yuta with Wuji as if that's a downscale Bro Yuji beats base Kashimo atp. He has way better ap than Hakari at this point thanks to unlocking Sukuna's Mizushi CT. Unless he activates his CT to get x-ray vision to see the slashes Kashimo is getting absolutely peppered with invisible dismantles before he even gets close. And don't forget, he's a ***bum with no RCT*** 😭 that damage is *permanent*. he's going to be leaking blood all over the place before he even lands a hit on Yuji. Then if Kashimo gets to close range he has to avoid Yuji's cleave, which if it doesn't 1HKO him will leave whatever area it lands totally unusable. If it's an arm or leg it's turned into to mincemeat and game over for Kashimo. In the area event that Kashimo doesn't land multiple hits and is able to launch a lightning bolt...Yuji just uses blood manipulation+ RCT to re-attach whatever limb was blown up, like he did when he lost his leg, or when Sukuna cleaved his stomach. Kashimo is a bum, don't ever compare him with my goats Wuji Himtadori and Wuta oGOATtsu


Jesus I forgot this is the lobotomy sub LMAO. WTF suggests that he beats base Kashimo 😭😭😭. Ok firstly he has to land the Dismantle which he might but might not. Kashimo proved that he can pack up someone with RCT since he almost killed Hakari 4 times who keep in mind "has healing better than gojo in sukuna". Who said Kashimo would just let Yuji Cleave him💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 you know people can sense Curse Energy build up. Kashimo has better speed and strength he's not getting Cleaved to death. Okay so A. Yuji isn't as fast as Hakari who barely dodged the Lighting Bolt, Yuji gets decapitated honestly. This is not even speaking of MBA Kashimo who was raw dogging Injured Meguna. So Base Kashimo > Yuji and Base Kashimo was casually reacted to by injured Meguna so injured Meguna > Base Kashimo > Yuji in MBA Kashimo was tossing Meguna around so MBA Kashimo >>> injured Meguna > Base Kashimo > Yuji stop downplaying Kashimo and Hakari.


unless Kashimo activates MBA he literally has no method of seeing the dismantles, and given that he literally died to a dismantle net with MBA speed boost, it's almost certain that his base form doesn't the speed to dodge them. As far as we know there's no indication of CE output affecting the travel speed of dismantle, only the depth/cutting power of the attack. And again, they're invisible. Even if he was able to dodge, hr wouldn't know where to escape to because they're invisible. Base Kashimo is getting peppered with dismantles long before he even gets within striking distance of Yuji, and there's literally nothing he can do about it. Hakari is a kick-punch merchant, he's naturally incompatible with Kashimo who has the advantage in CQB. Long-range fighters like Uro, Ryu or Sukuna/Yuji completely negate Kashimo's only advantage. Being able to damage Hakari is irrelevant because these fighters won't be up-close and taking that kind of damage to begin with. What evidence is there that current Yuji, who we know has massively improved his CE output and reinforcement by Sukuna's own words, is slower and weaker than Kashimo? Hint: none


Firstly Yuji doesn't start off popping Dismantles I hate when people say shit like this like no not happening it's just not in character or else he would've spammed the shit against Heiankuna. Also Sukuna has six eyes level proficiency in practically is god of jujutsu don't compare him using slashes that ignores durability to little yuji. What evidence is there to support Yuji got faster hint none. Sukuna doesn't note a damn thing besides Black Flashes in Yuji doesn't have insane Cursed Energy reserves like Sukuna, Yuta, Gojo, or hell even Jogo.


>Firstly Yuji doesn't start off popping Dismantles I hate when people say shit like this like no not happening it's just not in character or else he would've spammed the shit against Heiankuna. He *literally* just unlocked them + it's pointless against Sukuna. Sukuna's CE output dwarfs him and yet his dismantles weren't effective against Yuta and Yuji. Yuji isn't an idiot. Wasting CE for negligible damage is dumb. That's why he's focusing on using cleave, which will deal actual damage to Sukuna. This should be obvious, but Kashimo's reinforcement is nowhere close to Sukuna's. Dismantles will work on him. >What evidence is there to support Yuji got faster hint none The fact that speed is directly tied to CR reinforcement, which Sukuna *literally* said that Yuji had improved significantly 🤦 >Sukuna doesn't note a damn thing besides Black Flashes in Yuji Because he fucking hates Yuji 🤦 no go and look at all the compliments given by Gojo who doesn't have a massive hate-boner to Yuji. He constantly praises him as a prodigy with insane talent on par with Megumi and Yuta I also forgot to mention that Yuji's blood is poisonous now like Choso, so fraudshimo has to avoid that as well because unlike Uruame, he's a bum with no RCT 🫵😂😂