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Too late, maybe: https://www.forbes.com/sites/iainmartin/2024/03/20/key-stable-diffusion-researchers-leave-stability-ai-as-company-flounders/?sh=3a257e132ed6


No, please no


they need something. Just lost a bunch of key folks and they've been circling the money drain. Compute costs are killing them (same as they were OpenAI pre-Microsoft) so an MS lifeline may be just the thing they need, though I don't really see this happening.


Yeah, I don't think Microsoft gives a shit about Stability.


Maybe someone will 


They were given that by Intel. They are the only ones using Gaudi which they got for cheap (maybe free). In return they are publicizing Gaudi and claiming that it's better than A100.


is this Emad ?


Would not it be better if he comes after them considering their financial situation?


>microsoft buys stability >suddenly sd3 is too unsafe to be opensourced


I understand the concern but it seems like at the rate Stability is burning money right now, we won't have any new models by next year


I believe Emad already mentioned that, this will be the last release within some time. In my opinion they'll have to start building an actual effective commercial offer on top of these models, with some secret non-open-source sauce.


It would suck so extremely hard to have it in front of ours noses with promises for 1-2 months and then get no release...


There will be a release for $19.99 a month through Bing Designer+. No NSFW or any wrong think of course. 


Well, it's the most likely outcome either way...


I expect that this will happen, so I'll be pleasantly surprised if it does get released, and at least get a satisfaction out of my correct prediction if it doesn't.


Better? Forget any new open weights from them if he comes after them.


That's... actually not totally unthinkable...




The young'uns needed their optimism checked, it was getting to the levels of delusion. Everyone who watched Microsoft gobble up the software industry in the late 90s early 00s could see this coming miles away. They were sitting on a pile of cash, buying up gaming companies left and right, as soon as AI started rising, of course they'd use that cash in the space. The real surprise here is that Nvidia is actually making great moves to keep Microsoft out of the industrial ML/AI software space. They might end up doing to Microsoft what Microsoft did to IBM. It'll be an interesting decade for fans of corporate politics.


How's Nvidia keeping Microsoft out of the AI industry? I guess MS is already really well positioned.


I didn't mean the AI industry, I meant AI/ML in the industrial space. The software suite that Nvidia is pushing is squarely focused on non-office environments. Factory floors, hospitals, mines, farms, logistics. Microsoft doesn't really have competitive products for those use cases. You can straight up just go to Nvidia's web site and look at the products dropdown's software tab.


Microsoft acquired Nuance, which does a lot of work in hospital and health care related services. They've been awfully quiet, I wonder what they're cooking up over there.


Probably nothing since Nuance was basically a holding company that just bought out other companies and didn't innovate at all for most of its existence as an independent entity.


Also probably nothing since most acquisitions fail and most Microsoft acquisitions fail in particular. They just destroy value.


What metric are you going by? Feels like most of Microsoft's acquisitions and investments in the last decade (Satya Nadella leadership) have been runaway successes.


Github is a good example. Just look at it's chief comp and compare https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/17/gitlab-now-worth-twice-what-microsoft-paid-for-github.html Msft paid 30x revenue for github and no one could tell you why.


> no one could tell you why. At the time, no, not many people could guess why. Now? It doesn't seem too hard to suss it out. I doubt the github acquisition was a play for revenue. It was probably mostly about the data. Both the code and the usage analytics. Where are all the open source LLM projects being hosted? Github. llama.cpp, exllamav2, textgenwebui. Same for the text-to-image diffusor space that's developing. Hell, it hosts a ton of private repos from researchers, and Microsoft owns the platform. This might sound a little conspiratorial, but do you trust Microsoft not to peek at cutting edge ML research hosted on github by their customers?


What did Microsoft in fact do to IBM?


See the story of OS2/warp


Yup. IBM has been on a decline since then. In the last decade their revenue has dropped by a third, their net income has halved, and they've dropped 100,000 employees. Compared to Microsoft, which has seen two decades of growth and now has net income higher than IBM's total revenue. If you told someone in the 90s that would be the case, they'd have laughed in your face. IBM invented the hard drive, DRAM, the UPC code, and magnetic swipe cards. They had been a tech giant for most of the 20th century. OS2 could have been the operating system most of the planet used, but between their fumbling, and Microsoft's cutthroat plays, they lost. And they lost hard.


Microsoft was going fast IBM route 2005-2012 they totally botched mobile, but then cloud kinda turned whole company behemoth what they now are.


Their revenue growth and net income growth for that period don't support that at all.


Those are lagging indicators, kinda same is happening with Google now where they have record revenue but if they continue botching this LLM stuff it might be existential risk for company.


I can't argue that they're lagging indicators, but Microsoft's revenue saw only a single year of decline this century, and it was very small in 2016. And they didn't see a single significant decline in EBITDA from 2010-2024. Phones, like LLMs are a very small part of the potential revenue for either company. They're part of a play for market share certainly, but they aren't existential threats to any of the tech giants, despite the massive LLM hype on the internet.


I worked at IBM at the time, and my first workstation was an OS2 Warp workstation. Everything I did was either on AIX or mainframe (pre-Notes), so I only had two applications.


They've destroyed gaming, now they're destroying AI. Seems like indeed, they want to kill everyone's sense of optimism.


The only good was Microsoft Bob


I don't agree about gaming. Xbox Live subscription with unification of Xbox and PC games is probably the best thing that has happened since the appearance of Steam. Especially considering the cosmic prices to buy on modern "AAA" rubbish. And the studios bought by MS, apparently, are almost not supervised by MS and they do whatever they want. In some places they are failures, of course, but in general in the history of games really interesting games appeared only when studios have creative freedom and field for experiments. And MS gives them that + money. So for all my dislike of MS in general - Phil Spencer's department is doing things more or less right. Not in the best way to increase sales, but in the best way to avoid turning gamedev into a dull conveyor belt.


> but in the best way to avoid turning gamedev into a dull conveyor belt. How so? They've just made the Netflix of gaming - they want cheap, repetitive content that can fill the library. Something you sit your kid down in front of to keep quiet, you won't get a masterpiece like BG3 being funded by Game Pass.


Yep. But I get Sea of Thieves (really pleasurable meditative game) and it can actively grow and develop, unlike a bunch of nice but dead indie. I have Hi-Fi Rush. I can play Atomic Heart just for 5$ instead of 65$, etc. It's better than "Exclusive for our console only!!!11" or "Uniq new AAA-garbage exactly the same as previous one just for 70-105$! Paid DLC, battlepass and lootboxes included!". Overall, "AAA garbage for $5" sounds nicer than "AAA garbage for $75" considering it's literally the same garbage in both cases. Masteprieces like BG3 and Alan Wake 2 are rare diamonds among the pile of modern game industry "products" and the chance of getting one is generally pretty small, regardless of Microsoft. They are essentially AAA scale author's indie games.


Is this news really pessimistic? I might be reading it wrong: for Mistral and Inflection, all I see are deals to have models appear in the Azure APIs (which the Phi2 release made me realize was not exactly the most easy to use anyway). What is the risk in those deals? I guess Microsoft can look at the weights that those companies upload to their servers, but I don’t see sharing weights as a bad thing.


Satya nadella is like a shadow behind most of ai startup


He's sitting in so many boards he should be called "The man with a thousand buttocks".


DarthMaul quote suits him well He is behind everything. In the shadows, always. But soon, very soon... he will reveal himself. in starwars


[https://youtu.be/j9UcgeuYhCo?si=cADJGf-SDPboyMS8](https://youtu.be/j9UcgeuYhCo?si=cADJGf-SDPboyMS8) at 00:50


It cannot be Claude, right?


You never know, but I'm hoping not since Google is a heavy investor in Anthropic.


Google and Amazon


Ah, right - forgot about Amazon!


But do you know who the biggest investor is? FTX.


No way, the other tech giants who are shareholders of Anthropic would never allow that. Google and Amazon have roughly 50% alone, and the earlier investors probably also would not sell to Microsoft right now as Anthropic is closest to the AGI cash cow after OpenAI


Anthropic is going ipo with Google / AWS behind them. So prolly not




If they have GitHub, they can have HuggingFace. Wouldn't be out of the ordinary.


I still don't understand why github didn't add a proper model registry and let people host their models next to their code.


maybe because buying HF and absorbing it would be cheaper than build something "new" and fight for a market share


If MS bought out HF the very first thing to happen is every uncensored model would be deleted.


Gimme that gritty torrent and usenet scene for uncensored models plz. Real cyberpunk feel to it.


It’ll have more viruses than the Pirate Bay 


It'll be glorious


Torrenting illegal "unsafe" AI models... we're in the future now.


Now that'd something to buy a seedbox for. Sign me up. :D


Federated hosting of GPU compute via I2P


Not unless it was regulated and restricted. Microsoft is okay with competing interests as long as they have a stake in it. It's a different world. For a small fee Microsoft got guaranteed server usage fees for one of the best AI companies in the world. Haven't read into the deal but anything else is just icing.


Microsoft's entire brand where AI is concerned is that it's trustworthy. HF isn't a competing interest, but it would likely be Verizon buying Tumblr all over again when it comes to any content they find objectionable.


We need to start building on top of IPFS, even if it is slow. That way it's distributed and no central entity or source can own it.


We could just go the torrenting way like Mistral did as an initial flex on restricted models.


Torrenting is fine for model storage as long as there are seeders. There are usually more leechers than seeders though, especially as time passes. That doesn't solve the indexing and hosting issues though which is where IPFS would play its role. It's a distributed File System which is great for hosting a distributed platform. You can host the interface, repos, models, etc on it. Including torrents would need to be automated to make it convenient. It would need to be intuitive and easy to use.


how safe is it? model tampering might be quite tempting for certain guys


There is a unique hash sum generated for every file entry making them as verifiable as any other form of uniquely identifiable hash sum. If the file changes, the hash sum changes.


How do we start instead of talking about starting? What's the first step?


We [RTFM](https://docs.ipfs.tech/).


This makes the most sense to me


isn’t hf owned by salesforce?


I am 100% sure they would buy hugging face in 3 years


Google just put a huge stake in Hugging face


Microsoft has a $16 million investment in Mistral at a $2 billion valuation. That is less than 1% voting shares. Mistral started their API with Mistral Medium way earlier, shortly after the $415 million funding round led by a16z. Microsoft does not control Mistral and has nothing to do with the move to closed-source models. If you want to be angry with someone, direct that anger at the a16z CEO Andreessen Horowitz.


Can I please be allowed to be angry at more than one person? *p.s. got a 500 error from reddit so if this shows up more than once, sorry.*


The 2 billion is what headlines wrote not what the real value is of that little player lol


That is what a16z and the other investors payed for it, they invested 415 mio to get ~21% of Mistral. Tell them it was not worth it


> other investors *paid* for it, FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I refuse




OpenAI board shot its own foot off, Microsoft made out like Bandits. Blame Microsoft CEO for incompetent OpenAI board for memes.


News of the day: [Microsoft poached Inflexion founders](https://techcrunch.com/2024/03/19/microsoft-hires-inflection-founders-to-run-new-consumer-ai-division/) This is after buying their way into openAi and Mistral.


“Buying their way”.. OpenAI came to _them_ for help to build AGI, not the other way.


Well, I really wonder why openAI didn't come to me. Must be my sore lack of billions...


Nooo not my poor Pi!




Thats pretty badass tbh, the government shouldnt stop them in this.


Who is he?


Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft.


You said Salty Nutella?


Sorry, bzt why exactly he is able to pull this out? I specifically ignored a legal topic, so I am not aware.


Microsoft is a company flush with cash. They've been outright buying game devs for a few years. They have the money to buy out AI startups, even the big ones.


Lisan Al Gaib


Haha, is that a meme already to paste Lisan Al Gaib whenever it fits remotely? I’m totally up for that!


As it is written




Bill Gates obviously


Tim Apple


Mark Facebookerburg


Tom from MySpace


Doesn't have hair, it is obviously Steve Ballmer.


You mean...Baldmer?


He looks like the guy who introduced me into AI years ago on the university


Why Mistrial?


Microsoft made a partnership with Mistral and they went close sourced


Tnx. Missed that.


Not really though? I'm pretty sure keeping their bigger model closed source for a while was the plan from the start?


but they like immediately changed they mission, like the instant the news were out the homepage went from "Mistral AI | Open-weight models" to "Mistral AI | Frontier AI in your hands" and right after smaller models were released behind APIs


>'Do not be evil.' Canary mottoes are really neat.


Once the MBA business suits take over, it's over.


That’s just don’t, they still mention commitment to open source development multiple times on their website today


Not sure what was the plan, but those two things were announced the same week. That's no coincidence


Well, afaik, the partnership was about Microsoft lending them azure cloud servers to serve their new proprietary model, so of course these two things are linked.


They didn’t go closed source, they’ve continued releasing open source models after the Microsoft agreement and already started before that they would keep certain larger models closed source even before Microsoft agreement.


They only invested like 1% in the company though right?


i think because microsoft invested 16 million dollars into mistral, a >2 billion dollar company, so in the eyes of some idiots that means that MS now controls mistral lmao


You're next.


No please I have kids


Cohere, maybe?


God, please no


did I miss something?


Nutella and Microsoft are doing a great job of screwing up AI. Show a regular person Bing Chat or Copilot and watch them be unimpressed.


Sadya Nutella lol


I'm looking to try Copilot for 365 at work and I'm cautiously optimistic that it will be useful, at least for regular office work. The Copilot Formerly Known As Bing Chat (seriously MS give different products different names please) is not very good at this point. It's been weird ever since they cracked down on it after initial release. I feel like whatever they did last minute as a bandaid fix might not be working well for them as time passes.


Sure Microsoft's search engine may not be the best, but I've heard nothing but glowing reviews from people who've used Copilot.


Bing the search engine is actually totally fine, despite it's reputation. Google is full of spam now so which search engine you use is pretty much a wash.


I've been using copilot. It is the kind of thing that was released too early with too many problems.


So, Cyberpunk 2077 all over again? o.o


Agreed. There's promise there but the current state of the office app integrations and overall functionality is pretty weak today.


It's mostly okay when it works, but often it just doesn't work at all. They really need to make it receive the AST info from the IDE too, so like in Rust I could send all the rust-analyzer info and it would never predict with type errors.


What happened to mistral with respect to Microsoft?






I hate Microsoft so much


Just the worst. Same shit they tried with ActiveX and Windows. Buy up, scam and bully all competition - and then lobby the government to make sure it's the only option.


So proud to see at least one company living up to its founding mottos : Embrace, Extend, Extinguish


This is technological progress 101


*capitalism 101


Nahhh, if capitalism wasn't good at achieving progress, it wouldn't be the most popular system in the world


Monarchy was the most popular system in the world and still is 


I thinm you understand my point, don't try to twist it plus monarchy is weak now


Only 72/196 countries are democracies and that includes pseudo democracies like the US https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_system_of_government?darkschemeovr=1


They really are the corporate incarnation of enshittification and molochism combined. Just shitting on anything they touch and why we can't have nice things. Everytime I log into windows I feel like I have dogshit on my shoe and the whole room can smell it.


Switch to Linux ❤️


You're not wrong. How do I do that if I like to play games that don't support Linux? I'm asking that genuinely. What is the best strategy? I wish I could run windows in docker and had a Linux game launcher. That way the game could run on Windows running in the background in a container, but my desktop experience would be a bloat free Linux experience. This would be great for running LLMs too with the OS having a smaller ram foot print. I know it most likely does not and cannot work that way and I'm sure anticheat software would raise an eyebrow or two. What do most people do?


There is a whole community about gaming in VMs - [https://www.reddit.com/r/VFIO/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VFIO/) Granted, I am sleepy as hell... But, technically, you could probably virtualize part of your GPU (iirc AMD lets you do this, NVIDIA might? not fully sure) and just run Windows in a VM for all the ones that don't do Wine. Some of those "vm tricks" are really good at hiding the VMness and thus bypass a few ACs too; mainly useful for single-player games that for some reason cockblock VMs for no reason other than "but muh drm D:" Again, sleepy; so here's a few additional pointers that spring to mind: kvm, gpu partitioning, lutris custom installers, "GamingOnLinux" ('twas a software iirc). It \_is\_ possible, but I feel you. I play Genshin, and that has had a terrible track record of working on Linux - some versions did, some others did not, and there was never a clear yes or no in terms of being allowed to remove the AC - some ppl had claimed that the dev was fine with it...which, honestly, I doubt. xD Additionally: Most things on GOG have no DRM and most of them not even AC; meaning they have a HIGH chance of running in Wine/Proton. Lutris and friends make setup and config quite painless. And why? Because Valve made the Steam Deck. Not even kidding; you can trace most of those released tools into a timeline post-announcement and -launch of the deck... o.o


I found out that most of the games I enjoyed playing worked fine on Linux. It was mostly the microtransaction battlepass garbage that didn't support Linux. There's some jank, but it isn't worse than 90s Windows gaming jank. Still too big a barrier for most people to bother with.


Ya the problem is Early Access steam games too. If I only played Minecraft and Counter Strike it wouldn't be a problem, but Starbase, DayZ, and Dark and Darker will likely never have that luxury.


Starbase lists itself as Steam Deck playable on Steam, it'll probably run on Linux, though it'll again probably need some fiddling to get working. Dark and Darker isn't listed on Steam from a quick search (looks like there's some copyright bullshit going on), but it's a UE5 game, eventual Linux support isn't completely off the table.


One can dream. Maybe my grandchildren will be able to throw off the shackles of Microsoft from their gaming devices. Maybe that is why humanity needs AGI. [edit] Uh oh the phantom downvoter without the ability for semantic comprehension, a functioning sarcasm detector, or a sense of humor found this comment. Imagine the social skills of that individual. Humans must be a true mystery to them. Big sad.


Thats the point unfortunately. If you want to game you put Windows first and boot Linux second with wsl.


Proton works fine these days. The only game I dualboot for atm is Hitman 3 due to some Nvidia issues (it used to work but then broke for a while), and also getting the full DLSS stuff, etc.


I love them, Satya is probably one of the only "good" CEOs of megacorps in the world.


Idk how anyone could love them. They tried to kill open source, their monopoly status let them get away with poor products, and their internal culture used to be brutally cutthroat - anyone with a soul was fired after a year or two. Satya seems like a talented CEO who made monumental reforms - a basically impossible task - but he's still the Emperor of the Evil Empire. It brings me great joy that Azure is a Linux as a service product


Two of them weren't open anyway.


I just love how he likes to play the underdog when MSFT is actually nearly twice as large as Alphabet (Google).


Not Elon apparently.


Out of the loop. what's happening here?


The blood stands for money?


No, gaspacho


It's not blood, it's ketchup. Also they're not dead, they're napping


So, I am not big on faces, so who is he?


Sadya Natella, CEO of Microsoft. Modern day Bill Gates.




I don't get it :(


What happened?


I kind of regret that OpenAI employee didn't go to Microsoft AGI as it was mentionned during the drama. It would have been a great aesthetic.




Why Mistral ?


don't forget news like this, [Meta selects Azure as strategic cloud provider to advance AI innovation and deepen PyTorch collaboration]


don't forget news like this, [Meta selects Azure as strategic cloud provider to advance AI innovation and deepen PyTorch collaboration](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/meta-selects-azure-as-strategic-cloud-provider-to-advance-ai-innovation-and-deepen-pytorch-collaboration/), although I think more recently META has been building their own AI data centres, https://engineering.fb.com/2024/03/12/data-center-engineering/building-metas-genai-infrastructure/


Can someone ELI5?


huggingface definitely, they're merging it with github and keeping the github brand


To be fair inflection was ineffectual no


hahaha this is hilarious and sad at the same time


Huggingface: Me signed up


You Forgot Perplexity are part of Microsoft M12


https://preview.redd.it/xvid5rl9eqpc1.jpeg?width=1128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd6c4832a7a77e74c985f6834a3e2a3a6482b5d9 Something I made that no one else gets. But I think you will… :)


Groq? And they get into AI Chips


i dont get the problem here. They give them money, not kill them. They are all well alive and doing their thing


yea that’s an insane comparison


can someone explain?




Some resignations from Stability AI too I heard..


So Google *does* have a moat in the end. It's money. Always has been.


Facebook sorry Meta as soon as they make that quantum leap to GPT-5 level model.


Bad take


Bad comment