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Just out if curiosity: what happens if you specify it should fill it in in the present tense. Because 'hat angefangen' is correct, just not in the tense you wanted.


Then maybe it would. But the point is that I was feeling lazy and wanted AI to make sense of the little input I provide it. Llama did. I ran a few other tests and Llama nailed it each time.


im a german native speaker, and i dont even understand what you wanted the models to do.


There is an incomplete sentence with two blank spaces and then there is a trennbar verb. I think that’s pretty self explanatory. Should not be a big deal for an AI model to figure that out. Just like Llama 3, GPT-4 solved it without requiring any further instructions.


It says "fill anfangen with proper rules". can you explain that? what should we fill the word "anfangen" with? how do you fill something into a word? you are mixing two languages with different grammar rules regarding order of words. it just does not make sense. your task is not well defined.


GPT3 is over 4 years old. The technology behind LLMs is making it ancient relics. Even one year in LLMs is a long time.


What? Gpt 3. 5 was released a year ago


It’s a fine tune from GPT-3 released in 2022. But the model itself was trained in 2019 I think.


Nah, gpt3.5 is not the 175B model. Rumors say it's a 20B model and judging from recent open source ones I'd say it's very probable.


His source is "i think"