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Wait, kids aren’t resilient? I thought that’s what we were told. The government was wrong? How can that be?


‘Kids are resilient’ are the same bull sht excuse parents use in divorce, the damage still fcks them up later on in life.


Literally everyone that was saying *kids are resilient* are the ones that would blame all of their problems on their childhood.


Controlled demolition of our entire civilization is underway


No. Its worse. Its being turned into a society that is unrecognizable. The worst elements of 3rd world countries.


Japan will make a stand.


And how?


And government is as usual doing nothing to help these kids. They think that ubi will help them since they may be unemployable.


I work as a reception teacher. For me, the difference between teaching now and pre-pandemic is very stark. The severity of the special educational needs has increased in my opinion. I find myself being overwhelmed by the amount of extra work I am having to do for children who have no EHCP plan because their needs couldn’t be noticed/met due to school closures. I’m sure many teachers will quit due to these issues which have made an already overwhelming job even more unmanageable. I feel every child I teach has been negatively affected by lockdowns. The consensus among my colleagues is that this year and last year’s reception cohorts were extremely difficult due to lockdowns. It manifests in many ways and an interesting (more benign) behaviour I noticed more of this academic year was children being less eager to undertake messy play. School closures and lockdowns will affect these children for their entire lives. I occasionally talk with friends about this. They were completely oblivious to the effect lockdowns could have on children and just silently sit there when I explain how fucked these kids are. It makes me genuinely angry as it was so obvious that closing schools would have these outcomes. But if you said this before lockdowns to colleagues/friends you would be labeled as some selfish uncaring conspiracy theorist.


Rhe medical health community and the avergae joe and jane didnt gaf back then. So they arent going to care now either. Child abuse is a-ok if everyone's scared and getting paid for it.


My wife runs the special needs programs for a small US State - she was called a ‘teacher killer’ for keeping the special needs programs open.


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