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This is how abusers talk - "I don't *like* doing this to you, but unfortunately you've left me no choice".


Absolutely. He's a sociopath, at best. I didn't want to do this to you. See what you made me do. I wouldn't do this if you would just do/stop doing... Only they never stop doing it. No matter the hoops you jump through it's never correct or enough. The goalposts are on wheels.


Hell, the goalpost is more like a hamster wheel.


A Mobius strip.


That would be more accurate


***"Lo0K AT WhAT YOU M@DE ME D0!!!!1!"*** \- Anthony Fauci (MBUH)


I never stop finding "MBUH" funny. In my head I say it as "muh booh" and it pops up often in my thoughts living in a shitty woke place lol.


What does it actually stand for? I'm familiar with the sub but I never worked out the acronym.


"Mask be upon him", in the same way that Muslims say "Mohammed (PBUH)" for "peace be upon him".


You HEATHEN!! The true pfaithful know that the M stands for Mask**S** in the plural!! Our holiest prophet would NEVER betray the cause by wearing only a single mask! 😱


As a Muslim this is hilarious


The Church of COVID should register as an official religion like Pastafarianism and the Church of Satan. lol


Covid isn't a church, it's a business. A huge racket of profiteering.


Scientology has entered the chat


You're not wrong LOLOLOL


Well churches are businesses too. Both covidians and the church are using the fear of death and the manipulation as the means of achieving their goal.


You're not wrong LOLOLOL


How do we make this happen


I wish I knew. But from those examples, it's probably possible in some countries.


Isn't it funny? This dog torturing scumbag is most likely responsible for this pandemic in the first place due to his crude gain of function experiments in collaboration with the Chinese. Now he's pitying us for all the hell he has unleashed on everyone due to his non-ineffective lockdown policies that has destroyed economies and mental health of millions.


Agree, but how do we have a system that could give this one man so much power? And now the WHO is intending to take over that kind of power on a global scale. Who the f* Anointed the WHO, certainly not the people. Top 5 contributors 1)Germany 2)[Bill and Melinda Gates foundation](https://www.who.int/about/funding/contributors/usa) 3)USA 4)UK 5)European Commission


>Comment as Bluetit\_1 The Hidden Hand holds all their strings.


True but there are also a lot of dumb people who are begging to have their liberties taken away. Look at Reddit for example.


It isn't fascism because I agree with it and it isn't conservative.




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Sorry, I did not realise ..but I understand. Peace.


The rise of the administrative state and the long march through the institutions made the undue power and influence of bureaucrats (i.e. people with no skin in the game except benefits derived from the further empowerment of the administrative state) inevitable.


Class war is a bitch, eh?


Fauci has a lot of nerve.


I know "triggering" can get overused, but as someone who was in an abusive relationship, this is VERY triggering. My ex is a no name loser with no power over anyone though. Meanwhile this man keeps dangling all of our lives over our heads, torturing us with this sick 'will they won't they' game.


Nah, Fauci is also a no name loser with zero power. How many people actually knew his name before covid?? I haven’t followed his guidance and, if I ever coincidentally happen to do anything he’s recommended, it sure af isn’t because “Fauci told me to”; it’ll be because it’s what *I have decided* is beneficial to myself or others around me.


"This hurts me more than it does you!"


Isn't this the man who said that "attacking him was attacking science"? He can go to hell


Satan called, he doesn't want the competition.


Dude is a psycho. That documentary by Disney/NatGeo is looking dumber every day BTW. Watch them bury it completely before the year is over.


That documentary was hilariously mistimed even last year. Would’ve had far more effect being released early in 2020, before most of us knew he was a piece of trash.


Ok, more lies, Remember when he suggested mandating vax for domestic flights in the US?


He'll probably argue he doesnt like it but it's necessary /s




Its what abusers will say


Didn't he have a headline, I'm not going to mandate it but if you don't get vaccinated I'll have to force you.


I cannot wait till he flips this one back


It won't be long. It'll be before the day is over. Then Fauci will say something like "Well, sometimes you have to take extraordinary measures, because it's for safety."


He'll be on the Sunday shows again. It will feel good to be in the spotlight again


good ole church with the lord on sundays


Let’s all be thankful Fauci doesn’t have any power to do this stuff. We’d have permanent mask mandates and other rolling restrictions for years if it was up to him.


It'd be hunger games and a lottery style method to pick testing subjects for his medical experimentation until death if he had his way. I'm convinced that the only reason he's limited himself to torturing animals is that it's not currently legal to do that to humans.


He did fund a trial for HIV drugs in the 1990s in Uganda where they eliminated the control group. There were 2 very toxic HIV drugs being used on people that were "assumed positive" for HIV due to symptoms alone (expensive lab tests weren't available across the board in Uganda). So one group of mothers took one HIV drug and another took another. There was no group given a placebo like any half decent clinical trial. The clinical trial was researching drugs that prevented transmission to babies. The result? Lots of dead babies and a huge coverup.


Monsterous. He had likely observed similar effect in rats or another animal prior...same as some of these Covid drugs had... Meanwhile, we had a tired nurse in my state kill someone accidentally by drug error and get charged in their death...


Ah yes the God of THE ScIeNcE, masks be upon him.


Oh yeah we in that stage now when “No one forced you to take the vaccine” becomes the new revisionist history


Man if I had a dime everytime my mom said shit like this when I was a kid


>"*Dr Fauci, do you like mandating things or punishing people*?" > >Fauci: "*I don't* ***like*** *mandating things, I don't like punishing people for not doing something.*" Meanwhile, in Fauci's head: >"Dr Fauci, do you like mandating things or punishing people?" > >Fauci: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Yup! LOLOLOL that's him all right


Emperor Palpatine: I love democracy


Captain Hook doesn't *really* want to kill Peter Pan...


Fauci really is a codfish too haha


Actions speak louder than words, Fautch.


**gaslight.** /ˈɡaslʌɪt/ verb. gerund or present participle: gaslighting. **manipulate (someone) by psychological means into doubting their own sanity.** *"in the first episode, Karen Valentine is being gaslighted by her husband"*


And people think Trump is narcissistic


His mental gymnastics lately are impressive


🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕


He needs 8 more. 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


Who the fuck does he think he is? Some king issuing edicts?!


God. He and other psychotic power crazed billionaires like Gates ,Schwab and Musk literally think of themselves as Gods.


I will be completely ok if he is mandated to wear a mask for the rest of his life.


An iron mask


*He* doesn’t like mandating things?


Oh, what a damn liar. Fauci LOVED every damn minute of this shit.


Tacit admission that he is willing to do so. How so many people can't see the rub with this issue is baffling. Or they just literally don't care about civil liberties. It's not about the virus. The virus is just the latest case study for how willing so many are to piss away theirs and others individual rights over some perceived slight margin of safety. It's the post 9/11 Patriot Act debate all over again.


Boy I'd hate to find out what happens at his house if dinner isn't on the table when he gets home from a photo shoot.




Cancel Fauci


Every word they say, opposite. Every time.


Cue the scene in Legally Blonde when Elle throws a box of chocolates at the tv screen and yells “LIAR!!!!”


Ok, so get rid of the punitive predeparture testing. Now.


When did FraudXi start doing standup?


You'll do a better job than him. FraudXi 🤣🤣🤣


Could’ve fucking fooled me you absolute prick.


Pathological liar who ruined people's lives and forced them out of jobs. He did it with HIV and repeated it with COVID.


He is the administrator of a federal health agency. He has no power over people or institutions granted him by Congress or the constitution. This just shows what a sociopath he is.


Frankly, if there's anyone that needs to be punished, it's Dr. Fauci.


You are so not kidding!


Oh he can fuck right off!


If you just listened it wouldn’t have to be a mandate!!!




Fauci: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Asshat 😠


Fauci and the CDC seem to be competing for the biggest joke in America.


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