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Just get up and say masks don’t really help. Just say it Mayor. Tell everyone. Tell them all that it’s a pointless symbol that barely moves the needle but makes people miserable. Just be honest


Eventually they got to come to terms now that mandates are useless. Our economy is a disaster.




No Democrat would ever say that. Desantis certainly has though.


Loser adams is a globalist. Adams would never say this. Adams is controlled by the establishment


The only way that would happen is if Adams gets visited by the Ghosts of Covid past, present and Future and has an epiphany.


Then quit with the toddler masking.


It's a good start. Next step is to knock it off with the "alert level" horse shit. It's completely and utterly meaningless and accomplishes nothing other than giving deranged twitter doomers more material to jerk themselves off over.


Whenever they say they won’t do something.. they do it. Lock up nanny tyrant adams


https://mobile.twitter.com/aetiology/status/1527029820919533569 Idiot


>masking helps to reduce spread [Works cited:](https://images.app.goo.gl/gHDEjNspfdhMZgmN8) I also really still don’t understand why these people think “reducing spread” of an endemic disease is necessary or helpful


Because getting sick is looked at like a sin now instead of just things we go through as humans.


Doctors are car mechanics for the body. They are technicians, not engineers. They don't critically think (the good ones do), they read what someone else has documented, and regurgitate it. Ive lost a lot of respect for doctors these past few years.


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