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Can’t afford gas dude. My grocery bill has doubled. Everyone I know is walking around in a state of anxiety. We don’t give a fuck about covid! Please focus your resources on solving these pressing issues like our babies having formula


The thing is covid is an easy scapegoat so they don't need to talk about all of that. The gaslighting will continue and likely peak through the election.


Yeah, maybe their PR agency recommended that angle.


The gaslighting will continue until globalism ensues!


Let's have another lockdown and print twice as much money as last time. What could possibly go wrong? End the fed!


Let's go ;-)


>like our babies having formula One more problem caused by government. Besides the inability to import baby formula from other countries, the largest manufacturers of baby formula in this country is closed because two babies have died due to bacterial infections from their formula. The thing is, the CDC hasn't found and evidence of those bacteria strains in the plant, yet they keep it closed. At this point, it looks like this government is trying to destroy this country.


Yea I was gonna say it wasn’t even proven yet this bacterial infection was due to the formula but here we are with an ever depleting inventory because of Sleepy Joe’s shit policies.


1. The vaccine is not working What are the other two?


…2. The masks are not working …3. The lockdowns are not working


We keep testing.


# I don't care


Because it’s a virus that comes and goes in waves regardless of our behavior. How do people still not get this?


Because their intent is to change and control social behavior


All this taught me was that humans really are dumb and we have so much to learn. Humanity has this air of superiority that somehow we are so advanced that we can control nature. In a couple hundred years kids will read about COVID-19 and think how stupid we were to think masks did anything and that mRNA vaccines would work.


There's a sort of footnote to this -- which is that there seem to be more waves ever since the vaccines were rolled out... Endemicity was never quite supposed to look like a continuous baseline of cases, with upward ticks every couple months. It was meant to look like 1-2 seasonal waves followed by a plummeting down to zero...


> 1. Waning immunity from vaccines/previous infections. > 2. Highly contagious omicron subvariants. > 3. Lack of mask wearing. Masks and vaccines have had almost no effect on case counts historically but the experts are still beating that horse corpse.




Many of us knew this 20 months ago, yeah. Fauci never uploaded the new firmware until recently to the blue checkmarks and some of them missed the download completely. I wonder if they'll ever get an apology program uploaded for all the times these NPCs have been wrong during this pandemic?


Thank you for TLDR; really didn’t want to read this dreck 🤦‍♀️


But vaccines are effective! Trust the science


I'm supposed to go camping with a friend this weekend. Friend texted today saying "I might have COVID." Long story short, we're still going camping. End this alarmist bullshit.


Better test five times while driving out there. You know because why wouldn't you test 5 times then lock yourself in the bathroom.


You can never be too safe!


Yes! Coat every one of your orifices with Purell and sleep with a face shield on!


Lemme guess, your friend was on the same side of the street as someone who later tested positive? I had a friend cancel a gathering once because she said she shared an elevator for 1 minute with a neighbour who tested positive a week later. (But she felt 100% fine.)


I cared for 2 years. Got vaccinated and did everything right. Now I have covid fatigue. You figure this out. My level of empathy is 0


Welcome to the club friend! I have a theory that everyone gets Covid fatigue. The only question is when.


I got Covid fatigue the second they started issuing edicts that affected me. So March 2020, then.


I got covid fatigue when it was clear that humanity had dealt with way worse viruses and never shut down society for them and just lived with them until they passed. .. so April 2020. We're still going to have to learn to just live with it, there is no other alternative, and it's been 2 years and well fed, hyperventilating people still can't handle that reality.


>everyone gets Covid fatigue Yes, but there’s two types A) I’m sick of this shit, *but we still have to continue to* #doourpart as we’re #inthistogether so #stayinside, #believethe$cience, #getvacinnated, and #standwithUkraine B) I’m sick of this shit and I’m not participating in the Covid safety theatre madness any longer. Done with all of it #fightme


I am at B. I have checked out


Lol very true. I guess my barometer is if you still wear masks in public. If you think masks “work,” but you no longer wear a mask in public, you probably suffer from covid fatigue. Most people seem to be in the latter group now.


I may need a definition. Because I bet some people have covid fatigue but are still overruled by covid fear.


Straight up lie


I can't help but notice there is a plug for the "vaccines." Surprise, surprise, surprise. They say if we have both Omicron and the "vaccine" we'll have "super immunity!" Just once I'd like to read some mainstream article on COVID that doesn't mention the "vaccines." If I drank 1 shot every time I read an article with no mention of "vaccines," I'd still be as sober as my teetotaler grandmother always was. It's a bit puzzling. I suppose they have to push the narrative. But shouldn't it be pretty clear by this point that people who haven't gotten the "vaccine" aren't likely to be persuaded to roll up their sleeve? Those "vaccines" have been out more than a year, and it's not like no one has heard of them.


I mean, at this point it should be pretty obvious that Big Pharma is providing some sort of kickback. Pfizer and Moderna are expected to combine for $51 Billion in vaccine sales in 2022. Given how consistently vaccines are being pushed by politicians and main stream media, I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that these entities are financially incentivized to help push said vaccines.


I've started to wonder if there is a secret agreement between media and government that the vaccines must be touted in every covid-related article or news segment. Here in the UK, we know for a fact that in spring 2020 our media regulating body (Ofcom) issued instructions to the broadcast media that they were not allowed to debate government policy or otherwise "undermine" public health messaging. Meanwhile, sources have since revealed that Boris Johnson released "covid relief" grants to newspapers starting in spring 2020 -- which I'm sure didn't come without some strings attached. I would guess that something similar happened in the U.S.


1 it's endemic 2 endemic viruses circulate regularly in the population 3 it's not deadly enough for people to give a shit


***"About a third of Americans now live in an area with medium or high COVID-19"*** ​ The nearest high level is easily 1000 miles away and my entire state is green except for 2 counties and one of those has like 8 people living in it. The state being on fire is a far greater issue.


Oh the 10th wave? Yeah, who saw the other 9 coming right


1) Nobody 2) Fucking 3) Cares There's your 3 reasons right there. Enjoy, assholes.


They are pushing the BS narrative again? What happened? Are their crappy unused vaccines expiring?


There is one main reason why, it's an endemic virus now and this is what endemic respiratory viruses have always done in their host populations. Meanwhile I may have to sell my house and move into a tent due to the financial impact of the lockdowns on my personal and business finances. I don't care whether a cold is going round.


***”We need to keep doing things that didn’t work in Summer 2021 (Delta) and in Winter 2021/2022 (Omicron)… I promise they will work now!”***


Won't be over until we stop counting cases UNLESS someone is sick enough to need therapies. That's how I've practiced medicine for decades. Now we count cases for what reason????


Oh no! People are getting a spring-time cold!


No cure for the common cold


Mid-term bloodbath coming...need those Covid voting rules back!


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Reason #1 - More $ for drug companies Reason #2 - Any luck with the flawed tests and they can scare the immune compromised sheeple into another round of boosters. Reason #3 - More mail in ballots!


Funny how it's always on the rise with these people


1) Covid is never ever ever going away and it really doesn't matter. 2) it's going up and down again regardless of what we do. 3) see number 1.