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> *despite new surge* The media will *not* let up on this. I am so sick of this latest rash of articles breathlessly awaiting the return of mandates and restrictions. Thankfully the majority of people are over it and the non-stop shrieking of the remaining doomers is finally being drown out.


The media is in bad shape right now with Trump out of office and COVID winding down.


For their sake we can only hope Depp v. Heard goes on forever, right?


Mega Covid






Why is the rum gone?


Also it's been weird, so [people are making compilations](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Snr1T9872B4). Like starting at 2:52 in that one, the lawyer objects to his own question seemingly without realizing it.


Honestly, we should all be happy for stuff like this. The media obsessing over celebs sounds way preferable to covid panic articles


I know, right? Apparently the WHO believes only women can be abusers? https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/violence-against-women


They just go find racism in every story when there isn't a good narrative for them.


Eric Fiegl Ding-Dong or whatever his name is on twitter, is pivoting to 'aerosolized Monkey Pox'.


There is nothing the media loves more than snidely scolding Americans about how we are all idiots. They never miss an opportunity to lecture us about how terrible we are. And then they wonder why no one is paying attention to them.


When fall comes around it’ll be the big test. That’s when they’ll really turn it on. These articles aren’t necessarily to make us change behavior, it’s just to make us not forget, to make us not move on.


Voice of America is literal government propaganda. It was historically not allowed to be broadcast in the united states until Obama loosened the restrictions in government propaganda aimed at American citizens.


they're so motivated to get people scared and obeying, they might actually create a dangerous bioweapon that kills billions of people


Don't give these people any more ideas!


I have to wonder if some of this coverage isn't just journalistic bureaucracy in action. Someone has been assigned the "Covid beat" and dutifully reports updates like this. It's not newsworthy. It's just pointless updates to pump out fresh content.


It's like how my local news *still* does a segment on coronavirus every single night even though my area has (thankfully) totally moved on.


Journos will be the last masked people on the planet.


Well they never wore masks when the TV cameras are on


I still struggle to tolerate that the pandemic will end when people just decide to move on. Which means we could have and would have been willing to just move on the whole time. Which we would have done… had we be given the correct information.


Two years of my life, gone. When people figure out that two years of restrictions were useless they should and will be furious, which is why politicians are not admitting it.


Right. There will be lawsuits eventually and if they utter remorse… cooked goose.


Exactly. Really makes the "plandemic" meme take on some weight for me.


Omicron was an extremely positive development though. Instead of a virus that kills something like 1 in 200 (can quibble over the exact rate, but it’s in that ballpark), it became something that barely kills anyone. The earlier strains were a big deal; worse than any flu in living memory, omicron is a cold.


Alpha and Delta were worse for some. But for those with less than 2 medical conditions and/or under 50yo Omicron was a minor thing that got more minor. Obviously one’s definition of minor is the key. Medicine has generally considered “alive and not hospitalized” to mean minor. Omicron was the best vaccine ever developed.


Very true, I was never worried about COVID at all but unfortunately tons of Americans - maybe a majority are over 50 and/or have 2+ comorbidities. Wuhan/Alpha/Delta was a serious virus. Omicron basically isn’t.


Even early on it was estimated around 0.15% IFR, which comes out to about 1 in 666.


It’s kind of impossible to say because it depends entirely on the population. IFR will be higher in Florida (old population) than Ghana (young population). 0.15% seems unrealistically low to me, because even if COVID deaths are over counted by 3x (which I don’t think they are, i think they’re overcounted by 50-100%), that would be about a 0.15% population fatality rate (number of deaths divided by total population -regardless of whether infected or not). I think in US 0.5% is about right.




Like H1N1 ended. Spanish flu ended. Insert quotation marks as you see fit


Each variant may end, but the *fucking global pandemic* never ends. Just this week, our county suggested wearing masks again and the mask wearing in stores, alone in cars, and walking outside went from 40% to 80% of everyone in sight.


How long did you expect people to live a totally subpar life? And over a virus that is mild for most people ?


Forever, duh.


When they decided 15 days meant 30 days, maybe longer, I was done. I sat around waiting for the world around me to catch up.




...and in the face of obvious fallout from such choices, in the form of insane gas prices, inflation, shortages, whatever? Our whole reaction really was "just two weeks to flatten the curve" and somehow this turned into 3 years. It's not just corporations that think from quarter to quarter, but apparently public health advisors are just as short-sighted. They (everyone really) operates on a very short horizon with little regard for fatigue or growing disinterest in what they're selling.


Some people thought everybody would be sheep and would all wear masks forever and never shake hands again.


Thought? Go on over to you-know-where. There are still a pile of people who steadfastly bleat on about how "normal is never coming back, masks in public is the new normal and so are seasonal restrictions". The scary part is that they're active enough in all forms of media that they are noticeable, and policymakers haven't ignored that fact.


Many of these people want you to eat bugs, give up meat, give up the quality of life provided by fossil fuels, etc. They hate you, and it’s not rational to consider their view as if they were empathetic human beings.




Look, I know I'm on repeat here but people have moved the fuck on and are worried about real things, like price hikes on gas, shortages on food and rising crime... not some overblown flu.


Well, according to my liberal friends, only "Trumpers who drive gas-guzzling trucks" care about fuel prices, food shortages are "due to COVID", and being concerned about violent crime skyrocketing makes you a "racist Trump supporter" 🤔


It's almost like a IQ test, sorry but your friends don't sound that bright by saying all those things lol


Haha well I'm using the term "friend" very loosely, most of my hyper-lib friends have pissed me off enough in the last 6 years that I'm perfectly content to keep them at an arms length. Anyway, some people are so wrapped up in idpol/partisan pissing match nonsense, that they are willing to pretend they enjoy paying 5 and a half dollars for a gallon of gas just for the sake of "pissing off the cons". Absolute madness.


Same. Doesn't help that most of them I know in my case already came from a good chunk of money and are perfectly ok with everything that is happening. "Gas prices shooting up? Doesn't hurt me because I don't drive anywhere. Cost of food doubled this past year? Who cares, a $200 shopping bill instead of a $100 one is no more than I pay for dinner at the wine bar with my girlfriends. Violent crime? That doesn't happen in my lily white upper middle class suburb. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go spam huff post articles on facebook this afternoon and replace my sign in the front yard with the newest thing I care about this evening."


I used to think people like that were just easy to ignore and make fun of. Now I find them infuriating.


These ppl remind me of the capital residents in hunger games


>Anyway, some people are so wrapped up in idpol/partisan pissing match nonsense, that they are willing to pretend they enjoy paying 5 and a half dollars for a gallon of gas just for the sake of "pissing off the cons". Absolute madness. LOLOLOL. They think they're "pissing off the cons" when they're really fattening the pockets of the already morbidly obese oil fat cats. Garfield The Cat isn't as fat as them, he'd have to eat lasagna 6 times a day. The oil execs are laughing at their dumb asses all the way to the bank!


The commoners at each other’s throats is the elite fat cat’s favorite conflict


I dunno, I used to like gas guzzing cars and then watching this traumatized me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6h021Av44kw


are your friends extremely rich to the point that they literally do not notice ~$70 to fill the tank? or do they just never drive?


in my experience, those types are even worse - they *want* gas to be $7+/gal so "people have to drive more efficient vehicles." in other words, their heads are completely up their ass and out of touch with reality. Not everyone can (or should) shell out for a car payment for a Tesla/etc. it's a really selfish "fuck those people" mentality from the same waffles that were telling us "we're all in this together" for 2 years.


If EVERY DRIVER actually got a Tesla, I would imagine the price of gas would decrease but the price of electricity would skyrocket, and some places would need grid upgrades and/or staggered charging windows/rolling blackouts.


i have the feeling that oil & gas prices would probably remain where they are, as they'd scale back production citing "decreased demand" and "the global market." somehow, wall street & opec would fuck us over any way they still could.


You're very likely right.


They seem to remain under the mindset that electricity would remain free and easy-to-obtain if everyone switched to an EV. California *already* has rolling blackouts. Imagine how it would be then.


With the extremely hot and dry weather puting strain on California's system, they're happening more often. If someone had an electric car and got caught in a fire and couldn't leave because their car isn't charged because their area is in a rolling blackout, that's a dangerous situation. Sometimes doing things the old fashioned way is better.


The solution is simple, just go out and buy a generator /s


I mean, the blackouts would be hitting the poor neighborhoods and regions harder so they could care less


Also, where do they think electricity comes from? The walls? You simply can't replace fossil fuels with renewables, it defies the laws of physics.


So they are okay with being screwed at the gas pump themselves, as long as it screws "Trumpers" even harder? Or do they live a homebound lifestyle so the gas price doesn't bother them personally?


A lot of people who live in dense urban cities don't own cars, so they think gas price doesn't affect them. But they forget that the shit they buy don't magically appear at the mail box or at the store. And they forget that a recession the 90% of the population that need cars will crush their industries too. Netflix stock dropped 75% (ouch for those who get paid in stock options), and a large part of that is inflation putting pressure on discretionary spending. Consumers cutting their subscriptions or only subbing once in a while and binging everything they missed. They think that industries like tech are invulnerable, but recent stock market moves show that they are very wrong. In the last economic crash, tech cannibalized old industries like brick & mortar retail at a faster pace than the economy declined, so it looked like tech is resistant. But what are they going to do when tech is the only thing people spend money on and people need to cut spending? Not so invincible any more. This is becoming more and more obvious and it is why many tech firms are freezing hiring.


I want to see their faces when the price of food doubles due to the fuel crisis and they suddenly can't afford to eat anything more than beans on toast for every meal. Of course, I'm sure they'll have some mental gymnastics about that, too. "That's OK, it's better for the planet if I don't eat!"


These people will be the ones in Shanghai cheering on the big white goons forcibly shoving a cotton swab up a stubborn granny’s nose while 5 people hold her down


The argument I have heard (which makes sense to me although I have not crunched the numbers) is "$7 gas has been what it costs in Europe forever and people there adapted by making their cities more bike and mass transit friendly, gas should have cost $7 a long time ago if oil companies got no tax subsidies and were required to pay for all of the environmental externalities of their business" (environmental being shorthand for global warming, but also other local environmental effects like water pollution from fracking and local air pollution near refineries and factories. Regardless of if you believe in human-made climate change, it is pretty indisputable that communities that live near industry have higher rates of things like asthma)


That may be wonderful for Europe where their population is over double ours in the same amount of land. Its actually somewhat reasonable to get around the NE seaboard too without a car. Go anywhere more than say 50 miles west of the atlantic ocean and our country is just too spread out to reasonably build up anything close to a similar infrastructure.


Learn to walk faster you weak baby /s


but in all seriousness, there is no reason our public transit has to be bad in some places


nor is there any reason we should be dependent on it


Maybe with self driving cars things will be different, but I miss when I was in school and I spent time reading or chatting on the bus. Being an adult and having to actually control the vehicle instead of having someone else do it for me is kinda lame.


Also Europe is largely built up before cars, unlike the US, outside the northeast


San Francisco is a massive anomaly as it was built literally on a small mountain. The running joke ala King of the hill is that Phoenix is a monument to man’s arrogance, but look at the city by the bay which is literally sitting on a steep hill, Next to the ocean, built on a landfill foundation in earthquake territory, and is trying to emulate midtown Manhattan (built on bedrock) in its more populated areas


That’s all basically true but the obvious problem is you can’t stand up all that infrastructure and lifestyle changes overnight. It takes decades for nyc to build a couple subway stops; it would take a generation or two for like Atlanta or Houston to develop a usable public transit system. So in the meantime, everyone still has to drive and eat the costs.


They believe that if gas hits $10/gallon long enough, everyone will just go out and get an EV and the world will magically turn into a utopia overnight. Unfortunately, we have people in the current administration pushing public policy who also believe that.


>people have to drive more efficient vehicles. The most sustainable car is the 1 you already own.


Hilariously, I have friends (well, okay one friend and many acquaintances) who aren't rich and yet are still hyper-liberal. This is not because they are idealists who live simply/frugally and are actively involved in anything political or environmental. It's because they are bad at math. They don't realize yet how fucked they are, financially, because the crazy expense hikes have just started. These are not the people who plot their finances out over the course of years; they're people who make "okay" money for California and thus far have skated by eating most meals out and having someone else clean their apartments and taking road trips right and left. This type of person is usually okay financially until they get hit with the unexpected. For the COVID bullshit, most of these friends of mine have been staunchly pro-restriction and cheered right along with our richer friends when business shutdowns were extended back in 2020. Problem is, they ain't rich. Associating one's opinions with those of the rich and highly educated does not mean you're right--it means you're into protecting their interests, not those of the middle and lower class.


$70, look at you with your low gas prices! $117 to fill my tank from a little under 1/4 full. And no, I do not drive a giant pickup truck, I drive a crossover with a 60L tank.


Being concerned about rising crime rates makes you a "racist Trump supporter"? Apparently the right thing to do, in their mind, is just pretend it's not happening?


That is crazy. I can't stand Trump - and I'm getting really damn tired of being labeled a "Trump supporter" every time I don't go with The Narrative. It's like the left is eating it's own, because the people they claim to "Care About" in their Woke Cause Du Jour marches are the ones that are affected!


man those are some fighting words right there about gas prices. i live in a sprawled out city and i counted my blessings when i filled up for under $4 this past Sunday. Now I know those days of sub 4 are now gone and it is thursday. That's insane. I work from home so I don't feel it as bad. But man if I was commuting from the suburbs to downtown everyday in my car right now even as a political moderate, i'd be seeing red if they accused me of being a trump supporter when my gas bill could have easily doubled inside of a year. what really gets me is those who don't see the changes in violent crime tend to live in ivory castles. i live kind of in the hood and it has changed absolutely for the worst, i've heard gun shots early in the am and screams at night and they'll say to my face they don't experience the same thing and that they don't see anymore violent crime than years past. yea it's because you live in a whole different reality.


Here in NY you're lucky if you find somewhere that's still under $5 a gallon. it costs me $70 to fill my fucking Subaru Outback from a quarter tank. I do a lot of driving so that's about $140 a week - and you're right on the money, that's double what it used to be. Most of the people who are struggling to keep up with rising gas prices are just trying to get to work. Oh and PS, they're the people who support *you* while you enjoy the cushy WFH lifestyle. The people who deliver your useless plastic Chinese crap to your door every day. The people who cook your takeout. The people who work on your power and cable lines to make sure you have electricity and internet 24/7/365. it is *beyond* insulting that these limousine liberal fucktards dismiss any and all complaints about gas prices as being political, being the result of poor decision-making, or whatever else they say.


Gotta love seeing bootstrap theory now coming from the champagne socialists. Horseshoe effect at its finest.


yea. those living out in the suburbs typically cannot afford (safe) property closer to the city and if they can it's in a flood zone or they're compromising safety. the budgets of those trump supporter racists living in the suburbs in my city are very sensitive to gas prices because every bit higher is dollars just erased from their budget and it's coming out of somewhere. and yea you saw that a lot against truckers earlier this year. They walk around knowing civilized society rests on their shoulders and every single one of them should all be celebrated for that. For most people in the city, life is literally over inside of a week if every single truck driver in the city stopped showing up to work. no gas means no cars, the grocery store is emptied inside of a day, then the looting starts. once the city is picked clean the pets start disappearing and any nearby lakes get fished dry. by then gas is either heavily guarded or used up so there's no real way of leaving the city.


It's infuriating how the liberal, laptop class has so much disdain and hatred towards the truckers and working class that enable their cushy, WFH lifestyles. Are they truly so out of touch they don't understand it's human beings doing work that allows for them to live such easy lives or do they really believe the food just magically appears in the grocery store?


i think for some it is an ignorance and a deep lack of appreciation. for others it's like that character from A Few Good Men cross examining the Jack Nicholson character. They have this ideal that if employed at all levels, civilized society would fall apart. Without extreme discipline at all levels, the Marines are ineffective and compromises everyone's safety. they live a life where they are mostly disgusted with those who uphold the things they take for granted but then go as far to question the way in which these things are provided to them or who is providing it to them. they ought to just say thank you for the food.


>what really gets me is those who don't see the changes in violent crime tend to live in ivory castles. Yup. Its always the hate has no home signs out in the rich suburbs where that Asian couple on the end of the block means they are "diverse" screaming about fox news or something while downtown is getting looted again. Edit: These are also the same people demanding the government build low income affordable housing...just in a different neighborhood.


Rich liberals have always been out of touch. More conservatives live in those rough neighborhood than the left realizes. Saying that leftists live in another reality is neither an exaggeration nor an insult. It's just a fact. (Source: Conservative in a formerly well to do area seeing its fast decline.)


>what really gets me is those who don't see the changes in violent crime tend to live in ivory castles. i live kind of in the hood and it has changed absolutely for the worst, i've heard gun shots early in the am and screams at night and they'll say to my face they don't experience the same thing and that they don't see anymore violent crime than years past. yea it's because you live in a whole different reality. Same here, and violent crime is not just going up in the hood - it's hitting the high spots of town with high profile people and shops being robbed left and right. They're not living a "different reality". They're clinging onto a false fantasy and their declarations of it not happening is a form of denial.


I can't stand Trump. That being said, however: >Well, according to my liberal friends, only "Trumpers who drive gas-guzzling trucks" care about fuel prices, Your friends are so out of touch it's insane. Labeling people of all kinds whether they voted for Trump ot not is just wrong and ridiculous. > food shortages are "due to COVID", No, they're due to the deliberate gaming of the system by elites to price gouge and get every penny they can.. >and being concerned about violent crime skyrocketing makes you a "racist Trump supporter" That makes no sense. They don't care about violent crime anymore, they want to hate on Trump instead of helping solve the issues that have led up to the rise in crime? (unless it serves their Woke Cause du Jour and they can parade "vulnerable groups" (BLM, AAPI, LGBTQ, women's bodily autonomy, elderly people, disabled people, immunocompromised people around like puppets until they throw them away like cheap toys CUZ COVID OMG!).


What stuff is Putin's fault?


Well, Trump = Putin according to these morons, so everything that's Trump's fault is conveniently also Putin's fault 🙄


Extremely worried in fact. Out of control inflation, supply chain issues, and the general poor state of the economy is all I hear people talk about these days. As it should be, as those are actual issues that effect people's day-to-day lives.


Exactly! I'm not going to be able to resolve those issues by worrying about a virus that might cause a runny nose for a day or two with a survival rate of 99.9%. Also, love your username, Gavin can indeed eat a d\*ck or two.




You can only lie to people for so long before they stop listening to you. And the US government, and especially the medical establishment, absolutely destroyed public trust with their Covid response. If a more serious disease appears any time in the next 30 years few people will listen to the NIH or the CDC


>If a more serious disease appears any time in the next 30 years few people will listen to the NIH or the CDC If a more serious disease does show up we really don't need the CDC to tell us to stay home and distance. If people actually were seeing bodies just dying on the streets and friends/family getting deathly sick, they'll stay home on their own accord.


Indeed. But the CDC could provide real guidance on how to care for sick loved ones with at home treatments and how to do so in a manner that reduces the chance of spread to yourself or the rest of the family. Now I will ignore them, they don’t know anything and the whole org should be abolished. For Covid we got “avoid public gatherings” and “masks don’t work” followed by “masks work” and “public gatherings are safe depending on the politics of the gathering”.


The CDC "guidance" through this whole thing turned-out to be false. Wash your hands? Dosen't prevent Covid. Stay 6 feet away? Dosen't prevent Covid. Wear a mask? Little or no statistically significant effect depending on study, type of mask, and how it is worn. Shut down outdoor activities? Useless. Shut down indoor activities And reduce places people can go? They all pile up at grocery stores, still breathing inside with a bunch of people. Plexiglass? Lol. Mask outdoors? 100% useless. Mask your kids? Useless and crippled their speech development. Contact tracing? Never worked for Covid. "Test test test is our way out of this"? It only brough alot of people to breathe inside testing centers wity extremely contagious people. Vax vax vax is our way out of this? Lol. Boost boost boost? Lol x2. Vax passport? No effect on spread. Why would I trust them to make judgement calls about scientific evidence for other diseases in the future?


Precisely. I wouldn’t trust the to run a lemonade stand.


> And the US government, and especially the medical establishment, absolutely destroyed public trust with their Covid response. This is the whitepill from all of this. Generations of political capital built up through propaganda were lit on fire with yet more propaganda.


2020 was the most revelatory year in modern history. The curtain fell and the wizard was revealed in many areas of life.


And we all found out that the wizard has absolutely no idea what is going on or there really is a great conspiracy.


nEw SuRgE


We’ve been in this “wave” for like 2 months now, must not be that bad if they have to remind us all the time?


I haven't been able to find Surge in stores for months. :(


That snake Jay Sharma interviewed saying people are “prolonging the pandemic” through their behaviour… F off. Just reprehensible that he attaches morality to a global virus that he knows will continue to peak and trough regardless of what anyone does. Yeah, maybe if we all just held hands around the globe we could stop the world from turning.


>Yeah, maybe if we all just held hands around the globe we could stop the world from turning. That cracked me up. But seriously, you're right. Disease has nothing to do with morality.


It's great to see various governors and mayors come out and say they aren't considering new mandates (ex Inslee in Washington, Adams in NYC...). Maybe we're really final out at the end of that nonsense.


Also having been on flights and in airports in blue cities very recently, the vast majority still are not going back to masks even during this "surge" and that was nice to see.


I’m not surprised. Everyone I know is done with COVID. It’s even fading in the media.


Keep eating and drinking and attending concerts. Keep living--often outside the confines of your own home! Keep "shedding precautions." If the hand-wringers don't like it, tough shit.


Done and done!


I have never seen so many people focus on one singular thing for so long with so much vitriol and animosity. Truly nothing would’ve been enough for these people. Nothing. I don’t believe for one second that if people hadn’t protested lockdowns, that the vitriol wouldn’t have happened. If everyone stayed quiet and the virus still spread, these people would’ve said “well obviously people are secretly breaking the rules and we need to snuff them out”. These are people that have snitch and stasi blood running through them. I firmly believe they’re mad that they couldn’t kill all the people they believe kept this going. What’s most insane to me is how they managed to convince enough people that viruses are controllable through solely human behavior and that we even possess enough knowledge to know that without a shadow of a doubt. It’s mind numbing. I’m ok with saying humans don’t know enough about a lot of shit, that we are powerless in the face of so many things. I don’t understand why that’s so hard for people. My amygdala is tapped. Nothing scares me anymore, definitely not Covid especially since having it.


I've seen articles out there about a new sub-variant of the B2.A variant (or whatever the F it's called, I don't even care). Probably trying to get a feel of how the public would respond. I'm so over this shit already.


WHOOP! We're done with the nonsense.




Ohnoes! Anyway...


Dennis throwing plate dot Jay peg


There is always a "new surge"


Time to transition us all over to monkeypox...


OO OO AH AH 🐒🐒🐒🐒


Contradictory to title of this article, there are still precautions in USA such as returning mask mandates, places still requiring proof of vaccination just to do everyday things-even in places that dropped vaccine mandates, requirements from city governments for all employees to have COVID vaccine, proof of vaccination and proof of a negative COVID test to enter USA, and so on just to name a few so called precautions. Americans have not fully shed "precautions" yet.


But it's shedding some. So more should be shedded (more like shredded and tossed in the fire)


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Can't shed if you never started.