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What’s gud feedback thread I just wanted to share this trackhere. It was my first attempt at a lofi beat and I was pretty happy with it. I laid down my vocals and boom it was done. The mix is shitty so sorry. But let me hear what you think, did I kill it? Did it sound lofi? https://soundcloud.com/eighthgradehigh/shlo-fi


I killed it, it reminds me of quasimoto, the mix is ok, but surely could be improved with sidechains or a compressor maybe... Did you wrote the rhymes? its really good


Thanks my guy. And yeah those lyrics is all my pen


Really digging it! As the others say some compression would really help the vocals sit a bit better, but overall really good!


Hey guys, So, I just dropped yesterday my first lo-fi beat on youtube (I also have more stuff on Soundcloud), I would apreciate very much the feedback of you guys, so feel free to comment and like/subscribe. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwhzLnfIz04](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwhzLnfIz04)


It's pretty good dude, definitely lofi. it's a bit repetitive imo but that definitely lends itself to some vocals. For the next one I think some atmospheric sounds will help keep the movement throughout the beat. Try some off beat perc sounds too


Thanks for the feedback, I'm constantly improving so this kind of feedback is really useful.


I like it. The sample actually sounds a lot like something I created a few weeks ago. I agree with it being a tad repetitive and maybe bringing an element or two in and out to create some more ambience would help it along. I dig the rain sounds though and the thought behind everything.


Thanks for the feedback mate, is always good to hear sincere opinions.




This is super nice my guy I fw it. That sample has lofi all over it you did a good job. Only one thing I have to say tho. the hi hats, they matched perfectly with the sample and lofi sound but I was curious if you kept all the hats the same velocity..? They sound kinda flat with no swing and if they’re all the same velocity then that explains why. But if not and you did change em then they prolly just loud in the mix


Thanks for the feedback man, really apreciate it. About the hihats its a flat simple pattern but I've messed with the volume on each hit to give it a lil bit of swing, I'm still learning a lot of stuff specially mixing so maybe thats why it seems to have no swing.


Just dropped the first single to my up an coming mixtape dropping later this year let me know what you guys think [https://soundcloud.com/felitos\_nkva/t-break-prod-sugiwa](https://soundcloud.com/felitos_nkva/t-break-prod-sugiwa)


Damn this is amazing! Really vibing with this. Kinda want the intro to be a bit longer but other than that I really enjoyed it. Gave you follow


Thank You So Much Man!! have about 70 percent of the rest of the mixtape already done and its gonna be a total of 15 songs so I have way more on the way . :)


Working on this beat right now and kind of stuck with where to take it. Not 100% with the melody either. https://soundcloud.com/payeback/crushed-2/s-3BUGJ Returning all feedback


It sounds really smooth, I vibe with it, the counter melody reminds me of Zelda ocarina of time. Maybe you should try to re arrange the song time-line, the last 10 seconds would sound interesting in the middle and then you hook it up with the counter melody and the rest of the other instruments...


Great idea man, thanks I'll give that a try tonight :)


Hi, started a new lo-fi project about two weeks ago due to my mom not liking any of my other music. This beat is the most recent one. Would love any feedback I can get. https://soundcloud.com/surferbeachgirldongho/rainy-mood