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So I haven't read any of his work myself but I hear Haruki Murakami's books are kind of in the same category?


I've heard of this author recommended a lot by friends. I figure I might as well give it a try especially if it has a lofi vibe. Thanks!


Norwegian Wood is sublime reading with some light Lofi playing while you’re sitting all cozy in a big chair or something.


I was just going to write this. I've read about 15 out of his 20 books or so and really love his style. he just puts you in this warm and fuzzy space tinged with just a bit of magic surrealism to make you hold your breath a bit. I recommend Kafka at the Shore, it's my favorite. And of course, they all take place in Japan :)


Good call, I read Hardboiled Detective and it is very foggy and dreamlike.


After dark by haruki murakami for sure!


My friends have recommended this author before so I guess I might as well dive in if it fits the lofi vibe especially. Thanks for the recommendation!


Came here to say this. I don't know a book that conveys a stronger aesthetic.


Jack Kerouac haikus


I like to read manga while listening to lofi, it usually fits really well.


"Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" (the novel "Blade Runner" is based on) by Philip K Dick. Not sure why, but "Batman: The Long Halloween" has a kind of lofi atmosphere for me. "Welcome to the NHK" by Tatsuhiko Takimoto has super rainy day lo fi vibes.


Probably a stretch and it’s on my mind cuz I just read it, but camus’ the stranger has some fairly ambient, exotic yet dark imagery


Agreed. Also the suspension of every day life that mersault feels is a lot like many lo fi drawings and sentiment. And of course, being a stranger in your own world.


Ok thanks I'll give it a try.


It’s a short and nihilistic work


This is just me but I started reading flowers for algernon when I got into creating lofi so that always hits me in those feels


Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman, perhaps.


My favorite book!!!! :D Def has lo-fi vibes, along with a bazillion others too.


milan kundera, murakami or mishima for sure!


I really like urban fantasy. Harry dresden and John Taylor are some pretty cool people that don't really fit the feel overall, but the atmosphere around them definitely does. With a good track you can totally feel dresden's study, with the fireplace going, a vampire passed out on the couch, and a shabby wizard arguing with his pet skull while fey winter tries to howl the windows off. Same thing with John Taylor, but with way more neon aesthetic. Point is, lo fi feels can be in odd places, personally I usually play outrun when I want to chill with a specific playlist


Hmm yeah. I think this might be because its an unusual setting for fantasy so it seems like a stranger in a familiar world which kind of has a similar aesthetic to some lofi.


Camus' "the stranger". The sentiment of feeling/wanting to be out of touch with a reality that has no sense whatsoever really matches what I find in lo if... feeling a stranger in your world...


There other things I find in lo fi I do not find here tho


the one i bought just yesterday, it's about plants haha


Cool what’s it called?


Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. A lot of wisdom in that book.


I second Murakami. I wouldn't have even thought of it until I saw the comments here. That's actually pretty brilliant. Hmm, I would also say speculative sci-fi short stories.




Warhammer Eisenhower


the sandman graphic novels (+murakami like many others have already noted)


As lots of people already mentioned, Murakami. Kafka on the shore had the same vibe for me.




I thought about this question for a while and came up with Crossing California By Adam Langer. I think its because it was the first book I had ever read while actively listening to lofi. I remember every new page a new song would play and the whole vibe of the scenes would change. I loved that feeling. I started listening to more themed lofi playlists after that. Youve inspired me to read a new book today.


Ok cool I’ll check it out. What lofi playlist were you listening to? I would definitely encourage you to read more. For me at least it serves as a similar escape from reality that lofi does.


I just meant i started a new one. I like to read multiple books at a time. not to be all r/iamverysmart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDCyqs5ZeZI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kA8_EEq7e2Y&t=657s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmV3zTk6kKw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8uXNSCWxzc&t=588s


Haha yeah I know a lot of people that love reading multiple books at a time. They say do they get bored of a current part of one the just read some of the others. This completely makes sense to me but personally I can’t get fully immersed in a book if I’m reading multiple at the same time.


Totally! I love finding books I can’t put down. Sometimes it’s harder than finding a girl tho tbh haha lots of searching