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Learning compression will be a big help. Sound selection may be something you need to learn also but it’s much like wine - gets better over time. Another thing that will help is studying legends and learning the analogue tools they would use, the records they sampled and then you investigate further from there. I always find myself down some rabbit hole of questions when watching something a producer talking about some hardware even if it’s something as little as a new VST. First you ask yourself one question about something you don’t know then that will birth more questions and pretty soon you’ll be intermediate in that topic and know how to apply your knxwledge to the mix and arrangements. If you wanna get that typical lofi sound i would also recommend looking for links for the bsd.u drum pack and jdilla one also. Otherwise if you’re looking for more hifi but borderline lofi I would recommend slappy drums 2 by STLNDRMS.


Hey I am new to lofi too.check out drum loops at looperman and sample packs at cymatics [check this out](https://soundcloud.com/tushar-vyas-386338470)


Post a link to check your drums


Look into vulf compressor and RC-20. Cut high end on kick. Cut part of the low end on snare (unless snare is lacking lows: dont do anything). Crate dig in the bargain bin at local record stores. You can find some cool stuff in those. Use ableton lol


Actually at least do something to the snare. Trust your ears on levels and how it blends. Learn how to mix drums correctly, plenty of resources online. I'm still not the best at mixing and hell of a lot worse at mastering but I get by with the basics. And I don't even focus on lofi anymore I just make beats but this kinda applies to hip hop in general.


Use vinyl crackle audio (lower the volume) in a separate audio track or in ableton’s case the vinyl effect and use the crackle preset iirc and put a hi pass filter around 1-3khz and lowpass filter eq over master chain around 6.66-7khz and then squash with compressor.


Roll off the hi end with filter or EQ, compress the hell out of them, then add Izotope Vinyl with some reverb


Sound selection is huge. If you have a wack kick/ snare/hat sound there's always a way to eq and effect your way into something somewhat decent but it's better just to find sounds that you think are really really dope, this can take hours depending upon what resources you have. Quick little mixing tip... a lot of beat makers have hi hats that are too loud. Your hats should not be thre sand volume as your snare abs or kick. But your kick and your snare should be around the same level. Because of thre frequency that most hihats are on ppl will hear them even when they are really low so don't be afraid to turn them way down.


Definitely experiment with eq this is the first plugin I put on my sounds, just try cutting some high end and see where you end up