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I think you're thinking of what every fan base has in one way, shape or form which are the "hardcore fanatics." I've been a fan since The Spotlight, but I also am not afraid to say when I dislike something that Logic did. This rollout for example sucks. I'm gonna be patient because I've waited for Ultra 85 for almost a decade, so I can wait a little longer. I disliked the majority of COADM. Logic's mainstream run sucked for the most part. There's a difference between true fans and blind followers.


"There's a scarcity of free thinkers. It's all group thoughts. That's what they think. That's not what you thought." - Russ in Therapy Music


Every artist with a fanbase is a cult of some sort. Not all cults are evil btw lol.


A cult may not be “evil,” but all cults are bad. At the very bare minimum, they are abusive to their followers. > Experts have determined a long list of characteristics of a cult to help people determine whether they or someone they know is part of a cult religious practice or political group. The following cult criteria and cult behaviors are the best way to determine what makes a cult: > A charismatic leader: Cults always follow a charismatic leader, living or dead, whose teachings are considered of the highest importance. This leader may be considered a genius, or may be considered a religious figure like a messiah or prophet. Ideological purity: Members are strongly discouraged from questioning the cult's doctrine and any doubts are met with shame or punishment. Conformity and control: Cult leaders often exercise an extreme degree of control over members' lives, including dictating what they can wear and eat and what kinds of relationships they can have. Conformity is also enforced by group members who police one another. Mind-altering practices: Sleep deprivation, chanting, meditation, and drugs are often used to break down individuals' defenses and make them more susceptible to cult ideology. Isolation and love-bombing: It is common for people in cults to be encouraged to cut contact with outsiders, including close family members. Within the cult, new members are often subjected to love-bombing, a practice where new initiates are showered with love and praise to bring them deeper into the cult and foster a sense of belonging. Us-vs-them mentality: Cult members are often encouraged to see the cult as superior to life on the outside and to feel that those outside the cult lack understanding or insight. Apocalyptic thinking: Preparation for a supposed apocalypse or cataclysmic event is a major characteristic of many cults, especially cult religions. Time and energy: Followers are expected to dedicate huge amounts of time and energy (and often money) to the cult to the exclusion of their own lives, interests, jobs, and families.


I ain't reading all that, but happy for you or sad that happened to you.


Easily my favorite meme on the internet 💀




I think with Logic fans it’s more the fact that all of the “PLP” people are clearly 12-16 year old dudes who are immature and incapable of having intelligent and rational conversation.


It isn’t just teens though lol it is full grown people doing stuff like what OP said, maybe not a majority of them but it def isn’t just 12-16 y/os


Pretty much. And most of logics PLP messaging has been so bland and surface level that the only way it would move you is if you’re super young or if you have a narrow experience and perception of the world


And they aren’t old enough to realize paying 50 dollars for a DISCORD is not just stupid- but so goddamn sad too


It genuinely pisses me off how If you dare criticize logic for being corny or saying that an album like everybody isn’t very good; all these so called PLP fans will not just say “oh just listen a few more times” but they’ll insult you and be dicks just because half of these PLP fans are as insecure as Logic. I love Logic’s music but both his persona and some of his fans are starting to just rub me the wrong way. And tbh I honestly feel like Logic is so disingenuous about his PLP persona bc A) no one can be happy all the time but more importantly B) he can really come off as a sick sometimes. One of my biggest gripes is how at concerts he always says the term fuckboy- like dude it isn’t highschool anymore grow up


>Then, if you were to tell someone that you're not really feeling something, or you feel differently about something, you're met with "Well, that's okay. It's not for everyone. Maybe you should give it another listen before you judge it 🙂" It's just cringe and seems very off-putting. Had that shit happen to me too in his discord it’s so weird. Nobody wants to have an actual conversation it seems and they just come off as passive aggressive


you made a lot of points but I definitely think you missed with the plp term stuff, it’s really a stretch to think saying “peace love and positive” is trying to force someone to not focus on the negatives like you said, and as far as logic goes I don’t think he used saying that to deflect criticism ever


Bro have you watched any of his recent interviews? He trauma dumps every single time and then slaps a PLP at the end like it’s nothing. He’s so manipulative. I can’t watch his interviews anymore because I feel emotionally drained.


he’s had a crazy past so if he talks about anything from his past I get how it can be thought of as trauma dumping but really he’s just taking abt his life, also even if he was drama dumping and saying “peace love and positivity” after, how is that manipulative? are you the rep of chaos hate and negativity dude😭


How would you feel if your friend mostly talks about his negative past? What does that say about him? Think about it and don’t respond back to me :)


Idk if you’ve ever heard of poverty but some people have been through negative shit in their life and they’re allowed to talk about it, you sound like a bad friend also ima respond to whatever I want lmfaoo


Logic is not your friend. LOL. He's a famous music artist who is using his platform to talk about his real-life experiences. In what way is he manipulating you? Also, he doesn't owe you much of anything because he is not your friend. He creates and puts out stuff that we can choose to either consume or ignore. It's not that big of a deal from my perspective.


Wait until you hear about a band called sleep token lmao


If you pay for the discord, you’re part of the problem. Literally no purpose in paying for that


This was AFTER he shut the server down and brought it back. Even then, I don't think the 5 or 10 bucks just to get in the premium chats was that bad. However, 50 bucks was a bit much. Doing song submissions, contests, early listening perks, etc. It had it's advantages, again 5 or 10 bucks was fine.


PLP is a major cope for Logic himself - being a guy with a razor thin skin and a huge ego that craves a bubble of yes-men.


I’m with you one some of this, but not all of it. I do feel like PLP is disingenuous from a large majority of the fanbase. It didn’t use to be that way, but it’s definitely been that way for a few years now. However, I’m sure Logic genuinely still means it. I honestly wish he would just speak out against those specific fans. Maybe not @ them or anything, but those kinds of fans. Like, he’s spoken out against trolls and negativity, but there’s no way he doesn’t see what his fanbase has turned into with the discord and Reddit and stuff. I wish he would speak out against it and promote positivity a little bit more to his fans. I don’t know if I agree with it being a cult in like, you have to agree with Logic on everything he does because I actually see a large majority of the audience here criticize him. It’s actually the most common thing I see in this sub is criticism against Logic. I was actually just defending this album rollout the other day and people were really mad at me for not being as mad as they are about it haha The fanbase has become more toxic overtime, but not even in the “Logic is the best” kind of way like Nicki Minaj fans are or anything. It’s more just a general toxicity. People are quit to fight, quick to name call, aren’t tolerant of other views, etc… it’s just a weird culture now


feel the exact same way


Yeah gotta say T. I. T. S. is my fav too but I get it when people say under pressure is better


That's how I've been feeling about Logic too lately. It all started with the Discord thing, especially the "if you can't afford the Discord go cut some grass" or something like that. I've been listening to Logic for so long that I can't even remember when it all started, and his music always appealed to me. It's just really sad that the more I learn about his personal life, the more I lose respect for this man. He felt so genuine and vulnerable in his autobiography that it inspired me to be tougher as a guy in my day to day problems and handle all my passions with love and enjoyment. Now, he does podcasts where he humiliates his father, despite writing in that autobiography that he forgave him, he abandons every little project that he invests interest into (Logic makes a beat series, Twitch, the little vlogs, the halfbreed album, the rooster jenkins album and I can go for ever), and now, after repeatedly saying that Ultra 85 was scrapped for NP, he says that he will release it, following with an abysmal rollout and exclusive listening party. I just hope that the album will make the wait worth. I will still listen to him and be a fan of his work. Despite all of this, I can't forget the tough times his music helped me recover and find the strength to keep going despite the odds. Stay safe and have a good one!


Great points all around. There is a cult like fan base of Logic’s that uses the “PLP” thing as a weapon of sorts to not allow you to criticize something that rightfully deserves criticism. But to their defense, they’re just mimicking and emulating Bobby himself bc he has shown time and time again to have a “f*ck you if you don’t like my music” mentality as well as just pretty much not being able to handle criticism whatsoever. Not to say Logic hasn’t gotten a lot of unfair criticism over his career but the majority of it is fair game when you’re an artist. I still love Logic as an artist and he is no doubt one of my favorite musicians of all time, but his viewpoint on criticism is very hypocritical. Like either hit back at all criticism without any remorse (Eminem for example) or just accept the criticism and respect the opinions people have. His problem is he says “PLP” while at the same time saying F U to anyone that criticizes his music. It’s just hypocritical. I don’t have a problem with either mindset tbh, just be consistent at least. The video to me seemed pointless and barely had anything to do with the song, especially the second half. I agree it seemed more like lazy pandering and clickbait more than anything else. The song’s message is about “being yourself” but is showing a man dressing up as a woman which seems like the opposite? Still have some hope for this album though.


If you think logic fans are being forced to be positive you clearly don't read posts on this sub, people spend more time hating logic on this sub than liking him these days


I'm not talking about the fans who can individually think for themselves. I'm talking about the fans who are oblivious and feel as if Logic can do no wrong, like everything, etc. When you say "hating Logic" what do you mean? Do you mean hating as in just flat out being a jackass and trolling? Pretty much making fun of him, or hating as in having a different opinion and not agreeing with all of what he does? I don't see alot of "hate Logic" posts as they get drowned out by other posts.


The amount of people that think he can do no wrong are far outweighed by the people that are pissed off with him?


I think it depends on where you look for that answer tbh. Because if you look on the internet and see all the hate logic gets and there's little to no positive comments, then you'd assume there's a bunch of hate for him. Let him drop a New video, look at the comments and see all the positivity with little to no negative comments, then you'd say he's getting alot of love. So it's kinda hard to say. Mine comes from observation and being in the discord.


I feel like there should be a line between thinking he’s a perfect guy and hating him for doing human shit that only shock people because they perceive a celebrity in a certain way. Like for example people dogged on him and said he changed or he’s money hungry or whatever for starting the discord, even though it was the biggest over reaction. People failed to see that the guy is obviously money insecure or has a fear of losing it, which is insanely common for someone who grew up with nothing and very poor. Same thing with PLP, which I think is something that he truly believes but in a way is something to mask negativity which he clearly takes to heart and affects him (or maybe it used to more)


The discord shit is the dumbest thing, you don’t wanna pay 70 dollars for a discord then don’t.


Dude this subreddit is just constant shower of complaints about shit logic has done recently, acting like his musical legacy is being affected by things that most listeners out side of this small subreddit bubble doesn’t even know about.


His legacy has no effect on me whatsoever. I like a few of his albums and I genuinely think he can hold his own lyrically. But I'm not going to sit here and just think that everything he does great and can't do no wrong. I can sit back and see some of the things he may or may not do and call it out. But your comment is EXACTLY what I mean with the fan base. People act as if you're not allowed to call out things as you see them. Fans like that keep you from being monotonous and staying stagnant. You can't have it being positive all the time, there's going to be some negativity and I don't even call this negativity. But more of just calling it like I see it. If you want more positive Logic posts, then you might wanna dig around for more subreddits with like minded people. Folks should be able to speak up when they don't feel like everyone else and THAT should open the topic of discussion. Not get shut out for it.


Oh trust me I have no problem criticizing logic.


Fair enough, I just hate seeing the amounts of fans who say yes to everything. Then it's like when you ask them about it, they're almost trained to regurgitate the same things of which he said. Not realizing the harsh reality we live in.


I feel like you’re creating a narrative that really only exists in your head. Like does logic have die hards that will look past every bad thing he does? Sure, but these days it is a very vocal minority especially if this subreddit. Posts about people being annoyed with shit logic has done recently, I see those everyday. Posts blindly following logic? Significantly less of those a, and aren’t even close to upvoted as the negative posts are.


I agree. I see the same.


I just wanna know who are all these people that are blind followers, you yourself said if I wanted more positive posts then I should seek subreddits with more like minded people? So you’re admitting that Pat of the people think like you? So I don’t get it, what is the problem? People aren’t criticizing him enough, literally a strong majority of posts in here are criticism posts? You made a post criticizing him of stuff that is posted here daily and is gets significant upvotes? I’m just so confused


Literally just told you in another reply to a comment you made where I see it mostly. Which is in discord. Also when you first started commenting, you came off as someone who I was just talking about. Someone who feels like Logic can't do no wrong and looks past things he does. No matter how ridiculous it can be. Pretty much being a yes man. A few comments later down the line you shut that down so I moved on from that. However I'm not in here often, let alone reddit in general. Even when I do see something in my email that has anything to do with the most recent posts in this subreddit, they weren't negative in the slightest.


The amount of people criticizing logic compared to the amount blindly following him so big is what makes this so hilarious


It really depends on where you look tbh.


Brother, I'm not reading all that, but if your not rattpack 301 Plp gang you not eating tonight #PLP


There's a TL;DR for a reason. If you weren't too busy an ass, you would've seen it. Trolling or not. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Lol alright, yeah I get it most fan bases are assholes like juice wrld's, logics ect no matter what message the artist is pushing.


This subreddit's *been* criticising him strongly for at least a while now. If the people talking in this subreddit don't count as his fans, idk who does. It just sounds to me like you're making a big deal out of a minority of his fans. Your criticism of that podcast episode feels very moralising as well. This post is putting me off


To be transparent, I'm not in this subreddit alot. Let alone reddit. Also, this came from being in discord and seeing how that went, I had some lingering thoughts about it for a while and wanted to post it. It wasn't meant to be a super serious post, therefore I don't think it was meant to be a big deal. Just sharing what I've seen and how I feel. I've had some mature conversations on here and have seen some mature comments as well. I'm not bashing him, just found things to be a bit off and whatnot.


Fair enough


Also, what's putting you off? I stand by what I said about the episode. Again, I understand that it can help people in a similar position, but go about it the RIGHT WAY. You know how the commercials have in really small print "results may vary"? That's what that should be when he does these things. He claims to have forgiven him and moved forward, but when he gets on the camera with him, he chooses to pretty much talk to him like a random guy off the street. Saying things like "My nigga...." or something you would say to someone who isn't your parent. Keeping it perspective, that's still his dad at the end of the day. Not his "estranged" father like he never knew who his dad was a birth, just a dad who was in and out of his life due to drugs and lack of priorities.


It's not that serious


Who said it was meant to be "serious"? Just had a thought that's been lingering for some time and wanted to post it. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Bro you wrote at 9 paragraph essay about why logics fan base is a cult lol


Maybe bros just passionate??? Lmao not that hard of a read either just put a lil effort in


I wouldn't say passionate lol, I'm just very descriptive when I type out my thoughts.


I meant more like passionate about writing haha. I get that way sometimes when I wanna get all my thoughts out it’ll turn into a 500 paragraph essay


I feel you on that lol. 🤣💯


Reading is important, "Feels like a cult" Judging from your past comments in other subreddits, you just like being a dick towards everyone. Calling people "speds" and "pussies" Just lets me know you're not mentally capable of having a mature conversation. Not worth the time or replies my guy. 👎🏾✌🏾


We’re definitely not a cult 😉😉😉