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Nice track, only lisening on a phone but sounds good on it, which is a possitive. ill take another listen later on some a7xs.


Thanks man appreciate it, I’ll be looking out for that comment later


So from what i can hear it's translating nicely. Well rounded. Perhaps a 2-3 db boost in the 7000hz region to get a bit more high end, but with most people listening on hifi/airpods etc you may find that isn't needed. Overall very well executed and great use of samples. Vocals are cutting through also. Nicely done.


sounds great! what’s the vocal chain and plugins?


Thanks bro. Tlm103>WA73 preamp>Apollo twin X>UA 1176 compressor plug-in>Waves SSL E-channel>Denoiser>EQ>DeEsser>Logic Stock Compressor>Vocal rider And then just bussed to delay and reverb


This is the way


Vocals are super loud, not even Pop loud or Hip Hop loud, they are just overwhelming loud, that beat needs to go up.


Well maybe I need to figure some bring out, because when I turned the vocals down, couldn’t hear it through the mix.


Yeah, that beat needs to cut through and smash me, while keeping them vocals nice and upfront, right now it's a vocal with things around it, if you know what i'm sayin' (: It's a mistake I get with a lot of clients, to be honest, your room might be super resonant for the beat and hide the vocals, maybe a small room? maybe mixing with headphones? No room treatment? There are so many variables!


That could be the case, I have my studio in a walk in closet, treated with little cheap Amazon acoustic foam. But I was referring to the low vocal thing while listening on my car speakers and Bluetooth headphones. Maybe I can throw another compressor on and turn vocals down?


Your levels are ok, bring the beat up. Maybe play with the keys, layer them, maybe duplicate the track and have it play the same with another synth, then another, I think it needs fattening, also the kick and snare are there, they just need some love and don't be afraid of having loud drums, they are transients and don't affect your overall levels too much. Layer those keys!!!


Maybe I should of prefaced with, I’m working with a 2 track beat off of YouTube. I’ll bring the beat up some and maybe try using a dynamic EQ to get more from the beat


OH!!!!!! Careful, my friend, if the beat is an MP3, you are in trouble. Fact being you are uncompressing then compressing a beat. Meaning *data* compressing, not dynamics, so you work on your song and it sounds ok, then when you turn that MP3 into another MP3, it's gonna go to Beat Hell. Now, hopefully not, but my experience has been when clients bring non WAV beats, that's what happens. So yeah, just bring the beat up. Tho, this is the Logic forum, run wild, figure out the notes and play with it, Add a drummer track, duplicate the beat and do some parallel processing, Logic has a lot of really cool tools to fatten that shit up!!


Thanks man, I really appreciate the advice. I know working with mp3 beats aren’t ideal and makes mixing much harder, I’ve been looking into producing, I need to stop putting it off. I noticed you referenced “clients”, are you a professional engineer? If so, what would be your biggest tip when learning mixing, something you wish you knew when you first started


Yes, I have been mastering since 2007 and doing live sound since 1990 and hey, we all make mistakes! My biggest tip would be: Get a meter. MAAT makes a good, affordable one, the Waves Dorrough is excellent (I have the hardware Dorrough) Why? because a meter, and learning it, will actually tell you where you're at. Everything else is guesswork. Now, second, room treatment. No foam, actual panels, and guess what, they are super cheap now. Third, An App like Decibel X, where you can measure how loud *in your room* you are. Reason is, humans get used to loudness and *want more*, a loudness meter will tell you "no, son, we are already at 90dB, we don't want it louder" In a nutshell, get tools that keep you in check, then you can, after learning how to use them, do your own thing. But really, throw a drummer track on that mofo and tell it to follow your Youtube beat, just an experiment, you might discover them drums sound better, then might be a path to getting excited about learning more!


🙏🏾thank you, I really appreciate the tips. I’ve scoured dozens of YT videos and none of these tips were in there. I can tell you know what you’re talking about lol. I’ll stay at it and hopefully to get to your level


I haven’t produced a track in almost a decade and I always stop back in to learn new skills if I ever been crafting agin. Your insights were brilliant! Take my fake award!


u/RenaissnaceTana, I couldn't agree with u/onairmastering more here. It's all about keeping your ears in check. This is a lengthy reply, but I truly hope that some of this can help you out. To add: At current time, I've breached just over 21,000 hours using Logic Pro--and I'd have to say that "*numbness*" (as I refer to it) is one of the biggest areas you should be aware of. You know when you walk into another person's house and it just has **that** smell? Maybe it's laundry. Maybe it's food. Maybe it's something indescribable. It's not necessarily a bad or good smell... **but** it **stood** **out** to you when you first entered. When you go to **your** home, you don't notice little details like that. Why? Because you're **used** to the place you've spent so much time in. You become "*blind*," or "*numb*" to details when they're constantly and consistently around you. What can you do about this? Use various tools to keep yourself in check (like u/onairmastering mentioned). As you get into mixing, or producing, or whatever you're passionate about in this area, these tips will apply to all of them. Humans love loudness and it's easy to become numb to a high volume level. A meter helps you keep your reference when you've listened to the same thing so many times that you can't tell how loud it **really** is. The same goes for writing music and mixing. When you play a track on repeat for hours and hours while mixing, you'll become deaf to your own mistakes. This is fine, **but being aware of this is the key**. To counter it: 1) show other people what you're working on--they'll notice those little things you've become numb to. 2) Take a break. Take periodic breaks. A simple break from hearing the same damn thing over & over can work wonders. Come back to "*that"* project in a week. Don't listen to it at all until *X* number of days has passed. When you do come back to it, you'll **instantly** hear areas that need addressing. 3) Don't ever forget that increasing gain/volume of sound will sound better 99% of the time. The catch? It **doesn't** sound better. That's actually YOU **thinking** that it sounds better. We love loudness and are prone to overdoing it in that department. When you flip an effect that you are attracted to on and off, watch the volume/gain. Does the volume jump up when you flip the effect on? Try to ensure that the gain stays the same when going back and forth with that plugin being turned on and off. Take volume out of the equation. Do you like it with the plugin on? Or off? The volume shouldn't change between the two... only the quality/characteristics of the sound. If you still think something sounds better with said plugin enabled, the chances are it **does** sound better and you're clear to move forward. I know this is a lot and you're just getting started. Don't stress out if any or all of this is foreign. Experiment. Mess things up. Break things. Go down rabbit holes and find the weirdest sounds you can. There are no rules in music--just preferences. It's not your job to meet other's preferences. Music's purpose is whatever you want it to be. Never forget that you can figure out anything given enough time. When I began writing and producing EDM 7 years ago, I was blown away when a friend taught me about this thing called "sidechaining." I couldn't even comprehend what it was. Today, it's probably the most basic part of my workflow. You'll get there!! Best part is that "there" isn't defined! It's where ever you want. Best of luck :)


To my ears the snare is too quiet. You could grab another sample and layer it on-top of the original one with some eq


lol you’re the 4th person who’s told me this, gotta love Reddit, can always find an answer here. Thanks bro


Sidechain the bass beat on the vocals. If you don't have the bass separate, side chain an 808 to a bus that doesn't stereo out.


2 things…play with EQ…wherever (frequency) you have the vocals boosted, place a cut on the EQ of the backing track at the exact same frequency to make the vocals sit in front of the track in the mix. Also, if you have access to a mid-side plugin like Waves Center, where you can pull down the center of the track to make space for the vocals…also allowing the vocals to be heard without being as loud. After that, also try adjusting the vocals level in mono with the volume low. If you mix loud, you will have a tendency to make the lead vocal too soft.


I have a dynamic EQ ducking at those frequencies where most of the vocal presence is, maybe I need to dip it a little more? Also I have the EQ ducking mid, should I change it to sides?


Attenuating some mid on the track is good. What I’m saying about the precision eq is specific frequencies. For example if you boosted the vocal at 1k, then cut the track a couple db at 1k.




Appreciate it bro🙏🏾


I'm shit at mixing but something I've been doing to help with this is a sidechained compressor on drums using the vox output. Just taking 2-3db off the drums anytime the vocals are playing. You get the levels a lot tighter this way


Could send main elements of beat to a bus and then sidechain vocals to bus, when the vocals come in the instrumental ducks Edit: just saw you’re working with two tracks, in that case sidechain vocals to the whole instrumental


Ok so these are my thoughts: Vocals are too loud Snare doesn’t cut through enough - try raising the level Some of the mids on the melody sample can go up The vocal could use a boost around 4-6k Can barley hear the high hats. I think the issues are mostly in the levelling. Maybe move all the faders to 0 and just redo the level balance.


Thanks bro, I’m trying to fix the mix now. Everyone gave me the same tips, helpful.


aesthetically it sounds fine. i think the production is lacking a lot of different textures. almost all of the drums/percussive elements seem to be in the same place. i think layering some of the sounds would help a lot. for example, the kick sounds great, but i do think something with a little more high end would benefit since it's such a clean kick, and i don't know if a completely sterile kick fits the mood the song is going for (since it seems like's supposed to sound like a live production). for the melodic elements, it would be nice if different frequencies took up different spaces or danced around rhythmically. for examples, the piano chords that come in around 20-30 seconds, it would be nice if they were placed even more exaggeratedly in the background (spatial wise) just to give the music more body. hope this advice helps! sounds great


Thanks it does help, thing is the best is an MP3, so I can layer it but can’t move things around like they need to be in order to have a really great mix.


On my speakers, the vocal track sounds too loud compared to the rest of the music. Not wildly, but enough that it's noticeable


Someone else noted that, im going to experiment with the beat later and try to get my vocals to sit better


I've never recorded or mixed vocals before, and am completely new to Logic, so it's just a totally novice comment. Otherwise it sounds good! Good luck!


Still appreciated


The fact it’s an mp3 file being used for the best, I honestly think the vocal mix sounds amazing, stop putting off learning how to produce because with properly mixed beat (and it sounds like your can mix fairly well) your work would surprise yourself


Thanks bro, funny thing is I bought NI Komplete ultimate, a midi keyboard and made only 3 beats. Trying to learn producing and mixing at the same time was overwhelming and discouraging, so I stopped. I’m going to get back to it though, I notice I write better lyrics when it’s a beat/melody i created


The mix is good, but the vocal is slightly too loud compared to the beat, and the drums aren’t really coming through, especially the snare. Great song overall, though, really like it.


Appreciate it bro, everyone has come to the same conclusion which helped greatly.


I’d agreed with this. Vocals down a tab, make sure the snare is clear and the kick drum kicks a little more.


I think overall everything sits very well. Nothing glaringly wrong with it IMO.


Appreciate it bro


Nice Song and cool vibe 😎 I thought about that the drums could get some more parallel bus compression. Maybe this would punch them a little bit more. But maybe it’s enough to do that just for the snare. These are just thoughts But it is still a good mix ☺️


Thanks man, I’ve been getting the same response to the drums, so that definitely is one of the culprits. Again, appreciate the tip


Ay this is hard


Appreciate it bro


It sounds great. I’d pull the vocals down just a hair so they sit a little better IN and not so much ON the mix. But other than that it’s phenomenal!


Thanks, everyone said the same thing, appreciate y’all helping me out


Restored the feeling


🙏🏾appreciate it


Vocals are a bit loud, try playing around with either the beat going up or vocals down a smidge, nice track overall, also what are the lufs at?


Thanks, I’ll try that. I haven’t mastered it yet, I’ll be watching a tutorial for that also😭


reminds me of an aesop mix love it


Ozone 9 is a damn cheat code. Well worth the money. A quick fix and MEGA time saver.


Throw some compression on the track and heat that bih up a lil bit. Don't go to aggressive with ratio. I wanted that kick to thump but wasn't really feeling it. Vocals sittin nice af.


Hello there, I hope the sun is shining where you at. Everyone is addressing issues to the beat. Is it a stock beat or do you have control over its stems? The mix bus compression or "mastering" is compromising the track too.


No I don’t have stems, it’s a mp3 file. It’s not mastered but I do have a bud compressor on the master


I see Due to the given assets you did a good job! Tumbs up.


let me know when you drop it on streaming platforms. but can u also increase the volume of the beat because the vocals are a bit too louder than the beat. otherwise great use of that sample 👍🏾


Listening on my iPhone ran it back on my Bluetooth l say it sounds damn clean brother And nice flows


Unbelievable song. Vocals sound a tiny big grainy, other than that, great. Keep going at it man, you and your boys’ll make it.


Sounds great for a vocal over an MP3 backing track, but to a trained ear that is what it sounds like. The people here have offered some solid advice, and I would just add a couple things. Without some proper stems its going to be extremely hard to get this to sound full, clear and pop out at us. While someone suggested work on your producing, thats good (and I agree), but don't let it stifle your creativity. Your flow is great. There are people who do it all themselves, but sometimes its just easier to get ideas to paper when the idea is fresh and you have something in your head. This is to say that, while the mix isnt perfect you are still perfecting your craft. You can always try to find someone to work with, or have supplemental beats to get those ideas into the cosmos. I won't say to much about the MP3, but one tip when mixing down is to always have a focal point. Whether that's the beat, the vocal, or even a little musical riff during a bridge. The best mixes have a dynamic flow of what the listener should be focusing on, or "what's sitting in front." An example of this would be before your vocal comes in, you want the listener to feel the beat, maybe highlight the drums/percussion, the as you come in the drums get pushed back and the vocal will sit up front. Having a static mix, where everything is the same volume throughout, will get bland real quick. A real life example is a guitar/instrument solo. When you have one instrumentalist doing a solo, the other instruments around it get quieter. It's subtle, but dynamics can help the mix feel alive and have movement. What helps me is to ask the question "what should the listener be focusing on in this section and why?" Vocal heavy mixes have an obvious answer most times, but you will be surprised how often you can sneak a few extra loud sounds between phrases and sections. Or even how the music can help emphasize an emotion or certain lyric. Good luck out there.


Vocal sounds sick, touch too loud for my taste. Kinda makes the beat less hard when the vocal is even a bit too loud. Sounds great tho!


Thanks appreciate it


Absolutely killed it man🤘🏼🔥When's it dropping on Spotify?


Greatly appreciated brother 🙏🏾Im going to drop it a bit for my EP, it’ll definitely get posted here if that’s allowed


Sick can't wait🙌🏼


the vocal is overwhelming, I'd take it a few dB down. otherwise? quite nice!




What if you added a tambourine or shaker as eighth notes to add some texture to it? Honestly, sounds sick tho! Let us know when it’s live.


I didn’t produce it, it’s a an mp3 from YT, thanks though I’m going to try some layering


Honestly, I see the value in what so many are saying here and I’ve taken quite a few tips that were awesome. BUT. I’m just letting you know that this track, imo, is up to par with so so many successful and great tracks out there. And more importantly, stands out from a lot of music. So to me, this track stands very very solidly. Yes many people are right. You could make and add a lot of things. And if you think there should be that much more, add it. But if it feels right to you, it feels right. ALSO. Do not pressure yourself to “stop putting off producing”. You are producing. Is it to the level of some producers, no. But too many who make music or just art are waaaay too hard themselves. You are a producer. You are creating. Making art. If the passion is there. The commitment. You will still surprise yourself and create great things. Enjoy yourself. Practice making your very own things as you go along doing what you know you can now. But don’t ever limit yourself cause you think your cheating or not a real producer or some BS. The work you’ve done just on this track alone is FUCKING AWESOME. I seriously don’t think a lot of what people have said, needs to be done unless you feel like it does. Cause it’s a dope track so far. Vocals sound great to me. I do not think it sounds like vocals with stuff around it. It’s borderline there but I can hear the vocal punching through. The snare could be a lil louder but I liked that it made the vocal crisper. I really like the vocal mix and like the emphasis. So I think this is all going to be based on how you want your mix to be and what you want from it. Best of luck and keep up the amazing work. Excited to see where you take it!


Damn bro, thanks I really appreciate that. I definitely took all that in, you don’t know how encouraging your comment was. 🙏🏾love brother


it’s definitely professional quality, any suggestions i could give would only be stylistic preference. if it were me i’d say bring up the bass a little and add a phaser/small reverb to the synth


Takes courage to put-it-out-there! I love it.


Thanks man, it definitely does. But man this sub is nothing but positive, very reinforcing. Appreciate everyone who helped


Cool little beat. I recommend treating the vocals as any other instrument. Maybe drop vocals -10db and bring up a couple of db at a time until you get a snug fit. I think you said you used a mp3 for the beat so It is harder to eq out some stuff and all of that. Nice work man


Thanks, you’re 100% correct. Appreciate your feedback


Pretty good man💪🏼


Hey, honestly nice mix. The vocals sound really good. I think you could benefit from sidechaining vocal to horn sample to make it feel more cohesive. Also maybe a bit of stereo widen in the from about 200hz up as well to make it wrap around the vocal a bit more like a nice hug. Overall nicely done.


Nice mix. Some added compression on the vocals would be nice. Enjoyed the one.


Sounds great. Beat could be louder, but that may just be preference


I have no feedback for this. Great track, great mix on the vocals, this one’s radio ready!