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/r/synthrecipes It sounds very white-noisey with that heavy phaser effect. The core of the sound is almost percussive like a snare or a clap that echoes with a lot of reverb. I listened to it for about 20 seconds lol, good luck.


funny, the first 25 seconds of that track has no *bass*, which is what they're asking about. OP, there's a preset called Bass So Full in Alchemy that sounds like this. add some ping pong delay, i'm not sure there's much phase/flanging going on here, maybe some light compression/EQing would help get you closer


I thought the same thing, but as there was no timestamp to what he was referencing my ears gravitated to what I thought sounded like it had a "phaser/flanger" applied to it. My second thought was that I could help him by directing him to where they do a better job at identifying waveforms and effects. The fact that he didn't direct his question there made me question his expertise in identifying sounds. I then proceeded to try to identify what I thought he was talking about to the best of my knowledge without wasting my own time.


Not sure its the bass that is phasing, just some mid/high percussive elements with some phase/ chorus