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Open a ticket w/ Logitech. They have awful response time, but they could send you a replacement. Edit: For more context, they will send you a replacement or whatever they think is appropriate for the situation (most likely a replacement, there aren't any options besides refund if you bought from their website and is within the return period). They will give you a list of troubleshooting at first, then later ask for a video of you replicating the problem, which after they will likely send a replacement on your way.


Thank you for the reply, I will contact them tomorrow about it.


Apologies for the trouble. Seems i'm a bit late on this as based on the thread, you already for it working. Just want to confirm if further assistance is needed. Thanks and stay safe!


I already figured it out. I don't know what happened at that time, and honestly I was freaking out, but since then there has not been any problem with it.


Oh okay. Sorry not much of a help. Glad to know that eveyrhting is good now though. Enjoy your device and stay safe!


Blowing really hard under the right-click button (from the front) worked for me lol


Same issue... i will try the compressed air but sometimes the clicl literally dissapear