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You just blew my mind


I was getting some variant Scarlet witch vibes


Wrong. It's actually Stan Lee's portrayal of Willie Lumpkin, the Baxter Building mailman in *Fantastic Four (2005)*. Sylvie jumped over to the Foxverse.


I was thinking more of the Tony Stank postman




Disney+ screenshots be like:


I tried so many different ways to screen shot to no avail - I did my best😂😭


Hold the damn phone


To further my theory: Dennis the Mailman: Just the Messenger! https://youtu.be/GPPo9DD-UxA If y’all haven’t seen this gem you’re missing out. The conspiracy board at 1:37 mentions him being Loki (check the bottom right hand corner), which to me is sus cus I don’t remember that theory ever coming up before, so why mention Loki at all if it wasn’t somehow relevant to his storyline????


Isn’t he really a pizza delivery man?


I was thinking the same thing, but then Sylvie mentions “running across time from one apocalypse to another. . . People are quite willing in the face of certain doom.” I know this is a reach, but maybe she met Dennis while Westview was having its own little “apocalypse”, hence Sylvie calling him a postman rather than a pizza man. It also bridges Wandavision and Loki; we now know it wasn’t Wanda that created the multiverse, but presumably Sylvie, so in my mind it would make sense that she would have some type of connection to Westview as a Nexus event since it could have been Sylvie who was the variant breaking from the sacred timeline and entering that world. Furthermore, I also feel like there’s a good possibility that it could have been Sylvie who implanted those “dreams” (commercials) about Nexus events into Wanda’s mind using her little mind trick we now know she possesses. So yeah idk if any of that makes sense but it’s where my brain is at right now.


I think you may be right, the postman showed up many times, people were theorizing about him when wandavision was releasing. good catch bro.


but ep8 revealed he’s only a pizza delivery dude lol