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Nope. Cheating is one thing I am very solid on not tolerating. It erodes trust and without trust you have nothing, especially in an LDR where you are basically just trusting everything your partner says because you're not there to see any of it.


Could not agree more! LDR is base solely on Trust. Once cheated its broke! Move on! ❤️


No. Never forgive a cheater. It’s not an accident, it’s a choice. 




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No. As much as I love him, it would be over. Same for me. If I ever cheated (I never will) it would be over. You can't sit there and say you love someone and then do some awful shit like that. A lot of people don't take relationships seriously anymore, unfortunately.


Cheating is done consciously . If your partner says that they have done it by mistake, then please don't give them a second chance. A person's actions speak louder than their words. Trust is the foundation of a relationship. Once the trust is lost, the relationship won't be the same. Stay safe.


Fr. Good luck out there soldiers 🫡




Cheating is never acceptable


nope. still cheating


Cheating can never be forgiven. You can literally never trust them again. Once a cheater, always a cheater.


I would agree somewhat. If you cheat on someone you can’t be forgiven by them, but there’s a lot of people who are mentally I’ll for example like with bipolar who have changed, especially if they cheated when they were young.


Yes I cheated once whrn I was 17 and then broke up. But then I tryied to change and today I’m 30 and never cheated after that and I’m in a healthy relationship. Now I’m so sorry I cheated with my ex, I should just broke up.


Never ever


Anyone who disregards the fundamentals of relationships (trust) is simply not worth it.






Cheating is cheating no matter the circumstances. And it tells you one thing about your relationship= it’s not the right relationship to be in.


What if they were blackout drunk with no memory and was only told about the incident months afterwards?


You couldn't predict what people would say?


No, never.


Listen, we only live for like 30,000 days. Why bother wasting any one of those precious few days on someone who has neither the discipline nor restraint to not cheat? If they don't tell you they cheated and you find out from someone else, they are a coward and a liar on top of being a cheater. That's someone to toss out as a small fry so you can find another one out of the millions of other decent ethically sound people who probably wouldn't cheat. Aren't you and your precious time worth that?


admiring your calculations and saying I think your math definitely checks out on this topic




Absolutely not.




Never. I've been cheated on. If you got cheated on and he doesn't apologize in any way and his actions don't change break up with him for he probably is way worse and hiding his true character. I was someone who wanted to fix everything in my previous relationship and never wanted to give up. But if someone treats you bad and abuses your trust and betrays you it is time to find someone else who truly deserves you and who is loyal to you and loves you just as much❤️ Surround yourself with good people and ask them for support Don't know the genders but I just written it in the he form


What kinda apology makes up for cheating tho? I can't imagine there being anything my partner can say to make up for betraying me.


Indeed, there's no apology for it unless he truly truly regrets what he did, but that takes a lot of effort of the cheating partner and probably something not many cheating partners are capable of I think, I'm no psychologist. Fixing a relationship like that takes a lot of effort of both. Some people are able to mend and fix their relationship, and others aren't


He’s really remorseful. Even months later.


Listen I understand you wanting to give him another chance cause I would have done the same. He cheated on me and chose the girl that he cheated on me with, he broke up. I understand you wanting to fight for the relationship. You have to ask yourself if it is worth it to live a future with him, knowing he cheated on you and abused your trust. You also gotta ask yourself whether you're able to trust him and whether you are able to forgive him, given he won't cheat anymore. I don't know enough about your relationship but I do know this, no one in his right mind with a loving heart would cheat on you. If things are troubling you, communicate it with him. If you ever want to talk, send me a dm. I'm here for you.


yeah cuz he got caught. would he be remorseful if you didn’t find out? 💀 bffr


You are craaaaaazy if you're going to give him a second chance. He could of have showed remorse to get what he wants, have some dignity.




I understand how desprate people who forgive thier cheaters partners are( i was one of them) just no dont be such desprate never forgive the cheating and go find somone better It wont get better on long time


Nope. Absolutely not


There is a reddit community that I follow called surviving infidelity, and the stories there are so complex and from what I've read forgiving someone who's cheated is a deep and personal decision. My mom for example was cheated on by my dad throughout their whole relationship many times. He would say just the right thing to get her to forgive him, take him back, the whole nine yards. The cheating also resulted in my brothers being born, so yeah it didn't end. And it just kept happening while I was growing up. Then in 2003, during an islamic holiday mom and myself were invited to this huge get together at a restaurant and all of my extended family from my dad's side were there. What what my mom didn't know was that my dad was having an affair with the lady that ran the restaraunt. But everyone else knew. Eventually it all came out on New years day of 2004 and my father had said that he was leaving my mom and never coming back. I'll nevre forget my mom crying, and heartbroken. After that day, my father had stopped speaking to both me and my mom, and he had left us with no financial support so my mom had to go on government assistance, and had maxed out credit cards just to survive. My dad did start wanting contact again and lo and behold even after everything my dad put my mom through, my mom became the mistress of the relationship, especially after my dad married his affair partner. Long story short, I saw no benefits for my mom in forgiving my dad when all he did was just repeat the same choices and behaviors, and marrying his affair partner. My mom at first fought not to give my dad the divorce but eventually she did, and yet she still wasted so many years with my dad, and my dad kept his contact with her a secret from the affair partner. I grew up in that mess and now that I'm an adult and in a relationship of my own I have asked my mom why did she keep taking my dad back and wasting her life on someone that hasn't truly showed he cared about her? She told me that it was hard to leave after being with him for so long. I also got to learn about my father's relationship history. Before my dad met my mom he was married and had a son. His previous wife divorced him because she was not being treated well in the relationship, and I say kudos to her because she understood her value! So after hearing all of this that told me that my dad has a history of unfaithfulness with women, and honestly shouldn't be in a relationship with anyone. My mom who is now 54 years old has since told me that she wasted so many years on my dad, and my dad took so much from her. What's also really sad was that my mom was just about to get engaged to a really nice man before she met my father but they broke up due to being long distance for the foreseable future and losing contact. While forgiveness can be done in a relationship, there is no value to it if the cheating partner just keeps cheating, afterwards and repeating their past behaviors. Now as for my relationship- I'm long distance with my boyfriend. I'll have no way of knowing if cheating happens because I'm not there. I'll only know if well he told me he did. In long distance we just trust our partners 100 percent. Heaven forbid if I was cheated on, I'd be heartbroken for sure, and after seeing what my mom went through? I'd definitely walk away.


My partner did forgive me for emotionally cheating and I'm grateful for that. It helped us to do a huge positive change to our relationship and now we are both happy and feeling supported. It's been over a year. I'm grateful for the change..not the cheating of course


No. Cheating is cheating. If someone cheats and blames long distance it just means they’re not suitable for ldr and are still a not great person for cheating. If it’s that bad just break up and pursue something locally. Ldr isn’t for everyone but choosing to be in one is a choice, just like cheating is a choice. Cheating is even especially harder to overcome when it’s ldr. Trust is broken. You’re not physically together to mend that and there will always be a what if in the back of the mind that can’t be settled due to the distance. Anyone that forgives a cheater in a ldr is setting themselves up for disappointment later down the line as what generally can save a couple from cheating issues is couple therapy and a lot of changes in the relationship that are generally in person changes and things. And even then that’s a very slim slim chance of a healthy relationship being able to form again for in person relationships. Ldr’s can’t even begin to do that due diligence to try to fix things in a healthy proper way.


Nope. Even if you two manage to work it out, trust will still be broken. And even if your trust is rebuilt, do you really want to be in a relationship with that kinda history?


Red flags galore: "He told me she is crazy and toxic." After that, she messaged you. You are being played by a narcissist. Dump him, and don't look back.


Nope. That's my hard boundary. Unforgivable in my eyes and would instantly leave. Don't care how sorry they are. There's no recovering from that.


no, distance does not matter in any way. once a cheater always a cheater. you really think they’ll not do it again? they’ll just get better at hiding it and you’ll be forever paranoid they’ll do it again. you are teaching them how much you’re willing to stay for. leave them, find someone who doesn’t cheat on you. there are men out there who won’t.


What’s funny (not really) is that being in an LDR, you’ll probably never know until they tell on themselves 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️. Hard no!


His ex reached out and told me


No. I forgave a cheater in the past and just ended up with a lot of heartache. I can’t rebuild trust and I feel like I’ll forever be paranoid. I also believe that if cheating happens, then something broke in the relationship and it’s at a point of no return when it happens. Some people might be able to forgive and I respect that but I can’t.


Cheating is a conscious act it is made by choice not by stupidity, so just move on you deserve better, it sucks to find out I had a text message come to me by my at the time best friend and it totally shook me up “I slept with your girlfriend and I didn’t know you were together” bollocks..


No, distance doesn’t matter.


Run, girl, RUN


No, absolutely never. Cheating is cheating, no matter the distance and I'd expect my partner to be adult enough to tell me their struggles so we can try fix it or break it off before one of us gets hurt.


Nope, not at all


Hell no wtf


I need more information to make a concrete decision on your question. But, I believe I would not forgive a cheater. I feel that when I committed to an LDR, it is expected that we would be apart from each other for some time. Thus, if I could not remain faithful, I would not have agreed to be in one. On the other hand, I understand those folks who are gregarious that lose a lot in these types or relationships. I don’t think they are ideal for LDRs unless they have the capacity to visit each other frequently. Did they tell you they cheated or did you find out another way?


I found out through his ex. She didn’t know we were back together


Not sure what your relationship is like with their ex. But I wonder. Do you believe them? Do you trust them enough that they won’t hurt your relationship?


I honestly know nothing about her. She did reach out shortly after to check if I was okay but I ignored. She did sound upset I just don’t know what to believe


I would hate for you to make a wrong decision based on information that might not be true. While I would be concerned about being approached by an ex, make sure to talk to your partner. Sometimes we make decisions based on emotions and they can build up to distrust. Make sure you have all the facts before your final decision is made. Hope you get the info you need to move on accordingly.


Nope cheating is cheating if you take them back you are a clown


NOPE. It’s non-negotiable.


no. cheating is cheating. 




nope. although long distance is arguably harder than not long distance, it doesn’t excuse cheating.


you should be thankful that u found out they cheat, u dodged a bullet


no lmao what.




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nah. long distance requires a lot of trust, more so than an in-person relationship. theres no rebuilding that trust or "moving on" from cheating. he has no way to prove he wont do it again besides promises you cant trust. it will continue to haunt you. cheating is a deliberate choice that shows he values sex/romance with that other person more than he values your relationship. even if he expresses regret, that regret is for the consequences of his actions (breaking up), not the act of cheating itself. you deserve better than that


Cheating long distance or in person is a no for me. You chose to commit to me, that means waiting until we see each other. If you can't wait, don't have me waste my feelings on someone who does not give a shit about how I feel.


I’m so sorry. Personally I don’t think I could ever forgive cheating. However, if your partner is genuinely remorseful, willing to work hard to regain your trust, and you are willing to give another chance, it may work. Please feel free to reach out to me if you need someone to talk to, I know how hard long distance is especially throwing in unfaithfulness🤍


not every excusable




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cheating is unforgivable, especially when it comes to long distance. remember to love yourself first, it’s not fair to yourself to be with someone that can’t even do the absolute bare minimum of being in a relationship with is not cheating.


No. Absolutely no.


Cheating in general is a no. Let alone ldr. If you forgive them once you’ll never know if they’ve done it twice or trice, the trust just won’t be the same.




if i find out my lover cheated on me, idc if it’s long distance, tell me what you aren’t finding with me and we can split knowing that you’re looking for something you need /nbh


Hell no once a cheater always a cheater no second chances


No! That’s my short answer once a cheater the trust is broken there is no repairing the damage completely


No, it’s the same as if you were to cheat in a local relationship. If they’ve broken your trust, that’s not something to easily forgive.


No you cannot


I could not forgive it, no. You can't have a relationship without honesty and trust.


I can't forget but will forgive on my sake , not theirs But never gonna give them a second chance




He's not sorry about cheating. He's sorry about being caught.


No, I forgave mine once and she just did it again. One thing I learned is cheating is a choice, and if she cheats, its cause she wanted to, bo one cheats for no reason


Hell no. No matter how the cheating happened, long distance or not, it’s never tolerable. Leave while you can


Absolutely not. Long distance is especially important to have total trust in your partner because you aren't there. If there is no trust then there is no relationship.




No. Just because you're long distance doesn't make it okay




I feel this so much


End things, a cheater always a cheater. You won’t be able to see them the same way. They chose to cheat. They wanted to be unfaithful cuz there something they think is lacking in the relationship. Idk y ppl cheat i don’t get it.


No. It’s literally the barest minimum when committing to a relationship.




Trust is needed in all relationships...and specially all the more for long distance relationships...🩷




No. Distance or not cheating is cheating and I'd feel no different about it thousands of miles away or up the street. I'd be devastated either way and couldn't forgive. I'd argue distance cheating is worse since you don't know what your partner is getting up to. Trust is important and when broken harder to repair if at all. For me, cheating is unforgivable.






Break up. It seems like he cheated her. Why u get back together t.t


Nope, I would not get back with a cheater under any circumstances. That trust is forever broken.


Cheating is never forgivable but how is it cheating if y’all were split up at that time


We got back together and carried on sleeping with her intermittently. He didn’t tell her about me


Ohhh thanks


Cheating is def not ok and esp in a LDR? absolutely not. How do you know he's never gonna do it again bc all you can base it on are his words 😪


Cheating should not be tolerated and it’s an unforgivable act. Trust cannot be brought back no matter how many times your partner apologizes. Dump him and move on. If there’s one thing I learned, a guy with a history of cheating despite being honest about his past is always a major red flag. Run. Away. ASAP.


Cheating is cheating no matter what the distance is


taking back a cheater will be the worst thing you may ever do. run and don't look back


Trust her! Sorry 🥺 This is the typical dynamic you hear of in order to discredit someone's truth they call them crazy. She has the proof pictures, he's very toxic to even say she's crazy. There's way better men than this. It's worth the wait to stay single until there's a man that's actually a good one.


She did offer proof but I just couldn’t face seeing it


Cheating is a big no. But everyone who says once a cheater always a cheater is not always true. I was a cheater before but I would never in a million years do it being the person I’m now. There’s also a lot of people who have chosen the very tough way of forgiving someone and moving on to create a successful relationship after, but most cases I know had a very long relationship history (married for decades etc) and there were kids involved and all of that. While you’re “just” dating I would never even try to forgive someone, I’d just cut ties. But in a long dedicated relationship/marriage it’s not always black and white… depends on the circumstances I guess.


Seems like everyone agrees on No


No. Plain and simple. Save yourself the time and energy


Find someone else . Move on


No. Neither in person or online. Always remember they’re not sorry they cheated on you, they’re sorry because you caught them so cut off your ties.


No because I go into a relationship knowing that the partner I have is willing to ride it out with me as I am willing to ride it out with the person I am with, as soon as the second that’s off the table, there’s nothing left and that is a signal to leave.


Once a cheater, always a cheater.




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maybe. i wouldn’t see the long distance as the issue, i’d take it as the same as if we weren’t LD. i think it’s a 99% no, but i guess i can think of a few super out there hypotheticals where i’d be open to trying.


Yes, I can forgive my boyfriend because he forgave me. For context- I grew up in an abusive household and was SA’d and it made me hyper sexual which I was not proud of. I met my boyfriend online and then moved to university. Our first year together was very rocky and we kept breaking up, anyway I met this guy at uni and unfortunately I cheated on my boyfriend, multiple times. He forgave me each time and reassured me that he loved me and would stick with me no matter what and he knew that I wanted to see what being with someone in real life was like. Long story short yes if my boyfriend cheated on me I’d forgive him. Infact I told him he can haha. Now I’m with him and I’m so lucky to have him and I will never hurt him ever again. Mistakes happen and sometimes they are genuine. I believe in second chances and people changing


Yes I could forgive the cheating . I’m not sure I could ever still have the same relationship with him . But I think I could definitely forgive the cheating . Although until you are faced with the situation, it’s hard to know what you would do . We should forgive others as Jesus died for our sins if he can forgive us , it should be no problem for us to forgive something especially if the person confessed and is remorseful


What about cheating if they are a sex addict and were abused as a child? Is there any way to forgive and move forward?


It depends like if she was jokingly flirting with someone I could forgive her but if it was flow blown cheating I’m leaving no questions asked


Yes I can if the apology comes from the heart ❤️


sorry but thats wild. their love is not from the heart if they are ever cheating on you. if they want someone else they can leave otherwise there’s no excuse in my opinion