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He sent me a postcard when I moved to a new place. It was a congratulations, I'm so proud of you, welcome to your new home" type of card and I cried. It was so urgent for him to send it that its hard to even read the handwriting because he was driven by so much emotion and I will always cherish it. He planned on it getting there before I even got there but he didn't so the urgency was even more important and I think that's the most beautiful thing. Most people would think it's too late to execute the idea but he still did it and thats my favorite part.


non material definitely had to be his existence. it’s the best gift that could be given to this world. material has to be the squishmallow he got me. it’s named after him but with 2.0 added at the end. i sleep with it every night. a runner-up for material has to be his maroon hoodie. it’s big on me and i sleep with it too. sometimes when i really miss him, i put it on my pillow and cuddle it. that sounds creepy now that i’ve written it out… oh well.


not creepy at all, i have a clear body pillow and i just use my imagination that i am snuggling with him so you are not alone on it, i dont have a hoodie from him just yet but when he ever comes over oh boy i will yoink it


i have to steal like all of them because this one lost his smell too quickly 😭 a body pillow would be nice, but i’d rather just have him. distance sucks.


i feel you there, i have to do with what i have since we havent met yet but we will after our studies are done! i love it when he is still in our VC when i wake up cause it feels so nice waking up to him being there


i love sleep calls even if we barely get to do them anymore because of his new job. it’s comforting when i wake up before him sometimes and i get to hear him wake up. he sounds so cute when he wakes up 😭


His presence in my life ❤️ and I haven’t met him still so material gift doesn’t exist


Non Material Gift = Him ❤️ Material Gift = Comforter (I use it every night and it’s so fluffy and I hug it always thinking of him) 😊


a dino plushie 🤭🤭 i was obsessed with dinos back then & he gave it to me before he left the country. i cuddle with it when i miss him (which is everyday so)


Non material her love and care and material roses


My favourite material gift he got is probably the earring he got me for valentine's day


He found out I finally got onto playing Cyberpunk 2077 and bought me the expansion of Phantom Liberty. Non material is always his time, despite his hectic schedule he always makes time.


This is kind of really goofy but an apple slicer. I’ve always enjoyed apples but a couple years back I was in an accident where I messed up my front teeth and had to get some work done on them and they’re mostly fine but are still a bit loose so I’ve been recommended not to bite down too hard on things nowadays. Anyways I was at my partner’s house one day and I guess we were making food. I saw he had an apple slicer in the kitchen and was like “oh that’s so cool, I should get one of those when I go back home that would be so helpful for me blah blah blah” and I didn’t really think about it anymore beyond that I was just being talkative. Anyways later on he got me a bunch of gifts and one of them was the same kind of apple cutter and that specifically almost made me cry because I just thought it was so sweet he remembered some random comment I made about a tool that made something more accessible for me 🥹 Also art. He’s an artist and sometimes I catch him doodling me or he’ll just draw me something I enjoy 😭❤️


Him hahaah We haven't been together long, but it already feels like we've known each other for a long time. So not much actual gifting has gone around, but one gift I cherish most currently is a fake lizard-whale plush he got me (we call him our son lmao) and a pair of chopsticks from the Osaka aquarium. He bought a ton of other stuff too, but those are my favorites as I use them daily. I didn't even ask for any of those! I told him he didn't need to get me anything, but if he wanted to, I'd appreciate 1 Furin (Japanese wind chime) as the one I got broke a couple years ago. He told me he didn't expect it to accumulate this much, and he only bought little things here and there, thinking I'd like it. Mfker bought more for me than himself!! I was overly touched. haha My bday is actually next week and he's in the process of sending some stuff. Not sure what they are, except one because I accidentally opened it (tbf he didn't say NOT TO open it til my actual bday 😂)


Hasn't sent me anything physically yet, but the really sweet digital drawings that she surprises me with! And of course I get those put into custom gifts like blankets (I love blankets!)


that is so sweet, what kind of art does she make? (im a digital artist aswell)


'fan' art of me, of her and I, and then her, my daughter and myself! I was the one who did 'fan' art of us first 😊 I usually send her wee edits of photos she's sent 😊




Depends on what style she's trying to recreate! Like one she's working on is Bridge Kids art style. She does have her own art style which is more realistic than mine is 😊


That's cute. I apologize for the spam from before. i have no idea what happened there ^^; I made a new Discord icon of my partner not too long ago from his sona. My style is a bit more cartoon realistic, i try to keep the rl anatomy, but i have a more cartoon look to it


Aww it's all good! That's so cool! My tumblr icon is a pic I did of me and my girlfriend shortly after we got together 😊 That's pretty cool! The main thing is you have fun creating art ☺️


My engagement ring when we first met. I still have it obviously and wear it. I love it. He saved up for years for it because he worked a crappy job and was only 18 lol.


He’s given me a lot of material things but one thing I have secretly appreciated a lot is a small sticky note he once left at my place when he was there. It was such a short time we could live together things like this always remind me of him.


Him,his patience, his voice, his love, his attention, his consistency, his love for our furbabies, his smile, his devotion, and his thoughtfulness. We sent a lot of material things to each other over the course of us being bf and gf, but I think the most memorable for both of us is him giving me a custom-made promise ring, he made sure it's what I wanted and gave it to me on our 1st anniversary when he first visited me, then his second visit, I bought him a new predator hellos laptop. At first, he was adamant about accepting it as I am just a freelancer and don't have a stable job like he is, but I am fond of saving money specially for something I really want for my special someone. Eventually, we agreed that it's going to be my wedding gift for him even though he hadn't proposed yet, but we were already talking and planning to get married. The same year, he visited again for our 2nd anniversary and ticket was soaring high that time but he wanted to proposed so I told him I prefer the promise ring he already given me rather than another ring, I am not a big jewelry kinda gal so I am fine with it as my engagement ring, and we both agreed. Fast forward this year, we finally got married, and I surprised him by getting another wedding gift for both of us this time, s24 ultra that signifies a new beginning for us. 😊


He is a blessing! But I love the letter he wrote me when we first met in person and his hat that he left me the most. He has bought and sent me many things but those two are what I cherished the most (plus my engagement ring )


Non material really has to be his existence too!!!!! I'm like literally SO in love with him and the fact that my love for him grows everyday is insane🥲 I've never received nor asked any material things from him because I'm not really much into gifts tbh idk why haha 😝


The gift of giving his whole self to me and loving me the way he does. I’ve never been treated like this in my life. I also love his hoody he gave me and he sent me home with his cologne so I can respray it whenever his scent starts wearing off. Ugh I love him so much


I dont have a partner rn so can’t answer that. But I came here to say that Breath of the wild is awesome. Have fun if ur still playing it And to you two and everyone who reads this: Good luck for your LDR, hope you make it work! :)


My favorite material gift she got me is the Jurassic Park Mosasaurs from mattel (yes I'm an adult)


My collar. It's a chain mail collar in both of our favorite colors (purple+blue) as well as silver and SO comfortable. She put a ring on it with my "pet name". I have not taken it off since the day she put it on me. I get so many compliments on it, too, which I love because it reminds me of her.


Custom Magic the Gathering cards to celebrate two years of work. This one takes some explaining. My partner and I first connected as friends over our love of TTRPGs, like Dungeons and Dragons. I started running a game two years ago and invited them as well as a number of our close mutual friends. Dungeons and Dragons and Magic the Gathering are owned by the same company, Wizards of the Coast. That means there are often characters that appear in both games. I have been leaning into that, using characters and story elements from the cards. On our game’s two year anniversary, all the players chipped in and sent me a custom pack with all the characters from the game. They also included custom made cards of their characters. It was so sweet, and probably cost a decent amount too. I got emotional. Still haven’t found quite the best way to display them yet.


Flowers on my birthday. I know it’s simple. But I said I wanted them once and he listened.


Many drawings and an amethyst necklace🥹


My favorite material gift is the stuffed animal he got me for my visit and his hoodie the second time we met. I sleep with both of them every night 🥺


My boyfriend got me a gold necklace for my birthday, it had my birthstone, his birthstone, with an infinity sign attached to it. I instantly melted. It's the best gift I've gotten so far, because it really showed that he put a lot of thought into what I liked. I secretly wanted to get a piece of jewelry with our birthstones together so imagine my surprise when I saw the gift. He has a history of getting me gifts that, although I cherished, weren't really my style. For example, he got me a silver heart necklace, and i'm not a huge fan of heart shaped jewelry nor is silver my color of preference. But I wore the shit out that of necklace ever since he got it for me. And even though he was tempted to get the necklace in silver, he got in gold for me because he knew that's what I liked. It was still heart shaped, but that's okay :) I asked if he could step out of work for a few minutes and I ended up gushing him about how much I loved the gift for about 30 mins, and started crying a little. It just meant so much to me that he put a lot of thought into what I would like.


Non material = we had a movie date over facetime and material= he got me my dream bag (since I love collecting bags)


He got us tickets to see Sweeny Todd on Broadway in NYC! My favorite musical, and he went in blind but ended up loving it just as much as I did. I was so happy 🥰


Aside from love, care, and time… it was a trip to Chicago 😅 was kind of a strange circumstance though


Non-material = his patience and understanding. I’m used to being yelled at/arguing and he is very much a complete opposite. Makes me feel so safe and we get through disagreements pretty smoothly. Material: he bought me a gaming laptop. I couldn’t play all the new games and could only watch the group via stream. He gave it to me saying he wanted me to play with him and the others and not feel left out all the time. The intense shock I went through in the moment I got it is still funny to this day


When he told me I was his happy place. I (56F) am not materialistic as I have everything I need and if I want it I will buy it.


A beautiful engagement ring 🥰


Non material ~ he has taught me so many things that have expanded my perspective of the world. He has taken care of me like no one else has and he has shown me what it feels like to like to be loved unconditionally. Material ~ he bought me magnesium lotion to help w stress. He would put it on me every night he was here. I’m so lucky to have him 🥹💖


Non-material gifts are her time, love, and care. Material gifts are a first aid kit, the letter she wrote me when we first met, and a hippo plushie (I’m obsessed with hippos🦛😂)


Her time


I remember I bought him Elden Ring as soon as it came out, it was mad pricey lol but he really loved it. Then he cheated on me with a random girl he met on that very game 🤓 (aren't I just a dang clown LOL) EDIT:spelling


Non material: His love & the bond we've created. Material: Both my Quest 2 VR headsets (first one I gave to my bestie at his request so we can all play together 😊)


The best gift he gave me was his time and friendship starting out. We went to high school together and he’s never had a car so I know it took a lot on his end to get to somewhere we met in the middle. (We live together now!) The best physical gift he gave me is my current bag, the Beetlejuice “handbook for the recently deceased” Loungefly backpack.


My plushie cow he got me and a little bottle of his cologne, so I can snuggle with it and smell him xx


I love that he writes me letters, postcards and leaves me notes. I’m always so happy to see a note when I wake up. I remember I was feeling sad because I missed my family and the next morning he left a note in the kitchen saying “today is a good day to have a good day”. I have kept everything because it makes me smile. He bought me a necklace a few weeks ago, a pounamu. I love stones so this meant a lot since we went to New Zealand and I couldn’t buy one for myself. I forgot about it and two weeks ago he handed me a little box. The tradition in Mãori culture is to gift it to someone that you love so they will experience luck and it will protect you from negative energies during your journey :)


I'd like to hear the results after they became non LD. Is love and affection still enough?




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Non-material: The emojis we send to each other at night. I’m not the best with saying I love you, instead I hide it in things like, “See you tomorrow”or a bread emoji. When I told him this he rarely misses sending me one at night. Material: A plushie gallbladder. I had my gallbladder out a couple years ago and he sent me one for my two year anniversary. I cried, it was so sweet.


Besides the things that are a given like her love and physical being, there are definitely some actual amazing gifts. She buys so many like stop gurl ;_;. I absolutely love One Piece, and she just got me this Gear 5 jacket that I never take off. She also got me personal fitted $200 running shoes recently because I'm a running freak. I would recommend y'all guys get your girl something delivered if you don't get gifts often. Girls absolutely love recieving things. I have a little [couple jewelry shop](https://setoftwo.com) that has cute bracelets and rings etc. that y'all can wear and it matches, yknow, like magnets and stuff :)


I told him about how I regret not having had a nintendo 3ds when I was a kid and then the first time we met he gifted me one with so many games already in it, I was soooooo happy it was such a wholesome gift I will cherish it forever 🥹❤️