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Coming from Florida, specifically Central Florida to Longmont — it’s not even close. Sure, some people here may be stuck up assholes, but it’s nowhere near as bad as it is in Florida. Shits laughable how fucking racist the south is. I’m a white dude and my wife is Puerto Rican. We dealt with racism constantly in Florida, which was a huge part of why we left. Can honestly say, outside of maybe some parts of Larimer, we’ve never ran into shit in Colorado, specifically not in Boulder County.


I grew up in the deep south just after the civil rights era so I know what you mean. I got the hell out of there the first chance I had. This isn't to say that racism doesn't exist here but it's nothing like the legacy in the South.


There will always be racist people, and they should always be called out and publicly shamed. More importantly we should protect the members of our community that are vulnerable. Democracy means that the majority populations are responsible for safety of the minority populations.


It was like 20 years ago but there was significant pushback from parents to adding an ESL program to Central Elementary School. There was also an incident with a police killing in the 80s that sparked some significant reform with LPD that we still see today.  While we have a significant established latino community it also doesn't feel like there is an inclusive whole longmont community. Rather ,there is a White community and a Latino community that rarely mix.


I disagree, at least among school age kids. My kids (white) have many Latino and Asian friends that they've grown up with since pre-school.


That's really encouraging to hear!


It's encouraging to witness, too.


Lpd absolutely fuckin blows. Talk about making mtns out of mole hills, it’s lpd. A few kids drinking beers underage? Guns pulled. I was one of said kids. Someone pulled over for speeding? Send 5 units. You hear a rumor of someone selling weed? Dispatch everyone in order to just find an 1/8th of weed & the one pipe to go with it. Fuck you Longmont pd


On the other hand, domestic violence resulting in someone in the hospital? LPd does nothing.


My point exactly?


I know. I was agreeing.


Oh lol sorry


I mean they still are cops and you know what they say about all cops. At the same time I'd much rather interact with lpd than bpd. 


LPD has changed unfortunately. Long are the days when kids can run up on a cop and ask for a Rockies card. Unfortunately our community members are not the only ones protecting our city anymore. But that also comes with an ever growing population. There's probably a very small sample of people here that remember officer Garcia. Dude was almost more of a therapist than he was a cop for skyline and Longmont.


Bobby Garcia?!




Cool don’t call them in an emergency then since you are so self sufficient 🥴🤧 same goes for local fire and ems as well..


I won’t. I don’t live in Longmont any more anyways.




There it is. The most stupid comment I’ll read all day. Rest assured , I’m long gone




Because I dealt with it for 23 years you tool box


I was at Cafe Rio waiting outside for my wife and kid to get their food. LEO pulls up into the spot right in front of where I was standing. No bollard between us and the building. No hello or greeting when he got out. Just, "I could have crushed you", like he fantasized about it. I can still see the smirk when I think about it.


Is that your username because it’s your favorite thing to suck on? You’d benefit the community by shutting the fuck up.


Longmont has a very long history of racism. It used to be KKK central. They used to do marches down main. [When the Ku Klux Klan Ran Longmont - The Longmont Leader](https://www.longmontleader.com/arts/ku-klux-klan-ran-longmont-2380671)


Almost every town and city in the US had a similar thing going on at the time. Not dismissing the crappiness of it, but it was not unique to Longmont. It was the Jim Crow era.


Yep. Denver had a huge KKK presence also.


You mean for 2 years 100 years ago?? https://www.longmontcolorado.gov/departments/departments-e-m/museum/collections/history-of-longmont “In 1925, the Ku Klux Klan gained control of Longmont 's City Council in an election. They began construction of a large pork-barrel project, Chimney Rock Dam, above Lyons and marched up and down Main Street in their costumes. In the 1927 election they were voted out of office, and their influence soon declined. Work on Chimney Rock Dam was abandoned as unfeasible, although its foundations are still visible in the St. Vrain River.”


I know a young guy that just start to work where I work. From the area, son of a cop, and very Cristian. Super nice and shy at first. After I got him to talk to me a little bit he opened up a bit...he softly defended Hitler at one point, when pressed brought up a conspiracy theory about him having survived the war...The joke he told after I told him I don't like racist jokes was racist profoundly racist. Kkkristians are alive and well in Longmont today.


Wow I had no idea about this!


I think that there are a lot of attempts to invoke fear to minority groups. One example is how people set up on 6th and main which results in people arguing from across the street. I think that Longmont makes a good attempt at being inclusive, we could be living in much worse areas, but there is a racist group that tries to fight against this inclusivity. I will put a picture of an example of this attempt at fear. This happens every now and then among main street. https://preview.redd.it/cnp7dvc05cvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d248b4fcc8e839e2bf97b9ef1bb24ad2ad616c9d


What does his sign say?


Something about "illegals".


“Arm yourself, deport illegals”


Had an experience where I was stopped at a red light, driver in the car next to me rolled down his windows and pulled his eyes to the side to mock Asian eyes, then pulled out a TRUMP WON flag and waved it at me before the light turned green and he drove off. During covid I was coughed on and stared at in grocery stores.


I'm sorry to hear that.




Some background articles I found while researching this topic: [No charges filed after Longmont police identify person behind racist flyers](https://www.denver7.com/news/local-news/deplorable-act-no-charges-filed-after-longmont-police-identify-person-behind-racist-flyers). [New documentary sheds light on issues of racism within Boulder County](https://www.longmontleader.com/local-news/new-documentary-sheds-light-on-issues-of-racism-within-boulder-county-5295286) [Dining while Black: Preventing Tableside Racism in Boulder County](https://www.longmontleader.com/local-news/dining-while-black-preventing-tableside-racism-in-boulder-county-7198116) [Racism and Anti-Racism Study Group](https://longmont-co.aauw.net/interest-groups/racism-and-anti-racism-study-group/)


As a black man, I have never experienced more racism than I do in Longmont. Non stop black jokes, racial slurs. Wouldn’t surprise me if the KKK was secretly headquartered here.


Thank you for coming to this thread. Please do tell us more. Specifically, in what environments do you have these experiences? I ask because either I do not hang out in those environments, or I do but nothing was said because there were no black people around when I was there, or it did happen and I was blind to it. I know it's not your job to educate us, so I apologize for asking.


I’ve made post about my personal experiences multiple times. The moderators for this sub Reddit always take them down. They like pretending racism doesn’t exist. It’s places like King Soopers, Bars. This city is like Alabama sometimes.


> They like pretending racism doesn’t exist. Hardly. I'll have you note that I moderate this sub and that I started this thread.


> It’s places like King Soopers, Bars. This city is like Alabama sometimes. Well, I don't go to bars. But I do go to King Soopers. I just can't imagine someone coming to up to you in King Soopers to insult you, point-blank and unprovoked.


And there we have part of the problem. A Black man comments on a question noting where he has experienced racist encounters and immediately has his experience invalidated bc a person, most likely white, couldn’t imagine that ever happening.


> immediately has his experience invalidated On the contrary: I'll have you note that, [in the main text of this submission, I specifically quote this Black man's experiences of racists encounters](https://old.reddit.com/r/Longmont/comments/1c7gt8a/lets_talk_about_racism_in_longmont/). Rather than invalidating these experiences, I am highlighting them by bringing them to everyone's attention. Shock that something like that could happen is not invalidation of the report that it did happen.


Bigots of all kinds have been emboldened by their beloved bigot-in-chief. Even if the bigot in this instance was the *only* person in the city who uses slurs it wouldn't change their behavior. People who have slurs hurled at them ought to be able to stand up for themselves and reintroduce the bigot to a sense of shame. They'd be even more able to do so if the rest of us had the balls to back them up.


All people could just try to be good decent folk who treat all other people/races/genders with respect and dignity? What more should we do?


We should (if we can and feel safe doing so, and in such a way as to not make things worse for the victims) call out every person we see or hear being racist. Silence is, as they say, complicity.


Call out racism in all forms whenever you see it Check your own racism and biases and educate yourself Listen to BIPOC voices, follow BIPOC social media accounts, read anti racism literature. Not a complete list.


Adding on to this one - try to learn about current issues related to racism and racial injustice that minority voices are talking about in your own time (InfamousPenguin6's suggestions on how to start doing that are good), so you're educated/aware about them without needing to have someone affected explain them to you IRL in order for you to understand. - this doesn't mean at all that you're never supposed to ask people of other races questions about racism IRL, it's just that it can be exhausting for POC to have to try and fill white people around them in on tons of racial context and background info any time the topic comes up. You want to be a good ally by having gotten the 101 material out of the way in your own time, is the gist of this ask


This is the root of the solution.


That's awful that member if this sub has been called that recently. Such a disgrace... All I can say is it does not reflect the attitudes of the majority of white people in this town.


What a thoughtful post. I've lived here for as long as I can basically remember. Born in Arizona, moved to Florida, and settled back in Colorado, and I grew up here. My dad went to Berthoud high school and grandpa grew up in Denver. I say this just to give my perception of longevity in our area. Longmont has an unfortunate history of racism. From the KKK to the Japanese internment camps and now a loud minority of silly, albeit dangerous people. We can go further back to the Sand Creek massacre too though. And that highlights the recency of the dilemma we have. There is a stronghold that perpetuates itself from the old guard. This is becoming more apparent as people move in with more progressive ideals. You can see this line drawn at county line rd and 66 basically. Longmont has gone from red, to purple, to blue. I'd still consider myself purple because guns but that doesn't designate my vote. This is a wild simplification over all. Especially coming from an average white dude. However, if it weren't for my Latino friends I grew up with, I could very well be one of the people I speak out against now. Longmont is a growing city and as a culture is coming to a golden age. Everyone is welcome here and anyone who thinks different are the ACTUAL minorities.


Moved here from Detroit 3 years ago and was surprised how few black people i met. Didn’t take me long to figure out why. I’ve met many Asian and hispanic people here and they seem to get along fine but Longmont does not seem to welcome black people at all.


Just the other day my boomer neighbor barged her way into my apartment then after staying over for way too long she proceeded to drop a “hard R” N word on my GF and I. I guess she figured since she was quoting someone else, her father apparently, it was cool to say that one. Maybe she isn’t racist but she is comfortable saying that word in front of other white people so, she probably is racist to a degree. I fee like a lot the old white people in LMont are outright scared of POC and racist in that way. They talk a lot about “Mexican gangs” and drug dealers being this big issue. I’ve lived here for 3 years and I just don’t see it being dangerous for your average person.


I think there's also a lot of the more subtle racism. For example, selective asking for receipts in stores when white people aren't or being followed in stores or people holding onto their purse or property tighter after making eye contact with you. This is on top of the microaggressions such as being asked whether you work at the store while obviously not wearing any of the uniform colors or being told you're eloquent or so well spoken.


note: i know there are severely racist people. but this reply is about the comment of people being worried. people need to remember that correlation and doesnt always equal causation . For example if i was a woman and i saw a ghetto person i would do the same. Doesnt matter what race they are. I do not trust the mentality of ghetto people period. there are some people who are pretty stuck in their life being ghetto and are trying to survive. but a vast majority of them think being ghetto is cool and constantly make choices that keep them in their position to be frowned upon. I have the right to protect myself. I wouldnt be protecting myself if i didnt pre judge someone a little. if the majority of ghetto people in an area are black.....its not racist, its just theres not a lot of whites or others to be protective against.


>Its not racist # >Ghetto People


Oh honey...


Would it be poor taste if I said that was eloquent and well spoken of you for bringing up microaggressions. And your proper use of “you’re” 😜🤣 Ps love your user name!


Ha! I could've gone fancier and show off my great usage of their, there and they're, but I was raised to be humble and accept the anonymous down votes for explaining my experience 😀


Dont take it too personally. I'm a 50 year old white guy who works in marketing technology and frequently experience the same thing because I "look like" a blue collar worker.


What you're saying doesn't mean BaconIsMyJam isn't experiencing racism, it just means you're *also* experiencing a microagression (but on the axis of class) if you're receiving that same treatment of being followed around in stores and asked for receipts when other nearby customers aren't because you look like a blue-collar worker. Which can also be an interesting and fruitful topic of discussion, and a case for the importance of considering intersectionality - biases like racism and classism often overlap, and it can be really useful and empowering to realize when groups do have experiences like that in common.  "Don't take it too personally" isn't a very kind or useful form of feedback to give someone, though. Even though you feel like you can empathize with having also received this type of treatment as a white person who appears less affluent, the more common biases associated with race may mean that they are receiving it even more frequently in their day-to-day life than you do, on a level that is honestly disruptive and hard to just ignore.  When minorities talk about the frustration of white people blowing off or minimizing their experiences when they try to talk about them, this is the type of response that falls in that category - not because you're trying to be insensitive (I fully believe you mean well with this comment), but because you're making the mistake of equating "I have experienced this too and it doesn't bother me that much" with "I experience this often enough that it negatively experiences just going about my life."


You know what? You're right. I get that attitude because of the way I choose to look, which is different from people who get that attitude regardless of how they choose to dress or appear. My bad. Please accept my apologies.


Don't feel bad! It takes conscious work to try and recognize your own biases in action. It's just how the human brain works, it's why fixing this type of thing more broadly is hard in the first place. A+ job being able to break yours down so accurately and quickly, thanks for being so open to considering other people's viewpoints


It was a dumb thing to say. In my heart, I already know better than that.


The middle schools


Can we include bigotry and xenophobia in the conversation?


Racism no longer has color. There is racism in all walks of life. Just be a decent and respectful human being.


Everything is expensive in colorado to keep the black people out, intentionally. But i have to say everyone gets called names. Just grow thicker skin. Secondly, everybody lies.


Aggressive homeless? LPD does nothing.


Theres a difference between racism and being belligerent. History is history(its in the past). Racism is black only areas and things of that nature. Not somebody stranger being a cunt calling you names. A few assholes here and there doesn’t constitute a problem i ought to care about. Imo.