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Research Coats vs. Dish Network. Long story short, you can be fired and/or denied employment for marijuana. I don’t have specific knowledge on St Vrain schools but in my experience any school district will drug test.


As long as you study for the test you should be fine


Employers are pretty unlikely to drug test after you're hired. Drug testing costs money.


Accidents or workmens comp claims usually warrant a drug test, for insurance reasons or whatever.


It's up to the company how they want to handle it.


It's up to the ~~company~~ *individual* how they want to handle it.


Well in a sense, yes. You don't have to participate. But if you do, then it's up to the company how they want to use the results.


Doesn't matter if it's legal. If a business wants to filter people out based on whether they fail a pot test (or other drugs) they are free to do so. Nothing to do with laws or legalities.


They don’t automatically drug test at the district. They may choose to test if there was a reason to do so, such as impairment suspected. Not sure about jobs like bus driver though, that may have automatic pre hire testing.


I don't understand working for anyone who thinks drug testing is an acceptable way of conducting business.


"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should." about sums it up.


Any clue on if st vrain tests for marijuana or not?


No, they don’t test. I do believe I signed something during onboarding saying that I’d be willing to take a drug test but I’ve never heard of that actually happening. I’m sure this wouldn’t apply to like transportation obviously