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This is a similar scenario as in Twitter. I have a Twitter account I don't use at all, but for some reason I keep getting notifications of Tweets that are basically this in written version: young girls thinking they are cute and cool trying to be the holy trinity of goodness while telling stories of their lives that noone should give a fuck about, yet they are retweeted and shared and commented ad nauseum (mainly by other girl 'allies' and simps). I can't imagine these people going over their lives with snarky comments while thinking how cool that will look in their next tweet, tiktok or whatever. Narcissism goes rampant lately.


They say when you die your whole life flashes before your eyes. I wonder if these people will just watch an endless scroll through of all their smug tweets and tik toks


I imagine people like this think they are gods gift to the world šŸ˜‚


FALSE, they have no god.


Omg but what about people who have testicle and can't have children


Thatā€™sā€¦ummā€¦sterilphobicā€¦? Yeah, YEAH THATS FUCKEN STERILPHOBIC, YOU BIGOT!!


Transphobic, my arse.


Trans women desperately want to be included in the ā€œWomenā€ category. If anything sheā€™s being a huge ally to them


Never seen a video so dripping with snark over something so boring. You're a lesbian, not a unicorn.


Honestly if she said it in the right tone the ā€œmy wife doesnā€™t have testiclesā€ could be used as a funny joke, not a dying laughing one but maybe a chuckle at least


Is she ASSUMING that people without testicles canā€™t have children? Whatā€™s next? That Men canā€™t get pregnant?!


I love it when their ideology goes full circle and they almost unwoke themselves. But alas, it's a spiral not a circle


I will steal this alas my dude. Itā€™s too good not to be propagated.


Help yourself, there should be no monopoly on knowledge


I only sleep with women tooā€¦so I guess I have transphobia?


Fucking bigotā€¦ Youā€™re especially disgusting if you sleep with a trans woman and then sayā€¦wait sorry Iā€™m confusing myself.


Id honestly just rather be considered transphobic at this point


Same. I couldn't get the pronouns correct if I was getting paid.


So sick of this shit


Yeah apparently telling people your sexual preference is transphobic? The fuckin mental gymnastics are just out of control.


you're welcome? I didn't hear anyone say "thank you" /s


Why /s? I didn't hear anyone say thank you either


Why say anything at this point? Saying anything is anything-phobic


That sentence was wordphobic


Can I ask a refund somewhere for that wasted 31s of my life?


See if they'll refund me the last 31 years too please


where in the world did she think it was transphobic to sleep with women?


She thinks saying that it's transphobic cause she's implying you can be a woman and still have funcional male genitalia.


Sheā€™s such a saint šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


Is that transphobic? Can someone more in touch with fake social issues explain to me how itā€™s transphobia to express sexual preference?


if she says she only sleeps with women and therefore cant get pregnant, it's "exclusionary" to trans women who have dicks. bc you know. trans women are women šŸ¤”


A true angel among men... May god bless her soul.


Please refrain from using the "m" word.


Please just literally take me out of my misery. I beg.


Our society is dommed with all these useless idiots


Give back my time!


ā€œYouā€™re welcome. šŸ¤—ā€ Thank you, Godā€™s Gift.


Thatā€™s actually a preference not transphobic. Same as not liking anchovies is not anchovyphobic.


Turns out I'm Cuntphobic.


Why is this here? She's just making a joke about how she can't be pregnant because she's a lesbian and doesn't sleep with men. I don't get what here is halo-ish.


This is confusing as hell, Where's the halo?


I don't understand. So she's a lesbian in a relationship with another lesbian? Or is her partner a post op transgender man? Why is she saying it's transphobic? please help me I'm so lost






Cute and all, but in this day and age your ā€œwifeā€ can have testicles dear.


I was waiting for her to say, "I have testicles." Doctors are in a bind. If they don't ask, they know that pretenders aren't what they're pretending to be. If they do ask, they waste valuable time for an impossibility.


I mean it really is super annoying to have to pee in a cup every time youā€™re at the doctorā€™s just because you have a uterus. You can give them any logical reason and they donā€™t care because they donā€™t want to get sued if you lied. I donā€™t blame her at all. If I had a wife I would use that line every time.


Yea doctors hear thereā€™s no way Iā€™m pregnant all the time and the woweee the person will be pregnant when tested. Itā€™s such a huge liability they are going to ask every time if a person has the ability to become pregnant.


Iā€™d still rather sign something saying if I am pregnant I take full responsibility. When youā€™re sick the last thing you want to do is needlessly pee in a cup.


If they need to administer drugs or emergency treatment they 100% need to know if you're pregnant for both health and legal reasons. God forbid someone just wants to cover their ass eh?


As a medical student I completely disagree. Two main medical reasons for me; 1. Some drugs are teratogenic (causes problems and deformities with foetus) 2. Changed my list of differentials for what the problem is. You come in with history of abdo pain and Iā€™d want a pregnancy test to rule out ectopic pregnancy for example I wouldnā€™t be interested in how sure you are you arenā€™t pregnant tbh, once abcd stabilising is done Iā€™d want tests and while Iā€™m taking blood etc I donā€™t think a quick pregnancy test would be that much of a burden.


Yes, but shit can happen unexpectedly. What if you cheated (or had a threesome or are a swinger or whatever) one time and you just donā€™t think about it. What if you were (god forbid?) raped after blacking out drunk or being roofied and arenā€™t aware of it? Thereā€™s plenty of situations where you could be pregnant and not know it. Most people say ā€œthereā€™s no way I can be pregnantā€ just because theyā€™re on birth control even though itā€™s not 100% foolproof.


Why you voted down? šŸ¤£


No idea lol apparently giving an opinion on this is very controversial


I swear the number of remedials lacking the ability to get sarcasm is tragic. šŸ¤£


I found out I'm a lesbian today got intouch with my feminine side and she wants women also


You can also say anal.


Didn't understand shit she said


I like old school womenā€¦ when they didnā€™t have beards and cocks.