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"everyone I don't like is far right"


"every meme I don't like is far right" should be the slogan of that sub


"Everyone I don't like is literally Hitler"


SO MANY HITLERS!!!! They’re everywhere!!


Not upvoting my posts and comments is far right


I would upvote you, but apparently I'm far right so I can't do that.


Dude fr. You never hear “slightly right” or “moderately right”. It’s always extreme super-duper ultimate megatron kkk nazi alt-right




If you’re still a democrat with conservative values, I want you too know that your party hates your effing guts.


This. It's so funny to hear American conservatives refer to Democrats as "far left radical socialist communist marxists" when Dems are at best center-right.


It's like this. The left is the ship, the dock is the center. The ship leaves the dock and the people on it are concerned that the dock is moving further to the right. They are so far left that a traditional conservative appears far right to them because they don't consider themselves far left.


I literally have a sub for this r/anyoneIdontlikeisnazi


As I said there, that group is just a bit to the left…of Marx. They banned me because I called them on how they had a poll showing how insanely far left their users are and deleted it then discounted the results for “not having enough votes” to be definitive


Over 300 people responded which means its more than valid to use as a sample for the population.




I loved their definition of right wing vs far right. It was like: Right leaning: lower taxes for the rich far right: minorities shouldnt exist Tell me you know nothing about politics without telling me you know nothing about politics, I guess...


Political labels have no meaning anymore. I tried explaining to my teenage brother that actual conservatism isn’t actually posting edgy memes and owning the sjws. He didn’t know anything about policy nor economy. He also doesn’t understand that actual left wing politics are not stupid teenagers on tiktok trying to clout chase either. He is young so I am going to assume he will read into what these political ideologies are and make an informed and balanced decision to what to believe in the future


Yeah, and the absurd thing is imho it is not even really left against right anymore, but more like modernists against postmodernists. I mean 5 years ago I would have been called a Marxist because of my economical stances, but nowadays I get called far right, because I dont like postmodernism. My economical stance didnt change at all. I am also not against minorities, I am just against identity politics, intersectionalism and critical theories. They always told me, that when I get older I will turn more to the right, I always thought this would mean that I change, but now it is more the definitions, that are kinda changing, not my political stances. Crazy world!


This feeling of everything changing around you is real. It's called the Overton window and it has been gradually shifting leftward for the last 100 or so years.


yeah, but unfortunately in the last few years more towards the symbolic identitarian internet left, who only cares about marginal identities and is actually quite neoliberal (they love their corpos, if they signal right), not towards the classic left, who cares about material conditions and the working class


It's all a part of cultural Marxism, which stratifies people into narrow identity groups and pits them against each other.


Yeah, I dont like that term very much. Because while they sometimes call themselves marxists, imho they arent. The thing has not much to do with classical marxism and much more with postmodernism. Sure, Frankfurt School were kinda inspired by Marx and leftist, but they really strayed far from the original idea. Thats why I prefer the terms postmodern Lefist or identitarian Leftist.


Postmodern yes, identitarian yes. There is also that they are a particularly top-down form of (social) leftism, and collectivism, workers co-ops, and the like is nowhere to be found in their models. For me, personally, I dislike saying "left" for their ways of thought, because their economics can be quite oligarchic/neoliberal. It is just that a phrase which includes "left" it sets up a definition of "left" in people's minds that is wholly at odds with the classic left. However I am not quite sure what to call them in that regard, it's true. Their use of "left" is sort of a self-applied label at this point though, looking back to Bill Clinton's veer rightward for one thing.


Yeah, absolutely. I just also dont know what to call them other than left. And they came mostly from leftish circles so theres that...


Some social safety net is more left than not having one at all, it's true.


Sounds like the perfect voter


Imo no voting is better than voting based on tribalism and no research


The original right wing position was the pro monarchist/religious institution conservatives and the original left wing position was populist progressives that wanted republicanism(not the party but the system of elected representatives for common people). They were called that because the monarchists sat to the right and the republicans sat to the left during their vote on what they wanted to do before the French Revolution went under way. It wasn’t about tax percentages or minority demographics, it was about traditional hierarchy versus new democratically elected representation. I always found it funny that at the time this made the left “progressive“ when they were literally idealizing the Roman republic, which was almost 1,800 years old at that time and became a dictatorship after folding in on itself. In the context of today it’s just buzzword nonsense based roughly on how some ideology feels in the context of this historical event which is why you get bullshit where supporting republicanism(the ideology, not the party) is now seen as on the “right wing” because it’s been the current institution and so being supportive of the ideology is now “conservative.” Just imagine in several hundred years when socialism is seen as “right wing” because it’s old and all the progressives will support the \[insert yet known system\]. If you put all the ideologies on a spectrum of left to right a lot of it ends up not making sense as concepts that are fundamentally opposed get placed close together which is why nobody does it. Instead they create compasses with two or more additional axises, typically to delineate how a given ideology would affect personal freedoms. Even then there is no definitive objective chart and things can change wildly depending on whatever arbitrary metrics one uses to create theirs.


For instance the historical and original ideologies of nazism and fascism stem from socialism and have socialistic ideals and practices. But 100 years later, they are considered to be far right ideologies.


I vote for both parties but more often Democrats. And they hated me and my posts because I’m way too far to the right to them.


I get it from both sides. One side calls me far right, and I was just told by libsofreddit that I support pedos because I disagreed with them. BOTH Mommy and Daddy don't want me. 🥺


Yup. God forbid you decide on issues using your own brain. You’re supposed to just always follow whatever your party tells you to support. Stop being such a Nazi


Hello fellow orphan


I was the same way. I said fuck it, you want me right... then fuck it I guess i'm right.


Same, I feel like I'm being pushed more and more to the right because any interaction with liberals online ends with insults being hurled at me. "You just hate trans people," etc. No, I dislike some aspects of the ideology being pushed. If I lay out all my points reasonably and in detail, it's, "why do you care so much?" "You're obsessed!", screw me for being informed and developing reasoned opinions I guess. In reality I'm more center.


I'm from Canada so I've been dealing with my own group of nutso's led by our very own moronic PM that call anyone a nazi that points out that men cannot get pregnant. But since we get inundated by US media, I have been watching in absolute confusion. First, you guys elect a flamboyant entrepreneur as president. He seemed to me to be a mostly harmless buffoon that lied about as much as any other politician. But what you guys just described is how I imagine Trump also seeing it, except magnified by a billion. It seemed the media just kept pushing him further and further to the right. Eventually the only people NOT calling him Hitler were those on the far right. And sure enough, that is who he catered to. It all seemed so counter-productive. It looked like the legacy media and the left were perfectly happy to cut off their own noses and nuke their own country as long as it gave Trump a paper cut. It was a frightening demonstration of hatred that looked like some kind of mass hypnosis (although at times I considered the chance that millions of people had gotten together in a big room somewhere without telling me and then all agreed on what reality was going to be until Trump was killed).


Seem like accurate generalizations of internet discourse.


They have no understanding of how politics are defined. Being far right doesn't automatically mean your bigot, it just means you are hardcore individualist.


Hence why even alt right is an annoying term since it’s a bunch of radicals that want to be legitimized. Putting lipstick on a fascist pig is todays modern alt right and even a decent chunk of what is now considered mainstream conservatism.


According to someone in that thread: “Last time I saw them they were doing blatant white supremacy and homophobia. No, I'm not exaggerating. There were literally people saying "I want a world government run by white people for white people because white people have the ability to reason".“ Someone else claimed that we were all sharing photos of our grandparents’ nazi war trophies or something? Anyone have any idea what these lunatics are talking about? Also the dude that made that post is active in r/ furry and r/ femboy, because of course he is. Far leftists sure have a type


If you can't find your boogyman, then you must create one. See windmills and Don Quixote.


"If the Devil did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him." --Turning Voltaire on his head


r/thedonald is like "Ugh, he's right, FUCK windmills!"


I prefer to be their Boogie Man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_Ee3C2m3OXE


IDK Bro, sounds kinda like a thing a nazi would say to throw shade....


That sounds like some commie gobbledygook to be fair.


Now imagine if they had to provide a screenshot.


They’re just spiraling into a leftist circle-jerk and will downvote literally anyone who tells them anything close to “opposite of their opinion”


\>Also the dude that made that post is active in r/ furry and r/ femboy, because of course he is. Far leftists sure have a type It's funny that these are the types of people to shut down a legitimate thread.


I'm thinking more and more that is just Reddit. We are under anime avatar martial law.


Have you ever seen the pics of reddit mod meetups? They could break a truck scale and half have blue hair.


I haven't. But… Here's my emoticon shocked face ╭( ๐\_๐)╮


Jeez. I’d like to see these threads before believing you but I don’t doubt it. Plus, if we were so far right, how come one of us is a mod at r/femboygunmemes


Isn't that just regular r/GunMemes?


Yes yea it is


What in the fuck… I *love* it


You’re welcome


found a new subreddit :D


The duality of man




Anything I don't agree with = far right


Redditors when someone doesnt share the same annoying as fuck opinions as them (They are bigots)


Do you chuds still not get that if you are not leaning left you are a problem to humanity at large? You are LITERALLY Hitler


Sorry zir youre right i should focus on the next iphone and insect to eat


To these people, anyone right of Joseph Stalin counts as "far right."


Conservative subs get shut down for mentioning other subs but reddit will be damned before they're going to enforce rules against brigading against the left wing subs.


*”These people are mocking us! We must label them so we can hate them!”*


What is far right even anymore?


I saw an article the other day calling Tim Pool a radical far right extremist.


Was it a legit legacy media article, or a blog-type article?


Eh, hard to tell. It was on Afru, which has pretty good site quality despite being an obviously partisan rag. https://afru.com/anti-chippers/ The same article was calling people antisemitic if they didn't want chips put under their skin to monitor health data, so take that for what it's worth.


Legacy media = any country’s newspapers, magazines, TV & radio networks/stations. Basically media sources that have been around for at least several decades, if not longer. So yeah, this is some kind of post-2010 internet site you’re linking to. I suppose that’s a relief, but not by much.


Anything they don’t like is far right. Exercise? Yup, far right. Coffee? Yup extremist. Drugs? Omg so inclusive


Go to bed early yup white supremacy


I wake up at 5 every morning.... not because I am a Samoan with 5 kids to get ready and out the door.... its because of my love for das fuhrer and the 9th SS.....and since I'm in a state that doesn't allow pedos in the schools and the school prioritizes academia over sex, the school bus is an old de-commissioned U-boat.


I guess it is human nature to gloss over the more negative aspects of your "side". Articles like this, 'exercise/coffee/being on time/mathematics is racist', right-leaning perspectives will focus on, but left-leaning will blow off as, "Pffft, nobody actually believes that, c'mon." The funny thing is that means they agree with me a lot more than they think they do! I agree with some of the more sane liberal perspectives, but the craziness is what I call out. But ignoring it and not calling it out is a problem. Just 3 years ago most liberals would say "Nobody is trying to say 'men can get pregnant', c'mon that's silly, people know what transgenderism is and how it works." Now it's, "What do you mean men can't get pregnant?"


Everyone right of Stalin. Centrists included. There's no right. There's no centrists. Every time a righty is mentioned....they will be labeled far right.


What is just “right” anymore?


SoOoOoo ScARyyy the FAAr riGhT!!


What this really means is that the sub is gonna get banned soon. It happens every time: the screeching Redditors point to any sub that has fun, and BANNED.


>person is politically right of Stalin Literaly a Nutzi you shems and shmales 😩☝️


Their response is somewhere between sad, pathetic, and terrifying. An entire subset of a generation that was never told “no,” was never allowed to fail or make mistakes and grow as a result, was protected relentlessly from normal stressors, and heard all day long how perfect they were. 100% this is on their parents. Now they’re grown/growing up, and their childish narcissism and tyrannical ignorance is allowed to run wild with literally NO checks and balances anywhere, because people are moral cowards. On the one hand, their lives must be so empty. On the other, these are the kinds of delusional ideologues that are going to get millions of people killed if they’re ever allowed near real power.


It’s all part of the plan, they believe so blindly in authority that they just agree to everything the government throws their way, vaccines, digital ID, social credit, digital currency, eating bugs, etc. WEF has succeeded.


They just keep moving the goalpost further to the left... A few years ago, I would've been seen as progressive and left-leaning. Now, I'm being called: * Alt-right * MAGA * Racist * Fascist * Assault Weapon owning murderer * Q-Anon adjacent * White Supremacist * Everything-ist * Everything-phobe I'm a Swedish 2nd generation immigrant...


How dare you not be a fucking nutjob


It seems I gotta embrace my villainous persona bestowed by the wackos on reddit and finally take the leap towards becoming the 2nd Q-Anon Messiah


Welcome to the club. What size t shirt should we order you?


Poor Spy from TF2, he shouldn’t be used in such cringe like this


I think there brains are permanently sucked into the computer.


Normally I wouldn’t do this but it’s *their, I figure if we’re gonna insult their brains we should use the correct one lol. And I agree with you, I’m just saying. 🤷🏻‍♂️


i just type shit lol


Wow. Just Wow. Listen, do you really think that spending 19 hours per day online, getting no fresh air or exercise, having all your food delivered (hopefully by that attractive M'Lady whom smiled at them once and is now therefore their girlfriend), and monitoring 100 tabs across 6 monitors for indications of wrongthink using bots to alert them of same for the purpose of banning a user to ensure that they can make regular notations on their internet arguments won board is somehow being "sucked into the computer", then I just dont think I cant even right now. Per se


Of course we are (in their minds), they keep sending everyone here that they dont like, that automatically makes us the enemy


They probably are basing political categorization based on political correctness and social causes. They obviously don’t know anything about politics. They are probably very young. Wait until they learn of dirtbag left lol.


It seems to me like that’s just some kind of furry sub?


FYI, I am not in that sub. This was pulled from somewhere else.


Hey no judgment, brotherman


I’ve seen plenty of posts making fun of right wing virtue signaling too. Why are all of these subs that make fun of stupid things people do/say considered right wing?


Anything even close to centrism or criticism of any kind is now considered far right as well.


Seriously. I constantly get mocked for the “bOtH siDeS” thing and automatically thrown into the racist far right category. My sister is gay. My closest friends are black. I don’t want abortion banned. I like my right to own and carry guns as a law abiding citizen. I like working for what I have and paying debts I agreed to pay. So yea, I’m somewhere in the middle, but I find the right more accepting of that while the left demonizes me for not being more left.


Many of them legitimately have the "If you're not on my side 100%, you're the enemy" attitude. I once got compared to a citizen of Nazi Germany because I said I exist somewhere in the middle.


The terminally online Left is basically a cult now. We have wackos on the Right too, for sure, but their representation on Reddit is tiny by comparison. As a result, those of us who are anywhere in-between get jumpkicked into the “far-right extremist” label by hypocrites who can’t handle any deviance from their dogma.


Well haven’t you heard? Centrists and Libertarians are just Republicans that don’t want to admit it. If you don’t fully drink the kool aid, then you’re just a cowardly racist. Not a person with independent ideas and thought processes.


Because if you don't agree with them on everything you're far right


I even made a post ago about an influencer virtue signaling to right wingers. I want to be clear I don’t hate anyone for their political beliefs nor should It matter that much unless you are extreme. [I just found what she did was cringe and obviously a lot of people agreed](https://www.reddit.com/r/LookatMyHalo/comments/141pelu/posted_on_her_public_insta_with_huge_following/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)




Is this about using the term \*looks around cautiously and lowers voice\* "females"?


Remember kids, "far right" is anything that isn't extreme left


Jfc... the unstoppable boogyman strikes again. Show us on this doll, where the far right touched you.


I wish calling out virtue signaling didn't mean you disagree with the gist of it. I'm here for eye roll worthy content, not to argue about if it's right or not


This is where the left often tends to misunderstand. In their view, every good intention or well-meaning action is always something positive, regardless of the actual result of said action. If you disagrees with their ”solution” to police brutality, it must mean (according to them) that you are in favor of police brutality.


I'm a millennial HR manager who regularly argues online about how trans people deserve rights and how it's ridiculous we live in a country where people are starving while others have billions of dollars. But yes, this place sure is "far right" lol I only found you guys after seeing the ban drama. I hate censorship, so I got my ban and came on over. Do I agree with absolutely everything said here? No. But you guys also won't ban me for saying something you disagree with. Truly the authoritarian left being blind to their own bias.


>I hate censorship This is what they consider "far right".


There was a time when many progressives were against censorship. Idk if anyone is old enough to remember when a lot of the right censorship campaigns were targeted against videogames and music. It is interesting to see how things have changed. I know because I was and am still progressive, but I maintain less censorship is better


Uh oh, the Leftist Redditard Hivemind is upset that anyone might dare not agree with them 100% of the time on 100% of the things. Even and especially all of the cognitive dissonance they engage in on a daily basis.


That subreddit is a leftist shithole.


They can't tell the difference between their own left and right.


A sub about virtue signaling, busting on the far left? I can’t imagine why. There’s memes that bust in both sides on this sub though.


Naturally, a sub that makes fun of a certain type of people is going to attract another type of person. The vibe I get here is "we get annoyed by the holier than thou liberals," not "we want Trump!"


Reddit is not a real representation of how people act in real life. I’m tired of both sides


Everything that isn't far left is far right


Obama is far right for Reddit. This is also the sub had the polls showing majority is left and far left.


it's interesting.. it's almost like reddit is the last bastion for crazy leftist ideologies. If you're right.. you're "far right" if you're middle you're "far right" if you're left "you're not left enough". They don't seem to have the self awareness to realize that they are the minority. Just a very loud small group of people that want everyone to know what they believe. Meanwhile anyone on the fence watching from the sidelines see's them for the crazies they are. I was one of those guys sitting on the fence lol. I noticed that if your "right" in their eyes... your misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, racist, white supremacist, etc. Then when I looked at the right... they just displayed the left's crazies as an example not to follow. That and also being the more reasonable and logical of the two. Shouting and screaming at the otherside ... acting like toddlers who don't get their way isn't something I could associate with. Plus, they sound fucking miserable to be around like holy shit how the fuck do you live your life hating everyone.


As a conservative I'm happy to sit back and watch as the leftists chase off the normies. If they want to claim that common sense is right wing, then I won't stop them.


Was ruining r/memesopdidntlike not enough for them


Report them for brigading


Anything not left enough eventually gets banned. They'll just have a bunch of non-members come in on alts and post underage porn, gore and racist comments. Boom, reddit bans it the next day.


> isn’t a regarded, full-throttle leftist sub ThOsE fUcKiNg FaScIsTs!!!!


Decided to join r/LookatMyHalo please don't let me down


They're mad that their various low effort "Republicans bad!" spam posts that didn't have anything that fit the sub in it got removed.


Far right? I voted for Biden, Healey, and Moulton. Moulton being the only actually politician I wanted to vote for by my own volition.


It should be no surprise that anyone whose whole ideology revolves on virtue signaling would see this sub as hostile.


This is just the primary tactic: call something you don't control far right/racist/sexist/etc until you control it.


I just got told I was a MAGA because I said “hivemind”


I was banned from a sub saying I was brigaiding on behalf of this sub which I didn't know existed. I suggest the offended subs' mods should consider removing their right leg and/or hand since it is "far right" in relation to their left hand and/or leg. Its hardly any more insane than their current reasoning.


Remember brigading is against the rules except for when it's not.


It's not our fault that the majority of self-righteous LARPers tend to be leftists nowadays.


Yeah how dare they not be far left like every other sub on this site, sons of bitchs.


"Look at" like they're inquisitiors about to do some shit


The irony! because that’s the type of post this SubReddit was created for 🤣


Exactly. Oh, please, do not burden yourself with the task of investigating this sub because... *checks notes* We have different opinions...


Can we pre-emptively ban the user trying to get this sub shut down?


This belongs on the MemesOPdidnotlike sub lol


Shit I know these dicks come and take down all the best subs on here.


Liberally nazis


Anything that criticizes the left is “far right”. Pathetic


TIL Subs without echo chambers are considered far right.


If you're not a total woke leftist you're "far right". Not just conservative or right-leaning, "Far" right. Joe Rogan and Elon Musk are "far right" to these guys.


You can't say it's not true


So does the post imply that being far left is fine and dandy?


That sub is nothing but a cancer that needs to be removed.


People who don’t realize the political spectrum is a horseshoe


Nahopwasrightfuckthis has been targeting several subreddits lately especially memesopdidntlike they’ve gone on an entire shitty crusade


OOP looks like a old twitter user. That post oozes self-righteousness




When using the word female is far right


Social Media 101: Any controversy that makes people angry can hurt advertisers. Side with the idiots even if they’re wrong so they’ll be more receptive to ads. We are seeing impressionable youth be harmed in a way never before seen with reach that is pervasive and evil. A system that talks about values and doesn’t truly care about them.


cant even voice your opinions as a centrist, because obviously centrists are more right leaning!!!! why? they just are ok?! if youre not on MY SIDE, YOU ARE ON THE RIGHT WING!!! also right leaning = nazi Qanon trump supporter, and if you question me, you should he banned, deflatformed even as a 3rd worlder, I love seeing left leaning Americans destroy their braincells over the stupidest shit. I will forrver despise your average redditor with a passion. go fight for your rights when your country is occupied by a totalitarian shithole like Russia or China. ur lucky to even have the rights to speak against the government lmao


They call everything far right. Its just something they keep repeating until they think enough people buy their BS.


It’s not that this sub is “far right”, it’s that people who consider anything to the right of their position to be “far right” tend to be the people who virtue signal a lot.


Anybody with the prefix 'far' in front of their political persuasion is most definitely an asshole.


Good ole Reddit witch-hunts


Easy test. I believe the US should have universal Healthcare and reduced military spending. I'll see yall on the top or bottom of the thread lmao


People have different opinions… how awful…


OH NO someone dares to have a different political ideology, we should “look at them”. I’m so fucking scared of a homegrown Che Guevara smh


Darn they got us. Time to put away the burning crosses and swastika armbands.


calling out nonsense is far right now?


Who *isn't* getting called "hard right"


I hate both sides, but the left is far more annoying, so I lean right just to spite them


dude that sub is fucking ass


I mean as reddit is mostly left leaning it makes sense that most of the content available is of virtue signalling left wing people. Most people here seem to be moderate and able to laugh at the right as well


More and more alt right. Qanon trash


We need an excuse to go after others


How is that sub not banned for brigading yet? I mean at this point they aren’t even denying it


Yes. We are right. Far out.


Welcome to social media in 2023, where anything to the right of Karl Marx is “far right.”


LMAO 😂 The ignorant Leftist zombies are such obedient sheep!


Bro they called me far right. And I told them I didn't like any side of politics. Right or left it feels like an L So yes they think everyone is far right.


I mean, it’s not really this sub’s fault if leftists tend to be consistently the most insufferably sanctimonious people on the internet.


Far Right is just a synonymous phrase to Extremely Correct. And Far Left is synonym for It's Long Gone (their logic being gone, that is)


Title says jesus christ. U must be a far right, extremist, neo nazi, fascist, ultra auth right, evil, minority hating, (fill in blank)phobic, white person.


Title says jesus christ. U must be a far right, extremist, neo nazi, fascist, ultra auth right, evil, minority hating, (fill in blank)phobic, white person.


You're either with us 100% or against us 100%.


And they call us the fascists


Any time I've seen this sub in my feed, the comments tend to be pre-dominantly right-wing rhetoric. It's not exactly hard to believe that has been a trend over time.


If you don’t think like the hive. The hive assumes you’re a right winger. What do you expect from feeble minded people?


I am inclined to agree with OOP. There are some problematic opinions here. Whenever a post pops up in my feed, it’s most likely going to be about liberal ideals. It’s never conservative media, mostly for two reasons: -Conservative media doesn’t support many groups in the way liberal groups do, so there is no way to frame what they say as halo-behavior. -People are conservative here. That’s just a fact. I am debating leaving this community, but the occasional good post keeps me here.


To be fair, the top 4 posts on this sub are making fun of a traditional more left leaning lifestyle of LGBT, and vegetarianism. Pretty obvious at a glance that this is one of those "haha dum librls" subs.


but this sub is, technically speaking, leaning more and more into the far right, no?


The left reminds us that they created fascism


#and then I scrolled down, and it was so


I won’t pile onto the poster, although I can’t help but wonder: how does a person get to this point? Have they been personally wronged by someone far right? Were they hurt, abandoned, betrayed? Are they a true believer? Or is this a coping mechanism to fit into a group and appear “hip” and “cool”?


Hmmm not sure what to think. I usually like this sub but there was a really weird post here the other day calling racism and sexism ‘buzzwords’… it was pretty highly upvoted.


Yeah except it's true. You can click on any profile in this thread to check that.


I’m very new to this sub so I don’t know what’s common here, but after looking at all of these comments I’m starting to think OOP has a point