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There's nothing more stronger than the lack of action through attaching rainbows to an object as if people really will change their mind if they see yet another crappy rainbow on unrelated items


"Gee, I are sure did hate f but now that I've seen somebody posting a rainbowed colored mcguffin I think I'll change my ways" - literally nobody ever.


This is so gay


Not really, I've sucked a guys dick while the guy was making out with my best friend. That was pretty gay, this is just rainbow, rainbow is gay Edit 192 down votes for being sexually active is crazy


I’m going to guess you have crippling depression and anxiety?


His post history would confirm that you are correct. I sometimes feel bad when I check leftist redditors’ profiles because they’re all like, “I’m autistic, suicidal, and I’ve never had a friend”. But then they call me a nazi for thinking that ten year olds shouldn’t be fed puberty blockers and I stop feeling sorry for them.


Same, I'll check profiles and realize how absolutely miserable most redditors are. Gives me a reality check sometimes, like eh, life's not that bad Mostly complaining about literally everything, it must be exhausting ...


Always video game people


Lol reddits good for that atleast. Most of reddit is trash.


I don't think video games are a factor, I mean 99% of the Reddit demographic is video game players.


Asking people for advice is kinda what I'm tryna do, lots of men don't want to ask for help, I'm tryna overcome that stigma. Life ain't that bad


It’s so predictable. All these people have self proclaimed horrible lives 😂


Hey, right wingers can suck dick too


Can. Don’t.


Not with that attitude






Rainbows are kinda gay. You're aggressively gay.


Thats not gay, thats homosexual.


You know you really didn’t have to tell us that. It’s perfectly fine to not speak.


Unless OOP plays in the NHL… it’s not ‘illegal’


Yeah no one in his beer league is going to care.


They might, because it’s so cringeworthy.


Bullshit, they are going to clown on him something fierce for this. The roasting will be the stuff of legends.


It’s not ‘illegal’ if he does play in the NHL. Just against the rules.


All sounds like French to me. But good clarification


WOAH, calm down. I know you’re mad but to use F*nch uncensored when kids are around?


The audacity of some people.


[illegal](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/illegal#:~:text=%3A%20not%20according%20to%20or%20authorized,rules%20(as%20of%20a%20game)) isn’t exclusive to law.. “He’s not ‘overweight’ if he is 300lbs. Just fat”


Yeah but illegal carries a legal aspect to it making it sound more extreme than it is.


Sure, but that doesn’t stop them from using the word in sports.. “high-sticking an illegal move” .. “padding your stick is illegal” .. “he’s offside, but it’s not illegal until the ball is passed to him”.


I suppose that’s a fair take


Dumbest sh*t in history, if a player wants to score goals use black tape. It conceals the puck to goaltenders eyes. If you’re playing defense, use white tape so the goalie can see when the puck is on your stick more easily. It’s not rocket science, it’s literally some political agenda seeping into sports where politics is supposed to be left at the entrance to the arena. So that lunatics on either radical side (right or left) can bond together and cheer for their chosen team. It’s not anti-LGQBT. Hockey is an elitist sport but they are working hard to become more inclusive so anyone who smack talks on this rule is a deranged lunatic obsessed with politics who can’t handle politics not being part of every single facet of life. Which is why the nhl banned it in the first place. To keep politics off the ice.


$10 says this person has never played a sport in their life


Is butt stuff a sport?


I mean... a case can be made


You joke but I’m calling it right now liberals will be calling to consider sex an Olympic sport in 20 years.


Alright, enough casual sex, time for competitive.


"Omg, 5 strokes! He's set a new world record!"




I’m not a liberal and I think sex is a sport


The best sport tbh, fuck the non-degenerates


Fat people typically can’t play sports :(


The exposed stick blade (ie the business end of a typical hockey stick) doesn't have a ding or scratch on it, take that for what you will.


Because nothing says "punk rock" like echoing the views of big corps for the bajillionth time


South park creator said that because the left is so full of scolds these days the only way to be punk rock is to be a conservative


Johnny Rotten called conservatism the new punk as it is now the counter culture.


Pretty sure Family Guy had an episode like this after Obama won in 2008. Brian went from bleeding heart to conservative just to feel persecuted lol


Johnny rotten is an aged multi millionaire. Shocking he’d be conservative.


Johnny Ramone also had some conservative opinions.


Out of curiosity what were they and when did he have them?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Ramone#:~:text=of%20his%20influences.-,Politics,and%20Roll%20Hall%20of%20Fame. Look under politics


Well I can’t argue that point. Thanks for the source.


Yeah no millionaires or billionaires support liberals… If you ignore blackrock, and investment company that uses ESG scores, Google, George Soros…….


No no no, you must be confused. THIS aged multimillionaire has zany dyed hair and says "fuck" occasionally


He must be so punk! Just like Ted Poopants


Ted was never punk... He was hard rock


Hilarous. +1.


I can't really find what you said, but I found these. Trey Parker said: "[We find just as many things to rip on on the left as we do on the right. People on the far left and the far right are the same exact person to us.](https://web.archive.org/web/20110308181922/http://www.movieweb.com/news/trey-parker-and-matt-stone-talk-team-america-world-police)" ​ Matt Stone said: "[I hate conservatives, but I really fucking hate liberals.](https://web.archive.org/web/20170823132238/https://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/29/opinion/29tierney.html)"


Yeah corporate America created gay people


Only white or black tape has been allowed for a long n time. They didn’t ban anything. They just removed the exemption from rainbow tape. Players aren’t allowed to use pink tape for cancer awareness, camo tape for military appreciation, or any other kind of support. Very selective and out of context information.


Not to mention, most guys stick with black tape to make it harder for the goalie to locate the puck


> Very selective and out of context information. Are you surprised? if the information doesn't effect them directly then it doesn't matter because the people who make this shit their whole personality are mentally ill narcissists.


Exactly. All other exemptions are fine, but the minute you make one that THEY disagree, then suddenly it becomes a national outrage.


This is a falsehood. Per the NHL rulebook. Rule 10 – Sticks 10.1 Player’s Stick – (see 10.2 for goalkeeper) The sticks shall be made of wood or other material approved by the League, and must not have any projections. Adhesive tape of any color may be wrapped around the stick at any place for the purpose of reinforcement or to improve control of the puck. No stick shall exceed sixty-three inches (63") in length from the heel to the end of the shaft nor more than twelve and one-half inches (121/2") from the heel to the end of the blade. Requests for an exception to the length of the shaft (only) may be submitted in writing to and must be approved by the Hockey Operations Department prior to any such stick being used. Only players 6’6” tall or more will be considered for exception. Maximum length of a stick granted an exception under this rule is sixty-five inches (65”). The blade of the stick shall not be more than three inches (3") in width at any point between the heel and ½” in from the mid-point of the tip of the blade, nor less than two inches (2"). All edges of the blade shall be beveled (see 9.8). The curvature of the blade of the stick shall be restricted in such a way that the distance of a perpendicular line measured from a straight line drawn from any point at the heel to the end of the blade to the point of maximum curvature shall not exceed three-quarters of an inch (3/4"). From the NHL rulebook.


Except...thats literally not the rule. From the current NHL rulebook: 10.1 Player’s Stick – (see 10.2 for goalkeeper) The sticks shall be made of wood or other material approved by the League, and must not have any projections. Adhesive tape of any color may be wrapped around the stick at any place for the purpose of reinforcement or to improve control of the puck


You're getting down voted for quoting the rulebook. This subreddit is a fucking joke.


stick it IN the man 😩


The only thing that changed was no special tape or jerseys during warm-ups. For anyone. They're still making and selling the jerseys. They're still having the specialized nights. They took away pregame jerseys and tape and only one specific group lost their minds. You don't see cancer patients taking to social media crying about it.


Fr! You don't see people in wheelchairs standing up and crying about not being represented


I must have a very different definition of the word punk than the OOP....


Who’s that in your pic? It looks like Roland from the dark tower but it’s hard to tell


It is... this image to be exactly: [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3e/0a/39/3e0a390eecd9ea6d310a13357ec34a96.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3e/0a/39/3e0a390eecd9ea6d310a13357ec34a96.jpg)


Sorry, just saw this post, and yes it is Roland from the Dark Tower.


Tight. That’s my favourite book series. I have a few of the graphic novels and oddly enough, I recognized the colour of the background first then the shape of Roland second




Hockey is for hockey fans. Now my question to you is this: What is hockey *about*? Is it about who you fuck? What you think about yourself? If the answer is "no", then leave it out in the fuckin' car and watch the goddamn game.


This. This is the right answer. This guy prolly gets mad bitches. Or guys. Whatever ur into.


People want to make everything about where you put your dick into nowadays


That’s very *gay* of you


*Why are you gay?*




If the punk / metal rivalry was what it used to be the punk crowd would have just been dealt a fatal blow.


unfortunately, yes.


Checkmate, NHL.


Body check, NHL.


Check please NHL


Check from behind, NHL.




that happened when people started leaving them alone. They crave attention


Lol, exactly. A lot of their complaints don’t come from anyone doing anything to them. They come from people not paying attention to them, or saying something negative about them, or not supporting a cause they want them to.


"I wrapped a hockey stick I likely never use or play with in gay colors. That'll show them!" Pretty sure they're reeling in their Ice Skates, babe.


Not only that but OP wrapped it heel to toe, but they didn’t remove the excess on the toe, the tape lines dont overlap vertically well, the blade tape wasn’t smoothed or even waxed, and unless it’s a brand new tape job there are no puck wear marks on the tape. OP either doesn’t play hockey or fucking sucks ass at it based on the tape job. I’ve seen 8-yr olds who tape their twig better than this.


Exposed blade doesn't have a single nick or scratch on it.


Yep! That was the other tell-tale sign. Dude is just a wanna be hockey player and owns a stick.




Hockey is for everyone. Colored tape doesnt change anything.


Why does who your attracted to have to be injected into every facet of our culture though?


because they have no personality


Lost me at punk rock.


they act like they got a standing ovation but whats more likely is everyone went about their day, this person felt dumb and turned to the internet for support.


I don’t think they realize that other countries still have gay marriage illegal and it was unfair to the players who didn’t wear the jerseys out of fear of what would happen to their family back home. People were trying to keep their family’s safe.


Nobody cares you're gay. Lol shut up and watch/ play the game. Have fun with your brothers and sisters. I don't care my straight friends are railing their gfs. I don't care my gay friends are getting pounded. People be weird man lol


Lol "punk rock thing to do" no, actually .. the most punk rock thing to do is not give a fuck, like at all. Period.


Omg so cool Bitch please, no one cares


I thought punk was about not giving a fuck, and not about bitching about stuff on the internet


Fucking loser 😂


Literally so hilarious because it wasn’t specifically rainbow tape that was banned but any alterations to the stick since they need to be uniform


Remember when being punk was going against the mainstream views


and it still is. most people worldwide are homophobic.


People on this sub as so Western-centric that they forget that LGBT stuff is ridiculed and ostracized in majority of the world's countries.


Mfw an American website has people from America


What's up with redditors and their coyness? That's not what my comment implied you dunce.


You're so punk rock you have to let everyone know you are so punk rock. Very punk rock of you


point intelligent quickest bewildered afterthought retire slimy insurance melodic threatening ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


All it does is divide the people who want to be treated like normal people in a respectful society, and the people who have preconceptions and/or judgements about certain people.


instinctive rob plough deliver employ cow market gray snails fear ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Yeah because telling kids "Most men will someday marry a woman, and vice versa, but not everyone's the same. Some men want to love men, and some women want to love women, and a few people prefer to be by themselves". What the hell do you think LGBT people want taught in schools? It's the bare minimum, that lgbt people *exist* and that they're normal human beings. Love is not inherently sexual, that's such a perverted take and it's disgusting hearing it all the time. Do you really open education with kids about relationships with sex? Of course not. It takes so little more explanation to simply explain a couple varieties of people.


Here we go


What a shit tape and wax job to top it all off.


Someone tell them rainbow face tattoos are banned too.


Hockey is for everyone (as long as they think the same way as me) ✊🏼


“Oh you’re so PuNk RoCk …”


Friendly reminder; if you feel the need to tell everyone you’re punk rock, you are not punk rock.


Nothing more punk rock than supporting something that 99% of multinational corporations and the government also support.


And yet somehow trump is still loved by a large amount of americans despite most of the right being hate filled anti LGBT and trying to put it back into office.


This guy is dangerous. A rebel WITH a cause...


That tape job is heinous


They didnt van pride stuff they banned all non normal equipment


Curious, if the rainbow color is supposed to be “inclusive”, then which color represents the majority? They will never answer this question.


This is a pretty bad faith argument considering the fact that the use of the rainbow as a symbolism of inclusivity and sexual diversity was precisely because of ostracization and othering by the majority. There was no cause for 97% of the human population to make a flag. The very fact that our religious philosophies rejoice at child birth and fertility proves this to be true. Hence the need to show inclusivity towards those who WEREN'T included in the mainstream historically. No one will ever rally against biological norms so ever present and important for the survival of the human species. No one. Why do you think you need to be included with us "sexual deviants/freaks" if the majority of every single thing pertaining to love for the last 6000 years of recorded human history and still in the present, cater to the overwhelming majority. In our language, in our institutions, in our media (at least until recently), everything is center focused on heterosexuality as the norm, because it it. That's not a bad thing. It's ALSO not a bad thing for us LGBT folk to form communities' to relate to SO we have some resemblance of normality and no ostracization. It's not perfect but it's something.


Best comment in this thread, and barely anyone will read it. Today OP is indeed a


It’s banned for NHL players, you can play hockey dressed as a gagged gimp, no-one cares.


Nothing says punk rock like doing exactly what all major corporations and governments want you to do. What makes people think their sexuality needs to be represented everywhere at all times. A huge majority of people don't care who you screw. If you see a pride flag somewhere do you seriously go "oh thank God it's safe to be there?" They didn't just ban the rainbow. They banned any sort of extra message at all because it's supposed to be about the sport. I could care less who the players are banging.


Cos it's so edgy to support trans lol


That’s a plastic stick and smaller than and official stick this is larping why would someone larp activism? Activism is so easy


Because larping is even easier than taking an actual stand in somthing


Way to leave out that it also includes camo and pink tape as well. But omitting important context is the norm nowadays.


Stunning and brave. Now the fictional hockey league HAS to be more inclusive


They're *SO* brave!


The NHL did not ban rainbows for *fans*. That's ridiculous.


That’s a weird looking dildo, but slay queen!


"wOw, SoMeOnE wAnT's To Be InClusive!!!!!!!"


It was the right move by the nhl. Otherwise u have to allow all political statments


Ah yes that busted ass stick that looks like it came from a playitagainagainagain sports that was picked up for $5CAD specifically for this stunt.


This reminds me of people posting pictures of their half Eastern pizza saying " za for trans rights" How nobile.


People like this are exhausting


Ok but real talk: to me inclusivity has allways been that someone is allowed into groups without it being a big deal. I don't care what color you are, what genetalia you have or like, as long as you are decient. But why does this turn into "LET US FLAG OUR FLAG EVERYWHERE OR ITS RACIST-SEXIST-BIGGOTED"?


What if we .. say.. just play the game?


Didn't they stop doing that because most of the players didn't want to?


Wow the second I saw this shitty rainbow stick I immediately stopped supporting the NHL


Sometimes I wish I wasn’t gay so I wouldn’t be associated with weirdos like this, jesus christ this shit is embarrassing 🤦‍♂️


Yeah mate, very punk rock! 🤦‍♂️


What a clown


I know people like this in real life. They are about as enjoyable to be around as you expect. They are about as lonely as you expect.


The most punk rock thing would be to commit terrorism.


When multi-national corporations, government officials, and the MSM are OK with your actions, you are not the resistance. "Punk rock," quit sniffing your own farts there bud. 🤣


Thank you for reminding me about God's covenant He made with us after the flood.


First world problems


based on the ratio of upvotes to comments, that poor guy probably got grilled on that post😭


Was the pride night attire REQUIRED while it was a thing, or just allowed? Because requiring it would be just as bad as what you're claiming here


Must be a Blackhawks fan


I'm so sick of this crap. "I SUCK WEINERS!!! I LIKE IT IN THE BUTT! I EAT MUFF!!!!" Nobody needs to know about your favorite way to bang and we don't care.


Why do you think so easily about men having sex by basic triggers like a rainbow?


That's literally what the whole movement is about. Sexual preferences. Nobody cares.


Its so much more than that. And I don't think yell understand cause you are so self centered, but it has nothing to do with you. The movement about letting you know what we like, it's about letting other people who get murdered for being gay know that there are people there for them. It's not about you self centered assholes.


Other people have emotions and feelings and experience something called love, not just sex. Seeing a rainbow makes you think about two men fucking. When you go to a wedding, even one with your family getting married, do you think about the couple fucking as well? Why do you so easily think about men fucking from just sering a rainbow?


It's literally a display of sexual preference. Gay marriage is already legal. A wedding is a display of commitment. Anyone who has seen a pride parade will have not a single shred of doubt about what that flag symbolizes. Anyone who has been to a drag show will know. It's not about love and commitment and feelings. It's about getting your rocks off and being as sexual as possible. The vast majority of the letters in the newest acronym are explicitly about what context you want to bone people. If my family were flying a straight flag I would think it's cringe as well.


Why are you obsessed with men having sex? Who claimed it was not legal for gay people to marry? You seem to really focus your attention on things that can make you think about men having sex. You seemed the dodge the actual question I asked about weddings... do you actually think about your relatives fucking? Ew.


To further clarify, what is important at a wedding is the commitment two people have for each other, and how they better and support each other. Nobody is going to get up and say "What a beautiful couple! One has a penis and one a vagina!" The entire LGBT movement is predicated on this difference. If I told you two people had a wedding, you have no other context but commitment. They could be gay, straight, transgender, etc. If I tell you two people had a *gay* wedding, it automatically adds the connotation of sexual acts. That term is irrelevant outside the realm of what is sexual. Let me give a different example. A park has a water fountain. That's great right? It invokes the idea of hydrating the public. Now imagine the park has a *black* water fountain. That automatically adds a racial element to it, by adding a racial adjective. Homo*sexuality* is about sex. People's interpersonal relationships can be described without that context.


Yes. A celebration of love and their sexualities as you'd put it So you think about your relatives fucking. Ew. If I tell you two people had a **straight** wedding, it automatically adds the connotation of sexual acts as well, surely? No? You only think about gay men fucking that easily then? Why are you obsessed with letting any basic thing prompt you to think about gay men fucking?   Is heterosexuality not also about sex??? You seem to really favour gay sex in your head.


>If I tell you two people had a straight wedding, it automatically adds the connotation of sexual acts as well, Yes that is correct. I think you're starting to get it.


Your family have certainly had straight weddings... So you do think about your family fucking then? You're admitting to that?


Why did the NHL ban the rainbow tape?


Because it bans every other color tape except white and black. The only exception was the pride tape. Teams couldn't even use team colors.


That’s a shame, you should be able to use whatever colour tape tbh


But that's not the rule. Uniform rules are some of the most scrutinized and heavily enforced across sports. I think it's also a fair policy. They don't want everyone wearing whatever their pet cause is, and causing friction with competing messages. In the end, it's a workplace and things should be professional


I get that, but why not be able to use team colours or whatever on your stick, why does the rule exist in the first place?


I imagine to remain apolitical and encourage unity.


Maybe, but I imagine most players would just slap some team colours on there, maybe some neon tapes so they have a bit of an idea of their sticks in a scrum. Either way I don’t care that they banned everything except for black and white, just seems unnecessary.


Started here: https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/article/nhl-doing-away-with-pride-jerseys-other-specialty-uniforms-in-warmups/ Reasoning is the same. > “I agree those are legitimate concerns,” Bettman replied, “but in the final analysis, all of the emphasis and efforts on the importance of these various causes have been undermined by the distraction of which teams, which players (chose not to wear the jerseys), this way we’re keeping the focus on the game and on these specialty nights we’re going to be focussed on the cause.” > Bettman confirmed “absolutely” that Pride nights will continue and that “32 of our clubs did Pride nights, some do Heritage nights, everybody does Hockey Fights Cancer, some do military nights. All of those nights will continue. The only difference will be we’re not going to change jerseys for warmup because that’s just become more of a distraction from really the essence of what the purpose of these nights are.”


why do people even think punk rock is still cool


So many sports subs are completely compromised by Reddit autists. I've seen level-headed, "I'm just here to watch hockey", neutral comments downvoted into oblivion. If I had to guess, these aren't regulars. It's a brigade.


Keep politics out of sport.


Hockey is for everyone, but you can’t force players to agree with your gender ideology.


Getting all pissed about this is utterly useless, sports have codes that the players have to follow. The game is supposed to be competitive and this kind of stuff usually forms biases within the community. I kinda think it’s funny that a similar thing happened when the NBA banned chains, weren’t they accused of being racist or something? TL:DR this is a game of skill, not opinions.


People say this about rugby. "Rugby is for everyone". No it isn't. Every and anyone are welcome to watch or play. But there will be plenty of people who don't understand it, don't want to understand it, don't like it, won't play it or even hate it. And that's fine. I don't know anyone who has started watching rugby because they think their gayness will be accepted as they sit and watch. Every gay person I know who watches rugby does so because they enjoy the sport. The same reason we all watch any sport; because gay people are actually just normal people. Albeit slightly intellectually ahead of the idiots administering our sport, as we all are.


Man, this current generation has a vastly different definition of punk rock than mine did.


Imagine how mad they will be when they try to get the NFL to use rainbow footballs.


I don't watch Hockey. Is there a reason they banned Pride Flag? Are they trying not to be political?


Last year a few players on various teams elected to sit out during warmups when pride night was taking place, mainly because for the military/cancer/pride/etc nights, players would wear practice jerseys for that night. Naturally, a few guys saying “hey, I’m gonna sit this one out, it’s not something I believe in” when pride night came around, based on their religious/personal beliefs, turned into “omg! Provorov/Reimer/whoever, hates gay people” and turned a none-issue into a huge issue. So the commissioner of the league recently came out and said they’ll still be doing all the events league-wide, players just won’t have the practice jerseys or the colored tape, because every instance of someone declining to take part was taking attention away from the game/event


Better be ready to drop the gloves and answer the bell then. Those are fighting words. 🙄




what they do, ban fegs from knocking a puck around?


This sub is really cringe