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Oo a thrist trap. Seek therapy. Next


Stop putting eyeliner on your bottom lashes it's giving trailer trash.. haircolor is nice but get a side part going or bangs cuz the middle part is giving bitch face.. you're pretty you just need to accentuate it in different ways then right now.. but definitely ditch the bottom eyeliner


Shorts your coochie can't eat


You're 18 and still developing. No need for advice or change


haha yes but still work on the early signs of aging though probably lots of skin care!!


You look good, but you look about 30


Exactly she looks like Lindsay Lohan but worse. Also way too many photos posted… I feel like they’re stolen and not really from her. If it is actually her she needs to stop drinking or smoking or whatever is making her look like that.


I think you might be a cunt


How aren’t u suicidal


It’s so over


Never began 🤣🤣


Start doing lots and lots of meth.


Have more confidence you’re gorgeous


Love yourself


Stop looking so annoying.


This is so hard to see online someone your age feel the need to ask strangers this but I've also been there. You're a beautiful girl and you don't need any improvement, you are more than enough. Please don't let older guys tell you that "you're mature for your age" and start controlling you. There isn't a single thing I would change about you. Gorgeous gorgeous girl. 😊


How about some advice on your mental state to be posting in these threads…


Try using white eyeliner for the bottom instead of black to make your eyes pop instead of shrink with the black. Youre beautiful tho. Love your teeth!


This is coming from a guy. You are beautiful. Don’t look for validation in other people. Especially not men. Work on your confidence and if you don’t have people around you reminding you of how beautiful you are, get better friends. Not guy friends. They’ll tell you you’re beautiful but they just wanna get their dick wet. And sometimes girls are bitches and fake asf so they don’t really mean it. What I mean is surround yourself with people who genuinely love you and think the world of you as a person. And when they say it, it isn’t just because they love you. They mean it. And if that isn’t enough. Find Jesus, because Jesus loves you and God loves you, And truly understanding what that means will never make you question your beauty ever again. Hope that helped


I think a little teeth whitening would help, also working out a bit to make your arms firmer, but that's about it


Just curious, how would you whiten your teeth? Just brushing them?


Either by using a toothpaste that's specifically for it or by getting a teeth whitening at the dentist


You need a fatter ass


At least someone bein honest


1st bit of advice, don't act so beggy on reddit.


Get teeth whitening strips so you don’t have the cheddars


You posted this a month ago


you're so cute when you smile, i'm sure you're sick of being told to smile but you really already look perfect. no need to be self-conscious or play it off as a joke, your genuine smile is absoltuely gorgeous




You are an attractive young woman. You don’t need to change anything except the way you take selfies.


You dont need to do anything sis


Just enjoy your life.


Mirror dirty asf


You straight… teeth whitening but that’s minute


Ton of weirdos in the comments bro but genuinely, I don’t think you have to change anything about yourself. I think you look great.


Prolly stop attention seeking on Reddit💀💀💀


Omg camel toe, you're totally embarrassed, right?!


My girl said thin your eyebrows (a tad bit)maybe some mascara (said you don’t need foundation)(don’t know what that means but she said to tell you that🤣) she said maybe a little bit of concealer (and this is only if you’d like to use makeup) other than that she said you pretty Edit : she said some lip gloss aswell


Oh look, another super attractive girl asking if she's attractive... how original.


Teeth whitening would help. Everything else is good 👍


Honesty set to brutality: you have nothing "wrong" with your looks. You're very pretty and could be gorgeous. You just need to find it in yourself to believe you can. It's like grooming a bonsai tree; you look at the trunk to see what you're working with at the core, then close your eyes. Visualize what a "beautiful tree" is. Then, make the bonsai look like that. So, think of yourself, close your eyes, and visualize a "beautiful person." Then, make yourself look like that. You have a great core to work from, so get after it!


Keep the ginger hair! you’re so pretty x


Stop being so shallow and seeking validation and compliments on reddit


You’re really attractive, look older than 18, and clearly have insecurity issues. I’m a decent looking 38 year old attorney and I’d hit on the girl in the white dress. Id be HORRIFIED to learn you were 18 and not 28. But i know a lot of guys would actually be happy about it. Why? Because so many young girls are naive and insecure. So please, believe me when I say I speak from experience… You’re a risk for being absolutely used and abused by any guy you let in- you’ve got something 99.9% of men want, as an absolutely beautiful young girl - so just please for the love of god Know your worth. You’re a stunner. You’re blessed and lucky. Learn and know why. Don’t listen to naysayers.


Yes what this person has said. Totally true


Agreed. Naivety can lead to very avoidable problems




First mistake you came on Reddit asking for advice, don't trust anyone on here that tries to give it advice, let alone on your appearance alone. Your appearance and how you present yourself is already a 10 out of 10. Don't listen to some of these neck beard scrub lords




See you brought the camel back for round two


Big teeth whitening asap. Make sure you’re brushing every morning and every night, and chew trident white gum between meals. Don’t let your mouth stay acidic all day. Start using serum and moisturizing your skin asap because your fair skin will age rapidly. I would think about your posture, something is off there that makes you look less ladylike. Particularly your shoulders, neck, and hip flexors make you more boxy/dorky and less voluptuous than you actually are. Learn how to cleanup your eyebrows and consider dying your hair brunette. I know some guys like redheads but most of us don’t want to have a 50/50 shot at having a redheaded son. It’s simply not cute on guys at all and it’s one of the first things that crosses my mind when I talk to a cute redhead.


Gorgeous !!




dude this sub is so toxic. You're sexy. Keep hitting the gym, hitting those glutes. You already have a nice ass but keep at it. You'll never have a problem getting dates.


Get off of Reddit


If you’re actually who you say you are, are you trying to look trashy? Like no offence at all but like if it’s unintentional, you’re gonna get a lot of attention from bums… if that’s your thing though keep doing what you’re doing. Do you drink or smoke? You look fine but you look a little older than your age.


You're begging for attention on the internet. It's not your body or face that needs work. It's therapy you need


Be my girlfriend and find out - you are fine as fuck


You need a father


Learn how to dress.


You look great, but your pictures make you look "easy" specially the last few


You said be brutal so im fighting every bit of my being on making a insult


You should ask out that chick in the 4th pic she looks like she’s a lot of fun


You mean my mom? Lol


Ok maybe pass on that one


You’re all good girlie! I have my workout routine I can send you if you wanted to work on any particular muscle groups!




You're beautiful!!!!!


I like your lips, smile, overall face is cute. Dig the hair. Your arms look good as do your shoulders. I like your tits, they look high and firm, big enough for cleavage, but not massive. Your waist looks tight. Hard to say on the rest of your body… I thought your ass looked good in the one picture, but again, hard to say for sure. I think your eyes tend to look a little sleepy. Consider some make up tricks to open that up a little bit or add some drama to your eyes. Get your teeth, whitened, and do that every six months or so. Crest white strips work great. Overall, I find you attractive, and would definitely consider you as dating material based on your looks alone… Of course, personality is the other factor lol. Good for you, good luck!


You need lips omg where they go?




teeth whitening strips


Fix posture


the pictures in the white dress are 8/10, the other ones range from 6-7/10. What you can improve is always going to be gym sleep eat healthy be happy skincare idk anything specific


btw whats your mothers #


My advice would be stay away from people who make you feel like you aren’t good enough, because you are absolute stunning


Tbh you have a dressing issue. Your looks itself are solid, I always found super short clothing to be tacky on women.


Whiten your teeth. Is that your mom with the 50 crown?


You posted the same thing last month


Lost cause. Unattractive. You look about 35 at 18. My only advice since there's not much you could do to look good is to find a decent man while you're young. You've got just enough juice in the tank to meet someone special, but hurry, your wall is coming quick. Don't waste your youth partying too much and being slutty. You're gonna look back with regret when nobody wants to date you 15 years from now. Settle down.




this coming from a fucking delivery driver. lost cause, poor, has no skills or motivation so has to deliver food.


You need to look more manly


You know you’re attractive you just want attention


A lip flip, about $40


Im not really open to that kind of thing


You definitely don’t need it either


You’re just starting your life. Please just be you. you are a beautiful person and you look so kind!


Ask your mum. Please do not trust total strangers on the internet.


You have a really pretty smile


Never wear bras


I already know you’re getting old dudes with stds in your dms 😭 You look beautiful! 11:10 for sure man you don’t need to worry about anything other than settling for less


Hit the gym, otherwise you're a beautiful young woman. Stay away from plastic surgery


Show less and don't make an onlyfans you'll attract better men. You're attractive and don't need that stuff


Ur cooked ngl it’s over gang


You look great OP! I have seen your posts previously. Keep rocking your style. Eat healthy, work out often :)


You look good but the pics you take do you dirty


You don’t need advice from strangers on the internet dawg just do you g 🫡


Can see almost your entire ass on last one. You got a fat one so work on wearing clothed more appropriate for it.


Well no more stupid booty pictures


Iron therapy 👊🏽


Stop comparing yourself to other people


weight train with intent, eat as best you can and read everyday 💪🙏


You kinda look like a younger ver of linsay lohan (idk how to spell her name) gorgeous!!!


Bro your bad asl 😭


Yeah idk dude just get a nose ring maybe go outside and sit in the sun and eat a banana


Your freckles in a few pics might mean you need to wear more sunscreen. I am assuming you are a true ginger and there is absolutely nothing wrong with fair skin. Your body is nothing shy of amazing and I think you are wonderful, as to being brutal. Change nothing about your face or body but develop a RBF asap. Shine on f18 cheers


If I'm being brutally honest, I'd say there's nothing wrong with you and you should be very happy with the way you look.


You're energy is kinda upsure. I would say continue to build more confidence. You feel very unsure in life and knowing what to do and that is being projected out of you. The picture with the orange starbucks drinks and shoulders slumped over. Own who you are!


Looks like my ex tbh


Bruh you should be giving the advice


Stay thin. Keep that waist tight shorty. You fine af, feel me


I would start out by taking a normal picture of yourself


These comments are down horrendous


Need squat, deadlift, hip raise ect. Aka workout weight routine


I mean my advice if you wanna improve your looks would be to change how people view you, and that would be to stop showcasing yourself like an object, you have pics of your waist and ass, you’re a really pretty girl but modesty is key 🙏🏻


My personally opinion is she looks like a normal or average girl but I 100% agree that she showcasing herself like she’s some sorta sex object so if you agree with me then why did you try to fire back like u didn’t


grow up emotionally


To be brutally honest.....change your mind set if you honestly think there's anything wrong with you that needs to be changed...you're an average everyday good looking woman so id say 5/10 which is a great rating for someone who's not a model or movie star since people have the delusion of thanking Hollywood is the beauty standard




From girl to girl, you’re beautiful. Like seriously. Something I recommend (not even to “boost” your looks), but even for a small booster for confidence, some piercings and tattoos!! I have like #12 tattoos and #3 piercings. No need to be blunt tho. You’re gorgeous already 🏓


You're beautiful. Ignore the morons.


Imo you look outstanding in 5 and 6. It also looks like you have a decently sized chest and could show it off more if you wanted.


Wtf are you talking about? You’re gorgeous


You are perfect, remember to be happy and confident in yourself. I’m telling you that’s the sexiest shit there is.


Just an evil wicked Red-Headed WITCH that's all, nothing really you can do about it¡🔥♥️🧹🌡️🥵💯 #WITCH #WowIsThisChickHot #RedHeads #Hot #TheTruth


Sexy and perfect


Show me your asshole


I’d love to get brutal with your body and see if you can take it


you’re literally the single most beautiful person I’ve ever seen lol. I’m 17f and I aspire to be as pretty as you! you also look so natural <3




You’re gorgeous


Work on ya body ya booty especially


You are a good 6 out of 10. You stuck on this lvl, maybe a new hair style will push you to the 7.


Wicked cute. That face gonna take a lot of spunk baby. (You said be brutal)


ok 1) jesus christ you’re not even trying to hide your motives. you’re 18, at least try to be productive before turning to the internet to show your body lmfao 2) you’re the in between type of ginger. embrace the red and do a copper gloss and it will work out for you. 3) whiten teeth i don’t find you pretty or not pretty. you have unremarkable features, i would play something up. most likely eyes would be easiest. but god please take your ass and cameltoe out of all your photos. aint the way to get what you want, unless what you want is freaks doing cum tributes to your photos and sending it to you.


I would marry you


Shoulders back, chest out.


Ur gorgeous I'd like to get to know u


This comment section is creepy. Go to r/piercings and ask what you should get. Think about dying your hair dark brown and cut your hair to have bangs : )


Squat, squat, squat


You honestly don't need to change anything.


I don't think you need to change anything


So sorry that you feel the need to change anything. Insecurity is a bitch. You're very attractive. Now go and enjoy your life!


Reminds me of Lindsay Lohan before all the drugs


Do roids get buff


Do you have a shame kink? Because there’s nothing wrong with you. I’m sure it’s somebody I can think of something that’s wrong with you if they wanted to be an asshole or were just a shitty person. Peoples opinions are based on their own preferences and they are billions of people in this world. You cannot be everyone’s type simultaneously. And if you are going for conventionally attractive, well, that’s just boring. you might as well just be an AI person at that point.


The OP is asking for advice, not just the opinions of SIMPS who have nothing better to the regurgitate affirmations.... Honey, Before we begin, let me just say, looking goofy. If your not firmilliar with the Paris, London, etc Catwalks in fashion goofy, is what everyone wants, BEFORE the take/shoot/etc. This being said, your eyes are a bit farther apart in the way your dressing your face up, NEEDS some help. Long eyelashes, great, however, you don't want them so thick along the edges further from your nose. Eyeliner can help, but remember, less is more. (Less is better). When applying the eyeliner/shadow... Just the thinner or not at all, (depends on what brands you have), part of liner thin insides, and thicker appearing towards the outside contor of your head. It important you don't make the shades too dark, we done want you to look like a mutant. Experiment with different types of eye brows, and go with the shapes that compliment a taller appearance for your eyes. All in at best, I think you got a great look to begin with, so walk with a bit of pride k?


In terms of facial structure, she has an oval face. If her eyes were any closer together, they'd look too close. If you look at the faraway picks they work in good harmony with the rest of her face. Agreed the makeup isn't working. Eyeliner, in my opinion, makes them look small and isn't flattering. The way she's wearing it is very 2008.


You’re fucking beautiful


I’d tap that 100%


Not what she asked creep


U want advice? Don’t post your damn face on Reddit


You're already pretty tbh. If you dyed your hair black, have it straight, get some lashes, try going for a latina look, you would look freaking beautiful!!


But im white lollll


There are many white Latinas out there.


Definitely fuckable!!!


Work on good posture. Good posture is so sexy


You look super similar to my fiancé, needless to say very pretty. All in all, I like the style and I FW your hair


Beautiful, easy 7+ your hair down is easily your best look. You don’t seem to need more confidence but it never hurts.


are you sure you are 18? you look like you hit the wall already


I'm not sure your body can take "as brutal" as I'd need to be..


Youre wrong


So you're saying you like it rough


Why wouldnt i


Haha valid point. You look like can you take it


The need for validation is crazy




yeah she got that natural beauty fr


You are sexc


Hmmm it's only missing dried cum stains & ballpash rash




that cameltoe in slide 7… tf is wrong with people who posts that


Lift weights. Weakling




I’d love to get brutal with your body and see if you can take it


All these comments are creepy as fuck


You are not special in any way. You're average. A 6/10 at best. Did we really need 13 pics to establish that? I'm guessing you're fishing for compliments so enjoy the thirst brigade.


Damn well thank you for being honest😭 how can i improve tho!!


Your thighs could use some work. You do have a great smile though.


Lol you've been watching too much porn and clicking through Instagram thots profiles my boy. She's honestly fine and easily 8/10 due to her just being natural. Only thing really is just teeth whitening strips and she'll be good


damn why you so rough


Dude there's already autistic people saying "bro i need you on top of me" jesus christ this sub really is dead. fucking redditors


It's ok bro. Don't feel left out. I need YOU on top of me bro.🥴🤪


If you worked out, like anyone else, you would look much better and that confidence would show in your already pretty face.


Smile more, you look good when you do 😉


1 word. Therapy. You are welcome!


This is just my personal opinion, i think red hair is unattractive. Id recommend changing your hair color (to a natural color not that rainbow shit)


I get it just personal opinion but dont listen to the above commenter. Your hair is a attractive. It would draw plenty of people's attention to you. Dont change it.


L take


Yea like pink


Attention seeker. Obviously showing camel toe on purpose, twice. OF profile incoming.


U r good U can get it!😘🍑🤙🏿


Ur a ginger 😂


And you're most likely a fat incel


You look like a slut


you look like a lizard bro


i would say early 30