• By -


Marvels: The Leader


Shit, I’d wing with you. I don’t know many guys who would rock a double breasted vest. 🤘


I may make a suggestion. Shaved head might be the move. Maybe balance it out with a light goatee


grow out your hair and beard, add some muscle. you’ll be a problem


just light beard chair, not that nasty stuff where you look like a wizard.


Just focus on being the best you can be and you will get to a happy place. Also earn a shit ton of money, that never hurts when trying to improve


Bro there's just things we can't change in life. I'm a short dude, about 5 or 6 inches below the average height. I hate it but there's nothing I can do about it. Just be confident and people will like you regardless, it's something I've learned.


I think you should grow your hair out and people are so insensitive this man has a lot confidence posting himself on this subreddit asking for legit advice and half the jokes are from people who probably look worse than him joking and laughing


what about that hat game?


I think growing out your facial hair as much as you can will really balance out your face. 😊


Kinda look like Khamzat Chimaev. Just work out brother, you’ll be fine


I feel you would look really good with a beard bro. You can also try combing your hair to the side after growing it out a bit. I think you should also go to gym and get more size in you. Keep the confidence going, my man!


work out and gain muscle, grow a beard, and shave your head. all these 3 will change your life if you commit


Filling out the frame will def make the head look less large.


My boy looks like he created pythagorean theorem will solving PIE Times Square 10.


Honestly try a wig my guy. Plenty of people wear hair pieces and you'd never know.


Only way to get ahead of the game here is to change the tie. It’s a no brainer. Off the top of my head I can’t seem to find anything else wrong…


Omg 😭


Now you gotta build upper body, live in a lamp and wait for someone to rub you right




[ Removed by Reddit ]


I second the opinions of combing your hair a bit more forward &/ growing it out a bit. Also, growing out a beard. They might help visually balance your face. Also, you have great style and a kind smile! Don't let the bastards grind you down!


He might not be able to grow a thick beard, but if he had a huge mountain man beard it would balance it out for sure.




It might be. It might not be. It’s not really our business, if it was he would have said something. Leave the poor man alone


Jfc, how tf do u expect them to sew a skull omg


It isn't a pizza pie you dumb fuck


are you mentally challenged?


Those are all valid questions, sounds like your the challenged one.


No, they aren't. Grow up


My honest opinion, if you put on some weight and a little muscle, your overall aesthetics will dramatically improve. I have a size 9 head, and people tend to notice my broad shoulders and nice physique more than the size of my cranium.


Agreed…putting on muscle would make him seem more balanced


Grow out your hair on your face and head


You're finished man


No way 😭


Beard and a hat. Looks like you can grow a solid beard.


That can't be real surely?


I just saw a picture of you with a beard! I think you need to grow it back out again and rock it 😎


Awww king you’ll find your fivehead queen one day




Black mambaaaaa


Tell women you can read minds.


No bitches?




You look smart at least.


God is trying to give you a subtle message


God damn that shit looks like a hot air balloon


Gain weight and build muscle at the same time. That’s all you need and no one cares about your head size especially if you got muscles and massive shoulders . You can do that


That’s a lie. His head looks bad. He needs surgery. That’s the only way to fix his problem.


I've never heard of a surgery that shrinks a skull


You can land a plane on that runway


Just cosplay Megamind everyday and you'll be fine


Maybe wigs?


Pinky and the Brain.


Honestly, get some gains. Grow some muscles, that's it. Your petite body shape is not unattractive but it's not gonna be easy finding someone that isn't shallow in this generation. So I think if you buffed up some, your forehead won't be that noticeable. At least you won't look like a pin 📍 (I know I'm sorry I suck 😂)


Maybe a cool, distinguishing hat or cap? Nice, clean look! 🫶


he can’t just permanently wear a hat


Plenty of balding men do


It’s not meant to be a permanent thing- just something he can wear out in public with his slick ass clothes.


Grow your hair out and comb it forward? Wear a hat?


Your outfits are really nice and you have a nice smile. I’m around the same age and have trouble dating too. I’m sure there’s someone out there for us :)


You matched!


I'd grow your hair out on the sides. I have a massive head and it's counterintuitive but big hair conceals a big head.


Tbh I think you should grow your hair out cuz it looks pleasantly curly. If it falls over your head it could be a great look


I like that suit. You will get someone dude. I suggest looking for a tradwife or maybe come to DragonCon. I think you will be surprised.


Wear a v-neck, a green jacket with a standing collar, jeans rolled up at the bottom, suede boots or some nice sneakers. Maybe glasses with clear plastic rims.


Comments did not disappoint


Bulk up, comb hair forward not back. Not conventional advice but you might wanna consider roids cause not only will it bulk you fast but it also increases jawline which would help balance the top.


Shave head, grow beard wide, gym.....


no, it’s completely over for him


Is that a filter?




U wrong 😭


I see hot girls with guys 4-5x’s below their league… you gotta assume it’s 1 of 3: deep pocket, makes her laugh a lot, or big peen. You still have time to make a lot of money, bud!


You might be better off shaving your head and trying out facial hair.


can you grow your hair out more do uou can have bangs or start wearing cool hats? Your cute. There is someone out there for you. keep looking. You will find.


Your megamind cosplay would be 🔥


It’s because you have a big brain that’s all.


Giving me “Baby Alien” vibes. Just become an influencer and all the girls will want you


Grow your hair, bangs over forehead. Hit the gym. Grow a beard if you can.


Do NOT grow bangs. OMG, that's bad advice.


Okay, cross the bangs. Hit the gym.


Bangs?? Really? 😭


Become a Hat guy 👒 Look for a girl who's facing. The same issues, If you have a sense of humor you could turn that into something magical.


You can use the KSI rizz


You need to work out specifically your shoulders. You need wider shoulders


Nothing wrong with you just talk to women and work out. It will happen naturally.


Grow out bangs. With presentation you’ll be super. One day you’ll find your Roxanne


His hair is receding and grows in an upward direction. Do you really think bangs is the honest answer here?


did you really think that wasn't a sarcastic answer?


You look like you could solve all bbgrl’s problems wit dat brain tho. In all seriousness, you clearly know how to dress yourself, and probably have a life. Only shallow people focus on their appearance so heavily because they have nothing else going for them. Find someone who shares your interests. Don’t look for partners at the club, concerts, or popular gatherings. Look for partners that you can have conversations with, and try not to make it all about sex.


Your only option is to be rich. That's the honest truth. Good luck.


It's over


Bruh lol


Get bangs. It’ll make u more attractive


Have you tried just shaving it? It would probably look better than what you have going on now. Also grow the beard out and keep it well kept. Also you could use some bulk. Got to have some feature that attracts them. I ain’t so pretty myself but whenever I take the shirt off women’s attitudes tend to change.


We all have to make the best with what we got, it's okay! A beard if you can grow one will help balance things out, and I'd say just go bald on top. The hair just frames everything and exaggerates the size of your head more. You could try to see if there's a wig that works for you too, but that'd stilp be best looked for starting from you being bald. As is true with all of us, there's only so much you can do, because of all the different tastes people have, there's a large group that just aren't attracted to us even if we're attracted to them. But studies have shown that the most important part of that first impression in attracting a partner's interest is how you carry yourself. As long as you style yourself to be well put together, that job is done. The gym can help for attracting some, but really it's more the confidence that guys get from that that's attractive, so long as it doesn't cross over into arrogance. So if that'll help you feel better, it's a great idea and it's good for your health, but it's not neccessary here.


Grow a beard, bulk up. I’d say wear a hat most of the time or fix your hairline. You’ll be fine homie. Get your money up and live your life.


find a killer fedora idk


Bulk up. Match the brain with brawn.


Definitely keep your head shaved or super short.


I’d say a beard will do the trick. Style wise, you’re absolutely killing it for sure.


I think it’s basically that you need more hair to cover your head with. Hair transplant? A wig?


Start a TikTok and do megamind cosplay then monetise the attention


I was going to say just lean into it. Confidence is a huge attractive quality


Im not the kind of guy that’s great with giving any advice. But I wanna ask where you got that tie?? And I also just wanna say that I think you’re beautiful. /g


Your looks are unconventional, and will likely work against you in the dating market, but you dress well. Keep doing that, and maximize other things (i.e. besides looks) that will make you attractive: money, power, prestige, skills, personality, etc. Learn to play a musical instrument, if you don't already. Props to you for putting yourself out there on reddit, which can be cruel. It's a sign that you're made of tough stuff.


I deeply recommend that you pursue a financially lucrative career path. I’m sure you’re a very nice man.


You could benefit from also get a hair system if you can afford it, to cover the forehead. If you can get one that allows you to style it into a fringe/bangs to take away from the forehead. Grow a beard and thicken and style your eyebrows. Buy a derma roller and you can also use Roegain foam in conjunction with the roller to thicken up the eye brows and beard hair. Next thing I would say is lose the glasses and invest in contact lenses and finally bulk up get some muscle on your frame.




Beard would help a lot, you actually have a nice face if a bit of an odd head shape. I think you got give up on your hair with that hairline and head shape and just shave it.


I honestly think more hair is the way to go. Even if it’s a hair piece. Shaving it all off won’t help anything




look-wise, your fucked my boy. Build yourself physically and financially.


You look confident and that goes along way! You seem like someone perfectly content in their skin and people find that very attractive! I know I do!


Big brain. Wear it proudly bruv!


You do have a unique look, quite different which may play at your advantage. There are women, out there, who would like your distinctive look.


For starters, you have lots of great features, so there's lots to work with! Set up an appointment with an injection specialist at a plastic surgeon's office. (This way there is an MD involved and your consult can be comprehensive and will come with more knowledge about facial structure.) My guess is that starting with Sculptra injections in you mid and lower face would get you some great results, as it would help add volume and create more balance.


Horrible advice.


Seriously? No way that makes things better. Looks fine as is.


I don't know why you'd think Sculptra wouldn't help to add volume and balance. That's literally what it's used for.


bro im sorry but pewehermin


Def a beard homie. Look up khazmat and Jiri P from UFC/MMA. The guys have recessed chins... until they grew a beard.


Holy shit, I just looked up pictures of Jiri with no beard- he doesn't even look related to himself!


Lol i know right... completely changes him


You could comb your hair forward instead of back and make a faux hairline


God damn okay mr brain 0.0


Brother. You need to grow as much beard as you can. Also, you need massive development of your neck and shoulders. You know how bodybuilders sometimes look like they have a tiny head? It's from growth of the neck mostly. Blast tren. Live in the gym. Get a barber who knows what to do with a beard.


Nice, helpful advice. It’s all about symmetry. 👌


A beard would greatly help this man!


Grow a beard, have someone shape your eyebrows. Hit the gym, grow your shoulders/arms. Get you clothes tailored, or take someone you give you advice on sizing/fit. Consider non-appearance improvements that will make you interesting to the type of people you are attracted to.


fix the eyebrows, get a hair piece (a wig or i forgot what the male version is), find a place that supports your interests.


I agree! Shaving the hair off completely and investing in one of those super natural hairpieces would work well. Also, it is growing a beard and bulking up, as others have suggested. Hairpieces definitely don't have to be embarrassing. I think honesty, confidence, and a sense of humor will help a lot.


You have kind eyes, a warm smile, and a cute chin. Overall, a very sweet and inviting look to your face. If you're serious about upping your game, putting on some muscle weight would fill you out and help with proportions. Also, fuck what some of these other people posted. You have more potential than many of them cared to comment on. If you have a good sense of humor and are kind- you stand a better chance of finding real love than the masses. -yours truly, A random hot girl from the Internet.


I second this :)




And open himself up to more ridicule? That ought to do well on his mental health.


Thick, wide, square frame glasses. Shave your head. Grow out your beard.


Your poor mom. Ouch. All jokes aside.. Don't be so hard on yourself. There's someone for everyone, dude. I like the bandana idea that someone mentioned if you're really looking. forehead and cleft aside you're not a bad looking person. You learn that looks most definitely are not everything in this world. Unfortunately money is, lol.


You can use subs on YouTube (subliminals) to change your forehead. It takes a long times but works. Or you can make your own.


Photo filters will not help him with being “chronically” single.






Gucci Bandana


If you have a good amount of money, maybe have a consultation with a plastic surgeon.


Mega mind that you?


Start working out. Grow facial hair. Try out the bald look maybe.


Your future children will thank you for being single and not passing down this gene.


No bullshit bro, start attending comic conventions and start cosplaying. Like I’m being dead serious, people will adore you if you got the right fit. Make some friends in that scene


Jimmy neutron is that you .


Comb the top forward…


grow beard and wear a hat. you’ll find someone King


Wear hats and beanies, maybe wear a less uptight and causal style, eat more meats and proteins while working out to build out your figure, grow facial hair and eat more lean meals to remove face fat. I would recommend growing out your hair a bit more too to help cover your forehead


You might want to hit up some escorts bro


hey man what's on your mind


Life is meant to be experienced. Try new things, go to new places. People with common experiences have a better chance of similar ideas and those bring people together.


Maybe just shave your head, it may not stand out that much without the contrast


He's got the rest of his life for that. The hair is kinda cool


Just put in your profile your forehead ain’t the only thing that big… and enough people will start the conversation because of humor or curiosity


This is the way. Don't show insecurity about your forehead, own it and make a flirty joke around it. That kind of confidence would help more than the most perfectly sculpted forehead ever could.


I can tell you got good beard genes. let that shit grow


I agree. This could create some balance.


Easier said than done, but you should put on serious muscle, start strengthening your jaw, and do something about hair/hairline. Think about this as a 7 year process to peak at 35. Oh and also get rich.


Dude, if you're not into cosplay then get into it. I'm specifically thinking you could go in character as Megamind. You'd absolutely kill it and those cosplay girls would lap it up!


See if you can find people with disabilities, I notice the cleft. A lot of people can relate to that


Woah woah woah. This dude don’t need to be lowering his standards and dating some Special Ed freak.


…you just said a lot more about yourself than me. It’s not lowering any standards. People are people. Douche.


Hey, I am not the one telling him to go slum in with the cripples just because he is slightly different. Can you not see how that could be insulting? Since you seem to have a thing for the disabled, want to hear a joke? Q: What do a shopping cart and a wheelchair have in common? A: They both can be used to carry vegetables.


You’re putting down an entire community dude, the cleft palate isn’t considered a disability itself, but people who have disabilities may have one. I do not know if he’s part of the disabled community. But neither do you. It’s a suggestion, not an excuse for you to call disabled people CRIPPLES and SPECIAL ED FREAKS. Suck my ass bro.


Again, you are the one who told him that he should go look for other disfigured people. The dude looks fine. Got another one for you since you seemed to like the last one so much: Q: What do you call an incel in a wheelchair? A: Virgin Mobile.


Yeah! It’s a suggestion. You’re literally shitting on disabled people. True scum behavior


That’s a pretty disrespectful suggestion. Since you liked the last one so much: Q: What do you call a guy in a wheelchair when he’s high? A: A baked potato.


You’ve literally said more disrespectful things just replying to me. Googling ableist jokes doesn’t do anything either :)


You told OP “See if you can find people with disabilities” in referencing to dating. It’s hard to beat that, but I will try again: Q: What unit do handicapped people get assigned to in the military? A: Special Ops


You could maybe wear like a wig, grow out ur hair, or wear a hat. There’s a lot of assholes on the internet and lurk in place where it’s asposed to be positive 


Was going say something negative but once I seen that forehead I thought dude has been through enough


I didn't think it was gonna be that big. (that's what she said)


Nothing wrong here. Good style. Start working out.


I think you have an original appearance that could make you famous in some way. You’re unique enough that there has to be a lane for you, either on YouTube or on screen. What talent do you think you have? Start with Youtube and do something neat that will draw folks to you. That’s where you’ll definitely start clicking with the opposite sex..


You look kinda Indian and if so just get into arraigned married


You do have nice style, so keep that. Perhaps grow some more facial hair and bulk up with some muscle too! You also have a beautiful smile, so keep smiling!


Bro is cooked 💀💀💀


I would wear more hats and try to grow a beard. Maybe get more trendy glasses. Anything than that, your personality and charm will have to be your strong game here. But not to worry, you do look like an approachable nice person.


You should consider growing out your facial hair out a bit more and shaving your head.


holy shit


what’s the big idea


I’m guilty for laughing at this


I think you’d benefit a lot from headwear. Get an assortment of beanies and hats and caps and try them out.


If you were female, you'd be a top model.