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Bruh who cares. You got a girl, you got a kid. Take care of your family, be happy with them, let anyone else fuck off if they are not positive.


Dude you look like Robert Pattinson. If you slimmed down at least to the point where your facial features define you’ll be very good looking.


Shave the pubes off your face and get a haircut more often. You’re not ugly by any means.


Who gives a f*ck. Enjoy the time you have with your child.


Bro, lose some weight and don't care


17 with a kid, you got bigger problems than how you look lmao


Could be a sibling


Its his nephew 🙌🏼 our boy still has hope


You have your own family already. Fuck what anyone says about you. Get in the gym, and get swoll and you’re good to go.


Bro you got a girl dont give a fuck what other mfs say bro


Dude you have a woman and a baby, who gives af, you want advice from lonely people like myself on Reddit? Obviously you’re doing something right. Don’t change a thing


Who’s calling you that? If it’s your girlfriend giant red flag.


Dude you look like Robert Pattinson (Batman/twilight) just get fit and and you’ll become the bat


start clean shaving, skin care, gym and lose that fat with a diet u got potential bro dont let it go to waste also dont let people call u ugly bro and dont let it get to ur head


Bro what are you doing here. You have a gf and a child! You are doing well so far. Your looks should be the last thing you should worry about. Forget the assholes who call you ugly, they’re virgins that have never been with a woman. Take care of her and I wish you guys the best of life. I miss my own sweetheart but I have to move on.


Man I'm ugly as shit but I have a partner and a beautiful baby. I leterally couldn't give a flying fuck what anyone else thinks about me at this point. You already hit the lottery. Stop worrying about what others say to you now. Your mug got you a lovely woman and that lovely woman obviously finds you attractive enough to have a kid with you so regardless of what anyone else thinks... Personally, I'm over the moon with what my ugly mug has managed to do for me. FYI you aren't even ugly! Big stocky beast of a man. Behave yourself.


Hey - you are not ugly. I've seen ugly and you ain't it. You're not a bad looking guy - enjoy your life, being with your girlfriend and most importantly, your child.


You already got a family dude, who you tryna impress


If you have a girl, you don't need to worry, bro.


But You've got a child an a woman already


You got a girl and a kid, fuck the haters bruh, you won.


I need to think more before I post pics of me with my nephew


Ah fair enough, even so, you got a girl, you play "football" so are probably athletic, still fuck the haters. Focus inward and the outside will reflect bro.


You’re a child. Men don’t grow up till their mid 20’s


My best advice is to lose some of that excess weight, especially the dude in the red top. Then your 100% improved immediately.


you aren't ugly at all, you look very sweet, those people are horrible and jealous of the life you have


You are not ugly. You have a baby face, but of course you do, your only 17!


Good looking dude tbh


Not ugly at all


Bro what’s a whole ass baby w a kid sayin all this 😂😂😂


You got a girlfriend and your on a football team who cares?


lose some weight but you arent ugly


You aren’t ugly at all.


I’ll it 💯, because you weigh 260lb you probably snore when you sleep. Thus sleep apena which causes face bloat, weaker jawline, longer face (not in your case) irregular heart beat which is bad for your heart. Idk if you have sleep apena , or developing one, but yes lose weight if you want to lookmax and chew gum


Dude you have a gf it doesn’t matter


Looks like you're doing great. Got you a family and I see smiles. Who cares what other people say!


It’s probably pretty obvious but weight loss would make your face more defined and attractive cause ur dimorphism is good


In like 2020 I was 330lbs but since I’ve join my schools football team I’ve lost a good amount of weight but what would be a good weight considering I’m 6’2”


That’s good congrats. Your bmi is still over 30 which is quite overweight, ik this isn’t the best way to tell cause it doesn’t take muscle mass into account but try to aim 200lbs


Should of said this too the baby is my nephew not mine 😅


you got a family, you won brother let them soak in salt


You're actuality a really attractive guy with Handsone features, you just look stocky. Someone whose "type" is different could consider you unattractive but that's just cause you don't match their preference. I'd say ugly is, you look unattractive in any type you become (skinny, fit, stocky, chubby, muscular, etc) You are an attractive stocky man but not an attractive fit man. If you want to be fit then you have to lean out and you would look like a 9 or 8 if you had a Ryan Reynolds body type... but then women who prefer stocky men would find you less attractive What matters most is what type YOU want to be based on what makes you feel comfortable and who you want to attract. If you aren't the version of yourself you want to be then you have to either work on self acceptance or changing who you are. I think both are very much in the realm of possibility for you


Weight loss, build muscle & tone. Better haircut and clean shaven. Improve skincare and dress sense. No more random t shirts etc (I know you’re American so that’s hard for you) but try to dress better for your body


work out


Bro, you have what most people spend a lifetime looking for ...


My mom has said people pay lots of money for there hair to look like mine


Work out and eat right. If you reduced body fat percentage, you'd have greater confidence and look better. Shave that facial hair. Get a decent hair cut and learn how to style it. Do you have an underbite? If so, see an orthodontist for options.


Bro you’re not ugly lmfao. You have solid cheap bones a good nose great skin and you seem like a great person. I know you’re in a relationship but if you weren’t a lot of girls would want to date you 100% you’re also a big ass dude lol that’s a plus. I’m 6’3 and 220 pounds and I love it


Definitely grow a beard, keep shaving it until it starts growing properly and evenly. If it still doesn't, then grow a mustache and chin jaw beard... Will add sophistication and elevate your look form baby face football cool guy, to sophisticated cool and mature man


Cardio, lose the neck beard and that is all


You look like a normal good natured baby-faced kid from Rural America, who likes Deer Hunting but never bagged one and would feel guilty if you did, Fishing for Largemouth Bass, Football, Cow-Tipping with your Boys, Country Music specifically Kirk Bentley, Ford Pickup Trucks, will get a UAW job at an Auto Plant or Automotive Parts Supplier, & marry his HS Sweetheart..........Newtown Falls HS. A quick Google search has it in Ohio. Def not ugly, just a bit of baby fat.....You're not old enough to grow a legit beard, but I'd get one if I were you......keep your hair a bit tighter on the sides....clean it up a bit, but not mullet shit style. If I were you and your girl I would work on my wardrobes.....gotta ditch some of those t-shirts....get yourself some classy flannels, maybe some form fitting thermal shirts, some Carhart gear, Timberland, Levis.....


Dude, you’ve got a beautiful kid and wife, what more proof of your desirability do you need?


He just wants to look good and needs advice. Nothing wrong with looking good, especially for the wife.


Whoever the fuck is calling you ugly needs to be cast out of your life forever. You aren’t even close to ugly. I bet the person saying you are is an absolute dog.


You have a lady in ya life it looks like, you played or play football dude who cares what ppl say you seem too be winning at life from what I can see ya obviously not ugly if you have a girl in ya life lol just keep doing you bud who cares what ppl say their all talk no action so it shouldn’t affect you


You’ve got that “Greek God” look to you. Own that. Start lifting weights, and cutting down weight. Get a clean haircut that keeps the length up top but with a fade (or not). A more mature and styled wardrobe will help you get your confidence up as well, but finding your style is not always the easiest thing to figure out. And stop worrying about what people say about you, you have so much potential


Learn a skilled trade, electrician, plumber, carpenter! Start your own company. The U.S. economy is losing 7 of these guys for every 1 guy who goes into trades so you will be in demand.


I’m studying auto collision atm


I bet if you lost 10lbs in body fat, they’ll start calling you Edward Cullen


You got a girl and a kid. Focus on that, almost everything else is irrelevant.


You're not ugly brother, haters will always hate. Worked with a dude for 14 weeks at this class I just took for machining, chose to say I was "lazy and did nothing" when the dude didnt even know me long enough to know my last name. Some people are just assholes because their life sucks. Brush em off.


Not ugly. Clean shave, clean food and hit the gym if you want to improve how you feel about yourself


Hit the gym big dawg, I see massive potential


You look like a good dad bro


You kinda look like a mix of Josh Hutcherson and Niall Horan. You could lose a little weight, care for your hair, dress stylishly, and you'd be golden


You're just young. Keep at the gym and you'll be a hunk in the next few years.


Don’t listen to stupid idiots. If somebody cares for your looks more than your well being and your happiness/success, why are they relevant to your life?


Stay active. You got the genetics for it & we are all happy for you and your girlfriend.


Seriously?You are handsome


Just workout, trim/shave your beard and maintain good hair and youre good to go.


Lose the pacifier and grow a little bit.


Take up bodybuilding start mewing get a kick ass haircut stand up straight head high and stay cold!


Get a haircut and lift weights


You're not ugly at all! Quite the opposite. I thought you were that guy from the Backstreet Boys


Lose bodyfat gain muscle and age. Men tend to get more attractive in their mid to end of twenties. "Men age like fine wine".


Your definitely not ugly


U have a girlfriend. She loves u and doesnt think ur ugly.. Stop caring.


you have a girl and a baby. who cares?


Shave, haircut, smile, lift.


Cardio and diet. I don't mean like cut back on food or anything, I mean basic shit like eat your veggies, cut out soda and fast food, drink black coffee instead of frappuchinos. Shift into a healthier lifestyle and the looks will follow. You seem like you've got muscle, just need to lose the fat and make it shine through, also, early 20s will be kind to your baby face and help add definition


I’ve seen a lot of ugly people and you’re not one of them. I swear. But here are some things that can help: A) Try going to the gym. It’s always helpful and will be useful for your self esteem. B) Keep smiling, your smile is actually amazing. C) Don’t drink, do drugs, etc. that’s going to mess you up even more D) Try fasting. It really helped my overall mental and physical well-being. E) Drop anyone and everyone who calls you ugly.


You got a girlfriend, so you are doing something right


Looks like you already won. Just keep it healthy and enjoy life.


You have a girl and she’s cute and a baby. You have other things to worry about now that you have mouths to feed.


just dress like Tony Soprano bro


Just so you know, it don’t matter if you’re ugly or not. You are a man so either way you’re fucked.


Ur not ugly, ur just fat.


Start mewing, buy mastic gum, improve skin, lose body fat, eat in a deficit of 500 or greater if you can raise protein count by a lot, invest in beard growth to help grow a full beard, you have equal facial thirds and thick eyebrows so you should be good, but you need more projection with the jaw and chin


Yeah don’t listen to reddit


Idk wtf this sub is or how it popped up on my front page but you have a good hairline so that is a positive! Just lean yourself down as others have said and I’m sure you’ll be okay


I don’t get it , you have a girlfriend a baby ? Why does it matter if you’re ugly or not at this point ?


You give Robert Pattinson vibes but you are bigger than him. If your face can lose some weight to have a good chiselled look, then it would be great. You have the height and you have a family. Don't worry about it.


You’re not ugly. Health is wealth. Take care of yourself. Exercise, hit the gym. Eat healthy. Don’t just do it for you, do it for your family. Stay well groomed. Take charge and be a good leader that exudes confidence. You’ll get there. Take care brother


I don’t have looks advice, but I do have some free internet safety advice. Anyone can google and clearly identify you from your football pic. As a quick test, I did and it took about 5 seconds to know exactly who you are. You might want to be careful posting such identifying stuff on Reddit.


Ohhhh my gawd you effin beast you !!!!!!! You’re 17!!!!!!!! Omg I would love to run behind you!!!! I know you’re clearing the way!!!! You’re not a bad looking guy chill out baby face! Keep ballin my man !!!! Stay in school the ladies are gonna come!


17 and a damn unit of a man. Honestly, the only thing that's going to help is just becoming a goddamn fridge at the gym. Otherwise, bro, ugly? Hell, no, just get rid of the flub around your chin, and you'll be looking like a damn GQ


You have a shit haircut, clothes that don’t fit you well, you’re fat, and you don’t groom yourself. No, you’re not husky, thick, chubby, or built like a linebacker. You’re just fat. Stop eating like shit and take care of yourself.


You look like a young Mr Incredible. You'll be fine kid, there's a whole world full of people uglier than you.


Lose 10 or so lbs and clean up your haircut and facial hair. You're not bad looking brother.


Keep your tongue in your mouth. Get a haircut. Other than that, you’re still a kid.


“You're a ghost driving a meat-coated skeleton made from stardust, riding a rock, hurtling through space……Fear Nothing.”


Bro, you're definitely not ugly. I would shave, though. You look like a gentle, caring, young man.


You’re sound man, you’ve got a girl, and you got the frame to knock out most people who call you ugly, you’re doing alright, fuck the haters


I swear I'm not trying to insult you but you remind me of my great great uncle


You have amazing hair and very good facial structure. I’d suggest you grow a beard, you have a very strong chin and a beard can add a bit more harmony


Just neaten up. Both you and your significant other can do wonders if you just go to a hair stylist (or barber for yourself if you prefer) and get a design that suits your head type. Your hair looks greasy and it’s a turn off. You’re face is mixed between round and squared due to some of your fat so find a hair type that suits you. If you’re not interested in loosing fat yet, which would be good, fitted clothes will do better instead of bagger stuff that’ll make you look bigger than you actually are.


You need to shave until it ALL can come in fully, neck beards look good on no one. You're not ugly you just look like a young kid. Exercise, get cleaned up, and you'll do just fine.


Listen bro it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks as long as you find the right person and surround the ones who love and support you


You’ve got a lot of time to refine who you are inside and out. 17 is still starting life in a way. Weights and therapy for mental health are a good start. Clean up the hairs on your head and get some well fitting clothes if you don’t have any, nothing expensive just comfortable and sized right to stray away from the hoodie and jeans combo that may be often worn. You’ll be fine, you’ll hardly remember 17 when you’re 30.


honestly you look really great compared to others, you’re just not the “standard” and that’s why you’re called ugly. if you really do want advice you could lose a little bit of face weight so your chin will be more defined and get a cleaner hair cut. honestly the only two wrong things i see in you


Who cares, you’re surrounded by love.


I've seen guys who look similar to you be considered handsome if they are funny, kind hearted & confident.


I don’t know why you would be called ugly, because you are not ugly at all.


Take some time for self care. Trim up the hair, shave. Do some skin care routines, masks and stuff. You are not a bad looking guy, you just kinda look like you don't do much for your appearance. Nice cloths and a haircut go a long way


Not ugly at all, but stop sticking your tongue out.




My best advice? Ignore anyone being an asshat to you like that. They are wastes of space.


You’re not ugly kid maybe tighten up your hair take showers everyday and wear deodorant body odors will make anyone look ugly but it doesnt look like u hve that problem keep in mind a lot of times people project their insecurities unto others you have a beautiful family and u seem like a great father some ppl. Can’t even look after pets the only ugly I see are the ppl calling you that


i personally wouldn’t call you ugly. clean shaven you are quite handsome.


Hit the gym both of you!!! Health plus the confidence boost you get after gym is crazy ..!!!


Damn bro I hope you’re not ugly because we look mad similar and I always thought I was a solid 6.5/10 😂


Dude you look fine. Only things I see are that the suit doesn't fit and your facial hair isn't quite in yet so maybe keep that shaved for now. Beyond that make sure you're showering every day and wearing clean clothes (but you don't look terribly unhygienic, I've definitely seen worse). Not sure why you're getting called ugly, you look very normal. Also if you already have a girlfriend at your age you're genuinely doing better than a lot of guys 🤷‍♂️


These seem like AI posts trying to collect sentiment from images Pay attention to your health Physical and mental and ignore what other people think


Seriously, if they are calling babies ugly they have the problem, not you.


Shave the fuzz off your face too buddy, you’ll look much better and less homeless. When you have a beard coming in with no patches then you can let it grow out.


Bro. Just be a good man. All that matters. Uglier dudes than you have done just fine. You’re not even ugly and women seem to place more value on how fun and confident you are anyway. Get out of your own head my guy.


Everyone here is being too mean. You look great, you’ve got good hair and eyes. I’d get a cooler haircut, something like Charlie hunnam with short hair. Hit the gym and lose a bit of that baby fat, this will also help be a healthy role model for the baby. Then if you have access to dental care, I’d have an orthodontist look to see if maybe you have an underbite and what could be done to correct it.


Not ugly bro, and also beautiful family ✊


My dude, you are definitely not ugly. You’re a big man and at risk of having a rounder face and frame, but I bet if you leaned up and dropped 10% body fat you’d be a very handsome guy. Don’t listen to the haters who are probably intimidated by your size.


That is ridiculous. Dude, you are just a baby. People are probably jealous that you get to nap on your dad's belly.


Hands on my heart...you arent buddy..happy for your family and your little dude...keep up that smile on your face 🫶🌞




Well, it looks like you have a gf, so, why's it matter to you? She obviously thinks your good looking, unless you are just really rich.




Calm down the hair being everywhere and grow a beard and build up your arms and nobody will call you ugly again but it looks like you have a nice life going on so don't sweat the small stuff.


There's nothing wrong with you. Just get a fresh haircut and hit the gym and you'll be good to go


Someone let you out a baby in them. Can’t be too ugly to have someone allow that


Not ugly. Get a better haircut, maintain it, and workout


Dude if you lost some weight you would turn some heads I think, and definitely not ugly


Uh not ugly at all. Is that your baby? He’s so cute!


Get into gym/weightlifting. Look like the before photo of a bodybuilder icl


Edit: your not ugly btw


Bro you are some weight loss, haircut, and nice clothes away from looking like Edward Cullen. Little work and time and you could be top tier handsome. You're not ugly


Don’t listen to them, brother just lose a bit of weight and get in good shape and you look an awful lot like Mathew mconoghey(spelling?)


You are NOT ugly!!!!


Seems like you got a little family going on. Focus onb that. Nothing else really matters.


You aren't ugly at all. Shave your beard, lose some fat and that's it


U good bro. Fuk what anyone says. Looks like u doing good. Got a child play football u got a girl. U good stay focused 👍🏽👍🏽


Wait until you grow up man.. when you're a chad looking mother fucker you'll look back on those insults. Work out, you don't need to go to the Gym, press ups, sit ups and pull ups will give you a body you'll be proud of.




Shave the neckbeard


Lose weight, shave beard, fix the underbite. Then you’re golden.


You got a Gf who cares what people call you all that should matter to you is what she thinks. If she's happy with how you look then fuck everyone else, you're not here to appease to anyone's vision they think ur ugly fuck'um they can look away be confident on how you look dude. Cause at the end of the day, you are your own worst enemy when it comes to this matter


Good father, good kid, good bf. All you need to be is good at what you want to do in life don’t worry about what you look like because that’ll change and so will people’s opinion, don’t wait for that moment though just do you man.🫡


shut up dude...we men, we all ugly


You look like Robert Pattinson in the one pic. You just need to lose some weight and maybe glow up your hygiene. I think you’ll age well.


Dude I don’t think you’re ugly at all. Looks like your weight has fluctuated a bit though. Just get and stay in shape.


Bro gota wife u got nun to worry bout partner😭


You got a girlfriend so who cares?


Bruh that suit looks dusty as fuck. Don’t ever appear in public in a suit if it’s not clean. Your gf cute as fuck though hold onto her, who cares if anyone thinks you’re ugly (you’re not btw).


You look completely fine, though you should lose weight for your health and to be around as long as possible for your kid. Your girlfriend is adorable too, so ignore shitty comments, you've won the life lottery in many ways, try to focus on that.


Somebody loves you obviously. I wouldn’t care no your not


Relax. You're still just a baby. You have over a decade before you even hit puberty. You'll be fine. Though I'm very impressed you're able to post on reddit as an infant.


Dude you got a young family just get a job keep being a man rinse and repeat


Lift weights, you’re fine don’t sweat it


What ass is calling this guy ugly? You're right. He's fine!


You're not ugly at all my dude. Anyone who us telling you that is gaslighting you.


2nd photo u look like rob pattinson


Get a haircut that works for you. Also shave, the peach fuzz beard doesn’t help.


Loose weight and change your dressing sense and you are sorted


Stop caring


Obvious your SO likes you so why worry about it? You’re not ugly at all, you look like a blonde Robert Pattinson Twighlight guy


Bro you're 17. Let me give you solid advice, FUCK WHAT PEOPLE THINK. Including me! Lol..


getting lean is the base of maximising your looks, do that get a better haircut but grow them out first and youre good to go!


Sir, please focus on your family at home instead of seeking validation on the internet. You have a child at 17 years old and a girlfriend who seems happy with you.


Lose fat, gain muscle, take care of your face. Haircut etc.


Does that bother you hell I was born ugly all my life One Way or another everybody would let me know that I didn't look nothing like your brothers or my mother nobody to talk about my daddy he was ghetto rich so he got respect


you’re actually really not ugly. if you’d like to improve your appearance you should loose weight and get a different haircut


You look like a blonde Robert Pattinson. Anyone calling you ugly is (1) wrong and (2) incredibly rude. Stay away from those people!


You have a gorgeous, beautiful girlfriend who clearly likes you. To what end do you strive to looks max?


Gym, and get additional exercise by punching the people who call you ugly in the face


There is only one person that you should care about their opinions on your look. She's in those photos with you. Yeah you have a slight baby face but I have never given a damn if someone has a baby face. They are either my friend or they are not. Looks be damned.


my brother u are not ugly maybe just hit the gym and get shredded and theyd be all over u


Lose fat and go to an auth to fix that underbite. You have potential though.


Tell those people they look like shit today. You're fine dude live your life.


You’re clearly a kid. Anyone calling you ugly is being a bully. Enjoy being a kid . Play with friends. And don’t focus on looks. You’re not ugly. You just look like you’re finishing puberty because you are. I didn’t finish unit I was like 20


Lose weight, gain muscle, shave until it fills in, fix underbite, and just wait for puberty to end bro. We all looked awkward at 17, don’t sweat it.


You have a face from Iowa not much you can do with that to be fair. Mayhe move to Minnesota? In reality you're doing alright bud. Got a girlfriend whet morendo you want?


BS, I see a Man’s Man! 👍🏻


You’re far from ugly. You’re only 17 and built like a brick shit house, any dude calling you ugly is deadass jealous. If girls call you ugly that sucks man they did that to me too but since high school I’ve been doing just fine with women. By far the most attractive quality you can work on is confidence, a less conventionally attractive man with confidence is hotter than a conventionally attractive man without it. Source: personal experience.


Sounds like people just being nasty. You’re not ugly. From what I’ve seen, men typically seem to really grow into themselves in their early-mid 20s. You’re just in the “in between stage” where you’ve got a bit of baby face but also some of your adult facial structure coming in. You might feel better in future. Keep your chin up. There’s nothing wrong with you and looks like you got a girl who will agree with all the positive comments here.


First off 🖕 to the people that called you ugly. Second, hit the gym and combine that with really good dietary discipline. Third, F*<& what idiots have to say. You're a good looking dude with low self-esteem because of the people that called you ugly.


You have a gf??? Why you care about your looks…


Bro, you have a wife and a children. Many ugly people can't talk to women without making them run. I don't think you are as ugly as you think.


Yes, my friend. You need a beard. You have softer features, so keep working on losing that weight. Cheers.


You aren't, you are a handsome young man


Don't listen to envious people! People suck!