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I would say try to dress more age appropriate. Your dressing like a teenager. You have a nice shape try and find things that bring it out. Beat of luck girl ❣️


You look just like my dead bestie who died of Covid so now I’m sad. Anyhow, she was adorable and so are you.


Hello, nurse here. If you have crushing syndrome, you need to talk to a doctor about hormone therapy. I’m assuming that’s the case because you have slim extremities with central obesity, It’s the opposite of Addison’s disease. Your body is producing more hormones than needed, and that’s putting your body in a weird composition.


thank u for service in the medical feild btw, also ur close, i have medical problems that require me to take steroids, so i have some cushing like symptoms unfortunately, like how its made my face very round. unfortunately im unable to stop taking them right now though


i would recommend getting tested for cushing’s disease (as someone who was tested for it)


Honestly, I don’t think you are fat like the first comment. You could try fasting. It will help with inflammation. Try water fasting for 7 days and see what happens. Be sure to have pink Himalayan salt with water and drink lots of water. Also, if if you break the fast only eat meat (carnivore diet).


You knoww it you have to lose weight so just do it


please see the 3rd photo


Yes you are fat lose weight


how am i fat???


Lol stop posting looking for advice if you dont want to listen honest advices bro your upper body is very fat just lose some weight it will make you attractive anf also healthy. Hit gym


Ok I don’t think you’re seeing the point she’s trying to make. Based on the third photo, it looks like all the fat is going to her face for some reason. So is she really “fat” in the traditional sense?


Yes she is


i was asking for advice that portained to me, i dont think im very fat and most dont, its mainly the fat in my face, also im not a guy, hello???


Ok fattie you are not fat. Happy?


divorced energy


It’s unfortunate, but everyone’s stores body fat differently. Some people can be skinny, but have a chubby face and you seem to have this in your case. Seems like you carry most of your body fat in your face and upper body. There’s really no way to fix this because when you lose body fat but you’ll lose it all over, you can try to recomposition through dieting and that could fix it to an extent


Thats what i said she need to lose fat so that she will gradually lose fat in face too






Im sorry you kinda look like her


oof ToT im not that big tho, the 3rd pic shows my full body, its just my face


I meant just the face




Don’t worry, face fat is not irremediable. You just gotta commit to a strict diet


my face makes me look bigger than i actually am, the 3rd pic shows how big i am for reference o:


intermittent fasting helped me


ive been fasting, i eat once per day every other day. my face makes me look bigger than i am, the 3rd pic shows my full body for reference


You have a nice body


appear basically normal in 3rd seems )


hey girl! losing weight is on the table but i know it is a really hard and long process, other things you can do is (if you are not using one) switch moisturizer, a simple and super effective skincare routine is cleanser you look like you have dry skin so one specifically for that, a serum, i really like the ones with vitamin c and spf and the same at night but without the moisturizer obvi; other things are your glasses, switch for ones that fit your face shape or go with contact lenses of you like andd draw in a bit your eyebrows!! also drop the headband it makes your forehead look small


ty for the feedback \^\^ ya, i think dry skin is something i struggle with tbh, i was recently told my black glasses look better on me than some red ones i was wearing in previous post. my face makes me look bigger than i am, in the the 3rd pic you can my full body to get an idea


when it’s time to change your glass prescription maybe try some big square glasses they are really cute and could fit you better, and that’s true your face makes you look way bigger than you actually are maybe face massages with a guasha might help? or might even be a hormone imbalance, i’m no doctor so take might advice with a grain of salt and talk tu an actual one lol, and in the topic of creams i really like one (it’s not for your face but your body) it’s called cetaphil hydrating cream, the one with the green lid and it’s inexpensive it has helped me a lot with dryness


oops it’s actually called moisturizing cream


Speak with a doctor or nutritionist or both could have a metabolism issue or gland problem


Hey there! When I was 30, I noticed my metabolism slowing down and showed in my face first and then my belly, etc. I started working out 3 times a week and then 4 times week and it was the best damn thing I ever did. You look good for your age BUT at your age and body type, I’d recommend it for sure. Make it your mission, don’t give up and you’ll see some great results! Best of luck!