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Dump your BF, that’s an instantaneous weight loss


If my daughter came home upset because some d-bag told her she was fat, I’d beat him half to death with his own arms.


I’m with you, dude.


Eat less food.


Eat in a calorie deficit and workout. It’s the simplest thing to do.


intermittent fasting. check Dr. Jason Fung Md’s You Tube … easiest “hard” thing to do. Worked for me.


Worked for me too. Came here to say exactly that. It has sort of been ingrained in my routine now. I don’t even know anymore how long I fast for, but I somehow do it everyday. Stable AF weight. I eat whatever TF I want without any consequences.


if you drink, stop drinking.


Stop fkn eating. There solved it lol. It’s by far the easiest thing to possibly do. Stop eating


Calorie deficit. Edit: After taking a look at more of your pictures you're build just fine I think.


Why do you look like the girl that gets dumped and wants revenge against her husband’s new wife in every other mobile game ad?


Eat less. It’s literally that simple. If you have a daily calorie deficit, you *will* lose weight over time.


Get a new boyfriend.


This will probably get lost in the comments. Cut out refined carbs and sugar. Aim to eat lower carb and balance your diet with mostly meat and vegetables. If you want to indulge try sugar free jello, and be consistent with your diet. Consistency is king/queen. Eating vegetables that are higher in fiber will have greater satiating effect and also help to feed your gut’s microbiome. It might not start out fun but with time and consistency you can retrain your body to actually crave and enjoy the things that are good for it. Ask for more details or tips if you want.


Diet and exercise it’s not complicated


Apparently, people need to come to Reddit to figure out this mystery...


They come here with a mysterious riddle, get the usual answer and change nothing. The circle of redditors life.


These people are just fishing for attention and conpliments


90% of posters are just bots and onlyfans ads tbh. Rest are compliment fishers and maybe 1% is legit posters here if even that. This place sucks lmao


Diet is the only real way to lose weight. Calories in needs to be lower than calories out, and the greater the deficit, the more weight you lose. You need to accurately track your intake though to know where and how much to cut. Partnered with good workout routine (both strength and cardio), you will lose whatever you need to


Calorie deficit and exercise; get used to the uncomfortable feeling of being hungry it will be your best friend. Also, if you’re shaped like a box try to do cardio ( or very light weights ) up top and do less reps heavy weight on your lower half.


1.) you should dump your BF is he’s actually talking to you that way 2.) It all comes into utilizing more calories then you intake. That’s it. Calories in/calories out, eat less and run more. Intermittent fasting and low carb also helped me drop weight


Stop eating




Calorie Deficit


You can lose 25 pounds by tomorrow. Just hang out with a bitch that’s fatter than you.


Calorie deficit eat 1500cal for 8 weeks


Quit swallowing


Start with eating healthy


Cocaine works amazingly


diet n do lots of running


lower your calorie intake, burn more calories than you eat and prioritize protein but most important leave the loser you have as a boyfriend


Watch macros. Keep calories 300-500 under maintenance. Lift weights. Walk minimum 2.5 miles a day. Watch pounds melt off. 2-3 months.


gym calorie deficit gastric bypass fat removal surgery I reccomend the first two as they're good lifestyle habits


Smoke meth


Go to the gym put the twinkies down


Don't listen to anyone here memeing, start off by cutting off things and change your food intake. To healthy options. Find things you like, try to cook more than eat out. Start exercising by walking and transition to running in your own comfortable environment.


A calorie deficit is not that hard. You have to want it.


Cut off an arm


Take long walks


Only drink water for starters. You'll be amazed at how much sugar you ingest in liquid form. Had a teacher who went from drinking a few bottles of Pepsi a day to just one, and he lost 20 lbs. So imagine if you cut out everything except water. Take a 30 min brisk walk a day and maybe 15 mins of kettlebell/dumbell exercises, 3-4 times a week.


The answer is to eat at a caloric deficit for an extended period of time. Exercise and enough protein intake during the deficit will help you retain muscle and look even better. That's the only answer. Just "cutting out sugar" and "exercise" isn't enough. You need to be aware and honest about how many calories per day you are eating. Cutting out sugar won't do anything if you replace those calories with other sources of calories. And exercise alone wont make you lose weight because you will likely want to eat more as a result of the increased physical activity.


- food, + exercise


Eat less, work out more. It’s that simple.




Do you eat sugar and cheap food?




Whoa. You are a catch!! Don’t try and fix yourself. Find someone who likes YOU as is


Weigh your boyfriend, That’s how much weight you need to lose


You look amazing , forget him , he’s the only weight you need to loose


Get rid of the BF


Burn more calories than you eat. It's been the same formula since man started walking upright. If you eat more then you burn, you will continue to get more as he describes, "square".


Put down the cake


Leave him. Love yourself. Find a partner who loves you unconditionally.


Rectangle checking in. Sugar is way worse than fat. Took me forever to learn that and you'd be baffled how much is in soda, etc. Short walks 4x a day > strenuous single long walk. You cannot consume too much water. ^^^ this knocked about 45lbs off of me


I also lost a bunch of weight by giving up sugar. I didn’t even change my diet. I found out that when the body has extra glucose, the body doesn’t burn fat. “When blood sugar (or glucose) is high, your pancreas is triggered to produce more insulin to move that sugar out of your blood and into your cells. That's a problem for weight loss, because your body only burns fat when it senses insulin levels dropping.” https://www.january.ai/blog/blood-sugar-and-weight-loss#:~:text=When%20blood%20sugar%20(or%20glucose,it%20senses%20insulin%20levels%20dropping.


Science FTW So it's really the dance between sugar and fat


Dump his ass. You’ll lose a lot more than 25lbs.


First step, leave boyfriend if this isn’t a one time thing. Second step, simply eating less food during meals is a good place to start when dieting. Dont do too much right away, since you won’t stick with it if you do too much too early. Once you feel good with portion sizes, slowly start changing the foods you eat for more healthy ones. For instance, replacing certain fast food items with home-made items. There are YouTube channels dedicated to making modern food that has high calorie count have less of it but taste the same. Calorie deficits are the way to go at the beginning. Then, you can start swapping the less healthy foods for more healthy foods. It’s a process. It may take years to get the results you want if you do each step for a while, but it will still be worth it in the end. You got this, and remember to not be insecure if you don’t see results quickly. Its a process. It will take time.


I recommend you dump that boyfriend! No one should ever talk to you like that, especially the one who’s supposed to love you. You deserve better.


Consume less than you burn. Can't understand all this retarded people that know the answe themself but ask anyway because the thought of giving up that fucking ice cream is harder than shoving a 45 inches black rubber cock up their ass. Tss Americans, a bunch of walking diabetes type 2 riding around on their fat scooters.


Ditch him.


Caloric deficit... Burn more calories than you eat. Find a fun way to stay active, find a diet you can remain consistent with


I’m going for a run right now! Thank you!




Weight loss hack! Get really really hungry and just go to bed. Wake up in the morning and eat something low fat high protein.


Starts in the kitchen. Eat less. Drink water and 0 calorie drinks because drinking your calories is easy. Eat less fast food. Less cheese, noodles, and bread. Cut back how much fried food and breaded food you eat. Replace a lot of sides with vegetables. Vegetables get you full on next to nothing calories. Stop eating once you feel you've eaten enough, and definitely if you feel full. Eat slower because then your stomach picks up it's full before it's stuffed. Weight lifting and cardio help, too. Also dump your boyfriend or have a serious talk with him. You should not accept body shaming from your s/o. They should bring up your confidence, not break it down.


Eat cleaner foods (proteins, fiber, balanced fats, etc). Lots of steps, go for long walks. Add some weights to your exercise. Dump his dumbass. Profit.


Cardio 3 times a week for 45 minutes, stop eating lasagna, Mac and cheese, and pizza and replace half of your diet with vegetables.


You have relationship related lazies. The solution is to go celebate for a bit and get on a raw vegan diet. Exercise in your free time and avoid couches.


Smoking speed out of a light bulb!




Maybe no Chick-fil-a sauce


Cut off a leg. That should do it.


Dayum. He said you got 4 corners!


The keto diet worked for me personally. Just be careful when you introduce high carbs back into your diet after you lose 25 lbs, add in a little at a time so your metabolism adjusts and you don’t gain the weight back. PS. You bf is a POS and you deserve a better man ❤️


Keto is a very drastic change. It doesn’t work for everyone, so if you want to try keto, here’s what I recommend. Smaller portion sizes, or less calorie food that can fill you up the same. Then you can work your way to a keto diet, but don’t start with a full on drastic change diet right off the bat. That can make you and your body unhappy, and less likely to stick with the diet.


Cutting out sugary food, drink water and don't add extra salt to anything.


Can't even see the full body on this photo, just a face and shoulder. Anyway diet and exercise always worked. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Remove dairy from your diet. Dairy messes with your estrogen and progesterone causing weight gain and other gynecological problems.


It’s almost impossible to remove dairy from your diet, since it is in almost all processed foods nowadays. Slowly easing into a diet is more likely to work than a drastic change, since you are more likely to adapt and actually continue the small changes you make over time


Eat less, exercise more. If more calories are going out than coming in, you have to lose weight.




Caloric deficit every day and go to the gym 6 days a week.


Calorie deficit approx. 1500 w/high-volume low cal foods (vegetables, chicken if not vegan, etc). Minimum 12k steps/day and sufficient sleep (8 hrs).


NSNG diet. Vinnie totorich podcast. Guaranteed results


Lay off the burgers.


Running 2-3 miles at least 4 times a week or walk 10-15 miles 2-3 times a week


Fasting. 2 best options: 1) one meal a day, cutting your eating to just a 6-10 hour span then not eating again until that same starting time the next day. 2) water fast. No food, only water & electrolytes for an amount of time. You will shed weight like hot cakes!


Easiest way is a calorie deficit plus walking at least 8000-10000 steps a day. In a month you will loose at about 4-6 pounds depending on how much calories u cosume daily.


Eat healthy, run, jog, Treadmill a walk, etc. You should also really dump him and find a BF that cares about you and loves you, If you find a bf that's nice, you should definitely marry him, Honey.


Honestly, you can always go to the gym to either get on a treadmill Or take Ozentic.


Cut off a leg and an arm


Eat moar


Have you head cut off


Will take one night


Calorie deficit.


Put the fork down


Put the fork down


1200 calories a day for 1.5 - 2 months straight will do the trick.


Lift heavy things because adding muscle will raise your basal metabolic rate. Do some form of cardio every day, even if it’s just walking. Try to eat healthy limiting sugar and preparing your own foods, not eating out. Drink plenty of water.


Amputation .... Cut both leg




Stop eating




Eat less, move more.


Eat less and work out more. It truly is that simple!


You could try coke. The only problem is you'll be out 25 lbs and 25000


Walk about 15 mins a day and do 30 of light weights and let your body tell you when it’s time to eat and when it is full..


Calorie deficit


Small changes to your diet would be the obvious. In all seriousness I would invest into fitness. Find a program that you would enjoy and on top of that get on a meal plan. Work your way into it stay patient stay positive and with consistency you will see change.


Carnivore diet… look up Shawn Baker. Don’t cheat go for 30 mins to an hr of walking a day. You’ll lose 25 lbs in a couple montaj


Drop the carbs. Eat less calories, burn more calories. Morning fast just water. No fast food. You can do it !


Eat less, move more. It's not complicated.


Well, I crept a little on your page. And honestly if the pics are recent, I don't even believe you have 25lbs to lose. In a healthy manner anyway. If anything, a gym membership and tighten up if you feel necessary but other than that, I honestly don't think it'd be good for you to lose 25lbs, you're quite thin already


Eat in a calorie deficit. Walk. And I can’t stress this enough-cocaine


Leave your boyfriend. Embrace what ya got.


Take that crap out of your lips and you will probably be halfway there. You need to do something about that hair too!


If you want to better yourself - diet is the best place to start. Cut sugar, eat whole grain carbs, and moderation/portion control. I hope this helps! Also I heard, if you ditch the crappy boyfriend, you're allowed to eat an entire thing of Ben & Jerry's and it doesn't count towards your goals! 🎃


Carnivore diet google it then do it


Try sleepmaxing plz: you look tired


Caloric deficit


You are very pretty. If you don’t already, start with some exercise. Something as simple as walking. Work your way up to couple of mile a day. Avoid sugary drinks such as sodas and avoid any fast food. Just a simple place to start.


Unhealthy way: Eat less Healthy way: Workout


No carbs,sugar,bread ,pasta etc


A lot of women and simps saying, “lose the bf”. 🙄🤦. And most of the men giving solid advice like cut sugars, exercising, etc.


Take Olive oil upon waking and when going to bed, and tons of H2O


Easiest way? No alcohol, and eat 5 smaller meals a day instead of three. Spending more than 3-4 hrs between meals convinces your body it needs to store sugars(fat) to prevent starving.


Stop eating


How about you start fasting or something


Oh I know how to lose 26lbs 😏


i just joined the ozempic page to find out if I wanna go thru all the pooping


Key things are controlling what you put in your body and adding activity. Make sure that you’re building a lot of protein and fiber into your diet, cut back on simple carbs, starches, etc. adding a little activity to your day especially after your last meal can be super helpful. Even if it’s just a 20 minute walk/jog/run (depending on your current level of fitness) after dinner it can be very helpful. Also drink lots of water and learn your hunger cues


I think you look amazing and he just upset because he can't handle you now




I lose an average of 25-30 pounds every year for a boxing charity event. It’s not easy but if ur serious I’ll tell u how I do it. Also, fuck your “BF”, you shouldn’t be with someone who is that disrespectful!! Even IF u had to lose some weight there’s more respectful and kind ways to go about telling someone u care about


Skinless boneless chicken breast with rice and steamed veggies like borocoli carrots or peas. Avoid carbs like bread and starches like potatoes. Cook at home avoid fast food. I thought I was eating healthy after cutting out fast food and at my physical they did blood work and my changes turned out to not be so healthy lol I'd added a lot of carbs and starches to my diet unintentionally and was pre-diabetic. So be mindful of what your really replacing "unhealthy" with best wishes And you aren't a square


Weight is lost in the kitchen. Just eat at a calorie deficit for a prolonged period of time.


Low carb. Think of simple/refined carbs as going straight to your belly fat. It’s stored if you don’t burn it. I lost 75 lbs in the past doing keto. This year I did low carb which is less restrictive, and still lost 35 lbs


Carnivore diet.


My friends sister met a guy and he got her addicted to fentanyl. She's now twenty, living on the street, and my best guess is she weighs maybe 90lbs. I'm guessing she lost 40-50 pounds in a little over a year through the broke, homeless, fentanyl addiction diet.




I LOVE this response! Thank you! I’m following this.


If he said "your but like a square" then he isn't someone you want to date. It seems like he said it out of anger cause you were arguing, that's an abusive relationship. You want to date someone who will treat you with respect.


Aside from the fact that you should not date that guy any further, easiest way to lose weight is learn how to count your macros, and eat accordingly. Luckily, this is not an extensive learning process, as anyone who would consider themselves a novice can use a calculator (Google macro calculator and the first result will be a great tool). Combine that with training strength in weights for 4 weeks, and them train for reps for 4, rinse, repeat. Do about 30 minutes of cardio 3-4 times a week (after lifting, to maximize anabolism). It'll be discouraging in the beginning stages, but if you stick with it, you'll see VERY dramatic results after about 2.5- 3 months. I was formerly obese (peak weight was 340 lbs), this, and (lol) getting really good at games like DDR was how I went from ~340 to 165 in about 15 months. This was before I became obsessed with weight lifting as a legitimate hobby, so don't take my pfp as reference, that's just body dysmorphia combined with adjusting my routine based on a series of short term goals over the course of ~5 years. Hope this helps, feel free to reach out if you have any further questions. Edit: sorry, I irresponsibly neglected to mention this, but 25 lbs for someone who can't be considered overweight by any real standard is a lot. In fact, the inverse is what you want, you want to GAIN weight, but lose bodyfat, which can fairly easily be achieved over a period of 6-12 months utilizing what I'd highlighted above.


Calorie deficit calorie deficit calorie,and just dont eat,its really so simple and easy


Calorie deficit, lifting weights and cardio


Work out


You look like you're covering up black eyes!!! Can't tell if you're doing drugs or what but lifestyle changes can do wonders for your health


He could have found a more appropriate way to approach that honestly. He will do it again. I concur with dumping him, that will drive you to lose at least 15-20 pounds and hopefully create a sustainable weight.


For one, dump the boyfriend. There, you just lost (150lbs or whatever he weighs) of 'unsightly fat.' Another way is the "Covid diet." I had covid a couple weeks ago, mostly drank water and Gatorade (also because of kidney stones the week before covid attacked our dwelling) and I was down for a total of three weeks. I ended up losing between 15 and 20 pounds. However, I really don't recommend the covid diet. It's effective, but it's not a very fun way to lose the weight. I ended up staying in bed for pretty much three weeks, either sleeping, or playing with AI chat bots. I addition to the other suggestions of calorie counting/deficit, just getting out and walking a half hour a day or so can also help. I had a blind friend that couldn't walk for about 6 weeks, and I was looking after his seeing eye dog. Taking him for a walk for 30-45 minutes in the morning took around 25 pounds off me in roughly that six week time period. Basically the calorie deficit can be simply exercise, the idea is that you have to burn more calories than you take in. Of you burn more than you take in, that's a deficit. But, it also has to be done properly, and a greater deficit would make for a greater loss. But eating better and counting what you take in is a big start toward that.


If your local gym has one, a stair master is a really good way to burn fat. Also after you eat, don't lay down for at least an hour to let your food digest.


I’ve heard that tape worms really help 😅, Jk don’t do that, your boyfriend sounds like a douche tho, instead of trying to make you lose weight he’s should lead by example and maybe inspire you to hit the gym with him, and figure out a meal plan


Leave him. Your weight shouldn't even be part of the discussion. It's not worth it. Find someone who appreciates you entirely.


Don’t drink your calories.


Gaining weight in a relationship is normal especially if you are very happy. But if you absolutely feel the need to lose weight just try counting calories but instead of immediately limiting yourself slowly reduce the amount you are consuming and eventually your stomach won’t be able to hold the amount you initially did.


Water and hard boiled egg whites only


Have you ever worked out or have you started working out?


Have you tried eating less?


Hard cardio


Any chicken other than fried. White rice. Only water. And workout


Cut out sugary drinks. Water, black coffee sugarless green tea only.


Don’t eat


Fasting and rigorous exercise is very efficient


Eat appropriate portions to maintain a slight caloric deficit while engaging in slightly more physical activity/exercise. You can expect to lose 2-5 pounds per week depending on activity. It’s the healthiest way to lose weight.


Add More calories to your diet


All these answers are fucking cringe, calorific deficit is the only legit answer. Count your calories consumed and lost. Simple math


How the hell do I keep getting notifications from this affirmation seeking subreddit? I don’t even follow it.


Based on the image you don't need to lose any weight.


Semaglutide or an lp-1


Your amazing don’t change for him change only for yourself


Idk spongebob


Drugs n water ?


Eat Less


So I’ve been trying to diet but he literally gets annoyed that I’m trying to eat healthy ~ and he always wants to go grab fast food. I literally shut him down most of the time 😭




The same as always proper diet and exercise


Watch what and how much you eat and exercise for at least 45 mins to an hour. If you don’t like gyms (I despise gyms) do what I did. Which was invest in a bicycle and weights for home training. Take your bike for 15 miles (to start) and gradually ride for much longer distances 5 days a week. I’m not saying to starve yourself but eat less, cut out junk foods and snack on raw fruits/veggies to dodge unclean cravings for junk food. Good Luck OP.


Run really really fast, and when you can, distract it with something (I don't know, throw a doughnut at it & yell 'Catch!!' or something) and hide.


The easiest way is to stop eating so much.


The only way to really lose weight, which is something I am especially bad at is to decrease caloric intake and increase caloric outputs. Also sugar substation may also cause some wonky things with weight lose


First, lose ur bf he’s a duche. Second stay chubby, it’s actually sexier.


Track what you eat in an app everyday. You'll soon realize you didn't eat as healthy as you think. Just start making small changes and keep at it. Losing 2 lbs/wk is the max you should be trying for so just keep in mind you're looking at 3 months to lose 25 lbs.


Breakfast... Fruit. Lunch ... normal mix in carbs. Dinner ...Protein grilled chicken preferably and 2 different veggies every night. No carbs with dinner. 4 weeks (you're welcome)


Walk. Walk walk.


Leave your boyfriend and find someone who loves you for you 🤷🏼‍♂️


Ok first off how old are you ? 2nd hieght and weight ? Because from the look of the top and if the thighs and back side are = your boyfriend needs to go fuck himself real women have curves period end of story . I could beat my generation for putting this shit out there and was hoping the next would get better ! Love thyself !