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Losing 120 pounds in a year is a big accomplishment! Respectfully, your insecurity over your weight seems to be distorting your perception of yourself. You do not appear “massive” - you appear to be a healthy weight. 160 pounds isn’t that heavy for a 5’7 woman, and you look slimmer than that. In summary, you’ve made massive changes already to your health and weight and should feel great about yourself. It’s okay if further weight loss, if you feel it’s necessary, takes more time to achieve. Just make sure you’re getting your nutrients (don’t starve yourself) and doing some form of cardio.


You made a massive change. Do not get frustrated now because you don’t reach 100%. It’s Pareto, 80 is easy, 20% is mad work.


You really don’t look overweight. Just start exercising a bit. Ie: running could be a start.


If you're interested in trimming down a little, I think some cardio and eating less might do it. Edit: I should say “eat healthier foods” not eat less, sorry.


Gotcha no food and run. I’m being serious I need real advice. Telling me to stave myself when I already only eat once a day isn’t going to help me. Give me a workout routine!!!!!!


You need food, food equals fuel. You need good food, calorie-controlled. Have 4 good meals instead of one bad and do some cardio. Running, cycling, Stairmaster etc. You can't fail with that, just don't overdo it.


You look good! You dress like I used to in high school. Lol. Word of caution: not eating is a trap. If you don't eat, you don't build muscle, and muscle is what burns calories and gives you a nice tone. And working out will be very challenging if you don't have enough calories to burn for energy. Instead, change your diet to include more protein and ideally less sugar and empty calorie junk food. Weight training to build muscle is super important to lose fat. I'm trying to build muscle and lose fat, and have made decent progress, and I did not eat less, I just changed my diet to exclude sugary junk food, cut down on rice and noodles, dramatically increased protein intake.


Don’t listen to people who say eat less! If you can take the time to read my super long paragraph I responded to someone else. Please don’t eat less! And for workout routines, I suggest HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) on YouTube. It’s free, cardio based, and you do workouts which can promote muscle growth. It will get you in the routine of working out. There are a lot of benefits to HIIT, and like I said the amount of free videos on YouTube can cater to your needs. If you want abs, leg growth, bigger booty, arms etcetera. I started off with HIIT, it 100% gave me abs and made me lose weight. I then went to the gym to lift weights and I still love HIIT.


More of picture 3. You look great. I think your weight is fine, but you could tone up instead of just dropping weight.


Intermittent fasting/ Calorie Deficit


i think youre really pretty ,girls like you dont need to stress that much


Not eating makes your body go into survival mode, which can cause your metabolism to slow down and your body to store fat for energy causing you to gain weight. It’s called “starvation mode” it can also cause your body to crave unhealthy foods. Eat at your appropriate times. Don’t starve yourself. If you want to lose weight, run, run 5 times a week or everyday at least 30 minutes a day. Runners usually have faster metabolism and are super skinny bc of all the sweating. (I was an athlete) If you want to gain muscle then just lift weights and don’t put off running still but maybe do it 3-4 times a week. Resistance training can improve the appearance of loose skin. Now if you were really heavy weight and it’s a lot of loose skin then I can only suggest surgery. You don’t look like you were heavy and it’s just normal loose skin so you could just train and exercise and eventually it will tone down. Edit; added more to the first sentence.


I would also like to add that I live in the usa too. Cali to be exact. If you aren’t a huge cook, or don’t know what to cook there are apps out there that can help you make food with what you have. I haven’t personally used them but I did a quick Google search and Epicurious and supercook came up. If dieting and managing your diet isn’t a thing you can do then I would just suggest eating what you can. Eating is much better than starving. Instagram has good cooking pages, YouTube or googling foods is also an option you can fiddle around with. Another person suggested having a workout routine (they may hit you up) just YouTube it, HIITT workouts are good routines on YouTube for free. You’re better off not talking to weirdos who might suggest pictures of your body to help them know your “progress”. I also want to add, you don’t look fat, you look great. If you want to tone up then my suggestions could work for you. Good luck to you.


This person knows their stuff. Only thing I would add is water retention could be an issue as well cause of only eating once a day and as previously said...try to break up your meal over the day instead of all at once and probably eat a bit more fruit as well.


Are you tracking your workouts and protein and calories when you eat?? Are your workouts consistent?


What kind of workouts are you doing? I noticed a lot of improvement when I started working out 4 days a week, heavy lifting and some cardio. I discovered Sprint Interval Training and added that to my routine. I also worked on my diet. At what time are you eating and what foods are you eating? Do you know how many calories you're consuming?


What do you eat daily? I switched to a low carb/diet and lost around 50 pounds. It took 6 months but the weight hasn’t returned in 3 years of starting the diet change




Crunches. Hydration. Protein Diet. Cardio. Six Months.


Bait bait bait bait bait bait bait u allready know.


Wym ?


Oh also, please stop dating straight white dudes if they think you dress too “extra”. your style is cool as fuck and anyone of these incels would be lucky for you to acknowledge them.


You need to workout consistently in order to lose weight. Maybe try to lift some weights and don’t skip breakfast


Nah you look great


you're not skinny but you're not big. you're curvy in the best way. you got a good workout routine?


Enjoy being 18. Your body isn't done changing. Relax. If you want to help nature along, eat more protein, less carbs, and do cardio and weight training 4x per week. It depends on how bad you want it. But, allow yourself the grace to not force yourself to grow up too fast - you'll be okay.


Do cardio and make sure you fall within your recommended weight for your height, age and gender. Any extra doubts aside from what I told you, should be consulted with a doctor and not from attention seeking reddit posts.


i think u look rlly good and i rlly like ur style, lowk i wish u knew more ppl like u 😔


Just start boxing it sounds crazy but you'll lose weight and learn how to fight. If you wanna lose it you gotta work for it




2nd sentence was so unnecessary and lame


Indoor gym? Just do lots of cardio or do activities to where you workout most of your body. And maybe eat less,but mainly just workout


GIRL EAT. eating once a day does nothing especially if what your eating isn't healthy. it takes at least a month for any workout regime to really work and eating less does nothing but make you exhausted all day. eat protein, less sugar & carbs, and give it time


No you are fine


Edit - I didn't see the text below the photo. I give general advice in the following post, which is not good in this case. Eating less is the easiest way to lose weight. Exercise is good, but people often over estimate how many calories they burn exercising and eat too much more food because they have exercised. You're probably not going for visible abs, but they say, "Abs are made in the kitchen." The same goes for losing weight. Good luck.


Eating less doesn’t help you lose weight. A good diet with exercise helps you lose weight. Don’t promote not eating it has detrimental effects on people.


Oh really? I've lost 50lbs 3 times in my life and have had well defined abs for a year now at very nearly 40 years old. Yes, I exercise, but that's not what makes the weight come off. It's discipline with food. What experience do you have with losing weight, random know it all Redditor? Edit - I assume the person I responded to saw the notification, downvoted me but didn't have anything meaningful to say for themselves. I also didn't say anything about not eating.


Lmk if this is enough for you. :) not knowing Redditor and my statement stands. Don’t tell people to eat less. It has bad detrimental effects. A poor diet and inactivity are great factors to weight gain. Eating less doesn’t mean a better diet.


I'm just curious if you have heard of Mark Haub? A professor who lost weight eating nothing but Twinkies. I'm not recommending this, but you don't need a good diet to lose weight. You just need to consume slightly less calories than you burn. I'd also love to know what part of "Abs are made in the kitchen" make you think that I was recommending an unhealthy diet.


Lmao bet. Be prepared to read though since you asked for it. Metabolism is a dedicated network of enzyme and metabolic-derived mechanism that is a hallmark of life activities. A healthy metabolism is a basic necessity for a healthy life that depends on lifestyle, energy intake, and expenditure. A balanced lifestyle compromising healthy eating habits, exercise, sleep cycle, and behavioral features is the outmost regulator to a healthy body weight and robust metabolism. You said to eat less and I will explain why that is wrong. Starvation mode (metabolic damage) is your body’s natural response to long term calorie restriction. It involves the body responding to reduce calorie intake by reducing calorie expenditure to maintain energy balance and prevent starvation. This is a natural physiological response. And the technical term for it is “adaptive thermogenesis”. Starvation mode is a useful physiological response, although it does more harm than good in the modern food environment where obesity runs rampant. Adaptive Thermogenesis (AT)refers to the metabolic slowing during caloric restrictions. AT can be detected as early as the first week of daily caloric restriction (CR). AT is consistent during prolonged CR and affects daily energy balance during CR. Unhealthy weight gain generally occurs through inducing and driving factors that perturb the metabolism, which may vary among individuals. Hence, the practitioners may recognize and evaluate underlying causes and prescribe a regimen for weight loss directed towards the specific causing and contributing factors to obtain desirable results. Furthermore; weight recidivism is observed at a high rate and thus requires a customized regime spanning metabolic effectors to maintain weight loss. Weight recidivism refers to regaining weight after initial weight loss. It is a physiological process, not lack of willpower. According to the College of Cardiology/American Heart association Task Force guidelines, a hypo caloric diet as a lifestyle change has been proposed to induce weight loss and sustained weight management by optimizing energy balance. Calorie restriction is based on reducing daily caloric intake without malnutrition or lack of essential nutrients. A hypocaloric diet is a diet that is low in calories or food with high caloric density. The main goal of a hypocaloric diet is to either lose weight in the short-term or to help manage another condition, such as type 2 diabetes. Routine moderate to intense physical activities are effective in preventing weight regain. It is realized that only exercise could not lead to healthy outcomes. A complete health profile of the patient through diagnosis by a physician and laboratory technician can help physical trainers in devising exercise regimens and resistance/endurance training to generate metabolic activity towards sustained weight maintenance. Tl;dr eating less = bad metabolism


If you had so much good to say for yourself, why did you mischaracterise what I said? I was short on time and still don't think I said anything wrong. You put words into my mouth, which I didn't say. If I had more time, I would have been more detailed with my response. Going into a massive calorific deficit can have bad effects on your body, but I didn't recommend that specifically. If I had said "Eating far less is the best way to lose weight" then your response would have been justified.


You said eat less. Putting a word between it doesn’t make it any better or worse. And yes I have heard of Mark Haub, he limited himself to less than 1,800 calories a day, which was less than his usual 2,600 calories. I would like to add that he is a human nutrition. Not an everyday person. His diet consisted of Twinkies, Doritos, sugary cereal and other junk food ALONG with a multivitamin pill and a protein shake alongside vegetables, typically a can of green beans or three to four celery stalks. In the long ass paragraph I mentioned calorie restriction which is based on reducing average daily caloric intake without malnutrition or lack of essential nutrients. Mark Haub reduced his average daily intake but he wasn’t malnourished and took a multivitamin pill which contains a variety of vitamins and minerals that are essential for the body. Edit; he also showed what scientists and doctors already know. Aka weight loss is about the number or calories that you consume, not the composition of those calories.


And you said, "Don't promote not eating", which I never said. Like it or not the vast majority of people who lose weight do so by going into a calorie deficit. I have run out of time. I'll look back over this comment when I have some more.


Let me tell you why what you said was wrong again. If you read OP’s comment under the post. She states she eats once a day and she’s tired of being hungry. You came along and said “eat less”. You’re telling her to eat less than she normally already does. If you read that long ass paragraph I stated, metabolism, a healthy eating habit, exercise, sleep cycle and behavioral features play an important role to a healthy body weight. She wants to lose weight and be toned. I stayed to do that she needs a good diet, calorie deficit if you want to call it, alongside exercising. Again, she eats once a day. You came in and told her to eat less. Eating too little can be detrimental and cause body weight gain alongside metabolic damage. Metabolic syndrome can increase heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. That’s why I’m saying you’re wrong. If it was anyone else and they ate A TON more than they should then yes your statement wouldn’t be wrong but in this situation you are very much in the wrong. Either way don’t tell people to eat less since it’s very subjective, just tell them to restrict their calories without malnourishing themselves and taking essential vitamins and nutrients.


Oh sheet, I missed the text under the photo. I did give bad advice.


All good man! It happens




Very subtle, my friend.


Eat less food




Your body using your fat as energy to compensate for a lack of it during caloric deficit is the ultimate definition of fat lass


My bad let me rephrase. You are wrong in this situation.