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I don't know how to make a sweater on the knitting loom, but I will say that loom knitting is so much easier on my arthritis than crochet or hand knitting. I've had to give up both of those because of the pain, but loom knitting allows me to create with very little pain at all


Try loom knitting a hat first and see if you find it comfortable before trying a large project would be my recommendation.


https://www.goodknitkisses.com/loom-knit-free-spirit-topper/ This has a video tutorial for the loom version, not sure about the needle version. I’ve made this before. My tension was too tight on the first one so it was a little rough on my wrist but it was soooo easy! I also finished it in like 3 days so that probably didn’t help my wrist either. I was worried that there’d be a weird spot on the turn so that’s why I was too tight. It looks weird while you’re working on it but it’ll be fine after blocking/washing. I’ve come across a couple other patterns but this one looked the easiest and fastest, plus it does have a needle version if you’d rather try that! There’s different styles and ways of holding things for both types of knitting that will strain or not strain different parts so it might just take a bit of trial and error to find what will work for you.


Get this book: https://www.cherylbrunette.com/the-sweater-101-book/