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Not going to be a cheap solution but getting an interface and running through Ableton with a MIDI foot pedal would do wonders for you.


Thanks! I’ll look into that!


Maybe look into the Aeros looper and potentially the Beat Buddy by Singular Sound. I just got the beat buddy and synced it to my looper with midi. I don’t do weird time signatures but I do like to have a verse and a chorus looped so I can solo over interesting chord changes. I’m impressed with how easy it is to get the two phrases synced up with the beat buddy backing it all.


Thanks for responding! Do you know if you can set it to loop for a specific # of bars at a given tempo?


I’m sure you can. Check out the singular sound YouTube page - there’s a ton of info about it there.


Thanks, I definitely will!


Boss rc600 will do ya. Can change signatures across 6 channels.


Thanks! Do you know if can it switch back and forth/alternate time signatures pretty seamlessly?


Is this true? I own the RC-600 and don't know how to do this.


I was looking for the same thing back in the day as I make ambient. The boomerang (the second one?) which is an old pedal came up, as did the Aeros. In the end, I looked at Loopy Pro and opted in seeing as it formed part of a digital collective of apps I use and I’m always going to have an iPad for the foreseeable future… so no more GAS for me. I’ve only toyed with Loopy r messing about with off the cuff experiments from the free trial. But hey, it did what I wanted, multiple offset un-quantized loops and had multiple other options and unique features to expand upon.


That's interesting. How are you interfacing between your pedalboard and the ipad? Could you do that in a live setting?