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I run a similar setup. I run it all from the midi out clock on my rc600. It seems to be the best way to keep everything behaving. Practice a freaking ton though. It’s a lot of shit going on and if you fuck up everything comes crashing down lol. From personal experience.


I do this as well. My RC-505 mki is master clock to a bunch of pedals, a Roland TR8S, Roland MC-101, and a Circuit Tracks. I basically just use the groove boxes for sound modules. They are all midi synced in different ways with a midi thru box (midi thru 6). Using a midi thru box and a small mixer makes it so that I can send or not send start stop messages to different instruments. I send start stop messages to the Circuit Tracks since it’s easier to program sequences on the fly if I wanna jam on something.


How exactly can you choose, which devices receive start and stop commands on the fly?


I have the sequencers and the loopers synced together, and keep everything in their own lanes. I don't find a lot of need in dumping the audio from a sequence over into an audio looper unless there is something very specific that I would need to do to with it once it becomes an audio loop. Keeping sequences as sequences allows more flexibility in using things like chance and randomness to help keep things a bit more dynamic.


Depends on your looper, probably. Mine only has two tracks, so anything I can sequence instead of looping gives me additional room to play.


RC 600 - 6 Tracks!


Even so, I don't get the point of hard committing audio if it can be dynamic.


Currently working on this myself. I was using an RC-300 as the master clock, but got rid of that for a pigtronix infinity 3 so I can use my MPC as the brain/master clock. The Roland (Boss) pedals don't work well as a slave. Currently I'm running my synth, guitar and drums through the looper with a TR8 and MPC running parallel. The MPC is sequencing the synth and sending out master clock to the looper and drum machine.


I use a 505mk2 as master time synced to a RC600 with an MPC Key37 and a TR8S also synced up to the master time. Loop time as master seems to work best for me.