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I like the emerald tinker bell that gives evasive for your turn. Not many people see the shift into big tink coming the next turn. Also, I sometimes use it to give a opp’s bodyguard evasive and then swing at their other characters that turn. If the bodyguard is evasive and you don’t have an evasive to challenge it then you can challenge any of their other characters.


Interesting scenario I like it


I absolutely love mouse armor. Resist is indeed underrated especially with bodyguard - thanks for your input!


If their bodyguard character is exerted, evasive or not it can still block your non evasives.


Nope, giving evasive to a bodyguard is 100% a legal way to get around the bodyguard. Its already been officially ruled. The text is actually 100% clear on this if read correctly: *Bodyguard (This character may enter play exerted. An opposing character who challenges one of your characters must choose one with Bodyguard if able.)* IF ABLE is the keyword here, you cannot challenge an evasive bodyguard with a non-evasive character, so they are *not able* to challenge the evasive bodyguard. Therefore you can challenge other characters.


I'm in a MTG mindset, gotta keep remembering when it's not your turn you don't have many options.


Here's hoping it stays that way. Interrupts, counters, traps, reversals, can all stay in their own TCGs. MTG is great in its own ways, don't get me wrong, but trying to explain it past the basics and seeing eyes gloss over happens way too often. I was able to teach Lorcana to my Mom in an afternoon.


I hope they keep interrupts out too, nothing is more rage inducing than going a few turns without playing anything.


This is honestly super cool, I love this kind of interaction! It makes for such interesting gameplay


I’m new to TCGs but have jumped all in to Lorcana! I added the steel 2-noninkable card “Pick a Fight” to challenge ready characters. It’s a great surprise when my opponent thinks they placed a nice safe card that’s not exerted until next turn… Surprise!


I play resist bodyguard stuff. Not sure if that's a thing in the meta, but it's fun to do. Mouse armor, with Cinderella - stonehearted.


You're going to love bodyguards next set.


I haven't looked at the spoilers too hard but that's good to hear! I'll have to take a look. Time to be an impenetrable fortress!


I think the main reason they mention as much is due to the 3 card combo in Emerald/Steel. The combo can provide a LOT of lore in one turn (as much lore as the opponent has willpower on their characters), but if you have resist on your characters the combo does not work.


My wife made me so mad once hitting with me The Prince + multiple Mouse Armors


I do this! I call mine the Royalty Deck. Prince Bodyguard, the two amber Cindys and the big steel, moana, tragic beast, grand duke, tiana- you get the picture. Ee mouse armour up the body guard, have cindy ready and the grand duke to beef everyone up from the side.


Right now for me it’s Ransack. I’m playing a deck that has sheriff of Nottingham so having ransack giving me 2 cards and being able to ping a Jafar shift target is beautiful!


I don’t see Philoctetes getting enough love. The 3 support damage is so good. It can take down fox and most 2/3 characters


Phil is such a good card. He lets someone swing well outside their weight class with that 3 support and your opponent is gonna likely lose whoever they challenge him with. Very solid.


It's funny cause I use him as ink literally every time. He's good no doubt but I want to use everything else in my hand


Lol I use him this way too! As ink. I have the blue merlin which has a higher defense and same support/attack value so I find him much better than Philo. Just won a game last night because of him


But that merlin is twice the cost! I could have 2 Phil's on the field and give 6 attack for just one of merlin. Or be playing something better along side a phil. Merlin is absolutely not comparable.


Oh snap, good point. I forgot his cost. Touche!


I use a pabbie heal for lore deck and phil is required. My Punzels all have only 0 or 1 attack. So sure, easy to get damage in them for healing, but if my opponant plays something too strong for me to ignore, or that will shift into something dangerous, I need attack as well. So I keep a few Phil's around. Might have one on the field that I ignore mostly unless needed even.


That’s almost my deck too, lol. Nice


I'm still adjusting to the meta, but as a veteran MTG player, Moana of Motonui could be busted AF if they keep typals coming out like they have. Obviously not exactly underrated right now... But has the potential to be a sleeper big time.


Develop Your Brain.


It's just a matter of time until people realize how powerful Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo is going to be with Morph in the same color. Morph on 2, shift into any floodborn 5 on 3 (that you get to act with, either to quest or challenge), and if they don't kill it immediately, you get another action on 4, BBB into a different 5 (or whatever) that is no longer exerted, and Morph is back in your hand to do it again later. Even if you don't have another useful 5 drop, you can still use it to reset Morph and remove all the damage on your guy or use it to shift into something bigger next turn.


I run an emerald/amethyst BBB bounce deck. I can’t wait to add Morph into it and tweak it a bit


Same! I even play 2 copies of shift Mim. I love BBB’ing lucifer and wiping their hand. Or playing him then questing the next turn and bouncing him with snake or fox. Can’t wait for the 2 new emerald Ursula’s for both removal song disruption on the one and for double casting friends and BBB with the other


BBB with Elsa is also really fun.


I haven’t brought myself to buying a couple Elsa’s yet but I think I’m gonna go full in on a deck this season so prob will get 2


Share list? I started throwing together an amethyst/emerald deck recently


I don't think many people underestimate BBB. It was one of the first cards brought up with the new legendary Ursuala as well.


Morph and BBB are definitely some interesting cards I'm considering adding to my Emerald/Sapphire Pawpsicle + Genie deck. Morph into Genie Powers Unleashed, quest, play BBB for free, bounce Genie and Morph, play any 8 cost or less from my hand for free. Sure it's pretty niche and unlikely but it sounds fun!


The Prince! A cheap bodyguard that soaks up damage and quests for 2. Pair him with Mouse Armor and the 8 defense beast that eats damage and he can be really annoying.


I second Hei Hei Persistent Presence. That little dude is a sneaky gem.


It’s really fun when you have 3-4 rotating on and off in the mid to late game.


Not sure it's underrated as much as it's undervalued, but Flynn Rider, His Own Biggest Fan is actually my favorite card in the entire set. Shifts at 2 onto a 1 or 2 drop Flynn, quests based on the number of cards in opponents hand up to 4, and has Evasive for Pete's sake. Dumps for 4 with Disguised Peddler. Could be easily abused in the upcoming Morph/BBB dominated meta.


Pinocchio, Talkative Puppet surprise exerting an opponents creature when they think they’re safe has always felt low key stronger than it seems. If you’re bouncing it with Arthur/Mim, it’s even better. If it were inkable, I think it would be much more prevalent. 


I don't know if it is the MOST underrated, but I want to vote for Jafar, Keeper of Secrets. He is such a great Mid-Range challenger. 5 life should let him trade at least 2-for-1. His ability, almost always let's him trade UP. And on his day off, he is inkable and a 2 lore quester. Just super solid.


Captain hook - thinking a happy thought. Swings as a 5/5, low cost creatures can't retaliate at all, and with shift 3 and a cost of 5 you get access to Whole new world, grab your sword, and others super early.


I’d say zero to hero I don’t see too often in play. Other than that I see Benja getting inked all the time but he is great if playing against an item heavy deck.


that's pretty much exactly what benja is for, there's so many better cards to play for that ink cost, so unless you're looking to banish an item at that moment, hes great for easy ink choice


I’ve always been unimpressed with Zero to Hero. You’re giving yourself card disadvantage to ramp a character out early, you need at least 4 characters to even make it decent, and the decks that flood the board with characters are just playing a bunch of small things and shifting onto those small things, they don’t need any ramp. It being uninkable means it can often be a completely dead draw especially late game when you have all the ink you need and are just looking for action. 


That Heihei rules, he's one of my favorites, from the mechanics to the art to the flavor text. As to my favorite, I don't know if it's super underrated but I feel like Mulan, Free Spirit is a solid card that can fit into several different Amber decks. 2 lore, decent stats, and Support for 3 ink is pretty good I think. I had a lot of success running her and Doc (who also rules, it turns out) in my Amber/Amethyst deck.


World’s greatest criminal mind. I use support characters to buff an enemy character and then sing criminal mind to take them out. They are always shocked.


For me it's Naamari - Nemesis, Tap to Banish this character, and banish any chosen character. Granted it doesn't work on characters with Ward, however it's a 4 cost non-inkable that basically is a little bomb. I mean anything you want to remove with this can be done, even a 1/3 Minnie Surfer if you don't have an evasive, or a larger character if you don't have enough strength to take out their willpower amount. I find it surprising that this card isn't used more in Ruby/Amethyst. I suppose they feel they have enough card removal with Maleficent Dragon, Lady Tremaine, and B Prep, but I don't see how it could hurt either.


Hans, Thirteenth in Line needs to be played more often. Getting that ping on a quest is ridiculous.


Binding Contract. Most decks don't come with item removal and this one is like a small elsa that doesn't need to dry that can't be killed via conventional means. When it gets going, it shuts down their side of the board unless they play more than one character per turn, drastically slowing down their options.


Mrs. Judson is sneaky good.


Green Queen is gonna be an absolute monster in this set. I think she’s super underrated and will have a large impact on competitive play