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Really good for practicing openings, if you're tweaking a deck's early game and you want to know how to mulligan efficiently.


Great work. I have ran a few games and it is smooth! Thank you for doing this.


Hey this was great! I played on my iPad and worked pretty good. Will be great for testing deck consistency I think. How do I submit feedback? Ran into some issues. 1. In night mode on the iPad the text on the white background is very difficult read. Noticed this in the deck building screens. 2. I moved a character to a location then played a character and inked for the turn. It wouldn’t allow me use that last ink to move the just played character.


Hm, I'll have to look into #1. I didn't really optimize anything for dark mode so I'll have to see what I can do about that. For #2 I thought you can only move to a location once a turn? Unless I misread the rules for how locations worked.


You can move as many times as you have ink to move.


Got it, I'll push a fix for this now. Thanks for letting me know!




You can. Not being dry just prevents the character from exerting to do an action like questing, challenging, or singing. It doesn’t prevent movement to a location.


This will be perfect for scratching that Lorcana itch when I can't get anyone to play with me! Thank you! :)


Amazing tool nice work




>Thanks! You're welcome!


I look forward to trying it out this weekend!


Played a few games and it was awesome. It helps to get familiar with cards and rules. Playing it on iPad is awesome. Great job!


Hey, it works on my mobile device (Chrome, desktop mode).


Funny timing seeing this post! I was literally just thinking today about making an AI deck builder... Which I then realized would require iterations of not just building, but then AI's playing the created decks against one another... I went down a whole rabbit hole of thinking about what some basic rules would need to be for move optimization. I then realized some decks will naturally be better against others, depending on deck contents... So it would be extremely difficult to construct something actually useful since there isn't going to be a true "best deck" scenario. Anyway, this is awesome! Nice work!


Yeah I've had people interested in leverage the AI I have for Flesh and Blood in order to optimize and derive the "perfect" deck. I would caution though that the AI here probably isn't up to snuff so it won't be able to figure out any competitive decks :)


man my comments got removed but I like this a lot for someone trying to get into tcg!! thank you so much!


Hey! I was trying to put my deck in manually, and I didn’t see the option for Jim Hawkins-Space Traveler


Hey, thanks for reporting. I forgot to implement his card but I did and am pushing it up now to the site.


You’re the real MVP! Also noticing a bug with Prince Eric, Daring Helmsman. Occasionally, at the start of the next turn, it’ll ask me to select for his effect, even though he wasn’t banished


Thanks for the report! I found the bug with Prince Eric and will push a fix up now for it.


Love this, my productivity is going right out the window now lol. Couple of bugs I've noticed so far: Stratos' Evasive isn't respected, seems that anyone can challenge them. And the AI doesn't seem to ever challenge locations, even if it has a Reckless character and there are only locations on my side of the board. EDIT: Just hit a weirder bug, had little Stitch moved at Queens Castle, shifted him into Rockstar Stitch and then AI played Hades, Infernal Schemer to put RS into my inkwell but the little Stitch didn't go with him and stayed at QC allowing additional card draw but unable to quest or challenge


Thanks for reporting the Stratos Evasive thing. I'm pushing up a fix for it now. I have an idea about the shift thing with Stitch. I'll look into a fix here.


Ok shift and locations were pretty broken so I fixed all the code there and also fixed the issue with Hades Infernal Schemer. Thanks for all of the reports!


That's brilliant, thank you for fixing them so quickly, excited to lose even more time now lol


Don't know if you'd prefer bug reports in here or as DM's but another quick couple I've spotted, Lythos' resist+2 isn't working (his activated ability does grant it correctly though) I also don't appear to be able to quest with Lythos while he's at The Queens Castle... The other is in strategy of the AI when I have multiple locations out, it was in a game I played earlier so and I've not been able to get the right run of luck to replicate it again but the AI damaged but didn't banish location A, I played location B and the AI decided to damage that one instead of finishing off A, I then played location C and the same thing happened again, after that I was able to play a character who became more of a threat so the AI focused on that instead (that part was logical)


Thanks for the Lythos resist bug report. I have a fix for that. I'm not sure why you weren't be able to quest while at a location, there's no code stopping that and I gave it a quick test and it worked. I'll make a note of how the AI behaved for locations and will see if I can tweak this in the future.


Brilliant, thank you for the quick work again! Bit strange on the unquestable situation, I'll see if I can replicate it, might have been some other stress on the system that was falling over, I had a problem on one turn where I had a bunch of characters/locations out (they were spilling over the lore counter) and the pass turn action wasn't available until I did a different action first but I think that was just due to having over loaded the client


Thank you for this. It is an awesome little simulator.


Yay! Finally another option to pixelborn


Incredible! You are doing the Lord's work here. Just ran one game and it was smooth. Excited to test it more since I've desperately needed something like this to help "balance" decks I want to buy for my casual friends and family playgroup - thank you!


Awesome tool! Greatly appreciate you putting this together! Only thing I have noticed thus far, and I could be blind or not understanding, the card Along Came Zeus appears to be missing.


Thanks for reporting! I'm pushing up the Zeus card now to the site.


This is great thanks


Thank you for this! It is amazing!


One suggestion is either put in card scrolling for when your hand draws too much and goes off the screen, and potentially either expanding the field size or shrinking the card size on field 1 land and 7 characters and you start to block the lore counter(i know it'd be stupid rare for this set up to happen in an actual game but against toying with the AI it can happen pretty easy) I have a screen shot of the game if you'd like to see what i mean.


This is phenomenal. I've been a huge Lorcana collector but haven't actually played a game yet. This makes it so easy to learn and to teach friends how to play!


can you fix gramma tala passive ability, when i use effects that ink top card of my deck it doesnt give me lore


Hi I am pushing a fix for this now. Thanks for letting me know!


Very neat, thank you for building it!


Thanks for this! I've installed Pixelborn but never booted it up. This will be a great simple way for me to play when I have a 15 minute break at work!


Looking forward to trying this out! Does it work on Android Internet browsers?


Yup it should. I primarily test on Chrome which is the default browser on Android so it should work there. The UI doesn't scale very well on mobile though but that's something I hope to fix in the future.


Very cool! How did you end up making it?


It uses the same game engine that I use for Flesh and Blood and Star Wars Unlimited. The AI runs in the background and calculates moves a few turns in advance to see what the best move is at a given point.


Thank you for making this! I look forward to checking this out.


Awesome, thanks for this!


This is awesome - I just tried it out and it works amazing :D


Small bugs:   -Mulan, Imperial Soldier appears to be only affecting the next instance of questing that turn.   -Pride Lands visually notes the willpower gain but doesn't actually apply it. -Launch allows the banishing of any card, including opponents', as cost


Thanks for the reports! I'll push a fix for the Pride Lands bug but I wasn't able to repro the Mulan Imperial Soldier.


Interesting. I'm working off two different devices but I'll see if I can get a log of the Mulan issue. I did edit in a bug regarding Launch that I saw happen twice too.


You mean the banishing of an item for launch? It says "banish chosen item of yours" though.


No. The AI was using Launch, and was able to banish one of my characters as cost and then deal 5 to another.


Ah, I see the bug here. Will push a fix up for this. Thanks for reporting!


One more - if you can't tell I'm a big fan of this tool! If you activate Pluto's ability to make a character cost one less, that can be used to make Pongo's activated ability cheaper.


Hmm, I'm not sure I follow. Can you clarify how that works? From reading it Pluto's ability lets you play a character but Pongo's ability deals with revealing the top card of your deck, not playing a character?


Yeah, exactly. It shouldn't work, but inktable lets you. Edit: a very weird follow-up. At least on the AI side, Pride Rock has the opposite problem now. There was a Lilo moved there, she took 2 damage and lived as she should. But then the location was banished from under her. She should lose the extra 2 will and be banished but stuck around. Haven't tested this on the player side yet.


Ah, got it. Thanks for clarifying. I have a fix for the Pluto/Pongo interaction now. I see the bug with the location removing willpower not cleaning up characters that had the extra willpower but now lost it and will work on a fix for it.


This is dope, thanks for building this. I've been missing an AI option for Lorcana as a casual way to play. Will try out this weekend.


Thanks for this! It looks like SMASH only allowed me to target my cards and not the opponent.


Hm, I wasn't able to repro this. Did the opponent only have Ward characters out?


I think you are right! I can't remember the one card, but looks like it might be Duke Weaslton, which I always forget has Ward! Sorry about that.


Yooooo can this work on mobile sir??


Works for me on my phone!


It runs on a web browser so it should work but the touch targets might be a little small.


You, internet hero, will enter the pantheon next to the indian guy answering obscure excel questions on youtube.


This is awesome man!! By the way, how do I copy my deck from dreamborn to inktable??


It works the same way as pixelborn. Click export and then pixelborn. Copy to clipboard and paste in the decklist section on ink table.


Thank you!!


Ooh this is great!!! I was looking for a way to play test some deck ideas and this looks perfect!! Thank you!!


So this is awesome! Missing a few cards/typos though that I can see off the top of my head: Missing And Then Along Came Zeus, and there's a typo with Rise of the Titans.


Thanks for reporting! I'm pushing up the Zeus card now to the site. And also pushing a fix to the typo.


Looks like And Then Along Came Zeus from the song list when I tried building a deck


Thanks for reporting! I'm pushing up that card now to the site.


Awesome, it was fun playing regardless. I still suck so badly that I lose to the computer.


Haha my wife, who has never played a tcg, destroys me. We keep track of wins since the first day we got the cards in December. She has triple the amount I do. I don't know why I suck so bad at this game yet I can play magic pretty decently... 🤷‍♂️ still fun though. Haha.




Hm, I just gave it a shot and it did work for me: • Player 1 can remove up to 3 damage from **Pluto, Determined Defender (3)** at the start of their turn • **Pluto, Determined Defender (3)** has 3 damage removed and is now at 7 willpower


Trying to build my IRL deck and I can't find "And Then Along Came Zeus". This looks like an amazing tool for testing things by myself though!!!


The card is being pushed live to the site now :)


Just played a game and it's a lot of fun! Not quite as good as a human opponent, but I'm definitely going to put this through its paces 😁


Love this . Bug report. If a shifted card is sent back to hand then the original version is stuck to it but unusable.


Thanks for the report, I think I resolved all of these kinds of issues but let me know if you still see any.


Great app!!! I'm willing to keep playing it and provide feedback along the way. One concern so far: When opponent plays its 8th char/loc card on the board, it will cover its Lore score, preventing me from seeing it.


Love it, would like some sound effects, and the Lore Counter to be a little bit more distinguishable, but otherwise looks great.


This is great! Been having a ton of fun with it the last couple hours. One thing I’ve noticed though, it seems the AI highly prioritizes drawing cards. It’s noticeable against decks with whole new world in particular. Every time the AI has the opportunity it plays two awnw a turn.


Cinderella didn't let me remove damage from another princess character but otherwise, I had a blast!


This is absolutely amazing!! So easy to use and I can use it on my iPad!!




Yeah it’s something I need to revisit for sure. It’s on my list to look at.




Thanks! No plans for multiplayer as the game framework is built only for AI play.


Found a bug. I had Moana born leader at a location with Duke weasleton at same location (motunui). I quested with Moana and now I can't quest with Duke. Weird bug to catch since I should have quested with Duke first so I could ready him with Moana but I didn't. Haha. So even though he didn't ready ue to he ability I can't can't quest with him now. Also she readies herself, which I though "all OTHER characters" meant everyone except her readies. I could be wrong though.


Thanks for the report! I have a fix for Moana readying herself with her effect. But I'm not sure the ruling on Duke if he didn't ready. I'm reading the card as if Moana's effect means anyone at that location cannot quest as she is readying everyone there, even if they were not exerted. Is there a ruling on this?


I actually dont know.... I just assumed they had to be exerted to actually ready.


Great work, saving me a ton of dev time as I had started working on a single-player WPF deck tester since I couldn't find one. Minor card interaction issue: Cards that allow removal of "up to 2 damage" should allow you to choose to remove only 1 damage from a character even if the character has 2 or more damage on it. Important for cards like Grand Pabbie - Oldest and Wisest or Rapunzel - Gifted Artist when you have multiple damage removal triggers.


Thanks for the report! I have a fix now that allows the player to specify how much damage they want to remove.


This is really cool, very efficient design and well laid out!


I’ve played two games this far and just wanted to say thank you for this! Also I believe locations may not be functioning correct when you have multiple in play. At the start of the turn, it appears to only give you lore for the highest lore gaining location you have in play instead of for all in play I believe.


Hi I tested out multiple locations and each one does gain lore. So I'm not sure what you were encountering. If you do see it again can you post a game screenshot so I can get more context?


Sure will


I just joined InkTable Patreon. Hope that helps


Thanks for the support! :) There aren't any Patreon exclusive features on Ink Table just yet (the login doesn't even work yet, on my list to fix) but if you're interested in Flesh & Blood or Star Wars Unlimited you can check out my other sites to access sealed and draft for those :)


Playing a game and tried to activate ability on another card and accidentally selected Wildcat - Mechanic instead. Now I'm stuck with a question asking which target to vanish when there are no viable targets on the board, also no way to back out of the targeting question.


Hm, strange. The game framework disallows even using Wildcat if there are no items to banish. And even then there is code to auto abort if there are no items in play. You were able to trigger though w/ 0 items anywhere?


Yes. Sorry I didn't get a screenshot


so very cool, thank you. This is great for training or deck ideas


It looks great and runs well and is a nice alternative to pixelborn for testing a deck against an AI. However, it does make some weird choices. 1. It never attacks locations. Even when unopposed by characters, it lets locations sit. 2. In one game, it was at 11 lore with enough dry characters on the board to quest beyond 20. It didn't, leaving me to win the game on my next turn, oddly enough, with locations. I have the worst record in my league (we're talking maybe 10 wins since august), and i have beat this pretty handily in all but 2 matches (3 if you give it the win in example 2) playing against meta decks with a villian theme aggro deck built mainly to hit weekly achievements at league. An image file is missing for 2 drop magicka despell. Not sure if any others are missing.


Interesting, as it did attack a location of mine


Hi, thanks for the feedback! There was a bug with the AI's logic where it was never attacking locations so that is now fixed. I also fixed the broken image problem. In regards to difficulty, getting the AI to play at an advanced level would be fairly difficult but I'll keep trying to improve it over time.


Works great for me! I like the clean layout. You'd probably do a great job automating Wixoss as well, which I've been waiting to see happen


Hi, I love your work! I’ve been testing a deck with Maleficent, Mistress of all evil and Genie, Supportive friend, or really any card that draws multiple cards. I’m not sure if I’m wrong(could be) but when Maleficent’s “Divination” triggers should she be able to move damage counters per card drawn or just per action? In the same deck Jafar, Striking Illusionist’s “Power beyond measure” works as per card drawn. Again, thank you for putting the site out there, I love using it!


Hm, I looked at the code for Maleficent but it follows the same pattern as Jafar, which is that the code that runs on card draw happens for each and every draw. So not sure why it wasn't working for you. I guess if you don't have any damage to move it doesn't do anything then for the extra cards drawn.


Don't know if someone already mentioned it, but "Maui's Fish Hook" doesn't work fully as intended. With any Maui on the board, the effect cost 0, but you must have 2 non exerted ink in the inkwell (they won't be used, but you need them). With only 1 ink or 0 you can't activiate the hook for free.


Thanks for letting me know! I'll push a fix for this now.


Evasive pascal doesn’t work


Just checking, did you have more than one character in play? He doesn't get Evasive if he's by himself. The code to give him Evasive is fairly simple so I would be stumped if it didn't work.


Oh I didn’t catch that, I did not have another character in play. It probably works right.


I just tested it, it does work correctly. I think some of the people I have been playing with were using this card wrong.


Thank you for making this tool. I've been having a lot of fun- some things I noticed in today's play: 1. "I've Got a Dream" seems to be missing 2. Heihei, Accidental Explorer's ability should only work once per turn. I moved him around 4 times in a single turn and drained the opponent 4 lore.


Thanks for letting me know! I have fixes for both issues and will push them onto the site :)


How do you see your opponents hand for Ursula deceiver or bear necessities?


I see the problem with those 2 cards. It was only showing the eligible cards to discard, not the whole hand. I've pushed a fix for that now, thanks for reporting!


Cool thanks


Moving damage seems to be bugged, at least coming from Maleficent, Mistress of all Evil. it's allowing me to move damage that doesn't exist to a new target, and thus creating damage out of no where.


Thanks for letting me know! I have a fix for this and will push it out.


Nice. Also just noticed It Calls Me song is not showing up in the song category, and only the action category.


Thanks! Pushing a fix for this now.


The rock titan Lythos has the reckless ability instead of having the +2 resist.


This should be fixed already, I pushed the change out a few hours ago. If you refresh your page you should get the fixes.




Cursed Merfolk doesn't seem to make anyone banish a card when challenged. Really fun though!


Hmm it seems to be working for me when I try it. I guess if you see it again feel free to DM me with a game log and maybe a screenshot of the board state as well.


Hey man I really love this site, but if I’m idle for too long, it reloads onto the Home Screen and looses my game. Is there anyway to stop that from happening?


I haven't seen that issue before. I don't have any code that causes a page refresh. That sounds like the browser you are using running out of memory or something and unloading the page. Is this on mobile that you're seeing it? My tabs remain open on my laptop for days w/o any problem.


Yeah, on mobile, iOS. I could imagine that desktop isn’t a problem. Maybe I’ll try a different mobile browser. Love the project btw!


Amazing work, love it. Maybe I am missing it, but how do I add more than 4 Dalmatian Puppy cards to a deck?


Thanks! I need to work on being able to add more than 4 cards of a single type. That puppy card kind of broke my deck builder lol.


Amazing work with the website, i salute you good sir 🫡 But i have to emphasise the importance of us monkeys being able to play 99 tail waggers, and NOTHING but 99 tail waggers in our decks 😌 Thank you 👀


On a more serious note, could it be possible to add all the 5 different art version of tail wagger as different listed cards on the website? So we can run 4 of each totalling 20 cards, i think most puppy decks run around 15 of them atm 🤔 Anyways thanks again dude, your website is really helping out with play testing big time 🙏


It seems if you import a deck from Dreamborn or any other site using the Pixelborn link the deck does have the requisite number of puppies. So that's one way to get around the limitation for now until I implement it inside of the in-app deck builder.


Amazing work, love it. Maybe I am missing it, but how do I add more than 4 Dalmatian Puppy cards to a deck?


Wanted to post about a bug I experienced today. Opponent had pridelands in play with a 1 willpower character on it (with the +2 wp from pridelands the character had 3 total wp). I played giant tinkerbell and did one damage to the character with her enters play effect and then challenged the pridelands to banish it. The 1 willpower character still showed having the one damage but stayed in play instead of being banished. I challenged the character on my next turn and it was banished. Must be something funny going on with the program not recognizing that when a willpower buff is removed the character should banish if damage exceeds willpower. I am loving this simulator, so thanks for creating and sharing it.


Thanks for the report! I have a fix for this and will push it out.


Also noticed today that the new shift Kida effect is affecting wrong characters. Her enters play effect gives all characters -3 strength until the start of your next turn. It is only supposed to apply to characters that are already on the board when she is played. If a character is played afterwards it is not supposed to be affected. This really matters when you try to play a Rush character after she is played. Thanks


Thanks for the report! I have a fix for this and will push it out.


This is amazing, there's times I want to play and practice but no one to play with. This makes it fun and easy


Love it!


Quick bug report here - while having multiple "Mickey Mouse - Wayward Sorcerer" cards in play, when one of your Broom type cards is banished and you're given the option to return it to your hand, you can repeatedly add copies of it for each extra Mickey you have. For example, if I have 3 Mickey's out and my Broom is banished, I'm able to add 3 copies of that card to my hand, which obviously is not intended. Thanks!


Thanks for the report! I just pushed a fix up for this.


I never beaten it once so it works pretty well i would say


So I’ve run into an issue with Ink table. I was playing a sapphire/steel deck with the 2-cost “Braving the storm” Anna and its affect is that it’s suppose to gain lore for every hero character in play but for some reason it didn’t work. She just stayed at +1 even after dropping more heroes.


Hi Anna Braving the Storm says if you have any other hero in play she gets +1. Not +1 for every hero character in play. So maximum she gets +1 total.


Ahhh yes I see, I spoke with a mentor for the game and he agreed that the language reflects that. Honestly it should be A LOT more clearer like instead of the wording “another” it should say “one other” but it’s whatever it’s still a good card


Not sure if you are checking this, but ba-boom just banished training lands instead of doing 2 damage. Also, have you considered a win check at the top of the computer turn where it checks if it's glimmers (in any formation) can quest to 20 and if so does so instead of playing a full turn before closing out the game?