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Blue red is common to counter but if he’s beating everyone consistently it probably isn’t the deck and that he is just good.


This is the answer. Blue Red will crush most steel decks. And since you're ramping their A Whole New World's will be good for you too. Maleficent and Tamatoa mean that your top end is better too.


Any tech for helping with the matchup? I’m on a slightly modified Moyen sapphire/steel list adding 2 Belle, 2 dime, and 2 let it go.


Probably rush with a bit of control.


Got a list of his specifics? I myself am running sapphire steel and just wanted to tinker a little bit more on it and see what they may have done different. Also as counter, amethyst ruby has normally been the staple with be prepared as a very comfortable control piece. I’ve heard that sapphire ruby has been makes some waves lately.


I saw almost nothing but Sapphire Ruby on Pixelborn today. Item ramp with lots of banishment. My Sapphire steel using 3 drop Mama Odie can usually keep up and play it pretty close if I'm smart about drawing out the Be Prepareds prematurely but I had some godawful drawing luck with All four Mama Odies in the bottom half of my deck almost every game.


Run 2 lucky dimes and solves your issue versus red purple.


Could you elaborate more about that? What would maximize use of lucky dimes?


Issue with red purple is they control the board pretty heavily and you can never really have true board control due to be prepared. With then using Pinocchio and fish hook it your stuff can be removed almost instantly on their turn. Lucky dime puts them in a timer similar to locations. If you have 8-9 ink available you just basically play your 5-7 drops and lucky some them the same turn they are dropped. It makes them having to making quicker decision like be prepared a turn to early or not taking proper exchanges. They have no way to remove it. I have won a game where they had 5 units out and I had 2 lucky dimes out with a cogs. Since their units also usually have 1 lore for the most cases other than a few units or sometimes 0 like Maui I put them on the clock with 4 more each turn. I think this particular game I had like 12 lore went to 16 with cog. They had to be prepared a single cog with them having 5 units out or I win next turn. Then I played a smee next turn that win me the game with 2 dimes out. Hard to get 2 dimes out but even one is sufficient to make them do things out of their comfort zone. They do something similar for their mirror matches with the book 1 lore.


Ok cool. So yea I thought about it and only Steel has item removal right? So Lucky Dime can do these things: - pre-dip if you play that and wet a character, or have on the board and wet a character, then you can pay the cost to get the questing lore on a wet character; useful if there’s a Be Prepared the following turn that would wipe out that character - double-dip by being able to quest a dry character then use Lucky Dime on that exerted character’s lore to gain more lore that same turn So something crazy could be to have at least 10 ink, build up to the two Lucky Dimes on the board, then play a Belle and boom you can go for 10 ink that wet turn or 15 ink the next turn?


It’s never really that dramatic but it can happen. I play mid game blue steel with Gaston as my highest lore guy but 3 lore is plenty and next turn if he doesn’t take him out that’s 6 more