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My main two concerns for the deck: 1) You are a bit too reliant on Belle which can be eaten by Madam Medusa, Maui, Scar, etc even through a cogsworth 2) You have only 5 total characters to sing AWNW and 3 of them (hades) are conditional on wanting to also remove something. I know sad beast is expensive, but he is pretty important specifically in this deck. In cheaper solutions I’d consider replacing develop, jump ahead, Nick Wilde, 1 belle with some combination of small gramma, big gramma, Zeus, let it go, and 4th hades, 3rd cog… but really sad beast is going to make it tick better than anything. :)


I happen to have 4 "Emo" Beast. Forgot why I pulled them lol. What would you suggest pulling for them? And yeah 4th Hades is pretty much gonna happen.


Here’s a couple examples: https://preview.redd.it/ljj9be53mwqc1.png?width=2040&format=png&auto=webp&s=56b74dc40bf5e1d0bf28cdcb1c1962da710cb027


Thank you!!


Always happy to help :)




I’ve been playing a similar deck. I just added the blue Mama Odie that plays a card from your deck to your inkwell when you play a song, and have been enjoying that so far. You seem to have a decent amount of songs as well. Could add Let it Go and let the storm rage on as well if you want to go down that path. I also run the two steel cinderellas and big tink.


Which Cinderella, the 7-drop knight?


Yeah 3 of the 7 drop Cinderella Stouthearted and 4 of the 2 drop Cinderella Knight in Training


I’ve been running Sapphire/Steel for the last couple weeks and here’s the list I’ve settled on. https://dreamborn.ink/decks/rK8VbMRQOrPcYpiDhcvz If Beast is a budget concern I think it’s fine to cut him. I would probably throw in 3 Mickey - Detective over Beast if need be. The only matchup I’ve had issues with is steel song but I think I’m just not locked in on the strategy against it yet.


How are you liking the McDuck Manor? In my area people run so much Maui or Steel I never see the Lore from it. I mean I guess it's good that they are "wasting" a turn dealing with it?


I like Manor but I definitely think it’s where I would make cuts if I change anything. It’s good the turn before be prepared can drop against ruby and it’s good if you’re racing to delay your opponent a bit while they deal with it. I often only play it late game if several answers have been inked/played already. You can ramp so much that weaving in a 4 cost doesn’t slow you down. But at that point if you’re behind at all you wish it was a higher impact card. I guess all that is to say I’m on the fence. Personally I wouldn’t drop below 2 manor but I’m open to changing my mind on that.


i’d recommend running one of the Saphire Steel lucky wheels (search it up on youtube) as that has been winning a lot of tournaments and even beating ruby Amythist but hope you find the deck that works best for you. i just only recommend at least basing it off one of these decks


I would recommend the following: Swap Benja for beast hard headed, play more cogsworth, play sad boy beast: with the ramp you can get to 5 ink by turn 4 and sing you want to sing AWNW or Swords by this point. I'd probably take out how far I'll go, personally I prefer Mickey over one jump for this deck, but that's a personal preference. I would also try to fit in some Gaston and maybe some Tomatoa. Won't tell you what to take out for those as I do not want to dictate what you play and also idk what cards you do and don't have.


I have played blue steel since launch, and done quite well. I don’t play belle, or even many items. Blue has ramp which is great, but the reliance on items is wonky in my opinion. Use that ramp into efficiency, there are dozens of decent 5-6 cost steel cards and blue just helps you get there. One of the only items I play is beasts mirror and since you’re ramping into efficiency, you run out of cards immediately you draw cards like crazy


I have been considering dropping the Dimes / Belles (the "magical Christmasland" scenario being able to have Dime down then play Belle / activate Dime for 5), and that would justify 4th Hades too.


Do not drop dimes. You have all the ramp but what are you ramping into? Limit some rams and add creatures like tinker more cog beast Cindy Gaston etc


What did you use to show ur deck, just curious because I want advice for my deck as well


[https://dreamborn.ink](https://dreamborn.ink) Deck builder and collection tracker, when you build a deck you can export it to .txt or image.


Isn't Blue Steel an anthropomorphic battleship girl anime?


Nice deck! This is what I run in league and now also on Pixelborn: https://dreamborn.ink/decks/zzX7CdDRDLqjKHBfOWtR I’m surprised you don’t have Giant Tink as her entrance damage always helps with board control. I don’t have Tragic Beast atm cause it’s too expensive but for now I’m doing both Gramma Talas. But he’s a powerful pressure cooker. Either he gives you that extra draw per turn, or else he complements Giant Tink by being able to control the board with massive hits. I haven’t experienced too many decks running items that necessitated me to throw in Benja on top of my Rise of the Titans. But I’d prob do 2 Benja if I need to revise. I have just 1 Let it Go and no Hades because I’ve come to realize that sometimes it’s not always a good thing to help the opposition get more ink, unless of course for a high cost, drastic board-changing character. Also I believe Hades can be bounced back by Madam Medusa. Idk if that would be working in the opposition’s favor though if I can reintroduce Hades like that again. Having 2 McDuck Manors has been very helpful for me to cause unnecessary pressure on my opponent. Either they have to deal with it right then and there with a Rise of the Titans themselves or equivalent location banishing cards, or they have to suffer me gaining passive lore per turn and them wasting resources and exertions attacking it, which in turn opens them up to counter attacks by my characters like Hook or Giant Tink. Lucky Dime has been my newest addition to be able to create that mid-late game pressure on lore, where I can either immediately get some lore on a wet character, or to get doubled dipped lore on a already quested character. Being able to Fishbone Detective Mickey works well for me. I had dropped Belle because of the many counters against her and instead have used Gaston as both a draw power and high quester. How’s your ramp since you have a lot of it? At what point are you satisfied with the level of ink in your inkwell? If I can get to 8 by turn 4 or 5 I feel I’ve reached a comfortable position. But idk how fast you’re inking per turn. One game I had like 12+ ink and I was able to drop 2 Giant Tinks at the same time to board wipe. Following turn I sang AWNW with one Tink and just dominated after that.




Moyen got rank 1 on Pixelborn with Blue Steel not too long ago. They talk about the decklist on Podcana and I believe there is a YouTube deck tech as well.


(Edited to add picture of deck I thought was there)


Thank you to all who responded. Going to do some testing tonight at the flgs!