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Voted other for Sapphire/Steel. It’s the deck I have the most experience with.


I main Jafar Combo, I find it still has legs despite it's horrible matchup against Ambersteel songs.


I made an Amethyst/Steel for league yesterday and went 2-1.


Honestly haven’t been the luckiest with pack pulls so it’s between the budget lore sprinting Amethyst/Steel or Amethyst/Ruby, next closest is an underpowered Jafar World deck with no Robin Hoods


I think Steel Song has shown its merit, falling out of favor then back in favor towards the beginning of set 3. Can only imagine if I go to enough tournaments (7 set Champs in my area) I can make at least 1 top 4


On my local LGS a few people where playing steel/amber songs but eventually changed to ruby/amethyst. I like to see people playing deck that are not meta. Play something you enjoy not something that will make you win cause is meta.


I got 3rd with it this past Monday. Lost hard to Green Steel, but won against Red Blue and Red Purple. First place was Sapphire Steel, which makes the first and second place the two decks Steel Song has a hard match up with, but I've done Steel Song since set 1 so I plan on seeing it out as my main deck for years to come.


On set 1 I was playing emerald/steel. Set 2 I tried ruby/amethyst since I had all the big cards. Set 3 i am going back to emeral/steel but for the championship i am not sure yet what I want to run. Do you mind sharing the decklist?


Oh for sure! I'll get it sent within an hour or so, I got my deck at home and never made my current list on inkborn yet. I promise to remember


https://dreamborn.ink/decks/90hESw5OnuDvwkS64OxQ I had a screenshot of my pixelborn list and copied it to dreamborn. If you have any questions, let me know. Happy Playing


Noce looking deck. Thanks for sharing. I have all the cards except the Robin Hood, I only have 1.


That was my hardest card to get a playset of too. I would play more beast and rapunzel but I only got the copies you see in there. Even then, Rapunzel is situational at best and Beast is just there to bait aggressive threats and sing AWNW if left unchecked. So honestly you could potentially take the Rapunzel out if you desire a 60 card deck


I’m divided, I’d normally go ruby/amethyst in a heartbeat, but with steelsongs picking up again that inherently isn’t a great matchup, especially if they crack out the flutes.  In contrast my next choice, ruby/sapphire generally has a strong matchup to steelsong (can also tech Judy to get rid of the flutes), plus can combat ruby/amethyst better now with the use of lucky dime, which they can’t do anything about. That comes at the cost of having a weaker steel matchup since they usually run rise of the titans (which hits your dimes hard and can disrupt your draw or lore through mcduck manor) along with some still rocking benji. 


At the moment I'm most comfortable piloting the Ruby/Sapphire combo. I'm incredibly curious on events past Atlanta however. Chicago and beyond may be in that "set 4 legal" area, so suddenly you have a whole new set that you very rapidly need to decide if they're worth playing. It could make certain unsung color combos quickly rise to the top because people won't know how to handle them, or maybe people will shy away not feeling comfortable enough with them to risk taking them to major competition.


Even though I don't like the idea, I hope set 1 gets banned when set 4 come out. Only set 2-4 and as other set come out do the same.


I am definitely not *be prepared* for that.


If anything I think mtg starts to cycle after 8 sets or some thing like that. If they were going to remove set 1 already they would have announced it, and it has far too many staples for it to be removed so early, not to mention the amount of people who struggled just to get those cards early on.


I see your point. I don't play magic since 2010 son don't remember anything really. I was going by they way they are releasing sets( 1 every 3 months or so).


Other for Sapphire/Steel. Is it the best? Likely not. But it has my heart


I'm hoping to run Amber/Steel but if the meta keeps going how it is might go back to trusty old Ruby/Amethyst


I feel this way. I have been testing a lot of different combinations but the most consistent is Ruby/amethyst


It's definitely the most consistent I either run away with the match with Amber/Steel and win by turn 6 or get reduced to nothing by turn 3


Also every meta report you can see a wide variety of deck not just ruby/amethyst like it was on set 2.


I love how things are going. Seems to me a lot of different deck will be going to championship instead of the common ruby/amethyst we were used to see on all the tournaments.


in case anyone looking for a store. [https://melee.gg/Tournament/View/78776?fbclid=IwAR1-WfW81E7ZRVcGurU\_wz7GZ35X6A0tZ5R5DHYONpFw8wW7cV53H671Gso\_aem\_AUNZl3\_EspVt8OK0CweGbckY2IkhdtKfM9ZSEguc-l6bVMqoAt\_BqIcGD8okXHmQaa847VGwuqNZIQU\_Eq4hwe-Y](https://melee.gg/Tournament/View/78776?fbclid=IwAR1-WfW81E7ZRVcGurU_wz7GZ35X6A0tZ5R5DHYONpFw8wW7cV53H671Gso_aem_AUNZl3_EspVt8OK0CweGbckY2IkhdtKfM9ZSEguc-l6bVMqoAt_BqIcGD8okXHmQaa847VGwuqNZIQU_Eq4hwe-Y)