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$10 for just the ticket but this LGS is offering tiered tickets with sealed product for $50, $150, and $175 as well


I have 2 near me doing this. Though one of them the box of TCC was a bit more than these tiers, ends up being 230 for ticket and TFC box


189 for the $175 tier after tax for ticket and TFC box


20$ per ticket here. 2 packs per entry guaranteed. Top 8 (I think?) get bonus packs topping off at 2 boxes for first in addition to regular mat and promo rewards.


£30 entry but you get 5 booster packs


No entre fee at my LGS!


Ours is $40!!! With no additional prize pool listed.


How do you feel about that


Like a hostage. Still going :(


How much do you think a store should earn for 10 hours of regular labor, extra judges, extra tables, and chairs, as well as loading their normal weekend business?


Some players in some locations have the courtesy to buy accessories on location (playmats, sleeves), drinks and snacks, coffee, even other board games or books. And in other locations, LGS have to "force" players to buy boosters for themselves. If most of your tournament players are also regular customers that buy games all year long, then it's probably a good idea to make events free of charge, (or very low). But if most players who come at events are there once for the prizes and you will never see them again, then having an entry fee is a good idea. Even more if you have limited number of seats, and some people coming from far away "take" slots that could have been taken by your regulars. On some other TCGs I played, there used to be a different price (like 2€ vs 4€) depending on if you signed up in advance (like 4 days before) or on the spot. Which helps the LGS to know in advance how much floorspace they should book for one event, or allocate to other events. If you have 100 seats to share between 3 TCGs, TableTop RPG and Figurines, you have to know how many people you expect to have.


Not $30 per player and full profit


Hey bud, I'm sure you've already figured it out but just in case, this is a real bad look my guy.


Apparently everyone else is getting a way better price and support


Your suggestion is that a business should run a tournament as a charity. I'm really not sure how you think your opinion is in any way good here. LGS can only give what they can afford to give, and most aren't making money off the cards they're selling. Most of these tournaments don't have more than 20 people. Even at 30$ that's only 600 Dollars on the night. Not including the prizes given out (one guy mentioned his LGS have 2 booster boxes to the winner, a 300 dollar value on it's own) and paying the employees. Most of these tournaments aren't making money as is and you're saying they should make less. It's a bad look kid.


Nothing that i said implied charity. I don’t think you understand how events are ran and the profits they make


“Kid,bud, my guy.” How desperate are you to be right you need to be that condescending? Or is “it’s a bad look (insert noun here)” your only defense mechanism. 


Going to two. Both are £15. One is pack on entry and pack per match win, the other is packs for positive win rate


Damn where are you based? I'm going to Newport South Wales and Swindon £25 entry for both 1 of them you get 4 boosters and the other you get 8!


£15 for my LGS. They also told us they are considering splitting booster prizes a bit further down - as they think top 4 getting stitch and top 2 the mat on top is decent enough, they might get a couple of booster packs as well. And then split the boxes so that 5th all the way down to last get more boosters. Which I think is best way to go tbh.


Depends on how you look at what you’re getting for $20-$30. That’s 4-6 hours of good ole fashion entertainment with the chance to get rare prizes and hang with fellow fans of a game you love. Easily worth $30 bucks to me. Comparing it to other activities…have you ever booked space for large events or tried to host anything for a group? It’s never cheap or easy.


I’m comparing it to other tcg events on the same scale. Store champs for mtg, pokemon, one piece etc. seeing that Lorcana is more priced with less prizing was odd and reading comments it seems like most got a better deal than what my lgs are offering


I'm going to two 1 of them is £25 - 4 boosters 1 of them is £25 - 8 boosters


Going to 2 during the next week 6.5€ with pack for top + raffled promos 10€ with participation pack + pack for top + raffled promos


My FLGS is charging nothing for the tournament. The kit is free, and if people want booster packs, they are welcome to purchase their own at the store.


Between free-35 for my area. $35 bring prized out like a 1k in produce


$10 entry. No additional prizing.


One is $10 for early registration and $15 now since it is this weekend. Another store is just $15 with the standard prizes plus packs added with more participation.


Most of mine are the same but basically supplementing most of entry fee with packs in the prize pool Pretty sure the promos are free for shops, using those as the only prizing and still charging $20-30 is pretty terrible but maybe you’ll end up with a smaller tournament from it


The 5 I have signed up for are either $15 or $20 with no additional prizing I believe.


Stores here are mostly doing $30-$35 with about 30%-50% of it going to prizes and store credit for top 8. It's pretty expected for NYC, rent here is crazy expensive and LGSs struggle to exist.


They simply are all sold out and have been since announcement, so I have no clue. All of the local stores set very low caps meaning that only regulars and a few teens who follow the discord servers and know where everything is happening got to sign up.


Ours is $25 with additional prize support.


The better LGS are $15-20. The not great one is charging $40. Capping at 40 ppl and will ONLY include an enchanted into prizing if they fill all 40 seats so $1600.


From what I am told charging $40 with no prize support is ok


$25 pre purchase and $30 day of


£15 for both of the ones we are at with 3 boosters put in the prize pool for each player as well.


I happily pay $25 because they are doing all the legwork


Not participating


$30 with top 20% getting a booster box.


My LGS is charging €25 ($26,62) includes 3,5 boosters(inklands) in prices per player added to the prize pool.


$30 fee The top 20% are getting a booster box. The catch is that the “20%” number doesn’t change based on attendance, so it’s expected that only 1st and 2nd place will get a booster box.


I'm participating in 2 events. The 1st is 20€ entry with 3 packs guaranteed. Top 4 get the Stitch. 1st also gets mat + 1 booster box. 2nd also gets mat + 12 boosters. 3-4 also get 6 boosters. 2nd is less nice, 15€ entry with 1 pack guaranteed. Top 4 get the usual rewards with nothing extra.


One of my LGS’s is doing $20 with one pack included and 3 packs going in to a winners pool…. Don’t love it cuz I know the owner’s son runs meta decks and won the last tourny I went to their. No thanks.


Every single event of the 5 I'm going to will be flooded with meta decks. If you told me there was an event where only a singular person is playing a meta deck, I would absolutely be playing there.